[PDF] A Detailed Catholic Examination of Conscience

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A Detailed Catholic Examination of Conscience The Ten

Formally left the Catholic Church? •. Hidden a serious sin or told a lie in confession? Second Commandment. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God 

Guide to Confession Examination of Conscience Preliminary

Have I neglected the knowledge of my faith as taught in the catechism such as the Apostles'. Creed

Adult Preparation For Confession Through the Ten Commandments

Through the Ten Commandments Ask God to help you truthfully confess your sins to Jesus in the person of the priest. ... Catholic classics?


of quiet reflection before approaching the Priest in Confession. Grave Matter (anything under the Ten Commandments and the Precepts of the Church).

Ten Commandments for the Scrupulous (2013)

The Catechism of the Catholic Church clearly teaches that “Absolution takes away sin” (1459). Within the sac- rament of reconciliation it's the confession of 

An Examination of Conscience for Children Using the 10

Using the 10 Commandments. 1. I am the Lord your God. Taken from Seven Frequently Asked Questions About Children and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.


last confession (an examination of conscience). This examination focuses on the Ten Commandments and gives examples of ... of the Catholic Church?

Reconciliation Guide for Children

Review the Ten Commandments and the teachings of the Church. • Think about the times you did not act as a loving child of God. • Think about the sins you are 

Ten Commandments - Confession Prep for KIds

THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. With Questions to Help Children Prepare for Confession. How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to Thy word.

A Detailed Catholic Examination of Conscience

Grave Matter (anything under the Ten Commandments and the Precepts of the good idea to confess venial sins as well since these sins

z ,Lt?BOLM H?t]oOB"

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The Ten Commandments

First Commandment

) ?m t]L 1;$, your YoMx 8ou s]?OO wors]Bp t]L 1orM your YoM ?nM (Bm onOy s]?OO you sLrvLx

Have I...

•Reserved or harbored hatred for God? •Disobeyed the commandments of God or the Church? •Refused to accept what God has revealed as true, or what the Catholic

Church proclaims for belief?

•Denied the existence of God? •Neglected to nourish and protect my faith? •Neglected to reject everything opposed to a sound faith? •Deliberately misled others about doctrine or the faith? •Rejected the Catholic faith, joined another Christian denomination, or joined or practiced another religion? •Joined a group forbidden to Catholics (Masons, communists, etc.)? •Despaired about my salvation or the forgiveness of my sins? •Presumed God's mercy? (Committing a sin in expectation of forgiveness, or asking for forgiveness without interior conversion and practicing virtue.) •Loved someone or something more than God (money, power, sex,ambition, etc.)? •Let someone or something influence my choices more than God? •Engaged in superstitious practices? (Incl. horoscopes, fortune tellers, etc. •Been involved in the occult or occult practices? (Séances, Ouija board, worship of Satan, etc.) •Formally attempted to leave the Catholic Church? •Hidden a serious sin or told a lie in Confession?

Second Commandment

8ou s]?OO not t?'L t]L n?mL o" t]L 1orM your YoM Bn v?Bnx

Have I...

•Used the name of God in cursing or blasphemy? •Failed to keep vows, promises, or resolutions that I have made to God? [specify in the confessional which one; the Priest has authority to remove the obligations of promises and resolutions if they are too r ash or unjust] 4 •0po'Ln ?"out t]L v?Bt]c t]L H]ur"]c t]L s?Bntsc or s?"rLM t]Bn[s wBt]

BrrLvLrLn"Lc ]?trLM or ML"B?n"LT

•E?t"]LM tLOLvBsBon or movBLsc or OBstLnLM to musB" t]?t trL?tLM YoMc t]L H]ur"]c t]L s?Bntsc or s?"rLM t]Bn[s BrrLvLrLntO yT •!sLM vuO[?rc su[[LstBvL or o"s"LnL spLL"]T •SLOBttOLM ot]Lrs Bn my spLL"]T •SL]?vLM MBsrLspL"t"uOOy Bn t]L "]ur"] "uBOMBn[ tLx[xc talking immoderately in church "L"orLc MurBn[c ?"tLr ]oOy G?sshT •GBsusLM pO?"Ls or t]Bn[s sLt ?p?rt "or t]L wors]Bp o" YoMT •HommBttLM pLrjuryT tSrL?'Bn[ ?n o?t] or OyBn[ unMLr o?t]xh •SO?mLM YoM "or my "?BOBn[sT

