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Apr 8 2016 NOTE: in 2016

Banach spaces of linear operators and homogeneous polynomials

Mar 17 2016 arXiv:1603.05489v1 [math.FA] 17 Mar 2016 ... *S.Pérez was supported by CAPES and CNPq

arXiv:1603.05489v1 [math.FA] 17 Mar 2016 Banach spaces of linear operators and homogeneous polynomials without the approximation property

Sergio A. Pérez


Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, 651, CEP 13083-859,Campinas-SP, Brazil.



We present many examples of Banach spaces of linear operators and homogeneouspolynomials without the approximation property, thus improving results of Dineen and Mujica [

11] and Godefroy and Saphar [13].

AMS MSC:46B28, 46G25

Keywords:Banach space, linear operator, compact operator, homogeneous polynomial, approximation prop-

erty, complemented subspace.

1 Introduction

The approximation property was introduced by Grothendieck[

14]. Enflo [12] gave the first example of a

Banach space without the approximation property. Enflo's counterexample is an artificially constructed Banach

space. The first naturally defined Banach space without the approximation property was given by Szankowski

25], who proved that the spaceL(?2;?2)of continuous linear operators on?2does not have the approximation

property. Later Godefroy and Saphar [

13] proved that, ifLK(?2;?2)denotes the subspace of all compact members

ofL(?2;?2), then the quotientL(?2;?2)/LK(?2;?2)does not have the approximation property.

Recently Dineen and Mujica [

tion property. They also proved that if1< p <∞andn≥p, then the spaceP(n?p)of continuous n-homogeneous

polynomials on?pdoes not have the approximation property. In this paper, by refinements of the methods of Dineen and Mujica [

11] and Godefroy and Shapar [13], we

present many examples of Banach spaces of linear operators and homogeneous polynomials which do not have the

approximation property.

In Section2we present some examples of Banach spaces of linear operators without the approximation prop-

of?pand?q, respectively, thenL(E;F)does not have the approximation property. This improves a result of Dineen

and Mujica [

of?pand?q, respectively, then the quotientL(E;F)/LK(E;F)does not have the approximation property. This

improves a result of Godefroy and Saphar [ 13].

In Section3we present more examples of Banach spaces of linear operators without the approximation prop-

erty. Our examples are Banach spaces of linear operators on Pelczynski's universal spaceU1, on Orlicz sequence

spaces?Mp, and on Lorentz sequence spacesd(w,p). In Section4we present examples of Banach spaces of homogeneous polynomials without the approximation

property. Among other results we show that if1< p <∞andEis a closed infinite dimensional subspace of?p,

?S.Pérez was supported by CAPES and CNPq, Brazil. (corresponding author) 1

thenP(nE)does not have the approximation property for everyn≥p. This improves another result of Dineen

and Mujica [

pand?q, respectively, thenP(nE;F)does not have the approximation property for everyn≥1. We also show

quotientP(nE;F)/PK(nE;F)does not have the approximation property.

This paper is based on part of the author's doctoral thesis atthe Universidade Estadual de Campinas. This

research has been supported by CAPES and CNPq.

The author is grateful to his thesis advisor, Professor Jorge Mujica, for his advice and help. He is also grateful

to Professor Vinicius Fávaro for some helpful suggestions.

2 Banach spaces of linear operators without the approximation property

LetEandFdenote Banach spaces overK, whereKisRorC. LetE?denote the dual ofE. LetL(E;F) (resp.LK(E;F)) denote the space of all bounded (resp. compact) linear operators fromEintoF. Let us recall thatEis said to have the approximation property if givenK?Ecompact and? >0, there is a finite rank operatorT? L(E;E)such that?Tx-x?< ?for everyx?K. IfEhas the approximation property, then every complemented subspace ofEalso has the approximation property.Eis said to have the bounded

approximation property if there existsλ≥1so that for every compact subsetK?Eand for every? >0there is

complemented subspace ofFif and only if there areA? L(E;F)andB? L(F;E)such thatB◦A=I. These simple remarks will be repeatedly used throughout this paper. Theorem 2.1.LetEandFbe Banach spaces. IfEandFcontain complemented subspaces isomorphic toMand N, respectively, thenL(E;F)contains a complemented subspace isomorphic toL(M;N). Proof.By hypothesis there areA1? L(M;E),B1? L(E;M),A2? L(N;F),B2? L(F;N)such that B

1◦A1=IandB2◦A2=I. Consider the operators

C:S? L(M;N)→A2◦S◦B1? L(E;F)


D:T? L(E;F)→B2◦T◦A1? L(M;N).

