[PDF] Bavaria: Statistics 2021 31 déc. 2020 PDF-

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Facts about German foreign trade

remain Germany's most important export market outside Europe in 2018 followed by China (7.1%). The United States' share of German exports declined compared to 

Bavaria: Statistics 2021

31 déc. 2020 PDF-file free of charge. Distribution. E-mail vertrieb@statistik.bayern.de. Phone +49 911 98208-6311. Fax. +49 911 98208-6638. Information ...

Invest in Bavaria Facts and Figures

Bavaria's main export markets share in % 2005. Page 40. State and economy. 38. Accounting for some three quarters of Bavaria's exports of manufactured products 

Preventive Action Plan for Gas for the Federal Republic of Germany

export points are located on the borders with France Switzerland and Austria. The transport system serves both tran- sit and supply.

Truck parking information system Sitraffic Conduct+

Precise occupancy information for truck drivers information system vehicles are counted ... to data export to public services and.

Advanced Regional Spatial Data Infrastructures in Europe

25 nov. 2008 A great deal of additional information on the European Union is ... homogeneous reference system is used for spatial data integration.

Germany 2020 - Energy Policy Review

1 févr. 2019 5.1 Share of renewable energy in the German energy system 1978-2018 . ... gas exporter to Germany

European Commission Brussels

Information of competent authorities of destination in the case of export of green via fax by the carriers and entered into a data information system.

GeotIS – the Geothermal Information System for Germany

29 avr. 2010 public internet based information system and satisfies the demand for a comprehensive largely scale- ... (Geological Survey of Bavaria).

Digitalisation Support to SMEs

24 juin 2019 measures that target how the innovation system can increase the number ... SMEs and research institutions in Bavaria to help market their ...

Always ahead Europe’s leading automotive region

Invest in Bavaria information flyer – Automotive in Bavaria Subject: Bavaria is one of the world s leading industrial locations and is already closely linked to digitization This represents an ideal environment for the industrial revolution of which the automotive sector is a pioneer

Never Stop Exploring Satellite Navigation in the Heart of

The Galileo Test and Development Environment (GATE) is located in Berchtesgadener Land in the South-East of Bavaria It is a unique ground based realistic test bed for Galileo applications Initiated by DLR GATE offers receiver manufacturers and application developers various opportunities to test their ideas and conduct experiments

Introduction to Information Systems - Pearson

The Components of an Information System People Technology Processes Data Information Systems the Discipline Information Systems Throughout the Organization Information Systems in Business Information Systems in Nonprofits and Government Inside the IT Department Collaborating on Information Systems Improving Your Own Productivity


INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR SUPPLIERS OF BAVARIA & CIA S C A affiliates and subsidiaries in Colombia Konfirma S A S manages the supplier registration process of different companies and different business rules apply for each one of them In the case of our customer BAVARIA & CIA S C A its

Bavarian inistr of Econoi A˜airs Bavaria A Guide for Investors

BAVARIA A Guide for Investors Presented by Invest in Bavaria 1 Renewable Energy Bavaria is a pioneer in renewable energy technology Solar wind and other renewable carriers already cover a quarter of the annual electricity demand and about ten percent of total energy consumption

Building Agricultural Market Information Systems: A

BUILDING AGRICULTURAL MARKET INFORTMAION SYSTEMS: A LITERTURE A REVIEW 1 1 Market information systems for agriculture Agricultural Market Information Systems (AMIS referred to hereafter as MIS) are designed to collect analyse and disseminate data on the status and the dynamics of agricultural market prices

Searches related to information system bavaria pdf export filetype:pdf

export worldwide Bamberg’s “Export Market” Bamberg’s beer is not the only thing in high demand worldwide The Bamberg Symphony Orchestra also enjoys an excellent international reputation and spends even more time abroad than the university president Another major ex-port is the professional basketball talent of the Brose Baskets

Bavaria: Statistics 2021


Explanation of symbols

0 less than half of 1 in the last digit occupied, but more than zero no data because the numerical value is not numerical value unknown or not to be disclosed ...data will be available later x cell blocked for logical reasons limited informational value because the numerical value is of limited statistical reliability pprovisional numerical value rcorrected numerical value s estimated numerical value

D average

‡corresponds to


In general totals have been rounded and therefore

may not sum. As a result minor deviations from the added up. When totals are shown as a percentage, to rounding. In general the sum of percentages is not



EUEuropean Union

ALCassociation of local councils

hahectare (10,000 m2) hlhectolitres (100 litres) mill.milli on km 2 square kilometre m 2 square metre pcs.piece TJ10 12



