[PDF] LaTeX-Math-Symbols.pdf 31 May 2000 The guide

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GREATEST COMMON FACTOR. The GCF of a set of numbers is the largest number that can be evenly divided into each of the given numbers.


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31 May 2000 The guide assumes that you have some experience in using TEX for typeset- ting mathematics e.g.

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3/29/17, 10*20 AMLaTeX Math Symbols

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LaTeX Math Symbols

The following tables are extracted from The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e, aka. LaTeX2e in 90 minutes, by Tobias Oetiker, Hubert

Partl, Irene Hyna, and Elisabeth Schlegl. It can be located here.

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Last modified: Wed May 31 14:04:55 CDT 2000

X Y -picUser'sGuide

Kristo!erH.R ose !krisrose@ens-lyon.fr"

Version3.7,February 16,1999


X Y -picisapack agefort ypesetting graphsanddiagrams usingKnuth's T E

Xtyp esettingsystem.X

Y -picworkswith mostofthe manyformats available; e.g.,plainT E X, L A T E



X.Severalstyles ofinputforvarious

diagramtyp esaresupported;theyallshareamnemonic notationbasedon thelogicalcomposition ofvisualcom- ponents.Thisguide concentrateson howto typeset "matrix-like"diagrams,suchascomm utativediagrams, inthefollo wingstyle: U y x (x,y)##X!ZY q p%% X f Yg Z wastypesetb ytheX Y -picinputlines \xymatrix{


\ar@{.>}[dr]|-{(x,y)}\\ &X\times_Z Y\ar[d]^q\ar[r]_p &X\ar[d]_f \\ &Y\ar[r]^g &Z}

Suchdiagramshave thefollo wingcharacteristics:

•Specifiedasamatrixof entriesthat areautomati- callyalignedin rowsand columns. •Anyentrymaybe connectedtoanyother en- tryusinga variety ofarro wstylesallrotatedand stretchedasrequired. •Arrowsmaybedecoratedwith labelsthataretied toasp ecifiedpoin talongthearrow andextendin aparticulardirection; andarrows may bepaired, cross,andvisit/b endaroundother entries"onthe way." Severalotherstylesof inputare supported;ashortsurvey ofthep ossibilitiesisincluded lastattheendalong with informationonho wX Y -piccanbeobtained.



1Basics 2

1.1Loading. ... .. ... ... ... ..2

1.2Entrie s........ ... ... .. ..2

1.3Arrows ...... ... ... ... .. .2

1.4Labe ls........ ... ... .. ..3

1.5Bre aks........ ... ... .. ..3

1.6Curving. ... ... ... ... .. ..4

1.7Spe edinguptypesetting.. ... ...4

2MoreA rrowsand Labels4

2.1Explicit labelpos itioning.......4

2.2Labe lingwithanyobject ... .....5

2.3Morearro wst yles.... ........5

2.4Slidingarro wsside ways.. ......6

2.5Moretarge ts.. ..... ... ... .6

2.6Changingthe target. ... ...... 7

2.7Arrows passingunder ......... 7

2.8Moreb endingarro ws....... ...8

2.9Defining newarrowtyp es.... ...8

3MoreEn tries9

3.1Manual entryformatting ........9

3.2Extrae ntries outsidethematrix...9

3.3Spacing androtation... ... ... .9

3.4Entry style.. ......... ... .10

3.5Naming forlateruse astargets ....10

3.6Groupingob jec ts........... .10

4Av ailabilityandFurtherInformation11

4.1Getting X

Y -pic.. ... .. ... ... .11

4.2Bac kwardscompatibility..... ...11

4.3Furthe rreading...... ...... .12

4.4Credits ..... ... ... ... ... .13

AAnsw erstoallexercises13



Laboratoiredel'InformatiqueduP arall´elisme, EcoleNormaleSup ´erieure deLyon;46,All´eed'Italie;F-69364Lyon7, France.



Thisguidee xplainssom efeaturesof X

Y -picthatare relevanttotypesettingof"matrix-lik ediagrams "as usedin,forexample, cate gorytheory; pleasereferto therefe rencemanual[8]forcompleteinformationon thedes cribedconstructions.Theguideassumesthat youhaves omeexperiencein usingT E

Xfort ypes et-

tingmathe matics,e.g.,hav estudied[2,ch.16-19], [3, sec.3.3],or[9],andthatX Y -picisins talledon your T E

Xsys temasdescribedinthe INSTALLfileacc om-


Thefirst sectiondes cribeswhatyouneedto get

started,inparticularallthatis neede dtotypes et thediagramin theabstrac t.Se ction2 and3explain advanceduseofarrowsande ntries,res pec tively.Fi- nally,section 4explainswhereandunderwhatcondi- tionsX Y -picisa vailable, givestherelationofversion

3.7topre viousve rsions,andlis tsfurthersourcesof


Throughoutwe giveexerc isesthatyou shouldbe

abletos olveas yougoalong;allexerc ises arean- sweredattheendjustpriortothere ferenc esand index.


Thisse ctionexplainstheX

Y -diagramcons truction conceptsneededtoget startedwithtypesetting matrix-likediagrams.


TheX Y -picse tupusedinthisguideis loadedbyin- sertingthelines \inputxy \xyoption{all} inthede finitionspartof yourdocume nt.1

Ifyou wish

toloadonly thefeature syou use, oryouwishtouse non-standardfacilitieslik ethev2backwardscompat- ibilitymode 2 orthepsPostScript 3 backendthen thisisals opos sibleasdes cribedinthereferencem an- ual[8].


Adiagramis create db ythecommand

\xymatrix{...}wherethe"... "should bereplacedbyentriestobe alignedinrowsandcolumnswhere •entriesinarowarese paratedb y&, 4 and •entirerowsareseparate dby\\.


A m i=n i 2 D wastypes etby \xymatrix{

A&*+[F]{\sum_{i=n}^m{i^2}} \\

&{\bullet}& D\ar[ul]}


•entriesaretypeset asmathe matics(using"text style");entriesshouldnots tartwithamacro (asillustrate dbytheuseof{}around\bullet. •allen triesarecenteredandthe separation be- tweenrowsandcolumnsisusuallyquite largequotesdbs_dbs25.pdfusesText_31
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