[PDF] The Pumping Lemma for CFLs and Properties of Context-Free

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Properties of Context-Free Languages

CFL's are closed under union concatenation

CSE 105 Fall 2019 - Homework 4 Solutions

the set of context-free languages is also closed under the reversal operation. To do this consider a CFG given by. ?Prove that.

7.3. closure properties of context-free languages 287

The CFL's are also closed under reversal. We cannot use the substitution theorem but there is a simple construction using grammars. Theorem 7.25: If L is a CFL 

Solutions to Homework 6

Problem 3. We want to prove that the family of context-free languages is closed under reversal. Namely if is a context free language 

The Pumping Lemma for CFLs and Properties of Context-Free

The reversal of L(G) has grammar S ? 1S0

Substitution Proof Example

Just reverse the body of every production. 2. Page 3. Closure of CFL's Under Inverse. Homomorphism. PDA- 

CSE 20 Discrete math

4 juin 2016 Closure properties. Regular. Languages. CFL. Decidable. Languages. Recognizable ... Claim: The class of CFL is closed under reversal.

CS154 slides

Closure Properties of CFL's. ?CFL's are closed under union concatenation

CSE 105 Theory of Computation

Context-Free Languages. 3. Turing Recognizable Show that the CFL's are closed under the property of. Reversal that is if L is CF

Grammatical characterizations of NPDAs and VPDAs with counters

25 juin 2018 visibly pushdown automata with reversal-bounded counters (VPCMs). ... ified by CFGs; the proof that CFLs are closed under reversal is easily ...

BBM401 Automata Theory and Formal Languages1

The Pumping Lemma for CFLsand

Properties of Context-Free Languages

The Pumping Lemma for CFLs

BBM401 Automata Theory and Formal Languages2


The pumping lemma of regular languages tell us that If there was a string long enough to cause a cycle in the DFA for the language, then we could (a pieceof thestring)and discover an infinite sequence of strings that had to be in the language. The pumping lemma of context-freelanguages tell us that If there was a string long enough to cause a cycle(samevariableappears morethanoncein thederivation), thenwe can always find two pieces of this sufficiently tandemand discover an infinite sequence of strings that had to be in the language. That is: if we repeat each of the two pieces the same number of times, we get another string in the language.

The Pumping Lemma for CFLs

BBM401 Automata Theory and Formal Languages3

Thefirst step in deriving a pumping lemma for CFLs is to examine the shape and size of parse trees. One of the uses of Chomsky Normal Form (CNF)is to turn parse trees into binary trees. RememberthateveryCFG can be convertedtoan equivalentgrammarin CNF, and A context-free grammar is in Chomsky Normal Form if every rule is of the form


THEOREM: The Size of Parse Trees forGrammarsin CNF Suppose we have a parse tree according to a Chomsky-Normal-Form grammar G = (V, T, P, S), and suppose that the yield of the tree is a terminal string w.

If the length of the longest path is n, thenn-l.

The Pumping Lemma for CFLs

The Size of Parse Trees

BBM401 Automata Theory and Formal Languages4

THEOREM: (The pumping lemma for context-free languages) Let L be a CFL, then there exists a constant nsuch that if zis any string in L such that|z|is at least n, then we can write z = uvwxy, subject to the following conditions:

1.|vwx|nThat is, the middle portion is not too long.

2.vxSince vand xare the pieces to be "pumped," this condition says

that at least one of the strings we pump must not be empty.

3.For alliuviwxiy is in L.

That is, the two strings vand xmay be"pumped" any number of times, including 0, and the resulting string will still be a member of L.

The Pumping Lemma for CFLs

BBM401 Automata Theory and Formal Languages5

Thefirststep is to find a ChomskyNormalForm grammar G for languageL. IfL is , {} orit contains, thisdoesnot causeanyproblem in theproof. If L is or{} then the statement of the theorem, whichtalks about a non-emptystring z in Lsurely cannot be violated, sincethere is no such z in L in thiscase. Also, ifL contains, thenit is not alsoa problem, theselectedstringz mustbe non-empty. Now, startingwith a CNF grammar G=(V,T,P,S) such that L(G)=L-{}.