ThenD◦C=Iand the desired conclusion follows.

The next theorem improves [11, Proposition 2.4].

respectively, thenL(E;F)does not have the approximation property.

Proof.By Theorem

2.1L(E;F)contains a complemented subspace isomorphic toL(?p;?q). Then the conclusion

follows from [

11, Proposition 2.2 ].

The next result improves [11, Proposition 2.2].

respectively. ThenL(E;F)does not have the approximation property.

Proof.By [

21, Lemma 2 ] or [16, Proposition 2.a.2]EandFcontain complemented subspaces isomorphic to?p

and?q, respectively. Then the desired conclusion follows from Theorem 2.2. 2 The next result complements [11, Proposition 2.1]. L q[0,1], respectively, withFnot isomorphic to?2. ThenL(E;F)does not have the approximation property. Proof.(i) IfEis not isomorphic to?2, then it follows from [

22, p. 206, 12.5] thatEandFcontain comple-

mented subspaces isomorphic to?pand?q, respectively. Then the desired conclusion follows from Theorem

2.2. (ii) IfEis isomorphic to?2, then the same argument shows thatL(E;F)contains a complemented subspace isomorphic toL(?2;?q), and the desired conclusion follows as before.

The next result improves [13, Corollary 2.8].

Proof.We apply [

13, Theorem 2.4]. By [15, Lemma 1]LK(?p;?q)?is a complemented subspace ofL(?p;?q)?.

By [

18, Corollary 16.69]LK(?p;?q)has a Schauder basis. If we assume thatL(?p;?q)/LK(?p;?q)has the ap-

proximation property, then [

13, Theorem 2.4] would imply thatL(?p;?q)has the approximation property, thus

contradicting [

11, Proposition 2.2].

in the preceding theorem cannot be deleted.

Theorem 2.7.IfEandFcontain complemented subspaces isomorphic toMandN, respectively, thenL(E;F)/LK(E;F)

contains a complemented subspace isomorphic toL(M;N)/LK(M;N). Proof.By hypothesis there areA1? L(M;E),B1? L(E;M),A2? L(N;F),B2? L(F;N)such that B

1◦A1=IandB2◦A2=I. LetC:L(M;N)→ L(E;F)andD:L(E;F)→ L(M;N)be the operators from

the proof of Theorem

2.1. SinceC(LK(M;N))? LK(E;F)andD(LK(E;F))? LK(M;N), the operators

C: [S]? L(M;N)/LK(M;N)→[A2◦S◦B1]? L(E;F)/LK(E;F) and ˜D: [T]? L(E;F)/LK(E;F)→[B2◦T◦A1]? L(M;N)/LK(M;N) are well defined, and

˜D◦˜C=I, thus completing the proof.

respectively, thenL(E;F)/LK(E;F)does not have the approximation property.


2.7L(E;F)/LK(E;F)contains acomplemented subspace isomorphic toL(?p;?q)/LK(?p;?q).

Then the desired conclusion follows from Theorem

2.5. By combining Theorem2.8and [21, Lemma 2] we obtain the following theorem. respectively. ThenL(E;F)/LK(E;F)does not have the approximation property. 3

3 Other examples of Banach spaces of linear operators without the approxima-

tion property Example 3.1.LetU1denote the universal space of Pelczynski (see, [

16, Theorem 2.d.10]).U1is a Banach space

with an unconditional basis with the property that every Banach space with an unconditional basis is isomorphic

2.2none of the spacesL(U1;U1),

L(U1;?q) (1< q <∞)orL(?p;U1) (1< p <∞)have the approximation property.

Definition 3.2.(see [

16, p. 137])

An Orlicz function M is a continuous convex nondecreasing functionM: [0,∞)→Rsuch thatM(0) = 0and

lim t→∞M(t) =∞. Let M=? x= (ξn)∞n=1?K:∞? n=1M(|ξn/ρ)<∞for some ρ >0?

