[PDF] Evaluating Dietary Supplement 08

What Is A Dietary Supplement?

Congress defined the term "dietary supplement" in the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994. A dietary supplement is a product intended for ingestion that, among other requirements, contains a "dietary ingredient" intended to supplement the diet. The term "dietary ingredient" includes vitamins and minerals; herbs and other bot...

What Is A "New Dietary Ingredient" in A Dietary Supplement?

The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994 defined the terms "dietary ingredient" and "new dietary ingredient." To be a "dietary ingredient," an ingredient in a dietary supplement must be one of the following: 1. a vitamin, 2. a mineral, 3. an herb or other botanical, 4. an amino acid, 5. a dietary substance for use by man to s...

Must All Ingredients Be Declared on The Label of A Dietary Supplement?

Yes, ingredients not listed on the "Supplement Facts" panel must be listed in the "Other Ingredients" list beneath. The types of ingredients listed there could include the sources of dietary ingredients, if not listed in the "Supplement Facts" panel (e.g., rose hips as the source of vitamin C), other food ingredients (e.g., water and sugar), food a...

Where Can I Get Information About A Specific Dietary Supplement?

Because FDA does not approve dietary supplements before they are marketed, the agency often does not know when new products come on the market. Therefore, we are not able to keep a complete list of all dietary supplements sold in the United States. If you want more detailed information about a specific dietary supplement than the label provides, we...

What Is FDA's Oversight Responsibility For Dietary Supplements?

Because dietary supplements are under the "umbrella" of foods, FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) is primarily responsible for the agency's oversight of these products. FDA’s role in regulating dietary supplements includes (among other things) inspecting dietary supplement manufacturing establishments, reviewing new dietary ...

Does FDA Routinely Analyze The Content of Dietary Supplements?

No. FDA has limited resources to analyze the composition of food products, including dietary supplements, and, therefore, focuses its resources first on public health emergencies and products that may have caused injury or illness. Priority then goes to products suspected to be adulterated, fraudulent, or otherwise in violation of the law. The rema...

How Are Advertisements For Dietary Supplements Regulated?

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulates advertising, including infomercials, for dietary supplements. FDA and FTC share responsibility for the oversight of dietary supplements and related promotion, with FDA generally responsible for safety, quality, and labeling, and FTC generally responsible for advertising. Both FDA and FTC have the authori...

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What information should be included in a Supplement Facts panel?

The Supplement Facts panel must list the serving size and number of servings per container, declare each dietary ingredient in the product, and except for dietary ingredients that are part of a proprietary blend, provide information on the amount of the dietary ingredient per serving.

What is the supplemented food standard user guide?

The supplemented food standard user guide will help you label your supplemented food. The user guide also has a flow chart to help you decide whether your product is a supplemented food or a dietary supplement.

What is the Certificate of analysis for dietary supplement components voluntary guideline?

This page represented archived resources. The Certificate of Analysis for Dietary Supplement Components Voluntary Guideline (CoA Guideline) is designed to assist with ensuring Certificates of Analysis (CoAs) serve their intended role in the assessment of dietary component qualities or specifications.

Do dietary supplement claims require FDA evaluation?

These three types of claims are not approved by FDA and do not require FDA evaluation before they are used in dietary supplement labeling. Accordingly, DSHEA requires that when a dietary supplement label or other labeling includes such a claim, the claim must be accompanied by a disclaimer informing consumers that FDA has not evaluated the claim.

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Progress in developing analytical and label-based dietary

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