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Mission Azerty (La société - Tome 2)

LA SOCIÉTÉ TOME 2. ANGELA BEHELLE. Mission Azerty. Ce document est la propriété exclusive de Françoise Thollet (famillethollet69210@gmail.com) - 26.

Lhéritage de loméga - La société - Tome 10.5

Mission Azerty. N° 10578. À votre service ! N° 10732. La gardienne de l'oméga. N° 10940. L'inspiration d'Émeraude. N° 11246. La fille du Boudoir. N° 11248.

Lucrèce Club

1.5. L'Alpha de l'Oméga J'ai lu


The Forum took place at a critical point in world affairs. In 2009 we witnessed an unprecedented downturn in the global economy. A sharp fall in trade 

Secrets diplomatiques (la société - tome 9) (Adultes) (French Edition)

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ISBN PDF Web : 9782756420868 Bourdonnaye 2012




WTO Public Forum 2009

This year"s edition of the WTO Public Forum offers an overview of discussions at the 2009 Forum, whose title was “Global

Problems, Global Solutions: Towards Better Global Governance". The Forum provided a unique opportunity for representatives of governments, non-governmental

organizations, parliamentarians, academics, members of the business community, trade unions, journalists, lawyers and

students to assess the role of the multilateral trading system in addressing the consequences of the fi nancial and eco-

nomic crisis. The issues discussed included improving global governance as a way of addressing world problems; the role

of the WTO and the Doha Round of negotiations in the current crisis; the impact of the crisis on developing countries; and

the challenges lying ahead and the post-crisis agenda for the WTO.

The various sessions held during the Forum triggered a frank and open debate on the multilateral trading system as

well as on the challenges and opportunities facing the WTO. The Forum also sought to identify practical and effective

ways forward for the multilateral trading system. A chapter is devoted to each of the sessions held during the three-day

programme.ISBN 978-92-870-3730-5

9 789287 037305






Towards Better

Global Governance

WTO Public Forum 2009

Global Problems, Global Solutions: Towards Better Global Governance






Towards Better

Global Governance

© World Trade Organization, 2010. Reproduction of material contained in this document may be made only

with written permission of the WTO Publications Manager.

With written permission of the WTO Publications Manager, reproduction and use of the material contained in

this document for non-commercial educational and training purposes is encouraged.

ISBN: 978-92-870-3730-5 2009

Also available in French and Spanish:

French title ISBN: 978-92-870-3731-2 2009

Spanish title ISBN: 978-92-870-3732-9 2009

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Printed by WTO Secretariat, Switzerland, 2010


Table of Contents

Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................iii

Foreword by the Director-General


I. Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................................................1

A. Plenary opening:

Global problems, global solutions: Towards better global governance II. Finding global solutions to global problems:

The way forward towards better global governance

B. The role of business leadership in creating better global governance for world trade C. International trade, speculation and agricultural commodity price spikes D. Climate-change policies and trade rules: Conß ict or coherence?

E. Protectionism Ð What does it mean for foreign direct investments? Implications for global governance

.................25 F. Interaction between competition and trade policy G. Promoting global governance by strengthening the rule of law

H. Trade and employment in times of crisis

I. Sharing and promoting innovative technology in public private global development partnerships ..................................48 J. Global problems, global solutions: Towards better global governance in the agro-food chain K. Regulating agricultural markets: A necessity made clear by crises

L. Human rights impact assessments (HRIA): A pertinent tool for informing and improving trade governance?


M. Increasing the transparency of SPS measures

N. Private environmental standards: Opportunities and challenges III. The role of the WTO and the Doha Round negotiations in the midst of the current financial crisis

O. International trade in services: WTO commitments and GATS rules in the context of the current fi nancial

and economic crisis

P. Why global trade matters: World business perspectives on the role of the multilateral trading system

and the Doha Round in the context of the current economic crisis Q. To what extent are WTO rules enough to shield from protectionism? R. Can protectionism protect trade? The legislators' perspective S. The WTO as a crucial component of the global governance architecture:

Past lessons and future challenges

T. Intellectual property, sustainability and the food system: Trends and new directions U. The global fi nancial crisis Ð WTO rules and the role of the state iv V. How do agreements on trade in services have a role in the fi nancial crisis and the measures to deal with the economic crisis?

W. Formulating and implementing governance on health: the case of access to medicines in the developing

and least-developed countries

X. Controversy at customs: The detention of medicines in transit: what impact on access to medicines?

..................115 IV. The impact of the global economic crisis on developing countries, in particular LDCs, and the role of trade financing Y. The BRICs at the Doha Round: Comparing crisis-born agendas and strategies Z. Globalized supply chains and trade in value added AA. Finance for trade: Effort to restart the engine BB. Developing-country safeguards ß y below the WTO radar CC. The global economic crisis and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) DD. New and old challenges to inclusiveness in a recessionary global economic system EE. Multilateralism, our global crises and strategies for the future