Third Commandment

Remember to keep holy the Sabbath dayA

(?vL )xxx •GBssLM G?ss on 0unM?y or (oOy ,?ys tt]rou[] own "?uOt wmo su""B"BLnt rL?sonhT •'L[OL"tLM to sLt tBmL ?sBML L?"] M?y "or pLrson?O pr?yLr to YoMT •HommBttLM ? s?"rBOL[L ?[?Bnst t]L SOLssLM 0?"r?mLnt tt]rown (Bm ?w?yq "rou[]t (Bm ]omLq trL?tLM (Bm "?rLOLssOyc Lt"xhT •$L"LBvLM ?ny s?"r?mLnt w]BOL Bn t]L st?tL o" mort?O sBnT •(?"Btu?OOy "omL O?tL to ?nMmor OL?vL L?rOy "rom G?ssT •0]opc O?"orc pr?"tB"L sports or Mo "usBnLss unnL"Lss?rBOy on 0unM?y or ot]Lr (oOy ,?ys o" ;"OB[?tB onT •'ot ?ttLnMLM to t?'Bn[ my "]BOMrLn to G?ssT •'ot provBMLM propLr Bnstru"tBon Bn t]L v?Bt] to my "]BOMrLnT •2nowBn[Oy L?tLn mL?t on ? "or"BMMLn M?y tor not "?stLM on ? "?st M?yh T •R?tLn or Mrun'Ln wBt]Bn onL ]our o" rL"LBvBn[ HommunBon tot]Lr t]?n mLMB"?O nLLMhT

Fourth Commandment

Honor your father and your motherA

(?vL )xxx •tIf still under my parentsh careh Obeyed all that my parents reasonably asked of me?

•0]own MBsrL[?rM "or my p?rLnts wBs]Lsc MBspO?yLM "ontLmpt o" t]LBrMLm?nMsc ?nMmor MBsM?BnLM t]LBr vLry "LBn[T

•'L[OL"tLM t]L nLLMs o" my p?rLnts Bn t]LBr oOM ?[L or Bn t]LBr tBmL o" nLLMT 5 •(?r"orLM ]?trLM "or my p?rLntsT •Srou[]t s]?mL on t]LmT •tIf still in schoolh Obeyed the reasonable demands of my teachers? •,BsrLspL"tLM my tL?"]LrsT •tIf I have childrenh Neglected to give my children proper food, clothing, shelter, education, discipline and care (even after


•3rovBMLM "or t]L rLOB[Bous LMu"?tBon ?nM "orm?tBon o" my "]BOMrLn "or ?s Oon[ ?s t]Ly ?rL unMLr my "?rLT

•RnsurLM t]?t my "]BOMrLn stBOO unMLr my "?rL rL[uO?rOy "rLquLnt t]Ls?"r?mLnts o" 3Ln?n"L ?nM (oOy HommunBonT

•RMu"?tLM my "]BOMrLn Bn ? w?y t]?t "orrLsponMs to H?t]oOB" rLOB[Bous


T •3rovBMLM my "]BOMrLn wBt] ? posBtBvLc pruMLnt ?nM pLrson?OBzLM LMu"?tBon Bn t]L H?t]oOB" tL?"]Bn[ on ]um?n sLxu?OBtyT •SLLn to my "]BOMrLn ? [ooM Lx?mpOL o" ]ow to OBvL t]L H?t]oOB" v?Bt]T •3r?yLM wBt] ?nM "or my "]BOMrLnT •tfor everyoneh Lived in humble obedience to those who legitimately exercise authority over me? •Sro'Ln ?ny just O?wT •0upportLM or votLM "or ? poOBtB"B?n w]osL posBtBons ?rL opposLM to t]L tL?"]Bn[s o" H]rBst ?nM t]L H?t]oOB" H]ur"]T •v?BOLM to pr?y "or t]L ML"L?sLM mLm"Lrs o" my "?mBOy x x x t]L 3oor

0ouOs o" 3ur[?tory Bn"OuMLMT

Fifth Commandment

You shall not murder.

