[PDF] National Education and Vocational Education in France

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Guide de lévaluation des apprentissages et des acquis des élèves

baccalauréat général et technologique à compter de la session 2022. 6 https://www.education.gouv.fr/pid285/bulletin_officiel.html?pid_bo=39770 ...


VOIE GÉNÉRALE ET TECHNOLOGIQUE. Philosophie. Tle eduscol.education.fr/ - Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse - Mai 2020.

National Education and Vocational Education in France

Education and life-long learning are a priority for the member-states of the European général (general baccalaureate) or a baccalauréat technologique ( ...

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baccalauréat en l'adossant à cet enseignement de spécialité. Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse > www.education.gouv.fr.

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LÉducation nationale et la formation professionnelle en France

Pour sa part le ministère de l'Éducation nationale est responsable de la formation professionnelle initiale dans l'enseignement secondaire. Dans ce cadre


VOIE GÉNÉRALE ET TECHNOLOGIQUE. Philosophie. Tle eduscol.education.fr/ - Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse - Mai 2020.

Droit et économie

eduscol.education.fr/ - Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse - Mai 2020. 1. VOIE TECHNOLOGIQUE. Droit et économie.

Files on School Education

Vocational Education

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National Education

and Vocational

Education in France ministère



Files on School Education

National Education and Vocational

Education in France

Education and life-long learning are a priority for the member-states of the European Union. The European Council in Lisbon in March 2000 declared that Europe must equip itself with " the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world ». With this European objective in mind, France has made changes to its system of vocational education and qualification. Hence, the national vocational diplomas, divided into five levels, validate skills and knowledge that can be gained through three routes: Initial vocational education: it follows on from general education and prepares young people for qualified employment as anything from a blue collar worker to an engineer. Continuous vocational training: this is aimed at all categories of active adults, employees, job seekers, civil servants, freelance workers, entrepreneurs. It allows them to build on or gain a recognised standard of qualification. The validation des acquis de l'expérience (VAE) or Accreditation of Life Experience: this allows vocational qualifications to be gained through the recognition of skills and learning obtained through paid or unpaid work. These different routes make it possible to meet the needs of different people seeking qualifications, whatever their age, educational standard or experience.

They make real life-long learning a possibility.


The Stakeholders of Lifelong Learning 3

The State

Regional Gouvernment

Professional Bodies

The national Education Ministry's 5

Vocational Diplomas

Main Diplomas

The Different Access Routes to National 7

Vocational DiplomasInitial Vocational Education

Continuous Vocational Education

The validation des acquis de l'expérience (VAE) (Accreditation of Life Experience) 3

The Stakeholders of Lifelong Learning

The State, regional government and professional bodies have shared responsibility for vocational education in France.


The ministries responsible for initial and continuous vocational education are mainly those responsible for school education, higher education and employment. For its part, the Ministry for National Education is responsible for initial vocational education at secondary level. In this context the law has assigned it several duties: - it draws up frameworks for vocational diplomas in consultation with professional bodies, - it sets exam rules, - it awards diplomas, - it offers a range of courses to pupils and on-the-job apprentices, - it recruits, trains and pays teachers, - it monitors the quality of training, - it is accountable for the results and the resources used. The National Education Ministry is also involved in the field of continuous training for adults through state schools that can team together and pool their resources to provide a wide range of training options for adults.


The twenty-six French regions are regional authorities that are run by elected officials. Their remit is to plan and ensure the coherence of vocational training. Within this remit, they set out their policies according to their economic and social priorities, in consultation with the State and social partners. As such they draw up the regional plan for developing vocational training which sets out, in the medium term, in their geographical area, a coherent programme for developing courses of study for young people and adults. They also fund certain schemes for these groups according to their priorities. They are responsible for the construction, upkeep and facilities of upper secondary schools (lycées) as well as the funding of school transport. 4


They are systematically involved with the implementation of vocational training.

As such,

- they contribute to drawing up diplomas, - they are represented on examination panels, - they host young people into the workplace and train them, th ey are involved with the funding of initial technological and vocational education through the payment of a tax called " taxe d'apprentissage ». Professional bodies are also involved in the system of continuous professional training. This system is based on the duty of businesses and industries to participate in the funding of continuous professional training for employees and on the right of such employees to be trained in working hours. Further, social partners, unions that are representative of employees and employers are involved in setting objectives and priorities for the continuous professional training of employees. 5

The National Education Ministry's

Vocational Diplomas

In France, vocational diplomas are a national standard. They are categorised by level, from level V (first level of qualification) to level I, corresponding to the highest qualifications

French Education level Equivalent European


International Qualifications

Classification Framework

CITE (2) level

Level V

short secondary level vocational qualification such, 3 c 3 as the Certificat d'aptitude professionnelle - CAP Level IV baccalauréat professionnel (vocational baccalaureate) 3 4 type diploma Level III a bac+2 (baccalaureate plus 2 years of higher education) 5 b 5 type diploma such as the brevet de technicien supérieur (BTS) (higher vocational training certificate) or the diplôme universitaire de technologie (DUT) (1) (undergraduate diploma in technology).

Level II

bachelor type diploma such as the licence 6 6 professionnelle vocational degree (1)

Level I a masters type diploma 6 7 et 8

(such as the ingénieur diploma) and doctorate (1). Diplomas awarded by the Ministry of National Education are between levels V and IV of the French classification system. They are recorded in the National Register of Vocational Certification (Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles). These diplomas cover nearly 450 specialisms related to different trades or fields of activity. They are drawn up and regularly reviewed in consultation with professional bodies in the framework of national bodies called " Consultative professional committees », (commissions professionnelles consultatives). They all require the acquisition of professional and general skills and knowledge.


