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Extrait du الموقف يفكران. بالاعت&#1585 ...

الكيان يه

أشكنازي : «إسرائيل». تأخذ. ال&#1583 

76 شهيداً و

Extrait du الموقف http://almawqef.com/spip.php?article405. تركيا.

معدلات وف

C4A* /1'3) /J/) 9F #F 'D2J'/) AJ E9/D'* 'DHAJ'* AJ #H3'7 'D#7A'D H'D%5'() ('D317'F H'DDHCJEJ' (E/JF) 'DADH

Central Enrolment Authority: random computerised ranking for the

Enrolment application number. Ranking. Ph1-BK-128617. 1. Ph1-B4-127143. 2. Ph1-B2-129135. 3. Ph1-B3-127564. 4. Ph1-B4-126984. 5. Ph1-B2-127201.

3B - Bailliage de Beaujolais

1604-1792. 3B670-3B870 Pièces de procédure. 1586-1791. 3B871-3B1033 Adjudications. 1579-1794. 3B1034-3B1100 Saisies réelles. 1602-1793.


Jacques GARRIGUES (1580 - 1621). Minutes notariales. 6/1/1586 - 29/12/1586 ... 3 E 1606. 2/1/1607 - 27/12/1607. 3 E 21441 (R.I.). 1/1/1623 - 24/12/1623.

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Special Arabic Characters

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A list of character codes in &#nn; or &#nnn; format - Hard Web

A list of character codes in &#nn; or &#nnn; format This page was written by ??VI? ?HA??HE? See the list of the first 9999 unicode characters further down 

Unicode/UTF-8-character table - starting from code position 0600

Unicode code point character UTF-8 (hex ) numerical HTML encoding of the Unicode character name U+0600 ? d8 80 ? ? ARABIC NUMBER SIGN

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