(?vL )xxx •Unjustly and intentionally killed a human being (murder)? •(?vL ) "LLn [uBOtyc t]rou[] nL[OB[Ln"L ?nMmor O?"'Bn[ o" BntLntBonc o" t]L ML?t] o" ?not]Lr t'BOOBn[hT

•SLLn BnvoOvLM Bn ?n ?"ortBonc MBrL"tOy or BnMBrL"tOy tt]rou[] ?MvB"LcLn"our?[LmLntc provBMBn[ monLyc or "?"BOBt?tBn[ Bt Bn ?ny ot]Lr w

?yhT •0LrBousOy "onsBMLrLM or ?ttLmptLM suB"BMLT •0upportLMc promotLMc or Ln"our?[LM t]L pr?"tB"L o" ?ssBstLM suB"BML or mLr"y 'BOOBn[tLut]?n?sB?h T •,LOB"Lr?tLOy desired to 'BOO ?n Bnno"Lnt ]um?n "LBn[T •!njustOy Bn"OB"tLM "oMBOy ]?rm on ?not]Lr pLrsonT •!njustOy t]rL?tLnLM ?not]Lr pLrson wBt] "oMBOy ]?rmT •JLr"?OOy or LmotBon?OOy ?"usLM ?not]Lr pLrsonT 6 •YossBpLMc sO?nMLrLMc MLtr?"tLMc "?OumnB?tLMT •(?tLM ?not]Lr pLrsonc or wBs]LM ]Bmm]Lr LvBOT •SLLn prLjuMB"LMc or unjustOy MBs"rBmBn?tLM ?[?Bnst ot]Lrs "L"?usL o" t]LBr r?"Lc "oOorc n?tBon?OBtyc sLx or rLOB[BonT •:oBnLM ? ]?tL [roupT •3urposLOy provo'LM ?not]Lr "y tL?sBn[ or n?[[Bn[T •$L"'OLssOy LnM?n[LrLM my OB"L or ]L?Ot]c or t]?t o" ?not]Lrc "y my?"tBonsT •,rBvLn rL"'OLssOy or unMLr t]L Bn"OuLn"L o" ?O"o]oO or ot]Lr Mru[sT •z"usLM ?O"o]oO or ot]Lr Mru[sT •0oOM or [BvLn Mru[s to ot]Lrs to usL "or nonet]Lr?pLutB" purposLsT •!sLM to"?""o BmmoMLr?tLOyT •;vLreL?tLnT •Rn"our?[LM ot]Lrs to sBn "y [BvBn[ s"?nM?OT •(LOpLM ?not]Lr to "ommBt ? mort?O sBn tt]rou[] ?MvB"Lc MrBvBn[ t]Lm somLw]LrLc MrLssBn[ ?nMmor ?"tBn[ BmmoMLstOyc Lt"xhT •H?usLM sLrBous Bnjury o" ?not]Lr "y "rBmBn?O nL[OL"tT •)nMuO[LM Bn unjust ?n[LrT •$L"usLM to "ontroO my tLmpLrT •SLLn "?tL"uO toc qu?rrLOLM wBt]c or wBOO"uOOy ]urt somLonLT •SLLn un"or[BvBn[ o" ot]Lrsc LspL"B?OOy w]Ln mLr"y or p?rMon w?s rLquLstLMT •0ou[]t rLvLn[L or ]opLM somLt]Bn[ "?M wouOM ]?ppLn to somLonLT •,LOB[]tLM to sLL somLonL LOsL [Lt ]urt or su""LrT •DrL?tLM ?nBm?Os "ruLOOyc "?usBn[ t]Lm to su""Lr or MBL nLLMOLssOyT

Sixth & Ninth Commandments

You shall not commit adultery.

You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.