Let the grammar have mvariables.

Pick n = 2m.

Let |z| >n.

ShapeOfParseTreeClaimz must

have a path of length m+2or more.

Proofof the Pumping Lemma for CFLs

BBM401 Automata Theory and Formal Languages6

If the length of the longest path in the parse tree of a CNF grammar is m+1, then the longest yield has length 2m-1, and there are mvariables on the longest path. If the length of the longest path in the parse tree of a CNF grammar is m+2, then the longest yield has length 2m, and there are m+1variables on the longest path.

Proofof the Pumping Lemma for CFLs

Shapeof ParseTreeforCNF Grammars

BBM401 Automata Theory and Formal Languages7


variables longest path length is m+1


variables longest path length is m+2 Westart with a CNF grammar G=(V,T,P,S) such that L(G)=L-{}.

Let the grammar have mvariables.

Pick n = 2m.

Let |z| >n.

Now,we know that the parse tree forz has a path with at least m+1variablesbeacuse thelengthof thelongestpathm+2. There are only mdifferent variables, so among the lowest m+1variableson that path,we can find two nodesAiandAjwith the same label, say A.

Proofof the Pumping Lemma for CFLs

BBM401 Automata Theory and Formal Languages8

There are only mdifferent variables, so among the lowest m+1variableson that path,we can find two nodesAiandAjwith the same label, say A.

Proofof the Pumping Lemma for CFLs

BBM401 Automata Theory and Formal Languages9

m, there are at least m+1 occurrences of variables A0, A1,..., Akonthe path.

As there are only m different variables in V, at

least two of the last m + 1 variables on the path (that is, Ak-m through Ak, inclusive) must be the same variable.

Suppose Ai=Aj, where k-mi< j k.

Proofof the Pumping Lemma for CFLs

BBM401 Automata Theory and Formal Languages10

u v w x y Ai=A Aj=A |vwx| <2m= n because lowest m+1 variables chosen.

String wis the yield of the

subtree rooted at Aj(A).

Stringvwxis the yield of the

subtree rooted at Ai(A). uand yare portions of z that are to the left and rightofthe subtree rooted at Ai. z S

Sincethere are no unitproductions

Bothv andx be .

Proofof the Pumping Lemma for CFLs


BBM401 Automata Theory and Formal Languages11

u v w x y A A S u y A S w uwy= uv0wx0y mustbe in thelanguage.

Proofof the Pumping Lemma for CFLs


BBM401 Automata Theory and Formal Languages12

u v w x y A A S u y A S w uvvwxxy= uv2wx2y mustbe in thelanguage. A A v vx x

Proofof the Pumping Lemma for CFLs


BBM401 Automata Theory and Formal Languages13

u v w x y A A S u y A S wuvvvwxvxy= uv3wx3y mustbe in thelanguage. A A v vx x vx A

Proofof the Pumping Lemma for CFLs

pumpi times

BBM401 Automata Theory and Formal Languages14

u v w x y A A S u y A S w A A v vx x vx A

Thus, uviwxiywherei0

mustbe in thelanguage. In order to show that a language L is NOT a CFL using the PumpingLemma:

1.SupposeL werea CFL.

2.Thenthereis an integerngivenus bythepumpinglemma,which we do not

know, we must plan for any possible n.

3.Pick a string zwhich must be in L, it must be defined using nand|z| >n.

Tricky Part 1: You should find a string z so that you can create a contradiction in step 5. YOU CANNOT SELECT A SPECIFIC STRING.

4.Breakzinto uvwxy, subject only to the constraints that |vwx|n and vx.

5.Pickiand show that uviwxiyis NOT L in order to create a contradiction.

Tricky Part 2: You have to show that uviwxiyis NOT in L using only the constraints that |vwx|n and vx. You may need to look at more than one cases.


6.Conclude that L is NOT a CFL.

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