FF. Special and differential or equal and equitable? Systemic logic and the tailored integration of developing

countries and least-developed countries into the world trading system V. The main challenges facing the multilateral trading systems and reflections on the post-crisis agenda for the WTO GG. Between negotiations and litigation: reinventing the Òmiddle pillarÓ in the WTO HH. Is the WTO out of touch with business? The subjects the WTO needs to address notwithstanding the negotiating stalemate II. The universe of standards: legitimate protection, sophisticated protectionism, or potential development opportunity? JJ. Global networking to increase member-state capacity within the WTO dispute settlement process ........................176 KK. Understanding WTO disciplines on agricultural domestic support LL. Strengthening global trade governance: Lessons from Latin America MM. New global contract for food and agriculture: what can the WTO contribute? NN. The collapse of global trade: Avoiding ÒmurkyÓ protectionism in times of crisis OO. Labour and environment provisions in bilateral and regional agreements:

Challenges for the multilateral trading system

PP. Rebuilding global trade and a post-Doha agenda for sustainable development:

Priorities for reform of WTO governance

QQ. How food security and sustainable agriculture will change the post-crisis agenda of WTO RR. Fundamental human rights at work and the role of the WTO: operational routes


Overview of Registered Participants


Foreword by the Director-General

The WTO Public Forum has once again provided the perfect opportunity for dialogue among all those involved in the

multilateral trading system.

The Forum took place at a critical point in world affairs. In 2009, we witnessed an unprecedented downturn in the global

economy. A sharp fall in trade ß ows and a severe drop in employment rates meant that the threat of protectionism

was never far away. As history has taught us, unilateral reactions at times of global crisis can lead to even greater

economic problems. As pressure mounted on the international community to come up with solutions, the WTO Public

Forum 2009 and its theme, ÒGlobal Problems, Global Solutions: Towards Better Global GovernanceÓ, could not have

been more relevant.

By attracting over 1,400 participants, the Forum made an invaluable contribution to the global dialogue on the need

for a more sustainable world economic system that caters for the poorest and the weakest and that allows for more

widespread prosperity. A very lively discussion took place around four sub-themes, focusing on the impact of the crisis

on the poorest countries, the role of the WTO, the challenges confronting the multilateral trading system and the

possible way forward. The whole range of views and concerns raised during our three-day event are reproduced in this

publication. I hope that you will fi nd these contributions as stimulating as we have.

The interaction within the Public Forum becomes more rewarding every year. The event has fi rmly established itself as

a cornerstone of debate on the world trading system. I sincerely hope that this engagement with all stakeholders in

the multilateral trading system will remain open for many years to come.

Pascal Lamy



The WTO Public Forum 2009 publication was prepared under the general direction of Keith Rockwell, Director of the

Information and External Relations Division (IERD). María Pérez-Esteve, Counsellor in the IERD, led the project. This

publication would not have been possible without the support and contributions of all those who organized sessions

during the Public Forum. The IERD is very grateful for their assistance and thanks all the organizers for their reports,

which form the basis of this publication.

The IERD also acknowledges the cooperation of staff in the Agriculture and Commodities Division, the Appellate

Body Secretariat, the Development Division, the Economic Research and Statistics Division, the Institute for Training

and Technical Cooperation Division, the Languages, Documentation and Information Management Division (LDIMD),

the Legal Affairs Division and the Rules Division for submitting reports on the various sessions of the Public Forum

during the event and contributing to the success of the forum. The IERD is also indebted to the volunteers in the WTO

Secretariat who worked tirelessly throughout the event.

The production of the Report was coordinated by Anthony Martin and Serge Marin-Pache of the IERD. Karen Turnbull

and Stefania Gallo provided editorial assistance. Special gratitude is also due to the translators in the LDIMD for their

hard work. vii


The 2009 Public Forum was held at the WTO

headquarters in Geneva from 28 to 30 September. Entitled ÒGlobal Problems, Global Solutions: Towards Better Global GovernanceÓ, the Forum aimed to stimulate discussions about all aspects of the multilateral trading system at a time of global economic upheaval.

The participation of governments, representatives

of non-governmental organizations, trade unions, parliamentarians, academics, members of the business community, journalists, lawyers and students ensured a wide-ranging debate that resulted in many new ways of approaching the subjects under discussion. The Forum was an important opportunity to assess the role of the multilateral trading system in the wake of the fi nancial and economic crisis. Discussions reinforced the view that a rules-based multilateral trading system can make a signifi cant contribution to global economic recovery.

This publication provides a

summary of the various sessions held during the Forum This publication provides a summary of the various sessions held during the Forum. Each report has been prepared by the organizer(s) of the panel. The publication follows the structure of the four sub- themes in this yearÕs Forum: I. Finding global solutions to global problems: The way forward towards better global governance;

II. The role of the WTO and the Doha Round

negotiations in the midst of the current Þ nancial crisis;

III. The impact of the global economic crisis on

developing countries, in particular least-developed countries, and the role of trade Þ nancing; and IV. The main challenges facing the multilateral trading system and reß ections on the post-crisis agenda for the WTO.

The Þ rst sub-theme considered

the issue of improved global governance as a way of addressing world problems Sessions under the Þ rst sub-theme considered the issue of improved global governance as a way of addressing world problems. The discussions focused on gauging the scope for greater linkages between trade and other features of global governance. How can the global trade regime and global Þ nance be better coordinated and developed in a 21 st century architecture of globalquotesdbs_dbs28.pdfusesText_34
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