(?vL )xxx •'L[OL"tLM to pr?"tB"L ?nM [row Bn t]L vBrtuL o" "]?stBtyT •YBvLn Bn to OustT tD]L MLsBrL "or sLxu?O pOL?surL unrLO?tLM to spous?OOovL Bn m?rrB?[Lxh •!sLM ?n ?rtB"B"B?O mL?ns o" "Brt] "ontroO tBn"OuMBn[ wBt]Mr?w?OhT •$L"usLM to "L opLn to "on"LptBonc wBt]out just "?usLT tCatechismc sbk.h •3?rtB"Bp?tLM Bn Bmmor?O tL"]nBquLs su"] ?s in vitro "LrtBOBz?tBon or ?rtB"B"B?O BnsLmBn?tBonT •0tLrBOBzLM my sLx or[?ns "or "ontr?"LptBvL purposLsT •,LprBvLM my spousL o" t]L m?rBt?O rB[]tc wBt]out just "?usLT 7 •HO?BmLM my own m?rBt?O rB[]t wBt]out "on"Lrn "or my spousLT •,LOB"Lr?tLOy "?usLM m?OL "OBm?x outsBML o" norm?O sLxu?O BntLr"oursLT G?stur"?tLMT t,LOB"Lr?tL stBmuO?tBon o" onLas own sLxu?O or[?ns "o r sLxu?O pOL?surL outsBML o" t]L "onju[?O ?"txh tCatechismc sbkkh •EBOO"uOOy LntLrt?BnLM BmpurL t]ou[]tsT •3ur"]?sLMc vBLwLMc or m?ML usL o" porno[r?p]yT •E?t"]LM or promotLM movBLs ?nM tLOLvBsBon t]?t BnvoOvL sLx ?nM nuMBt yT •1BstLnLM to musB" or jo'Ls t]?t ?rL ]?rm"uO to purBtyT $L?M "oo's t]?t ?rL Bmmor?OT

•HommBttLM ?MuOtLryT t0Lxu?O rLO?tBons wBt] somLonL w]o Bs m?rrBLMcor wBt] somLonL ot]Lr t]?n my spousLxh

•HommBttLM Bn"LstT t0Lxu?O rLO?tBons wBt] ? rLO?tBvL "OosLr t]?n t]L t]BrM ML[rLL or ?n BneO?wxh •HommBttLM "ornB"?tBonT t0Lxu?O rLO?tBons wBt] somLonL o" t]L opposBtL sLx w]Ln t]L two ?rL not m?rrBLM to onL ?not]Lr or ?ny ot]Lrsxh •Rn[?[LM Bn ]omosLxu?O ?"tBvBtyT t0Lxu?O ?"tBvBty wBt] somLonL o" t]L s?mL sLx h •HommBttLM r?pLT •Rn[?[LM Bn sLxu?O "orLpO?y tLx[xc ÒpLttBn[Óc or Lx"LssBvL tou"]Bn[h rLsLrvLM "or m?rrB?[LT •3rLyLM upon "]BOMrLn or yout] "or my sLxu?O pOL?surL tpLMop]BOB?hT •Rn[?[LM Bn unnatural sLxu?O ?"tBvBtBLs t?nyt]Bn[ t]?t Bs not Bn]LrLntOy n?tur?O to t]L sLxu?O ?"tq Lx[xc sLx toysc LvLn Bn t]L "ontLxt o" m?rrB?[LhT •Rn[?[LM Bn prostBtutBonc or p?BM "or t]L sLrvB"Ls o" ? prostBtutLT •0LMu"LM somLonLc or ?OOowLM mysLO" to "L sLMu"LMT •G?ML unBnvBtLM ?nM unwLO"omL sLxu?O ?Mv?n"Ls tow?rM ?not]LrT •3urposLOy MrLssLM BmmoMLstOyT

Seventh & Tenth Commandments

You shall not steal.

You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.

