[PDF] Business Vocabulary In Use Who is this book for?

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Hilfreiche Materialien fürs Englischlernen: eine Auswahlbibliographie

Mascull Bill: Business Vocabulary in Use – Intermediate. Emmerson

Business Vocabulary jn Use

Business. Vocabulary jn. Use. Elementary to. Pre-intermediate. Bill AAaSCUll ? CAMBRIDGE. • ^. • 1 * * » ^ W » *. ?:? UNIVERSITY PRESS 

Business Vocabulary Intermediate

978-0-521-74862-9 - Business Vocabulary in Use Intermediate. Bill Mascull Second edition 2010 ... ISBN 978-0-521-74862-9 Edition with Answers and CD-ROM.


This second edition of Business Vocabulary in Use Elementary to Pre-intermediate is available in two versions. You can use the book either on its own or 

Business Vocabulary Advanced

In this second edition of Business Vocabulary in Use Advanced explicit reference is made to the business material in the Cambridge International Corpus (CIC) – 

sangu.ge › images › Business_E.pdf Business Vocabulary in Use

Who is this book for? Business Vocabulary in Use is designed to help intermediate and upper-intermediate learners of business English improve their business 

Class contents and exam requirements

MCCARTHY/O'DELL English Vocabulary in Use: Upper-Intermediate-2nd Edition

Business Vocabulary

Second Edition 2010 ISBN 978-0-521-74923-7 Edition with Answers and CD-ROM ... Business Vocabulary in Use Elementary to Pre-intermediate. Contents.

Business Vocabulary in Use

Who is this book for? Business Vocabulary in Use is designed to help intermediate and upper-intermediate learners of business English improve their business 

Business Vocabulary In Use

Who is this book for? Business Vocabulary in Use is designed to help intermediate and upper-intermediate learners of business English improve their business 

PUBLISHED BY THE PRESS SYNDICATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom


The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK

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O Cambridge University Press 2002

This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press.

First published 2002

Second printing 2002

Third printing 2002

Printed in Italy by

G. Canale & C.

Typeface Sabon 10113pt. System QuarkXPressB [GECKO LID] A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 0 521 77529 9





0 Work and jobs

A What do you do?

B Word combinations with 'work'

C Types of job and types of work

Ways of working

A Old and new ways

B Nice work if you can get it

C Nature of work

m Recruitment and selection

A Recruitment

B Applying for a job

C Selection procedures

m Skills and qualifications

A Education and training

B Skilled and unskilled

C The right person

Pay and benefits

A Wages, salary and benefits

B Compensation l

C Compensation 2

m People and workplaces

A Employees and management

B Management and administration

C Labour

D Personnel and human resources

0 The career ladder

A A job for life

B A job for now

C In-house staff or freelancers?

D Losing your job

m Problems at work

A Health and safety

B Bullying and harassment

C Discrimination

Managers, executives

and directors

A Managers and executives: UK

B Managers and executives: US

m Businesspeople and business leaders

A Businesspeople and entrepreneurs

B Leaders and leadership

C Magnates, moguls and tycoons

m Organizations 1

A Business and businesses

B Commerce

C Enterprise

D Word combinations with 'enterprise'

m Organizations 2

A Self-employed people and

B Limited liability

C Mutuals

D Non-profit organizations


m Manufacturing and services

A Industry

B Manufacturing and services

C Countries and their industries

m The development process

A Market research

B Development and launch

Business Vocabulary in Use

m Innovation and invention

A Innovation and invention

B Research and technology

C Patents and intellectual property

(g Making things

A Products

B Mass production

C Capacity and output

m Materials and suppliers

A Inputs

B Suppliers and outsourcing

C Just-in-time

m Business philosophies

A Total quality management

B Continuous improvement

C Benchmarking

D Business process re-engineering


m Buyers, sellers and the market

A Customers and clients

B Buyers and sellers

C The market

D Word combinations with 'market'

m Markets and competitors

A Companies and markets

B More word combinations with 'market'

C Competitors and competition

m Marketing and market orientation

A Marketing

B The four PS

C Market orientation

Products and brands 5 2

A Word combinations with 'product'

B Goods

C Brands and branding

a Price

A Pricing

B Word combinations with 'price'

