[PDF] City Water Stories: - Lyon The Lyon Metropole benefits from

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Plus de 2 millions d'analyses en laboratoire sont effectuées chaque année sur l'eau distribuée dans les communes desservies par Eau du. Grand Lyon.

COVID-19 Recovery through Mutualism and Environmental

Analyzing Data Gathered From Individuals in Lyon. Based on the great number of responses received from the individual survey it is recommended that Lab'Eau 

City Water Stories: - Lyon

The Lyon Metropole benefits from abundant resources from the Rhône and flooding risks have been analysed and mapped in the masterplan. New.


Sep 19 2008 CARSO - LABORATOIRE SANTÉ ENVIRONNEMENT HYGIÈNE DE LYON. Laboratoire Agréé pour les analyses d'eaux par le Ministère de la Santé. VEOLIA EAU.


Jan 13 2021 CARSO - LABORATOIRE SANTÉ ENVIRONNEMENT HYGIÈNE DE LYON. Laboratoire Agréé pour les analyses d'eaux par le Ministère de la Santé.

Projet ville perméable : guide daide à la conception et à lentretien

Sep 26 2017 L'eau pluviale comme élément structurant de l'aménagement en Ville . ... Analyse du site : s'intégrer dans un contexte .


Chaque année plus de 130 000 analyses sont effectuées pour contrôler l'eau du Grand Lyon

Rapport qualité des eaux 2015 - Métropole de Lyon

QUALITE DE L'EAU D'ALIMENTATION EN 2016 Délégation Départementale du Rhône et de la Métropole de Lyon ... programme de tests et d'analyses.

[PDF] LA QUALITÉ DE LEAU - Eau du Grand Lyon

L'eau du robinet de la Métropole de Lyon est d'excellente qualité C'est une eau moyennement minéralisée et équilibrée Riche en calcium et en magnésium 

[PDF] LEAU ET VOTRE SANTÉ - Eau du Grand Lyon

Chaque année plus de 130 000 analyses sont effectuées pour contrôler l'eau du Grand Lyon soit une moyenne de 356 par jour Le service de l'eau pour tous

[PDF] Quelle est la qualité de leau que vous consommez ?

d'analyses Des périmètres de 69418 LYON cedex 03 tel : 04 72 34 74 00 2020 Eau de bonne qualité bactériologique et conforme aux limites

[PDF] Rapport qualité des eaux 2015 - Métropole de Lyon

QUALITE DE L'EAU D'ALIMENTATION EN 2016 METROPOLE DE LYON Unité de distribution « CENTRE » AGENCE REGIONALE DE SANTE Délégation Départementale du Rhône 

[PDF] Leau en questions - Grand Lyon

23 jan 2023 · Puisqu'à l'évidence l'eau est à l'origine de la vie et permet toutes les activités engagées sur la Planète l'être humain doué de raison 


Rapport d'analyse Edité le : 21/06/2018 CARSO - LABORATOIRE SANTÉ ENVIRONNEMENT HYGIÈNE DE LYON Laboratoire Agréé pour les analyses d'eaux par le 

[PDF] La qualité de leau du Rhône - Graie

campagnes sont effectuées mensuellement pour les analyses d'eau et à des fréquences à la Station de Chasse-sur-Rhône à l'aval de Lyon depuis 1969


Edité le : 1/20/2021 CARSO - LABORATOIRE SANTÉ ENVIRONNEMENT HYGIÈNE DE LYON Laboratoire Agréé pour les analyses d'eaux par le Ministère de la Santé

[PDF] Leau de la Métropole de Lyon - Limonest

L'eau de La MétropoLe de Lyon www eaudugrandlyon com de Lyon Depuis le 3 février 2015 la société Eau du Grand Lyon chimiques sont analysés

  • Où faire analyser de l'eau Lyon ?

    Les analyses d'eaux de distribution sont réalisées par un laboratoire agréé par le Ministère de la Santé sous le contrôle du SCHS de la Ville de Lyon. Le programme des analyses est fixé par arrêté préfectoral suivant la réglementation en vigueur.
  • Est-ce que l'eau du robinet de Lyon est bonne ?

