[PDF] NAXIT Integral Solutions Specialized Judicial Courts Consulting Portfolio.

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NAXIT Integral Solutions

Specialized Judicial Courts Consulting Portfolio. 1) Critical Resource Estimate. According to the particular workload of an institution it is possible

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Palenque 115, Portones del Campestre, 37138

León / Guanajuato

Of: 52-01-477 7810989


NAXIT Integral Solutions

In the last decade, Mexico has had a profound transformation to its civil and criminal justice systems, replacing older

models by oral models, organizing the courts and tribunals has not necessarily been the main focus of the reforms. This has

created very complex organizational challenges when designing, implementing and operating those challenges successfully.

In this context of institutional transformation, it becomes essential to implement specialized organizational technology to

help achieve these transformations.

Naxit SC, brings together legal specialists with proven results and solid experience that allow its clients to develop

the necessary steps to strengthen and consolidate their civil and criminal prosecution systems.

I. Naxit SC, is a Mexican consulting firm specialized in operations management and management systems

based in the city of León, Guanajuato; we started more than 8 years ago and have strong financial,

operational and technical capacity, we have experts in operations management in the public and private

sectors; particularly in the public judicial field. We have more than 10 years of experience in the design and

operation of judicial management models for Courts in criminal and civil justice.

II. The work of its specialists has received the following awards that validates its technical capacity: Excellence

in judicial innovation recognition granted by the Mexican Association of Justice providers for the years 2011,

2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015; for projects directed and developed in the Judicial Power of the State of

Guanajuato, they also received a recognition given by Ministers of the Supreme Court of Justice of the

Nation, as well as obtaining third place in the fourth edition of the science and technology council of the

State of Guanajuato on Technological innovation through the design of multivariate simulation models to

estimate resources for the implementation of the 2008 criminal reform.

III. Their specialists contributed to the positioning of the Judicial Power of the State of Guanajuato obtaining

the first place at the national level in the ranking of progress in the consolidation of the NSJP developed by

CIDAC and Mexico Evalua the years 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.

IV. Their specialists contributed to the upturn of the criminal justice system in the State of Mexico through the

design and implementation of the operational management model, increasing 18 places in the

implementation ranking issued by México Evalúa during the period 2014-2018.

V. Its experts directly participated in the work of implementing the criminal reform as part of the Unit for the

implementation of the criminal reform in the Judicial Branch of the Federal Government, developing the

first operational management model of the Federal Criminal Justice Centers in the year 2015.

VI. In commercial matters, their specialists helped positioning the Judiciary of the State of Guanajuato in the

first places at the national level in the international index Doing Business Mexico developed by the World

Bank in the contract compliance segment.

VII. Its specialists have over 20 years in international regulatory management systems. They also have the

experience in having obtained ISO-9001 certification for the courts in criminal, family, commercial, justice

Palenque 115, Portones del Campestre, 37138

León / Guanajuato

Of: 52-01-477 7810989


for teenagers, as well as the courts specialized in criminal matters in the Judicial Power of the State of

Guanajuato the years 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018; as well as in the Judicial Branch of the State of

Mexico in the year 2019.

VIII. Its experts have participated in several trade shows as exhibitors and speakers in the following public

institutions: SETEC, IACA, Projusticia, USAID, Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, as well as advising

Multiple Judicial Powers in Mexico and prestigious universities of our country.

Specialized Judicial Courts Consulting Portfolio

1) Critical Resource Estimate

According to the particular workload of an institution, it is possible, through quantitative analysis, to evaluate the

resources that the institution has in order to maximize its use and disposition, evaluating optimization gaps of

resources, functions and officials.

Number of Optimal Judges Estimate

Number of Optimal Courts Estimate

Number of public service officials Estimate

Number of officials of judicial processing unit Estimate

Number of Courtroom Officers Estimate

Maximum and Optimal operating levels Estimate

Design of workloads and operational policies

Main Benefits:

Justice Centers Operations improvement

Public Resources Optimization

Identification of gaps and areas of opportunity

2) Design and implementation of Corporate Courts (Operational Management Model)

Within the judicial function reform and Modernization process, a new organization has been designed in which the

distinction is made between administrative and jurisdictional functions. Corporate Courts are jurisdictional entities

which operation is based on standardized processes, defining roles, functions and responsible parties, improving the

service to the litigator as a result of their approach to the results of said processes, as well as establishing

collaborative connections with other areas and indicators that allow an objective evaluation.

