[PDF] Alice Nicole Sindzingre Curriculum Vitae Activités denseignement

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Alice Nicole Sindzingre Curriculum Vitae Activités denseignement

African Studies (SOAS) University of London

Alice Nicole Sindzingre

Courriel: ansindzingre[at]orange.fr

Curriculum Vitae

2002-présent Visiting Lecturer et Research Associate à la School of Oriental and

African Studies (SOAS), University of London, department of economics.

1997-présent Chercheuse associée au LAM (Les Afriques dans le Monde), UMR

5115, CNRS-Sciences Po-Bordeaux.

1991-1992 Diplôme du CEPE (Centre d'Etudes des Programmes Economiques),

ENSAE (Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Economique,

INSEE, Paris)

1983-2018 Chargée de Recherche au Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

(CNRS): Laboratoire de Sociologie et Géographie Africaines (UA 94, EHESS), puis laboratoire FORUM (Fondements des Organisations et des Régulations de l'Univers Marchand, Université Paris-X, Nanterre, UMR C7028), puis EconomiX, Université Paris-Nanterre (UMR 7235).

1981 Doctorat de Troisième Cycle, anthropologie sociale, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en

Sciences Sociales (EHESS, Paris).

1973 Maîtrise de gestion, Université Paris-Dauphine (économie et gestion publique).

2003-présent: Visiting lecturer, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS),


Management), Université de L

2010-2014 :

, Clermont-Ferrand, AgroParisTech- ENGREF (Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural, des Eaux et des Forêts).

2009- Master Economie de

-Nanterre, UFR Sciences Économiques, Gestion, Mathématiques, Informatique.

2008- -




Journal articles, book chapters/articles

Concept and Causation: Issues in the Modelling of Institutions, Forum for Social Economics (special iThe Complexity of Institutions: Theory and Computational ), forthcoming 2018. Institutions as a Composite Concept: Explaining their Indeterminate Relationships with Paths of Development, Journal of Contextual Economics (University of Witten-

Herdecke), vol. 137, n°1-2, pp. 167192, 2017.

Understanding the Concept of Gift in Economics: Contributions from Other Social Sciences, Eidos: A Journal for Philosophy of Culture (University of Warsaw), vol. 2, pp. 4-20, 2017. -elle absorber les autres sciences sociales ? La pertinence des concepts Afrique Contemporaine, n°258, pp. 157-171, 2017. Foreign Aid and Its Effectiveness in Sub-Saharan Africa: Theoretical Criticisms and Empirical Facts, in Yongkyu Chang ed., Contemporary African Societies and Culture, Seoul, Dahae Publishing (with the support of the National Research

Foundation of Korea-NRF), 2017.

From an Eroding Model to Questioned Trade Relationships: The European Union and Sub-Saharan Africa, Insight on Africa, vol. 8, n°2, July, pp. 81-95, 2016. Trade and Investment Partners, African Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 8, n°1, June, pp. 12-44, 2016. (and Caroline Dufy)- Saharan Africa, Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, vol. 54, n°1, pp. 69-91, 2016.
Economique et Culturelle (Université du Havre), n°59-60, juin-décembre, pp. 151-

167, 2015.

Aid and Economic Development, in Thomas Spear ed., Oxford Bibliographies in African Studies, New York, Oxford University Press, revised August 2015. Whatever Inconsistencies and Effects? Explaining the Resilience of the Policy Reforms Applied to Developing Countries, Forum for Social Economics, vol. 44, n°2, August, pp. 159-178, 2015. Constraints on Developmental Regionalism in Low-Income Countries: the Limitations of Convergence Policies, Kobe University Law Review, n°48, pp. 1-27, 2014. -Saharan Africa: Despite Convergence with Industrialised Countries, Drivers of Structural Transformation?, in Tatiana Deych, Alexander Zhukov, Olga Kulkova and Evgeny Korendyasov eds., 3 Role in World Politics, Moscow, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute for African

Studies, pp. 209-232, 2014.

Structural Change or Path Dependence? Assessing the Growth Paths of Sub-Saharan African Economies, Il Politico (University of Pavia), vol. 235, n°1, January-April, pp. 137-158, 2014. The Impact of Emerging Countries on Sub-Saharan African Economies: Factors of Long-Term Growth?, in Egidio Dansero, Francesca De Filippi, Emanuele Fantini, Irene Marocco eds., Imagining Cultures of Cooperation - Proceedings of the III CUCS Congress, Turin 19-21 September 2013, JUNCO - Journal of Universities and International Development Cooperation, Università degli Studi di Torino and

Politecnico di Torino, n°1, pp. 420-428, 2014.