Then?Mis a Banach space for the norm

?x?= inf?

ρ >0;∞?

Mis called an Orlicz sequence space.

Example 3.3.Consider the Orlicz functionMp(t) =tp(1 +|logt|), with1< p <∞. Then the Orlicz sequence

space?Mpcontains complemented subspaces isomorphic to?p(see [


2.2,L(?Mp;?Mq)does not have the approximation property.

Definition 3.4.(see [

16, p. 175])

lim n→∞wn= 0and∞? n=1w n=∞. Let d(w,p) =? x= (ξn)∞n=1?K:?x?= sup ∞?n=1|ξπ(n)|pwn? 1/p

whereπranges over all permutations ofN. Thend(w,p)is a Banach space, called a Lorentz sequence space.

Example 3.5.It follows from [

16, p. 177, Proposition 4.e.3] that every closed infinite dimensional subspace of

d(w,p)contains a complemented subspace isomorphic to?p. By Theorem

Fare closed infinite dimensional subspaces ofd(w,p)andd(w,q), respectively, thenL(E;F)does not have the

approximation property.

4 Spaces of homogeneous polynomials without the approximation property

LetP(nE;F)denote the Banach space of all continuousn-homogeneous polynomials fromEintoF. We omit FwhenF=K. A polynomialP? P(nE;F)is called compact ifPtakes bounded subsets inEinto relatively compact subsets inF. LetPK(nE;F)denote the space of all compactn-homogeneous polynomials fromEinto

F. We refer to [

7] or [19] for background information on the theory of polynomials onBanach spaces.

An important tool in this section is a linearization theoremdue to Ryan [

24]. We will use the following version

of Ryan's linearization theorem, wich appeared in [

20]. Hereτcdenotes the compact-open topology.


Theorem 4.1.For each Banach spaceEand eachn?Nlet

Q(nE) = (P(nE),τc)?,

with the norm induced byP(nE), and let n:x?E→δx?Q(nE) denote the evaluation mapping, that is,δx(P) =P(x)for everyx?EandP? P(nE). ThenQ(nE)is a Banach

space andδn? P(nE;Q(nE)). The pair(Q(nE),δn)has the following universal property: for each Banach

spaceFand eachP? P(nE;F), there is a unique operatorTp? L(Q(nE);F)such thatTp◦δn=P. The mapping

P? P(nE;F)→Tp? L(Q(nE);F)

is an isometric isomorphism. MoreoverP? PK(nE;F)if only ifTp? LK(Q(nE);F). FurthermoreQ(nE)is isometrically isomorphic to ˆ?n,s,πE, the completion of the space of n-symmetric tensors onE, with the projective topology. Theorem 4.2.IfEandFcontain complemented subspaces isomorphic toMandN, respectively, thenP(nE;F) contains a complemented subspace isomorphic toP(nM;N). Proof.By hypothesis there areA1? L(M;E),B1? L(E;M),A2? L(N;F),B2? L(F;N)such that B

1◦A1=IandB2◦A2=I. Consider the operators

C:P? P(nM;N)→A2◦P◦B1? P(nE;F)


D:Q? P(nE;F)→B2◦Q◦A1? P(nM;N).

ThenD◦C=Iand the desired conclusion follows.

Corollary 4.3.IfEcontains a complemented subspace isomorphic toM, thenP(nE)contains a complemented subspace isomorphic toP(nM).

Proof.TakeF=N=Kin Theorem


The next theorem improves [11, Theorem 3.2].

Theorem 4.4.Let1< p <∞. IfEcontains a complemented subspace isomorphic to?p, thenP(nE)does not have the approximation property for everyn≥p.

Proof.By Corollary

4.3P(nE)contains a complemented subspace isomorphic toP(n?p). Then the conclusion

follows from [

11, Theorem 3.2].

Theorem4.4can be used to produce many additional counterexamples. Forinstance, by combining Theorem

4.4and [21, Lemma 2] we obtain the following result.

Theorem 4.5.Let1< p <∞and letEbe a closed infinite dimensional subspace of?p. ThenP(nE)does not have the approximation property for everyn≥p. In a similar way we may obtain scalar-valued polynomial versions of Theorem

2.4and Examples3.1,3.3and

3.5. We leave the details to the reader.

5 respectively, thenP(nE;F)does not have the approximation property for everyn≥1.

