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Pour: Examen Évaluation au niveau de linstitution concernant l

23 Mar 2016 Regional Division for Near East North Africa and Europe ... 5 www.ifad.org/evaluation/process_methodology/doc/manual.pdf.

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Note aux membres du Comit€ de l'€valuationResponsables:Questions techniques:Transmission des documents:Oscar A. GarciaDirecteur duBureau indépendantde l'évaluation du FIDAtéléphone:+39 06 5459 2274courriel:o.garcia@ifad.orgFabrizio FelloniDirecteur adjointtéléphone:+39 06 5459 2361courriel:f.felloni@ifad.org

William SkinnerChef du Bureaudes organes directeurstéléphone: +390654592974courriel:gb_office@ifad.org

Comité de l'évaluationÉQuatre-vingt-quinzi"me sessionRome, 28 novembre 2016Pour:Examen

Document:EB 2016/119/R.10FPoint de l'ordre du jour:7d)Date:2novembre 2016Distribution:PubliqueOriginal:Anglais

EB 2016/119/R.10


Table des matières

(Évaluation au niveau de l'institution concernant l"expérience du FIDA en matière de décentralisation)Vue d'ensemble1Appendice

Corporate-level evaluation of IFAD's decentralization experience 1

EB 2016/119/R.10


Vue d'ensembleI.Contexte1.Le Bureau indépendant de l'évaluationdu FIDA(IOE)aréalisé uneévaluation auniveau de l'institution (ENI) concernant làexpérienceacquise par leFIDAau coursde l'annéeen mati"re de décentralisation,suite ê ladécisionprise par le Conseild'administration duFIDAen décembre2015. Cette évaluation a été entreprise dansle cadre de la Politique du FIDA en mati"re dàévaluation (2011), et suit les principesméthodologiques énoncés dans lasecondeédition du Manuel de làévaluation(2015). Cette évaluation fournirades éléments utiles ê l'élaboration du plan dedécentralisation institutionnelle que la directiondu FIDAprévoit de présenter auConseil d'administration en décembre2016.2.Dans la perspective d'un renforcement desstratégieset desplansfuturs,cette ENIavait pourobjectifsfondamentaux d'évaluer et de dégager des enseignements sur:i)làexpérience du FIDA en mati"re de décentralisation,ses activités et leshypoth"ses sous-jacentes; ii)lacontributionde la décentralisation duFIDAêl'amélioration de laperformanceopérationnelle et des résultats en mati"re dedéveloppement;etiii)les coçts du processus de décentralisationau regard desrésultats obtenus.3.M€thodologie de l'€valuation.Cette évaluation comporte des aspects ê la foisformatifset sommatifs parce que leFIDAn'a pas encore intégralement misenûuvre sa stratégie de décentralisation. Làun des traits distinctifs de làévaluationformatrice était quàelle accordait une attention particuli"re ê làapprentissage et ê lapromotion de laconcertation avec la direction du FIDA et les autres partiesprenantes concernées aux stades clés du processus dàévaluation,en particulier parle biais d'ateliersconsultatifs régionaux. S'agissant de la partiesommativedel'évaluation,on dispose, apr"splus d'une décennie d'opérationspour certainsbureaux de pays duFIDA,de données sur laperformanceopérationnelleet lesrésultats en mati"re de développement qui permettent de déterminer dans quellemesure les effets et les produits attendus ont été réalisés et les résultats atteints.C'estsur la base de cesinformationsque l'on a réalisé uneévaluation d'ensembledes activités de décentralisation du FIDA, ettirédes enseignements pour l'avenir.4.L'ENIa couvert la période allant de2003ê la mi-2016.Ellese fondait sur troiscrit"res dàévaluation internationalement reconnus: la pertinence, làefficacité etlàefficience.L'évaluationa utilisédifférentes méthodes et recueilli des informationstantquantitatives quequalitatives, ainsi que des données provenant de multiplessources, et notamment:i)une étude sur dossier desdocumentsclés préparés par leFIDAet desorganisationsde référence(banques multilatéralesdedéveloppement etorganismesdes Nations Unies ayant leur si"ge êRome[OSR]);ii)uneanalyse de donnéesquantitatives,provenant notamment de la basededonnées du Rapport annuel sur les résultatset làimpactdes opérations duFIDA(RARI)et d'autres bases de données duFIDA;iii)une enqu-te réalisée par voie électronique et ciblant du personnel duFIDAetdes parties prenantes.Desquestionnairesont été adressés, pourcetteenqu-te, ê1987personnes au total(personnel duFIDAet personnesextérieures).Letaux de réponse total a été de62%;iv)desinterviewsauFIDAavec des informateurs clés, comme des représentantsdes organes directeurs, des membres de la direction et des membres dupersonnel;v)quatre ateliers consultatifsrégionaux, tenus entre mai et juillet2016 au si"gedu FIDApour la région Proche-Orient,Afrique du Nordet Europe;êLimapour

