[PDF] 7.2 Complex arithmetic z1 + z2 = (a1 + a2)+(b1 +

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7.1 What is a complex number ?

It follows that j2 = ?1. Using real numbers we cannot find the square root of a negative number and so the quantity j is not real. We say it is imaginary.

Complex numbers

The need for imaginary and complex numbers arises when finding the Complex number plane. 1 + j1. 2 – j1 ? + j2. -. /. 6 + j. /. 2. 0 + j2.667. –1.5 + j0.

Note j: Complex Numbers

Sep 6 2021 EECS 16B. Designing Information Devices and Systems II. Fall 2021. Note j: Complex Numbers. 1 What are Complex Numbers? 1.1 Introduction.

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7.2 Complex arithmetic

z1 + z2 = (a1 + a2)+(b1 + b2)j z1 ? z2 = (a1 ? a2)+(b1 ? b2)j 2. Multiplication of complex numbers. To multiply two complex numbers we use the normal ...


Problem 7.13 For the complex number z = 1+ j show that z2 ?

7.1 What is a complex number ?

It follows that j2 = ?1. Using real numbers we cannot find the square root of a negative number and so the quantity j is not real. We say it is imaginary.

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(i?1)j 4 ? 1?i?j?n (n?i)(n? j) 5 ? 1?pq?n (p+q)2 (on On appelle demi-plan de Poincaré l'ensemble P des nombres complexes z tels que 


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  • Comment résoudre une équation complexe ?

    Un nombre complexe z se présente en général sous forme algébrique comme une somme a + ib, où a et b sont des nombres réels quelconques et où i (l'unité imaginaire) est un nombre particulier tel que i2 = –1.
  • Comment déterminer le nombre complexe z ?

    Le module d'un réel est sa valeur absolue. Le module de 1 + i est ?2.
  • Quel est le module de i ?

    Définition : Module d'un nombre complexe
    Le module d'un nombre complexe �� = �� + �� �� est défini par �� = ? �� + �� . ? ? . Si �� est un nombre réel, son module est simplement sa valeur absolue.

Complex arithmetic


This leaflet describes how complex numbers are added, subtracted, multiplied and divided.

1. Addition and subtraction of complex numbers.

Given two complex numbers we can find their sum and difference in an obvious way.



1+z2= (a1+a2) + (b1+b2)j


1-z2= (a1-a2) + (b1-b2)j

So, to add the complex numbers we simply add the real parts together and add the imaginary parts together.


Ifz1= 13 + 5jandz2= 8-2jfind a)z1+z2, b)z2-z1.


a)z1+z2= (13 + 5j) + (8-2j) = 21 + 3j. b)z2-z1= (8-2j)-(13 + 5j) =-5-7j

2. Multiplication of complex numbers.

To multiply two complex numbers we use the normal rules of algebra and also the fact that j

2=-1. Ifz1andz2are the two complex numbers their product is writtenz1z2.


Ifz1= 5-2jandz2= 2 + 4jfindz1z2.



1z2= (5-2j)(2 + 4j) = 10 + 20j-4j-8j2

Replacingj2by-1 we obtain


1z2= 10 + 16j-8(-1) = 18 + 16j

In general we have the following result:

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1z2= (a1+b1j)(a2+b2j) =a1a2+a1b2j+b1a2j+b1b2j2

= (a1a2-b1b2) +j(a1b2+a2b1)

3. Division of complex numbers.

To divide complex numbers we need to make use of thecomplex conjugate. Given a complex number,z, its conjugate, written ¯z, is found by changing the sign of the imaginary part. For example, the complex conjugate ofz= 3 + 2jis ¯z= 3-2j. Division is illustrated in the following example.



z2whenz1= 3 + 2jandz2= 4-3j.


We require

z 1 z2=3 + 2j4-3j Both numerator and denominator are multiplied by the complex conjugate of the denominator. Overall, this is equivalent to multiplying by 1 and so the fraction remains unaltered, but it will have the effect of making the denominator purely real, as you will see.

3 + 2j

4-3j=3 + 2j4-3j×4 + 3j4 + 3j

(3 + 2j)(4 + 3j) (4-3j)(4 + 3j)

12 + 9j+ 8j+ 6j2

16 + 12j-12j-9j2

6 + 17j

25(the denominator is now seen to be real)




1. Ifz1= 1 +jandz2= 3 + 2jfind a)z1z2, b)

z1, c)z2, d)z1z1, e)z2z2

2. Ifz1= 1 +jandz2= 3 + 2jfind: a)z1

z2, b)z2z1, c)z1/z1, d)z2/z2.

3. Find a)


2j, b)3+9j1-2j, c)1j.


1. a) 1 + 5j, b) 1-j, c) 3-2j, d) 2, e) 13

2. a) 5

13+j13, b)52-j2, c)j, d)513+1213j.

3. a)-3-7

2j, b)-3 + 3j, c)-j.

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