(?vL )xxx •0toOLnT tD?'Ln somLt]Bn[ t]?t MoLsnat "LOon[ to mL ?[?Bnst t]L rL?son?"OL wBOO o" t]L ownLrxh •RnvBLM ot]Lrs on ?""ount o" t]LBr possLssBonsT •'L[OL"tLM to OBvL Bn ? spBrBt o" YospLO povLrty ?nM sBmpOB"BtyT •'L[OL"tLM to [BvL [LnLrousOy to ot]Lrs Bn nLLMT

8•'ot "onsBMLrLM t]?t YoM ]?s provBMLM mL wBt] monLy so t]?t ) mB[]t

usL Bt t o "LnL"Bt ot]Lrsc ?s wLOO ?s "or m y ow n OL [BtBm?tL nLLMsT •zOOowLM mysLO" to "L "on"ormLM to ? "onsumLr mLnt?OBty t"uyc "uy "uyc t]row ?w?yc w?stLc spLnMc spLnMc spLnM T •'L[OL"tLM to pr?"tB"L t]L "orpor?O wor's o" mLr"yT •,LOB"Lr?tLOy ML"?"LMc MLstroyLM or Oost ?not]Lras propLrtyT •H]L?tLM on ? tLstc t?xLsc sportsc [?mLsc or Bn "usBnLssT •0qu?nMLrLM monLy Bn "ompuOsBvL [?m"OBn[T •G?'L ? "?OsL "O?Bm to ?n Bnsur?n"L "omp?nyT •c or "?BOLM to [BvL ? "uOO M?yas wor "or "uOO M?ya s p?yT •v?BOLM to ]onor my p?rt o" ? "ontr?"tT •v?BOLM to m?'L [ooM on ? ML"tT •;vLr"]?r[L somLonLc LspL"B?OOy to t?'L ?Mv?nt?[L o" ?not]Lras ]?rMs]B p or


•GBsusLM n?tur?O rLsour"LsT

Eighth Commandment

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. (?vL )xxx •1BLMT •2nowBn[Oy ?nM wBOO"uOOy ML"LBvLM ?not]LrT •3LrjurLM mysLO" unMLr o?t]T •YossBpLMT •HommBttLM MLtr?"tBonT t,LstroyBn[ ? pLrsonas rLput?tBon "y tLOOBn[ ot]Lrs ?"out ]Bs "?uOts "or no [ooM rL?sonxh •HommBttLM sO?nMLr or "?OumnyT tDLOOBn[ lies ?"out ?not]Lr pLrson Bn orMLr to MLstroy ]Bs rLput?tBonxh •HommBttLM OB"LOT tWriting OBLs ?"out ?not]Lr pLrson Bn orMLr to MLstroy ]Bs rLput?tBonx 1B"LO Bs Bn su"st?n"L MB""LrLnt "rom sO?nMLr "L"?usL t]L wrBttLn worM ]?s ? Oon[Lr AOB"LA o" M?m?[L h •SLLn [uBOty o" r?s] juM[mLntT tzssumBn[ t]L worst o" ?not]Lr pLrson "?sLM on "Br"umst?ntB?O LvBMLn"Lxh •v?BOLM to m?'L rLp?r?tBon "or ? OBL ) toOMc or "or ]?rm MonL to ? pLrsonas rLput?tBonT •v?BOLM to spL?' out Bn ML"LnsL o" t]L H?t]oOB" v?Bt]c t]L H]ur"]c or o" ?not]Lr pLrsonT •SLtr?yLM ?not]Lras "on"BMLn"L t]rou[] spLL"]c MLLMc or Bn wrBtBn[T

9The Precepts of the Church First Precept of the Church You shall attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation and rest from servile labor. • (see Third Commandment above) Second Precept of the Church You shall confess your sins (to a Priest) at least once a year. Have I... • Made a good Confession of my mortal sins at least once a year? • Purposely omitted telling my mortal sins in my last Confession? • Neglected to perform the penance I was given? • Neglected to make reparation for any harm I have done to others? Third Precept of the Church You shall humbly receive your Creator in Holy Communion at least once during the Easter season. Have I... • Neglected to fulfill my Easter duty to receive Holy Communion at least once between the First Sunday of Lent and Trinity Sunday? • Received Holy Communion while in the state of mortal sin? • Failed to fast for at least one hour before receiving Holy Communion? • Received Holy Communion more than twice in one day? Fourth Precept of the Church You shall observe the prescribed days of fasting and abstinence established by the Church. Have I... • Neglected to do penance every Friday of the year, if not abstaining from meat? • Neglected to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent (if I am 14 years of age and/or older)? • Neglected to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday (if I am between the ages of 18 and 59)? • Participated in diversions on days of penance (e.g., attended crawfish boils and fish fries, ballgames, movies, shopping on Ash Wednesday & Good Friday)? • Neglected to spend time in prayer, do spiritual and corporal works of mercy, and practice self-denial?