The Ambivalent Impact of Commodities: Structural Change or Status Quo in Sub- Saharan Africa?, South African Journal of International Affairs (special Issue: , vol. 20, n°1, pp. 23-55, 2013. Structural Change or Path Dependence? Growth Paths of Sub-Saharan African Economies in the Early 21st Century, Milano, Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI), working paper 48, March, 2013, and ISPI Studies (special issue: African Fastest-Growing Economies between Myths and Opportunities), pp. 1-

24, March 2013.

The Impact of the 20082009 Crisis on Commodity-Dependent Low-Income African Countries: Confirming the Relevance of the Concept of Poverty Trap?, Journal of International Development, vol. 24, n°8, November, pp. 9891007, 2012. The Relevance of Asian Growth Experiences for Sub-Saharan Africa: an Economics Perspective, International Politics Quarterly, vol. 33, n°3, 2012, pp. 60-85 (Peking

University, School of International Studies).

Aid and Economic Development, in Thomas Spear ed., Oxford Bibliographies in African Studies, New York, Oxford University Press, 2012, 37 pages. Neopatrimonialism and its Reinterpretations by Development Economics, in Daniel C. Bach and Mamoudou Gazibo eds., Neopatrimonialism in Africa and Beyond, London, Routledge, 2012, pp. 90-107 (revision of the French version). (and Bernadette Madeuf), Growth, Democracy and Globalisation: Assessing the Links, in Francis Démier and Elena Musiani eds., des changements économiques et sociaux, XIXeXXe siècle (La democrazia europea alla prova dei cambiamenti economici e sociali, XIX-XX secolo), Bologna, Bononia

University Press, 2011, pp. 145-168.

Le néopatrimonialisme et ses réinterprétations par l'économie du développement, in

Daniel C. Bach and Mamoudou Gazibo eds., : genèse et trajectoires contemporaines,

Ottawa Press, 2011, pp. 117-150.

The Conditions for Long-Term Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: China as a Model, a Constraint and an Opportunity, Cahiers du Centre Emile Durkheim 9 (SciencesPo-

Bordeaux-UMR 5116 CNRS), 2011.

Uncertain Prospects of Commodity-Dependent Developing Countries, in Machiko Nissanke and George Mavrotas eds., Commodities, Governance and Economic 4 Development under Globalization, in Memory of Alfred Maizels, Basingstoke,

Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, pp. 139-162.

Review of Richard E. Mshomba, Africa and the World Trade Organization, African Studies Review, vol. 53, n°1, April 2010, pp. 217-218, 2010. Les relations entre droit, économie et développement : remarques conceptuelles, Revue Juridique et Politique des Etats Francophones (Editions Juris Africa), n°3, July-

September, 2009, pp. 300-332.

Des perspectives de croissance incertaines ? olution des échanges commerciaux des pays en développement, Annuaire Français de Relations Internationales (Centre Thucydide, Université Paris II) (Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs/Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et Européennes) (rubrique " économie politique internationale »), Paris, La Documentation Française, Brussels, Bruylant, vol. X,

2009, pp. 871-889. ISBN: 978-2-8027-2730-9.

Financing Developmental Social Policies in Low-Income Countries: Conditions and Constraints, in Katja Hujo and Shea McClanahan eds., Financing Social Policy: Mobilizing Resources for Social Development, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan and

Geneva, UNRISD, 2009, pp. 115-140.

Contraintes économiques et institutions politiques : les impacts des réformes et de la dépendance à l'égard des ressources naturelles (Economic Constraints and Political Institutions: the Impacts of Reforms and Dependence on Natural Resources), in Mamoudou Gazibo and Céline Thiriot eds., Le politique en Afrique : état des débats et pistes de recherche, Paris, Karthala, 2009, pp. 289-317. (and Brigid Gavin), EU Trade Relations with Emerging Asia: Identifying the Issues,

Asia-Europe Journal (Asia-Europe FRegionalism

and Regional Trade Agreements in Europe- ), vol. 7, n°1,

February, pp. 9-22, 2009.

Coordination et trappes

Ludovic Julien and Fabrice Tricou eds., Les approches de la coordination en sciences sociales, Paris, Presses Universitaires de Paris-Ouest, 2009, pp. 101-133.

Les programmes de stabilisation e

développement : rétrospectivement, quelles leçons ?, Techniques Financières et Développement, n°92, septembre, 2008, pp. 31-42 (special issue : 25 ans de coopération et de finance solidaire). Revisiting the Links between Trade Openness, Poverty, Inequality and Growth: the Example of India, in Preeti Phuskele ed., Globalization: Impacts and Implications, Hyderabad (India), ICFAI University Press, 2008, pp. 192-218. A Failure or a Necessity? State Intervention and Growth in Developing Countries, in Dhirendra K. Vajpeyi and Renu Khator eds., Globalisation, Governance and Technology: Challenges and Alternatives, New Delhi, Deep and Deep Publications,

2008, pp. 41-59.


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