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MAT 253 [100pt] Discrete Structures [100pt] UNCG [100pt]

16-Feb-2021 In other words we only keep elements that A and B have in common. The ... In any group of 27 English words


the one thousand most common English words (a semantic dominant to be retained (xkcd.com/1410); b) ani- mated images (xkcd.com/1331/; xkcd.com/1264/); c) ...

A few words on infinity

He translates our cur- rent understanding of cosmology into the. 1000 most popular words in English (or as the book would say

Chapter 7 - Coding and entropy Chapter 7 - Coding and entropy

In an earlier survey I asked students to write down a common five-letter. English word. I start this lecture by showing the xkcd cartoon in Figure.

Package rcorpora

17-Jul-2018 colors/xkcd The 954 most common RGB monitor colors as defined by several hundred thousand ... words/common Common English words. words/compounds ...

The emotional arcs of stories are dominated by six basic shapes

26-Sept-2016 We start by selecting for only English books with total words between 20

The Courtship Habits of the Great Crested Grebe

25-Sept-2014 1000 most popular words in English (or as the book would say


data in light of the most frequently used words and syllables in American English the the 1000 most frequently used words may offer some insight. In 2. 187 ...

Lecture 11: Coding and Entropy.

10-Oct-2017 uniform at random from the 2000 most common English words this ... 1000-bit string


the one thousand most common English words (a semantic dominant to be retained Thing Explainer is a spinoff of xkcd a science-themed webcomic whose.

xkcd.com/208 CORPUS ANALYSIS Administrivia NLP models

What types of words are most frequent? Word counts. Word. Frequency. Frequency of frequency. 1. 2. 3.

Just in Time Hashing

Thus JIT slightly increases the work that an attacker must to to check the T most popular passwords. XKCD (Random Words): We computed the ratio. #nodes/#leaves 

Artwork titles and descriptions

Comic strip explaining how rockets work using only the 1000 most common words in the English language. https://xkcd.com/1133/. Infographics.

MAT 253 [100pt] Discrete Structures [100pt] UNCG [100pt]

16 févr. 2021 Key words and phrases. discrete structures ... 1.1.2. xkcd: Formal Logic. ... identify and describe various types of relations.


Thus JIT slightly increases the work that an attacker must to to check the T most popular passwords. XKCD (Random Words): We computed the ratio. #nodes/#leaves 


Orange Book: Last Word. • Also a 2nd part discusses rationale Due to inflation

From Very Weak to Very Strong: Analyzing Password-Strength Meters

accompanied by a word qualifying password strength (e.g. list of 500 most commonly used passwords (Top500)

Learning Colour Representations of Search Queries

17 juin 2020 By restricting ourselves to the textual phrases within the XKCD set of named colours we are attempting to ensure that the user study covers ...

Color Naming Models for Color Selection Image Editing and Palette

In this paper we use a publicly-accessible English-language color naming data set [25] compiled by Randall Munroe

RANDALL MUNROES THING EXPLAINER: THE TASKS IN https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-7281-1852

Jagiellonian University

jeremi.ochab@uj.edu.pl 1


It explores the obstacles resulting

At the macroscale, while such institutions in Poland as the Book Institute or

Thing Explainer does seem

the one thousand most common English words (a semantic dominant to be retained

53Randall Munroe"s Thing Explainer: The Tasks in Translation...

decode what he actually translates). comic book, picture book, popular science translation, intersemiotic translation, publishing practices ence picture book

Thing Explainer

various technicalities. I will begin by introducing the book, along with its ies on audiovisual translation, comic books, and linguistics, which present pages in

Thing Explainer

page numbers are identical in the source and target texts.

The origins of the book

Thing Explainer

൵, a science-themed webcomic whose are usually black-and-white strips with images 54
resembles a blueprint, however one also made with irregular hand-drawn constructed Thing Explainer posed to break the barrier in understanding how things work, as well as the (including his own correspondence) and relying on his intuition. In order to the second aspect. artistically challenging, or because their theme range and reader groups are

55Randall Munroe"s Thing Explainer: The Tasks in Translation...

usually omitted, which contradicts the very idea behind Thing Explainer. More is known about illustration in popular science, partly deriving (Papyrus rd towards visual communication. cognitive curiosity and creativity in problem solving. According to edu as problem solving.

It is obviously necessary to maintain a

balance between attractiveness 56
text-based book, image-based poster, etc.

Thing Explainer

be treated as separate posters (the last one is indeed a poster attached to the Thing Explainer are, however, characterised by a greater mosaic intricacy than in picture books, which has been distinguished by question that can be asked here is how this linkage between text and image (so-called channel-based explicitation

57Randall Munroe"s Thing Explainer: The Tasks in Translation...

Thing Explainer

!). Due to

Polish), it must be squeezed within a

whole page, along with the notes on the margins. A similar limitation applies to the three-column introductions

Thing Explainer,

1 58

Thing Explainer

generally means much shorter words. be commonly thought, it is not only the linguistic layer that undergoes without this, he would not have known how much space he had in the text


unit and its length.

59Randall Munroe"s Thing Explainer: The Tasks in Translation...

is similar to the one where the publisher determines the translation strategy on the decisions made by the publisher and to his or her increased workload) pared a sample in the open-source graphics editor GIMP: this painstaking less, texts such as in Fig. 4 or 6 had to be edited by the graphic designer on 60
translator encountered white captions on white background, arrows leadin g poster, the sec- Another aspect that should be mentioned are the (editable) arrows link ing

Thing Explainer, text

was necessary to retain a similar line length by choosing appropriately long

61Randall Munroe"s Thing Explainer: The Tasks in Translation...

ing, although the text layout has only an aesthetic value here (the spe ed 4 cm imaginable arrangement, does it mean we are dealing with untranslat the translator provides only the translated text, whereas the editor in col per se is, at the same book. Other relationships are discussed below.

Thing Explainer, should be placed

which, however, is concerned mostly with literary works, and assumes the mention the reverse situation. panels constitute a graphically and thematically enclosed whole). For this strategy is actually used in comic books) or would not contribute to a good movement is suggested through arrows, there is a humorous addition (Fig.

63Randall Munroe"s Thing Explainer: The Tasks in Translation...

sure that subsequent paragraphs closed in a particular column, related to the comic-book onomatopoeias and explanations appearing in Thing Explainer Probably the most interesting relationship between text and image Thing


, things are not normally called what they are actually called. a particular collocation, including proper names, ceased to be legible. Any is Opportunity), 64
solve the riddle, wandering around the Polish-language star charts helped tions had a wrong caption there. translation challenges. In the server rack (Fig. 6), everyone will rec ognise the IBM brand, even though in English the abbreviation is explained as the translated text. Here again, the graphic designer did not interpret the

65Randall Munroe"s Thing Explainer: The Tasks in Translation...

problems in non-picturebooks.


As I have demonstrated, in a popular science book, image and text can be indispensable companions and they can be interwoven as tightly as in a comic book or a picture book. In Thing Explainer, this relationship is numerous questions related to editorial and publishing practices. How to books and picture books are hidden in the readership report prepared by the should be established by editorial teams. 66




Buckingham: Open University Press.

Biblioteka Analiz.


On Translation

67Randall Munroe"s Thing Explainer: The Tasks in Translation...

roku in: czy Ī (eds.),


Lon- 68

Dobre praktyki, http://stl.org.pl/ baza-wiedzy/


Literatura a

sztuki wizualne




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