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57.Recommandation 4.Accro‰tre les mesuresd'incitation du personnel et sacapacit€ d'agir dans un contexte d€centralis€.Il est nécessaire d'accrotre lesmesures d'incitation ê l'intention du personnel détaché, en particulieren casd'augmentation du nombre de personnesdevant quitter le si"ge.Il seraimportantd'élargir et de mieuxstructurer le programme d'orientationet d'encadrement,spécialement pour les nouveaux agents n'ayant pas eu précédemment beaucoupde contacts avec leFIDA.Le personnel nationala besoin d'une reconnaissance etd'une autonomie accrueset, dans le cas des fonctionnairesnationaux du cadreorganique,d'uneclassification plus claire des grades.58.Recommandation 5.Am€liorer la qualit€ des donn€es,du suivi et del'auto€valuation.Lesyst"me comptable duFIDAdoit -treadapté afin depermettre un suivi plus exhaustif du coçt de gestion duprogrammede pays dansle cadre de diversesconfigurationsde bureaux depays.Les indicateursutiliséspour le suivi desbureaux depaysdevraient -tre simplifiés et intégrés auxsyst"mes utilisés par le FIDA pour l'informationde gestionet l'établissement desrapports.Enfin, le nouveau plan institutionnel dedécentralisationdevrait prévoir lapossibilité de révision et de communication périodique de rapports au Conseild'administration en vue d'en recevoir des orientations supplémentaires.

Appendix EB 2016/119/R.10



Acknowledgements 3

Abbreviations and acronyms 4

I. Introduction and background 5

A. Introduction 5

B. Evolution of decentralization in IFAD 7

C. Progress to date 10

D. Structure of the report 12

II. Evaluation objectives and methodology 14

A. Objectives of the evaluation 14

B. Evaluation methodology 14

C. Data collection and information sources 17

D. Evaluation process 19

A. The objectives and design of the strategy for country presence 21 B. Internal enabling context, governance and monitoring of the strategy for decentralization 27

IV. Effectiveness of IFAD's decentralization 31

A. Contributing to improved operational performance 31 B. Contribution to achieving better development results 45 C. Overall findings about the effectiveness of ICOs 49

V. Efficiency of IFAD's decentralization 53

A. Decentralization and management of costs 53

B. Institutional structure and organizational arrangements 59

C. Human Resources aspects 71

D. Administrative and technical support functions and decentralization of approval authorities 74

VI. Conclusions and recommendations 80

A. Conclusions 80

B. Recommendations 82

Appendix EB 2016/119/R.10



I. Evaluation framework 85

II. Definition of the evaluation criteria used by IOE 89

IV. Effectiveness data analysis 91

V. Evaluation Electronic Survey Results 124

VI. IFAD country offices 134

VII. Modelling Exercise of Alternative Organization Arrangements for Regional

Divisions 137

VIII. Report of the Senior Independent Advisor Richard Manning 142

IX. Selected References 145

X. List of key persons met 149

Appendix EB 2016/119/R.10



This corporate-level evaluation was finalised under the overall strategic guidance of Oscar A. Garcia, Director of the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE). It was prepared under the responsibility of Fabrizio Felloni, Deputy Director, IOE, with contributions from Bruce Murray, John Markie and Barun Chatterjee, senior advisors. Adolfo Patron Martinez, Abdoulaye Sy and Xiaozhe Zhang, Evaluation Research Analysts, provided crucial support in desk review, data analysis and country case studies. Ashwani Muthoo, former IOE Deputy Director, contributed to the approach paper and to the conceptualization of the evaluation. José Pineda provided further analytical support to the statistical analysis of IFAD quantitative databases. Giulia Santarelli, Evaluation Assistant, provided valuable administrative support. The report benefits from a peer review conducted within IOE. In addition, the report benefits from comments of Richard Manning, Senior Independent Advisor, and former Chair of the Development Assistance Committee of the Organization for Economic Co-operation. Comments are also gratefully acknowledged from the Independent Evaluation Department of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and of the

Asian Development Bank.

IOE is grateful to the Executive Board representatives and Evaluation Committee members for supporting this corporate-level Evaluation. IOE also thanks IFAD Management and staff for their input and comments at various stages and in particular those staff members that supported the conduct of country case studies and of regional consultation workshops. Finally IOE would like to convey appreciation to the governments and development partners in many countries for supporting the conduct of case studies and regional consultation workshops.