    L'eau du robinet de la Métropole de Lyon est d'excellente qualité. C'est une eau moyennement minéralisée et équilibrée. Riche en calcium et en magnésium, elle répond aux besoins en minéraux de l'organisme. Avec une très faible teneur en nitrates, elle peut être consommée par toute la famille.
  • Quelle est la dureté de l'eau à Lyon ?

    En moyenne, la dureté de l'eau à Lyon est de 19,6?.
  • La Métropole de Lyon est l'autorité organisatrice responsable du service de l'eau, elle fixe le niveau de qualité de service et les objectifs auxquels Eau publique du Grand Lyon doit répondre. Eau publique du Grand Lyon est l'établissement public créé par la Métropole de Lyon.

City Water Stories:


A Growing Metropole Adapting to Climate Change

Water is a key element for citizens and for the overall liveability of a city. The Lyon Metropole benefits from abundant resources from the Rhône River and the associated groundwater, supplying its inhabitants with clean and safe water on a daily basis. The wastewater treatment system (3200 km of sewage network and 12 treatment plants) ensures high pollutant removal rates and thus keeps environment and ecosystems clean and healthy. During rain events, 50% of the runoff is infiltrated directly by green infrastructure and the other 50% is collected in the sewage network.

5 to 10% of this collected runoff is discharged without treatment into

rivers by overflow structures. One of the main challenges over the last

10 years is finding solutions to keep the overflow fraction below 5%.

Between now and 2030, Lyon expects its population to grow by 300 000 new inhabitants, of which 150 000 in the CBD. The densification of the city is likely to pose many problems if not well planned, such as increasing imperviousness, over-use of groundwater, increased flood risks, and higher pollution of aquatic ecosystems through inadequate stormwater management. Therefore the regional and metropolitan government initiated the Masterplan for Territorial Coherence initially approved in 2010 and more recently expended to the 59 municipalities of the Metropole. It intends to support the development of a dense urban core, with priority to service the highly populated areas and to ensure adequate and fast public transit, while also protecting the environment and the natural wa ter resources of the territory through increased resilience measures. Rainfa ll and flooding risks have been analysed and mapped in the masterplan. New regulations are currently being discussed in order to reduce the vulnera bility

(by reducing urbanisation in risky areas) and to control natural risks.Lyon Metropole is also facing challenges associated with the impacts of

climate change, which are likely to increase the number and intensity of droughts in the region. Securing alternate water resources, as well as t he reduction and prevention of urban heat islands are important components integrated in the urban planning of Lyon and in the climate masterplan.

A City that Lives with Water

With over 20 years of experience in integrated water resources management (IWRM), Lyon Metropole has updated its urban masterplan in order to develop the city around its water resources. Combining urban liveability with the current water resources, Lyon Metropole developed new and bold perspectives for urban planning and the ambition of a city that lives with water. As part of the masterplan, the " Miribel Jonage » area was redevel oped to include natural flooding areas upstream of the City to better protect it against flooding from the Rhône. This area also offers a secondary water supply source, a recreational zone, and a wetland network with the richest biodiversity in the region. In the city itself, the riversides have been transformed to provide city dwellers with a connection to their waterways, raising awareness to water benefits and risks. Lyon Metropole's vision is to be able to sustainably preserve the quality of its environment and all aquatic ecosystems in the basin in order to preserve the natural water cycle in urban areas and beyond. It recognise s that integrating water in urban planning is key to achieve this.

Case Study: Porte des Alpes

Porte des Alpes is a 140 ha high-tech industrial blue and green area welcoming 150 companies and 6500

employees (data 2012). Two lakes store temporarily stormwater before infiltration, host a great biodiversity of flora and fauna, and welcome local workers and other citizens for out side lunch and recreational activities.

90 % of the park is open to the public. New management and maintenance p

ractices (combining previously separated technical services dealing with stormwater, roads, parks and gardens) have been created.


• 1.5 million inhabitants in 2016.