Proof.By [

4, Proposition 5],L(E;F)is isomorphic to a complemented subspace ofP(nE;F). Then the desired

conclusion follows from Theorem 2.2. Theorem4.6can be used to produce many additional counterexamples. Forinstance, by combining Theorem

4.6and [21, Lemma 2] we obtain the following result.

respectively. ThenP(nE;F)does not have the approximation property for everyn≥1. In a similar way we may obtain vector-valued polynomial versions of Theorem

2.4and Examples3.1,3.3and

3.5. We leave the details to the reader.

Proof.By Theorem

4.1we can write

P(n?p;?q) =L(Q(n?p);?q)

and P

K(n?p;?q) =LK(Q(n?p);?q).

We apply [

13, Theorem 2.4]. By [15, Lemma 1]LK(Q(n?p);?q)?is a complemented subspace ofL(Q(n?p);?q)?.

By [

11, Remark 3.3]P(n?p)is a reflexive Banach space with a Schauder basis. HenceQ(n?p)is also a reflexive

Banach space with a Schauder basis. Then by [

18, Corollary 16.69]LK(Q(n?p);?q)has a Schauder basis. If we

assume thatL(Q(n?p);?q)/LK(Q(n?p);?q)has the approximation property, then [

13, Theorem 2.4] would imply

thatL(Q(n?p);?q)has the approximation property. But this contradicts Theorem

2.8, since?p=Q(1?p)is a

complemented subspace ofQ(n?p), by [

4, Theorem 3]. This completes the proof.

Theorem 4.9.IfEandFcontain complemented subspaces isomorphic toMandN, respectively, thenP(nE;F)/PK(nE;F)

contains a complemented subspace isomorphic toP(nM;N)/PK(nM;N). Proof.By hypothesis there areA1? L(M;E),B1? L(E;M),A2? L(N;F),B2? L(F;N)such that B

1◦A1=IandB2◦A2=I. Let

C:P(nM;N)→ P(nE;F)


D:P(nE;F)→ P(nM;N)

be the operators from the proof of Theorem

4.2. SinceC(PK(nM;N))? PK(nE;F)andD(PK(nE;F))?


K(nM;N), the operators

C: [P]? P(nM;N)/PK(nM;N)→[A2◦P◦B1]? P(nE;F)/PK(nE;F) and ˜D: [Q]? P(nE;F)/PK(nE;F)→[B2◦Q◦A1]? P(nM;N)/PK(nM;N) are well-defined and

˜D◦˜C=I, thus completing the proof.

respectively, thenP(nE;F)/PK(nE;F)does not have the approximation property. 6 Proof.ByTheorem4.9P(nE;F)/PK(nE;F)contains acomplemented subspace isomorphic toP(n?p;?q)/PK(n?p;?q).

Thus the desired conclusion follows from Theorem

4.8. Theorem4.10can be used to produce many additional counterexamples. Forinstance by combining Theorem

4.10and [21, Lemma 2] we obtain the following theorem.

respectively. ThenP(nE;F)/PK(nE;F)does not have the approximation property.

The interest in the study of the approximation property in spaces of homogeneous polynomials begun in1976

with a paper of Aron and Schottenloher [

3]. They begun the study of the approximation property on the space

H(E)of all holomorphic functions onEunder various topologies. Among many other results they proved that

(H(E),τw)has the approximation property if and only ifP(nE)has the approximation property for everyn?N.

Hereτwdenotes the compact-ported topology introduced by Nachbin. They also proved thatP(n?1)has the

approximation property for everyn?N. Ryan [

24] proved thatP(nc0)has a Schauder basis, and in particular

has the approximation property, for everyn?N. Tsirelson [

26] constructed a reflexive Banach spaceX, with

an unconditional Schauder basis, which contains no subspace isomorphic to any?p. By using a result of Alencar,

Aron and Dineen [

2], Alencar [1] proved thatP(nX)has a Schauder basis, and in particular has the approximation

property, for everyn?N. In a series of papers Dineen and Mujica [

8] [9] [10] have extended some of the results

of Aron and Schottenloher [

3] to spaces of holomorphic functions defined on arbitrary open sets.


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