Appendix EB 2016/119/R.10

Abbreviations and acronyms

ACD Loan Administration and Disbursement Division

ADB Asian Development Bank

ADM Administrative Service Division

AfDB African Development Bank

APR Regional Division for Asia and the Pacific

AVP Assistant Vice President

BOD Budget and Organizational Development Unit CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research

CLE Corporate-level Evaluation

COSOP Country Strategic Opportunities Programme

CPCG Country Presence Coordination Group

CPE Country Programme Evaluation

CPM Country programme manager

CPO Country Programme Officer

CSD Corporate Service Department

EB Executive Board

ESA Regional Division for East and Southern Africa FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

FMD Financial Management Division

FPPP Field Presence Pilot Programme

FSU Field Support Unit

HRD Human Resources Division

ICO IFAD Country Office

ICT Information and Communication Technology Division ILRI International Livestock Research Institute

IOE Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD

LAC Regional Division for Latin America and the Caribbean

MDB Multilateral Development Bank

MOPAN Multilateral Organization Performance Assessment Network NEN Regional Division for Near East, North Africa and Europe OPV Office of the President and Vice-President

PCRV Project Completion Report Validation

PDFF Programme Development Financing Facility

PES Performance Evaluation System

PMD Programme Management Department

PPA/PPE Project Performance Evaluation Assessment / Evaluation

SKD Strategy and Knowledge Department

UNDP United Nations Development Programme

WCA Regional Division for West and Central Africa

WFP World Food Programme

Appendix EB 2016/119/R.10

5 Corporate-level evaluation of IFAD's decentralization experience

I. Introduction and background

A. Introduction

1. Background and definitions. The term "decentralization" is generally understood

as a process that involves the transfer of the authority and power to plan, make decisions and manage resources from higher to lower levels of an organizational hierarchy, to facilitate efficient and effective service delivery.1 International Financial Institutions (IFIs) such as the World Bank, Asian Development Bank (ADB) and African Development Bank (AfDB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Rome-based UN Agencies have similar definitions.

2. The term was used for the first time in the IFAD 2013 Country Presence Strategy.

Moreover, the Executive Board Update of April 2016 when reviewing the evolution RI ŃRXQPU\ SUHVHQŃH SMUMJUMSO 4D VPMPHV POMP ³LP QRR HQŃRPSMVVHV PMQ\ responsibilities at the country level, including portfolio management, policy HQJMJHPHQP NQRROHGJH PMQMJHPHQP MQG SMUPQHUVOLS NXLOGLQJ´B 7OH $SULO 2016 Update goes on to explain that IFAD Management will present a new Decentralization Plan in 2016 to address: (i) optimal number and mix of country office types; (ii) levels and types of staffing needed in the country offices and headquarters; (iii) further delegation of authority to support decentralized operations, while ensuring financial and fiduciary controls; and (iv) the required human resource framework.

3. Key ingredients of decentralization include: (i) presence in a number of countries;

(ii) recruitment of staff in a set of countries; (ii) transfer of staff from headquarters to some country offices; (iii) redistributing functions and some decision-making authority from headquarters to IFAD country offices (ICOs); and (iv) elaborating policies and rules in a number of areas to create an enabling environment while preserving fiduciary checks. presence and establishing a large number of ICOs, in addition to the introduction of direct supervision, was a transformative organizational change to bring IFAD closer to its in-country partners. The decentralization strategy was viewed as a way for IFAD to improve its development effectiveness and cost efficiency. This change began in 2003 when the Executive Board approved the three-year Field Presence Pilot Programme (FPPP).2 Until that point in time and in line with the Agreement Establishing IFAD, the organization did not have a permanent presence in developing Member States, other than some ad hoc arrangements for outposting Country Programme Managers (CPMs, i.e., international professional staff) to a few Latin American countries beginning with Peru in the mid-1990s. The FPPP involved establishing field presence in 15 states (three in each of the five geographical regions), with the overall aim of enhancing the development effectiveness of IFAD activities. The Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE) evaluated the FPPP in 2007.3

1 A classical definition of decentralization is that of Rondinelli et al. (1981) and refers to decentralization in the

-raising and

allocation from the central government to (a) field units of central government ministries or agencies; (b) subordinate

units or levels of government; (c) semi-autonomous public authorities or corporations; (d) area-wide regional or

ve Perspective: Developing Countries", International Review of Administrative Science, 47(2).

2 FPPP design document: www.ifad.org/gbdocs/eb/80/e/EB-2003-80-R-4.pdf.

3 Evaluation report: www.ifad.org/gbdocs/eb/91/e/EB-2007-91-R-6.pdf.

Appendix EB 2016/119/R.10

6 strategy underlined the need to consolidate the offices in the 15 pilot countries and

6. The Board adopted a revised country presence strategy in 2013, covering the

period 2014-2015. This strategy went further, with the Board approving thequotesdbs_dbs46.pdfusesText_46
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