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Bavaria: Statistics 2021

Essential Bavarian structural data from the

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Deadline for publication:

29 October 2021


Bayerisches Landesamt für Statistik

Nürnberger Straße 95

90762 Fürth

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Bayerisches Landesamt für Statistik


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Please note: This publication is part of the public relations activities of the Bavarian Government. It may not be used by political parties, electoral canvassers or

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Table of contents

Map of the Free State of Bavaria ..................A..................A..................A..................A.......... 5

Area and population ....................................i....................................i..........................6

ChartAge structure of the population by sex on 31 December 2020 ..................A... 7

Population dynamics ....................................i....................................i.........................8

ChartsLive births and deaths since 1952 ..................A..................A..................A............. 9

Marriages and divorces since 1952 ..................A..................A..................A.......... 9

Naturalisations 2020 by age ..................A..................A..................A..................A.... 9

Naturalisations 2020 by duration of residence ..................A..................A........... 9

Public healthcare ....................................i....................................i.............................10

ChartsBeds set up in general hospitals since 2000 ..................A..................A............. 11

Doctors in private practice since 2000 ..................A..................A..................A.... 11

Mortality 2019 by selected causes of death ..................A..................A.............. 11

Education and culture ....................................i....................................i.....................12

ChartsChildcare and schoolchildren since 2010/11 ...................A..................A............. 13

Students at Berufsschulen and in high education since 2010/11 ................. 13

Administration of justice ....................................i....................................i.................12

ChartConvicted people since 2000 ..................A..................A..................A..................A. 13

Employment ....................................i....................................i....................................i14

ChartsPeople in work 1970, 1987 and 2019 by occupational status ..................A..... 15 Unemployed people and registered jobs since 1996 ..................A..................A 15

Unemployment rate since 1996 ..................A..................A..................A............... 15

Agriculture and forestry ....................................i....................................i..................16

ChartsStructure of agricultural holdings 1999, 2010 and 2020 by size classes of the agricultural area used ...................A..................A.......... 17

Livestock 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2020 ..................A..................A..................A...... 17

Agricultural area used 2020 ..................A..................A..................A..................A.... 17

Manufacturing industry ....................................i....................................i..................18

ChartsNew orders for manufacturing 2019 and 2020 ..................A..................A.......... 19Manufacturing, mining and quarrying 2019 and 2020 ...................A............... 19

Turnover and people employed in construction 2019 and 2020 ..................A 19

Construction and housing .....................................i....................................i..............20

ChartsBuilding permits for dwellings in administrative districts 2020 ..................A. 21

Flats completed since 1976 ..................A..................A..................A..................A... 21

Total of residential buildings and dwellings since 1950 ..................A............. 21

Trade and hospitality ....................................i....................................i.......................22

ChartsImports and exports 2020 by major countries ..................A..................A......... 23External trade developements since 1996 ...................A..................A............... 23

Guest arrivals and overnight stays in tourist accommodation and campsites 2020 by country of origin of guests ..................A..................A..... 23

4Arera rndporo uo ludtitUTra?c ....................................i....................................i....................................i...........24

ChartsNumber of motor vehicles since 1980..................A..................A..................A..... 25

Number of road accidents since 1980 ..................A..................A..................A.... 25

Money and lending ....................................i....................................i..........................24

ChartInsolvency proceedings initiated 2006 to 2020 ..................A..................A........ 25

Social services ....................................i....................................i.................................26

ChartsSeverely disabled people on 31 December 2019 by degree of disability .... 27 Places available and people in need of care in nursing homes on 15 December 2019 by administrative districts and levels of care ....... 27

Number of nursing homes ..................A..................A..................A..................A..... 27

Public finances ....................................i....................................i................................28

ChartTax revenue of state and local councils 2020..................A..................A............ 29

Wages and salaries (earnings) ....................................i....................................i........28

ChartAverage gross monthly earnings of full-time employees since the first quarter of 2013..................A..................A..................A................ 29

Prices ....................................i....................................i....................................i...........30

ChartsConsumer price index since 2001:Development by selected product groups ..................A..................A............... 31

Change relative to previous year or month of previous year ..................A..... 31

National accounts ....................................i....................................i...........................32

ChartsGrowth rates of real gross domestic product in Bavaria and Germany since 1955 ..................A..................A..................A..................A..................A.......... 33Economic structure in 2020 ..................A..................A..................A..................A... 33

Map of the Federal Republic of Germany ..................A..................A..................A............ 34

5Arera rndporo uo ludtitU





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