10Fifth Precept of the Church You shall contribute to the support of the Church. Have I... • Neglected to contribute a just amount of my time, talents and money to support my parish and the work of the Church? • Neglected to support the Church by not trying to become a saint or by not striving to make sincere progress each day in sanctity? An Additional Precept of the Church 1 You shall observe the laws of the Church concerning marriage. Have I... • Been living in a invalid and/or illicit marriage according to the laws of the Catholic Church? • Abandoned my spouse and/or family by separation or divorce? • Kept company with someone whom I cannot marry in the Catholic Church? • Given scandal by living with a member of the opposite sex without the benefit of a marriage blessed by the Catholic Church? • Entered into marriage with more than one person at the same time? • Failed to embrace the teachings given by the Catholic Church, which are supported by the Natural Law: that marriage can only exist between one man and one woman, and that no other union (i.e., between members of the same sex) can be a valid natural and/or sacramental marriage? [If one holds that same sex unions can be valid marriages he must recant and repent before he can make a valid confession.] • Supported pro same-sex union politicians? • Publicly proclaimed that the Church's teaching on marriage is wrong and as such taught others to reject it? 1 The Catechism of the Catholic Church of ficially lists 5 Precepts. However, thi s additional precept is counted amon g those teachings th at are so fundamental to Catholicism that they must be observe d in order to consider one self a fai thful a nd practicing Catholic.

11 Confession: A "How To" Guide Forgottenhowtogotoconfe ssion,or never learned? Here arethe"Howto's"fortheSacramentofPenance(i.e.,confession).ItshouldbenotedthatanypersonmayrequesttoreceiveabsolutionintheExtraordinaryFormatSt.JoanofArc.(Thischangesnothingofwhatthepenitenthastodo.OnlythePriestwillsaydifferentprayers,andinLatin.)Penitent:thepersonconfessinghissins.Confessor:thePriestadministeringtheSacrament.1. ThePenitententerstheconfessionalandkneelsdownatthescreen.2. ThePenitent,makingthesignofthecross,says,Blessme,Father,forIhavesinned.Ithasbeen________(stateamountoftime)sincemylastconfession.Thesearemysins.3. ThePenit entconfesseshissins. TheConfessorlistens,buthe mayaskq uestionsifsomethingthePenitenthassaidisunclearorinordertoleadthePenitenttoamorethoroughexaminationofconscience.(NB.Allmortalsins-eachkindandthenumberoftimescommitted-mustbeconfessed.Allvenialsinsshouldbeconfessed.)4. WhenthePenitentfinishesconfessing,hesignifiesthisbysaying:Fortheseandallmysins,IaskforgivenessofGodandabsolutionfromyou,Father.TheConfessormayoffersomeadviceorcounsel,sothatthePenitentmaytakethenecessarystepstoamendhislife.5. TheConfessorthengivesapenance(usuallyaprayeroragoodwork)andtheninstructsthePenitent tomakeanActofContritio n.The rearedifferentform ulas.Anacto fContritionisusuallyprintedintheconfessional.6. AfterthePenitenthasmadeanActofContrition,theConfessorimpartsabsolutionwiththesacramentalformula.ThePenitentmakestheSignoftheCrossattheabsolution.7. TheConfessorconcludeswiththeseorsimilarwords:Yoursinsareforgiven.Goinpeace.ThePenitentresponds,saying:ThanksbetoGod.8.ThePenitentleavestheconfessionalandfulfillsthepenanceassoonaspossible.

12The Act of Contrition O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee. And I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell but, most of all, because they offend Thee, my God Who are all good and deserving of all my love. And I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace to confess my sins, to do penance and to amend my life. Amen. Or: O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because of Thy just punishments, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who are all good and deserving of all my love. And I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasions of sin. Amen.

