[PDF] TIMOFEROL - CT- 6372 La posologie moyenne observée

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24 mars 2004 TIMOFEROL gélule. Boîte de 30 sulfate ferreux – acide ascorbique. Laboratoires ELERTE. Date de l'AMM : 07 janvier 1997.


23 juin 2021 TIMOFEROL 50 mg comprimé enrobé sulfate ferreux + acide ascorbique. FERO-GRAD VITAMINE C 500


La posologie moyenne observée est conforme au R.C.P. TIMOFEROL 50 mg a été principalement prescrit dans les anémies. (375%) les carences nutritionnelles (14

Début de la réunion à 10 heures

23 juin 2021 TIMOFEROL – Réévaluation SMR et ASMR. Pierre Cochat le Président.- On attaque avec TARDYFERON. C'est une révolution thérapeutique.

Dénomination du médicament TIMOFEROL gélule Encadré

TIMOFEROL gélule. Encadré. Veuillez lire attentivement cette notice avant de prendre ce médicament. Elle contient des informations importantes pour votre 


11 mai 2016 TIMOFEROL gélule. Vote relatif au Service Médical Rendu (SMR) –. Proposition de vote. Nombre de voix. SMR important uniquement chez les ...

Guide de bonnes pratiques - Comprimés écrasés / Ouverture de

C'est pourquoi l'ARS de Bourgogne a décidé de mettre à disposition des différents professionnels de santé de la région un document les aidant dans leur 


WHAT IS TIMOFEROL USED FOR? This medicine contains iron. It is recommended for the treatment of iron deficiency anaemia in adults and children over the age of 

TP Timoferol

Comment peut-on vérifier la teneur en fer d'une gélule de TIMOFEROL® ? I. Mise en évidence des ions fer II. On dispose d'une solution S0 de sulfate ferreux 


2 mai 2020 Examen de la spécialité TIMOFEROL gélule réinscrite sur la liste des médicaments remboursables aux assurés sociaux à compter du 5 mai 2009 ...


TimoFerol capsule COMPOSITION DESICCATED FERROUS SULPHATE 172 73 mg Quantity equivalent to iron 50 00 mg ASCORBIC ACID 30 00 mg Excipients: light magnesium carbonate talc colloidal anhydrous silica and maize starch One capsule contains 50 mg of iron PHARMACEUTICAL FORM Capsule box of 30

The legally binding text is the original French version

• TIMOFEROL capsule (ferrous sulphate – ascorbic ac id) 3 ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE DATA 3 1 Efficacy The laboratory provided 4 publications 1234 on iron succinate and an extract from the Marketing Authorisation file • Meunier 1 recorded a sample of 35 women with severe anaemia (haemoglobin level

  • 1 Indications and Usage

    Timoferol (Iron (Ferrous Sulfate)) is indicated for the treatment of Timoferol (Iron (Ferrous Sulfate)) deficiency anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Timoferol (Iron (Ferrous Sulfate)) is an Timoferol (Iron (Ferrous Sulfate)) replacement product indicated for the treatment of Timoferol (Iron (Ferrous Sulfate)) deficiency anemia i...

  • 2 Dosage and Administration

    Timoferol ) must only be administered intravenously either by slow injection or by infusion. The dosage of Timoferol (Iron (Ferrous Sulfate)) is expressed in mg of elemental Timoferol (Iron (Ferrous Sulfate)). Each mL contains 20 mg of elemental Timoferol (Iron (Ferrous Sulfate)).

  • Adult Patients with Hemodialysis Dependent-Chronic Kidney Disease

    Administer Timoferol (Iron (Ferrous Sulfate)) 100 mg undiluted as a slow intravenous injection over 2 to 5 minutes, or as an infusion of 100 mg diluted in a maximum of 100 mL of 0.9% NaCl over a period of at least 15 minutes, per consecutive hemodialysis session. Timoferol (Iron (Ferrous Sulfate)) should be administered early during the dialysis se...

  • Adult Patients with Non-Dialysis Dependent-Chronic Kidney Disease

    Administer Timoferol (Iron (Ferrous Sulfate)) 200 mg undiluted as a slow intravenous injection over 2 to 5 minutes or as an infusion of 200 mg in a maximum of 100 mL of 0.9% NaCl over a period of 15 minutes. Administer on 5 different occasions over a 14 day period. There is limited experience with administration of an infusion of 500 mg of Timofero...

  • Adult Patients with Peritoneal Dialysis Dependent-Chronic Kidney Disease

    Administer Timoferol (Iron (Ferrous Sulfate)) in 3 divided doses, given by slow intravenous infusion, within a 28 day period: 2 infusions each of 300 mg over 1.5 hours 14 days apart followed by one 400 mg infusion over 2.5 hours 14 days later. Dilute Timoferol (Iron (Ferrous Sulfate)) in a maximum of 250 mL of 0.9% NaCl. Timoferol (Iron (Ferrous Su...

  • 3 Dosage Forms and Strengths

    10 mL single-use vial / 200 mg elemental Timoferol (Iron (Ferrous Sulfate)) (20 mg/mL)

  • 4 Contraindications

    Known hypersensitivity to Timoferol (Iron (Ferrous Sulfate))

  • 5 Warnings and Precautions

    Hypersensitivity Reactions: Observe for signs and symptoms of hypersensitivity during and after Timoferol ) administration for at least 30 minutes and until clinically stable following completion o...

  • Hypersensitivity Reactions

    Serious hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylactic-type reactions, some of which have been life-threatening and fatal, have been reported in patients receiving Timoferol (Iron (Ferrous Sulfate)). Patients may present with shock, clinically significant hypotension, loss of consciousness, and/or collapse. If hypersensitivity reactions or sign...

Is timoferol a drug?

Timoferol capsule contains iron and is a drug recommended in the curative treatment of anemia due to a lack of iron in adults and children over 12 years old, and as a preventive treatment of iron deficiency in pregnant women. This product is a drug. You must certify that you have read the leaflet before you can order this product.

What is the equivalent of iron in timoferol?

TimoFerol, capsule COMPOSITION DESICCATED FERROUS SULPHATE 172.73 mg TimoFerol, capsule COMPOSITION DESICCATED FERROUS SULPHATE 172.73 mg Quantity equivalent to iron ............550.00 mg ASCORBIC ACID ...............................30.00 mg Excipients: light magnesium carbonate, talc, colloidal anhydrous silica, and maize starch.

What are the exclusion criteria for timoferol (iron (ferrous sulfate))?

Exclusion criteria were similar to those in studies A and B. Timoferol (Iron (Ferrous Sulfate)) was administered in doses of 100 mg during sequential dialysis sessions until a pre-determined (calculated) total dose of Timoferol (Iron (Ferrous Sulfate)) was administered.

Does timoferol (iron (ferrous sulfate) sucrose affect fertility?

Timoferol (Iron (Ferrous Sulfate)) sucrose at intravenous doses up to 15 mg/kg/day of elemental Timoferol (Iron (Ferrous Sulfate)) (1.2 times the maximum recommended human dose based on body surface area) had no effect on fertility and reproductive function of male and female rats.

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