The Certificat d'aptitude professionnelle (CAP), Vocational Training Certificate The Certificat d'aptitude professionnelle or Vocational Training Certificate is the oldest vocational diploma, created in 1911. It certifies an initial level of qualification, it awards its holder with a skilled worker or employee qualification. (1) These diplomas are awarded by the Ministry for Higher Education and Research

(2) International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) created by UNESCO, original name given.

6 Aimed at the acquisition of practical knowledge, it allows immediate entry into the work place. The CAP covers over 200 specialisms for artisanal trades, production and services. A part of initial vocational education, it is taken over two years after the last year of collège (lower secondary). The ultimate aim is entry into the workplace. But it also makes it possible to obtain the Baccalauréat professionnel (Vocational baccalaureate) after a period of further study. The Baccalauréat professionnel (Vocational Baccalaureate) It certifies the aptitude of the holder to exercise a highly qualified professional activity. The Baccalauréat professionnel (Vocational baccalaureate) offers 70 specialisms in very diverse sectors (commerce, services, catering, maintenance, secretariat, accounting, construction, agriculture...) as well as very specialised sectors (watch making, jewellers, fashion...). In initial vocational training, this diploma is taken over three years after the last class of collège (lower secondary) or over two years after the Certificat d'aptitude professionnelle (Vocational training certificate). The ultimate aim of the Baccalauréat professionnel (Vocational baccalaureate) is entry into the workplace. But, like any French baccalaureate in France, it gives the right to access higher education. 7

The Different Access Routes to National

Vocational Diplomas


Education Routes after collège (Lower Secondary) In France, school is compulsory from the age of six to sixteen. From the age of six to eleven, young people attend l'école élémentaire (elemen- tary school). Subsequently, they attend collège (lower secondary) for four years of schooling. At the end of collège (lower secondary) pupils can choose between two different options: Th e general route or the technological route: pupils work towards a baccalauréat général (general baccalaureate) or a baccalauréat technologique (technological baccalaureate) in a lycée (upper secondary school). This route is aimed at the continuation of study in higher education. Th e vocational route: over two years pupils work towards a Certificat d'aptitude professionnelle (Vocational Training Certificate) which allows entry into the work place or further study towards a Baccalauréat professionnel (vocational bacca- laureate), or a Baccalauréat professionnel over three years which also allows entry into the workplace or further study. Young people can work towards these diplomas either in a lycée professionnel (vocational upper secondary) or as an on-the-job apprentice.

After lower secondary school (collège)

Vocational route

Bac général+Terminale


SecondeFirst year


Bac technologique+Terminale Bac professionnel+Terminale

Integration into the workplaceHigher education



Second year

General route and

Technological route

8 (2008-2009) 37 % of collège (lower secondary) pupils take the vocational route.

700 00 0 of vocational pupils and 300 00 0 on-the-job apprentices

(under the Ministry of National Education's remit and at secondary level)

1 70 0 lycées professionnels (vocational upper secondarys)

(state and private schools under contract with the State)

1500 centres de formation d'apprentis (apprenticeship training


Further study:

37 % young holders of the baccalauréat professionnel (vocational

baccalaureate) go on to higher education, mainly to obtain a brevet de technicien supérieur -BTS (advanced vocational certificate over two years). This diploma certifies the aptitude to exercise a professional activity of intermediary level. Source: Direction de l'évaluation, de la prospective et de la performance (Assessment, Forward-Planning and Performance Directorate) of the Ministry of National Education.


9 The Syllabus at the lycée professionnel (Vocational Upper Secondary) Courses at the lycée professionnel (vocational upper secondary) include general academic subjects, theoretical and practical subjects, project activites, periods of on the job training: - Ac ademic subjects include literature, history-geography, mathematics, physical science, one or two modern language(s), applied art, physical education and a class in " health, safety and environment »; - th eoretical and practical vocational courses, allowing the skills and knowledges that are specific to each Certificat d'aptitude professionnelle (Vocational training certi- ficate) and Baccalauréat professionnel (Vocational baccalaureate) to be acquired; - pr oject activities use practical work related to general or vocational courses to develop team skills, the organisation and management of time, creativity; pe riods of training in the workplace are compulsory and taken into account in the awarding of the diploma. Their length varies according to the purpose of the diploma and according to the specialism (from 12 to 22 weeks). For the Certificat d'aptitude professionnelle (Vocational training certificate), training is 2 30 0 hours over two years including 420 to 560 hours dedicated to work-based training (12 to 16 weeks). For the Baccalauréat professionnel (vocational baccalaureate) training is 3 400 to 3 50 0 hours over two years including 770 hours in work-based training (22 weeks). A tailored support scheme has existed since the beginning of the 2009 academic year for pupils throughout the three years leading to the Baccalauréat professionnel (Vocational baccalaureate). This support is provided by teachers and aimed at pupils who are in need of one-to-one help, would like to work on their career plans for example to go into higher education or to change career path. 10

Training Through on-the-Job Apprenticeships

Apprenticeships combine on the job training with an employer and courses at the Centre de formation d'apprentis (Apprenticeship Training Centre) in work time. The apprentice has a specific employment contract and receives a salary including when he or she is at the training centre. He or she must be aged between 16 and 25. Apprentices spend between 60 and 75 % of their time in the work place. They are placed under the supervision of an apprenticeship supervisor (a tutor) who transmitsquotesdbs_dbs22.pdfusesText_28

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