13TheBibleonConfession• "Igiveyouthekeystothekingdomofheaven,andwhateveryoubindonearthshallbeboundinheavenandwhateveryoulooseonearthshallbeloosedheaven"(Matthew16:19).• "TrulyIsaytoyou,whateveryoubindonearthshallbeboundinheaven,andwhateveryoulooseonearthshallbeloosedinheaven"(Matthew18:18).• "ReceivetheHolySpirit.Ifyouforgivethesinsofany,theyareforgiven;ifyouretainthesinsofany,theyareretained"(John20:22-23).• "Go,showyourselftothePriest"(Luke5:14;17:14;Matthew8:4).• "IfyouloveMe,youwillkeepMycommandments"(John14:15).• "HewhobelievesintheSonhaseternallife;buthewhodoesnotobeytheSonwillnotseelife,butthewrathofGodabidesonhim"(John3:36).TheCatechismoftheCatholicChurchonConfession:• "Youshallconfessyoursins(toaPriest)atleastonceayear"(2042).• "Christinstitutedt hesacramentofPenance[confession]forallsin fulmem bersofHisChurch:aboveallforthosewho,sinceBaptism,havefallenintogravesin,andhavethuslosttheirbap tismalgrace andwoundedecclesialc ommunion.Itistoth emthatthesacramentofPenanceoffer sanewpossib ilityto convertandtorecover the graceofjustification.TheFathersoftheChurchpresentthissacramentas'thesecondplank[ofsalvation]aftertheshipwreckwhichisthelossofgrace'"(1446).• "Allmortalsinsofwhichpenitentsafteradiligentself-examinationareconsciousmustberecountedbytheminconfession,eveniftheyaremostsecretandhavebeencommittedagainstthelasttwopreceptsoftheDecalogue;forthesesinssometimeswoundthesoulmoregrievouslyandaremoredangerousthanthosewhicharecommittedopenly"(1456;CouncilofTrent,DS1680).TheSaintsonConfession:• "Confessionisanactofhonestyandcourage-anactofentrustingourselves,beyondsin,tothemercyofalovingandforgivingGod"(PopeSt.JohnPaulII).• "Theconfessionofevilworksisthefirstbeginningofgoodworks"(St.Augustine).• "Gotoyourconfessor;openyourhearttohim;displaytohimalltherecessesofyoursoul;taketheadvicethathewillgiveyouwiththeutmosthumilityandsimplicity.ForGod,Whohasaninfiniteloveforobedience,frequentlyrendersprofitablethecounselswetakefromothers,butespeciallyfromthosewhoaretheguidesofoursouls"(St.FrancisdeSales).• "Infailingtoconfess,Lord,IwouldonlyhideYoufrommyself,notmyselffromYou"(St.Augustine).

14• "Confessionislikeabridlethatkeepsthesoulwhichreflectsonitfromcommittingsin,butanythingleftunconfessedw econtinueto dowithoutfearasifin thedark"(S t.JohnClimacus).• "Asouldoesnotbenefitfromthesacramentofconfessionifitisnothumble.Pridekeepsitindarkness.Thesoulneitherknowshow,norisitwilling,toprobewithprecisionthedepthsofitsownmisery.Itputsonamaskandavoidseverythingthatmightbringitrecovery"(St.Faustina).• "Atthetimeofyourexamination(ofsins)bewareofthedevilthattiesyourtongue"(St.JosemariaEscriva).• "Thedevildoesnotbringsinnerstohellwiththeireyesopen:hefirstblindsthemwiththemaliceoftheirownsins.Beforewefallintosin,theenemylaborstoblindus,thatwemaynotseetheevilwedoandtheruinwebringuponourselvesbyoffendingGod.Afterwecommitsin,heseekstomakeusdumb[i.e.,silent],that,throughshame,wemayconcealourguiltinconfession"(St.AlphonsusLiguori).• "Thewantofproperexamination,truecontrition,andafirmpurposeofamendment,isthecauseofbadconfessions,andoftheruinofsouls"(St.BenedictJosephLabre).• "ObediencetoaconfessoristhemostacceptableofferingwhichwecanmaketoGod,andthemostsecurewayofdoingthedivinewill"(St.AlphonsusLiguori).

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