What does the Operational Management Model do?

1) Identify the most important processes for the operation that you want to control and establish a working

methodology for them. Result: Organized development of processes and procedures.

2) Define process roles.

Result: Adequate assignment of roles and functions.

3) It specifies the performance indicators and logical sequences that allow an effective and efficient daily operation

Palenque 115, Portones del Campestre, 37138

León / Guanajuato

Of: 52-01-477 7810989

www.naxit.com.mx management. Result: Performance standards Design and measurement

4) It allows the objective measurement of user and member satisfaction of the system.

Result: Design of Quality Assurance Strategies and Continuous Improvement based on Objective information.

What benefits will the Operational Management Model offer? Ensures the effective and efficient performance of its processes. Generates or adapts the structure of the organization based on the processes.

Improves operational practices.

Optimizes public resources.

Higher service quality to society and litigants.

Organizational design of the Court based on user requirements.

Greater Court operation structure.

Punctuality and certainty in audience scheduling.

Optimization of staff work times.

Reduction of response times for litigants.

More efficient inter-institutional coordination.

Existence of standardized working methods in judicial districts. Ability to generate indicators that improve daily operation. Design of the operational architecture linking processes with technology

Design of dashboards

The Operational Management Model makes it possible to establish corporate courts, whose staff has a focus on service

quality, with a clear objective of streamlining the process, reducing paperwork and achieving user satisfaction.

3) Lean scheduling model to optimize audience flow programming

Through the quantitative analysis of workloads of a given Justice Center, it is possible to have an objective method

that maximizes the use of your agenda and therefore the most important critical resources in a court:

Maximize critical operating times (Judge Time / Procedural Parties-Hearing)

Optimization of agenda scheduling

Maximization room and support officer usage

Organization of operational roles

Justice Center operation level improvement

4) Development of profiles by professional skills

The efficient operation of a Justice Center is based on the quality of the staff. The center operates based on their

skill level and ability to do their jobs properly and effectively, properly identifying their skills and abilities is key to

improve the Justice Center´s efficiency. In order to serve as a useful reference to evaluate and certify people by

professional skills in their individual function within the Management Model; Naxit SC designs together with the

institution, standards describing the profiles and objectives of each key position, in terms of results as well as a set

Palenque 115, Portones del Campestre, 37138

León / Guanajuato

Of: 52-01-477 7810989


of knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes that a person requires to perform the activities in the institution, with a

high level of performance.

5) Development of Managing Boards

Aimed at: Directors and Managers

Specialized training program for Directors and managers that will allow the participant to develop integral skills to hold

managerial positions. The Program is divided in five modules, describing the structural elements of the managerial function.

I. Authority, Management and Leadership

II. Human talent management

III. Time management

IV. Problem solving and decision making

V. Performance Management

6) Design of Strategic and Tactical Planning

Because we understand the public sector and its dynamics, we facilitate the generation of institutional development

plans with methodologies of strategic planning, long-term vision. At Naxit SC we want to provide you with the tools that will allow you to: Generate a shared vision of the current and future situation of your operating model.

Design concrete strategies that allow you to make systematic changes in the institution to align it with the

needs and opportunities of your environment. Create a balance between what the institution offers and its service architecture. Have a common language between management and management groups for the systemic design of changes. Perform best practices in the market using the following methodologies: BMG - (Business Model Generation) BMG allows us to obtain a diagnosis of the current performance of the current operating and service model, to refocus it towards the new objectives.

BSC ʹ (Balanced Scorecard)

7) Preparation for International Regulatory Management Systems Certification:

Having the backing of an international certification shows the clear commitment of the institution to the efficiency

and transparency of its internal processes, and demonstrates the ability to generate changes, listen to society and

its ability to adapt to the requirements of citizens.

ISO-09001 Quality management system

ISO-37001 Guidance for the governance of organizations (Anti-Bribery Management System)

ISO-26000 Social responsibility guide

Palenque 115, Portones del Campestre, 37138

León / Guanajuato

Of: 52-01-477 7810989


ISO-27000 Information Security

Contact Info:

Mtro. Mauricio A. Ontiveros Hornelas

Lead Consultant, Specialist in Judicial Management

NAXIT Integral Solutions


Email: mauricio.ontiveros@naxit.com.mx

Oficina 52 (477) 781-0989

Móvil 52 (477) 729-5647

Palenque #115 Portones del campestre CP 37138

León, Gto. México

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