C Upmarket and downmarket

D Mass markets and niches

m Place

A Distribution: wholesalers, retailers

and customers

B Shops

C Direct marketing

B Promotion

A Advertising

B The sales force

C Promotional activities

m The lnternet and e-commerce

A The Internet

B Clicks-and-mortar

C B2B, B2C and B2G

MONEY m Sales and costs

A Sales l

B Sales 2

C Costs

D Margins and mark-ups

m Profitability and unprofitability

A Profitable and unprofitable products

B Budgets and expenditure

C Economies of scale and the learning


4 Business Vocabulary in Use

m Getting paid

A Shipping and billing

B Trade credit

C Accounts

m Assets, liabilities and the balance sheet

A Assets

B Depreciation

C Liabilities

D Balance sheet

m The bottom line

A Accounts

B Results

m Share capital and debt

A Capital

B Share capital

C Loan capital

D Security

E Leverage

m Success and failure

A Cash mountains and surpluses

B Debt and debt problems

C Turnarounds and bailouts

D Bankruptcy

m Mergers, takeovers and sel l-offs

A Stakes and joint ventures

B Mergers and takeovers

C Conglomerates


B Personal finance 7 8

A Traditional banking

B New ways of banking

C Personal investing

m Financial centres

A Financial centres

B Stock markets

C Other financial markets

D Derivatives

m Trading

A Market indexes

B Market activity: good times ...

C ... and bad times

a Indicators 1

A Finance and economics

B Inflation and unemployment

C Trade

D Growth and GDP

EE) Indicators 2

A Going up

B Going down

C Peaks and troughs

D Boom and bust


Wrongdoing and corruption 88

A Wrongdoing

B Bribery and corruption

C Fraud and embezzlement

m Ethics

A Code of ethics

B Ethical standards

C Ethical investment


m Time and time management 92

A Timeframes and schedules

B Projects and project management

C Time tips

Business Vocabulary in Use 5

m Stress and stress management

A When work is stimulating

B When stimulation turns to stress

C Downshifting

m Leadership and management styles

A Leadership

B Modern management styles

C Empowerment


m Business across cultures 1

A Cultures and culture

B Distance and familiarity

m Business across cultures 2

A Names

B Business cards

C Dress

m Business across cultures 3

A Entertainment and hospitality

B Time

C Cross-cultural communication



l : phones and numbers

A Telephones and beyond

B Phone, call and ring

C Numbers

D Doing things over the phone

m Telephoning

2: getting through

A Phoning scenario

B Asking to speak to someone 1

C Voicemail

Telephoning 3: messages 108

A Asking to speak to someone 2

B Giving and taking messages

C Spelling names

D Taking messages: checking information

m Telephoning

4: arrangements

A Making arrangements

B Closing the conversation

C Changing arrangements

a Faxes

A Sending faxes

B Fax layout

C Receiving faxes

A Email

B Email expressions

C Email abbreviations


m Meetings 1: types of meeting

A Word combinations with 'meeting'

B Types of meeting

C How was the meeting?

m Meetings 2: the role of the chairperson

A Before the meeting

B During the meeting

C Follow-up

Meetings 3: points of view

A Opening the meeting

B Inviting people to speak

C Making your point

6 Business Vocabulary in Use

m Meetings 4: agreement and disagreement 122

A Discussion without argument?

B Agreeing

C Disagreeing

m Meetings 5: discussion techniques 124

A Hedging

B Checking understanding, interrupting,

referring back

C Agreement, consensus or compromise?

D Concluding

Presentations 1 : preparation

and introduction

A Types of presentation

B Dos and don'ts: preparation

C Key phrases: introduction

m Presentations 2: main part

A Dos and don'ts: timing

B Dos and don'ts: voice

C Rapport with the audience

D Key phrases: main part

m Presentations 3: closing and questions

A Dos and don'ts: body language

B Visual aids

C Key phrases: closing and dealing with

questions m Negotiations 1 : situations and negotiators 132

A Types of negotiation

B Word combinations with 'negotiations'

C Bargaining

(g Negotiations 2: preparing 134

A Preparing to negotiate

B Negotiating scenario

C Negotiating styles

m Negotiations 3: furthering negotiations

A Win-win

B Probing

C Proposal and counter-proposal

D Trade-offs

m Negotiations 4: difficulties

A Confrontation

B Confrontational negotiating tactics

C Dealing with problems

m Negotiations 5: reaching agreement

A Deadlock and mediators

B Agreements and contracts

C Checking the deal

Answer key


Business Vocabulary in Use 7

Who is this book for?

Business Vocabulary in Use is designed to help intermediate and upper-intermediate learners of business English improve their business vocabulary. It is for people studying English before they start work and for those already working who need

English in their job.

Apart from improving your business vocabulary, the book also helps you to develop the language needed for important business communication skills. You can use the book on your own for self-study, or with a teacher in the classroom, one-to-one or in groups.

How is the book organised?

The book has 66 two-page units.

The first

46 of these units are thematic and look at the vocabulary of business areas such

as people, organisations, production, marketing, finance and business-related economics.

The other

20 units focus on the language of skills you need in business, such as those

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