[PDF] airport codes list

  • Where can I find airport codes?

    The airline coding directory and location identifiers (commercial product) is the official industry source for airline and location codes - including intermodal (ground) locations - worldwide. With full search and filtering options, it's the best platform to quickly access airline and locations codes.
  • What are 3 letter airport codes?

    The International Air Transport Association's (IATA) Location Identifier is a unique 3-letter code (also commonly known as IATA code) used in aviation and also in logistics to identify an airport.
  • How many IATA codes are there?

    How many airport codes are there? The IATA's three letter permutation (26 x 26 x 26) allows for a total of 17,576 unique location codes. According to the organization's website, they have currently administered over 11,000 location codes worldwide.
  • World Top 30 Airports. Over the past 10 years our website's database has grown from around 10,000 airports around the world to now featuring over 40,000 airports, strips, fields or heliports.
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Airport codes. AAA. Anaa. AAB. Arrabury. AAC. Al Arish. AAD. Ad-Dabbah. AAE. Les Salines. AAF. Apalachicola Regionl. AAG. Arapoti. AAH. Aachen/Merzbruck.

United States Airport Codes

United States Airport Codes. Alabama. AL. Birmingham International Airport. BHM. Dothan Regional Airport. DHM. Huntsville International Airport.

Airport code/spaces

the spatiality of much of the airport in a deterministic way (i.e. code List

Reference Manual on Air Transport Statistics

27 Jan 2021 partner airport. Eurostat provides the updated list of airports codes to all reporting countries on a regular basis.

Appendix E - Schedule D – US CBP Port Codes - January 2020

This Appendix provides a complete listing of Valid Port Codes. Port Codes. Code. Port Plattsburgh International Airport Plattsburgh

Airports In India

List Of International Airports in India. International Airport Name &. Code. International Airport. Location. Type/Purpose.

AIS Code Lists - Revenue

3 Apr 2020 AIS Code lists. Version 1.13. Certificate code. Description. 1E29. Articles for the Blind. 1E30. Irish Red Cross Society. 1E31. Airport/Air ...

1 Structure of the tables: • ICAO region • State • name of the airport

9 Oct 2012 name of the airport. • CCCC ICAO location indicator. • IATA code (when available XXX if not). • the required types of reports (Y when ...

Qatar Airways

My Q-Tag Airport List. The 'My Q-Tag' service is Doha as the final destination. Destination. Airport code. From. Doha. To Doha as a final destination.

Digest – Delays to Air Transport in Europe - A. Standard IATA Delay

A. Standard IATA Delay Codes (AHM730). Others. 00-05. AIRLINE INTERNAL CODES ATFM due to RESTRICTION AT DESTINATION AIRPORT airport and/or runway ...

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