• 59 municipalities on 53000 km 2 . The

Lyon Metropole administration is global

for the whole territory and is in charge of urban development and services (water systems, urban transport, waste collection and cleaning, energy, and also economic, digital and social development).

Main challenge

• Urban heat islands, droughts with stress (quantity and quality) on water resources (groundwater and Rhône River) and increasing the attractiveness of the city center for people and business.

Main solution

• Reconciling with the aquatic environment and for the wellbeing of the population, will increase natural areas and permeability in the city.

Lyon's Journey to Become

a Water-Wise City A closer look at how Lyon is satisfying the IWA Principles for Water-Wise Cities

5 Building Blocks for Lyon on the journey to water-wise cities

VisionGovernancePlanning ToolsImplementation ToolsKnowledge &


Water and trees in the city

to develop a permeable and resilient city, which reduces urban heat island effects.

All stakeholders of Lyon

Metropole work together to

reduce GHG emissions and to establish and implement a climate change adaptation plan.

Also in preparation, a new

local strategy to manage flood risks at a scale far beyond the

Lyon Metropole administrative

territory: the strategy and action plan will be coordinated by Lyon Metropole in close collaboration with stakeholders from the neighbouring territories.

European research projects

dealing with urban water systems (e.g. PREPARED, Aqua

Add) or associated with other

European, French and regional

projects (e.g. APUSS, GEPETO, etc.), allowing exchange of data, knowledge, expertise and capacities.

Member of the multidisciplinary

research federation OTHU.

Urban masterplan for the

59 municipalities of the

Lyon metropole including

risk regulation (flooding, rainfall, technological risks, geotechnical risks).

Climate change adaptation plan.

Cost benefit analysis of using

green infrastructure for stormwater management.

Regenerative Water Services

Basin Connected Cities

Plan to Secure Water Resources & Mitigate Drought

Include in the urban masterplan the water

resource protection zones.

Protect the Quality of Water Resources

Lyon Metropole water department is developing guidelines and regulations since 2008.

Prepare for Extreme Events

Maps of global rainfall risk and related regulation are included in the urban masterplan.

Empowered Citizens

Large projects are open for public consultation.

Professionals Aware of Water Co-Benefits

Founding and active member of GRAIE, a French NGO based in Lyon, which aims to transfer and share knowledge and practices on urban water systems and management between researchers, municipalities, consulting companies, public and private utilities, and administrations.

Transdisciplinary Planning Teams

The Porte des Alpes project was developed with a

multidisciplinary team.

Policy Makers Enabling Water Wise Action

Collaboration between all departments of Lyon Metropole.

Leaders that Engage and Engender Trust

Leaders promote & support the project of Lyon as a

“permeable city."

Water Sensitive Urban Design

Water-Wise Communities

Replenish Water Bodies & their Ecosystems

Infiltration of stormwater at source as in the water regulation and now in the urban masterplan.

Reduce the Amount of Water & Energy Used

Reduce water loss in the network and reduce the use of water by the soli d waste department.

Reuse, Recover, Recycle

New regulation in the urban masterplan to

encourage the reuse of rain water. Use a Systemic Approach Integrated with Other Services A single Metropole department for the urban water cycle including stormwater management and protection of aquatic environment in the 59 municipalities. Increase the Modularity of Systems & Ensure Multiple Options Work is focussed to reduce vulnerability and control the increase of risk

Enable Regenerative Water Services

The permeable city project is developing new approaches to i) implement more best management practices and ii) extend the use of green infrastructure to infiltrate stormwater.

Design Urban Spaces to Reduce Flood Risks

Maps of risks and regulation for minimum floor level in new buildings in high flooding risk areas.

Enhance Liveability with Visible Water

Restoration and renovation of river banks along the Rhône and Saône rivers, and in Lyon Confluence new district. Modify & Adapt Urban Materials to Minimise Environmental Impact Zero phyto measures (i.e. no pesticides) in progress! Use of biofilters and constructed wetlands to treat overflows.quotesdbs_dbs35.pdfusesText_40
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