[PDF] Coherent Intrinsic Images from Photo Collections upplemental

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SoftwareX MATLAB tool for probability density assessment and

A MATLAB function is presented for nonparametric probability density estimation Comparative examples between ksdensity (row 1)


[fxi] = ksdensity(x) returns a probability density estimate

Introduction to Matlab programming

22 janv. 2008 1.1 Interacting with the Matlab Command Window . . . . . . . . . . 3 ... [f1]=ksdensity(cc2sort(cc2)); [f2]=ksdensity(yy2

Appendix A: MATLAB

[yx] = ksdensity(randn(100

Tackling Big Data Using MATLAB

Using the same intuitive MATLAB syntax you are used to Use tall arrays to work with the data like any MATLAB array ... histogram histogram2 ksdensity ...

Appendix A: Quick Review of Distributions Relevant in Finance with

Matlab. ®. Examples. ?. Laura Ballotta and Gianluca Fusai. In this Appendix we quickly review the properties of distributions relevant in finance

Coherent Intrinsic Images from Photo Collections upplemental

Lastly we provide the Matlab sampling code and 100 samples drawn

Application of Monte Carlo Method Based on Matlab: Calculation of

Matlab: Calculation of Definite Integrals and Matlab provides us with a very efficient function named ksdensity through which we can derive a.

Most Probable Phase Portraits of Stochastic Differential Equations

simulation stochastic differential equations

A Maximum-Entropy Method to Estimate Discrete Distributions from

13 août 2018 KDS: We used the Matlab Kernel density function ksdensity as implemented in Matlab R2017b with a normal kernel function support limited to ...

MATLAB ksdensity - MathWorks

This MATLAB function returns a probability density estimate f for the sample data in the vector or two-column matrix x

how to estimate cdf from ksdensity pdf - MATLAB Answers

I have a quick question about ksdensity For a given variable I derive distribution by binning into a specified number of bins 

ksdensity function for pdf estimation - MATLAB Answers - MathWorks

ksdensity function for pdf estimation Learn more about ksdensity i feed some data to ksdensity but i got a gaussian pdf with peak greater than 1 how 

ksdensity doesnt return a pdf which sums to 1 and has problems at

I'm using ksdensity (with optimal bw) to estimate a pdf but when I sum up the single entries I get 0 49 Shouldn't the sum be 1? Also it returns zeros at 

X-Axis in pdf are misinterpreted (ksdensity) - MATLAB Answers

is used to translate each y-axis value to probabilities However the x-value in the plot are greater than 1 - how can this be ?

how to estimate cdf from ksdensity pdf - MATLAB Answers - MATLAB

I was wondering if I can used ksdensity to do this as the more robust soluton So essentially finding CDF from PDF that was estimated using Kernel Desnity?

Probability Density Function using ksdensity is not normalized

Probability Density Function using ksdensity is I want to find the PDF Actually the output from ksdensity is normalized but you will have to use 

Fit Kernel Distribution Using ksdensity - MATLAB & Simulink

Use ksdensity to generate a kernel probability density estimate for the miles per The plot shows the pdf of the kernel distribution fit to the MPG data 

Convolution of CDF and a PDF using Kernel density estimator

12 sept 2019 · I have fitted the CDF of my data using gevcdf function and PDF of the data using ksdensity with normal kernel The CDF is based on 30 

How to use mhsample or slicesample with ksdensity? - MathWorks

I want to use ksdensity to estimate a pdf then draw samples from that pdf /distribution The function handle " pdf " takes only one argument but ksdensity 

  • What does Ksdensity do in Matlab?

    ksdensity computes the estimated inverse cdf of the values in x , and evaluates it at the probability values specified in pi . This value is valid only for univariate data.
  • How do you calculate density in Matlab?

    - Calculate for each object the density using the equation: Density = mass/volume. Store the results in 1D array.
  • How to calculate PDF using MATLAB?

    y = pdf( pd , x ) returns the pdf of the probability distribution object pd , evaluated at the values in x .
  • The kernel smoothing function defines the shape of the curve used to generate the pdf. Similar to a histogram, the kernel distribution builds a function to represent the probability distribution using the sample data.

Coherent Intrinsic Images from Photo Collections

Supplemental document

Pierre-Yves Laffont

1Adrien Bousseau1Sylvain Paris2Fr´edo Durand3George Drettakis1

1 REVES / INRIA Sophia Antipolis2Adobe Systems3MIT CSAIL

Description of this document

Selection of constrained pairs.Fig.1illustratesthestepsofour sampling algorithm for selecting candidate pairs (Sec. 4.2). Ambient occlusion.Fig.2 sho wsan e xampleof reconstructed geometry proxy, estimated ambient occlusion, and the effect of the correction described in Sec. 4.1 on the intrinsic decomposition. Image-guided decomposition.Fig.3 sho wsthe influence of our pairwise reflectance constraints (Sec. 5.1) on a Flickr image. Fig. 4 compares the tw oimage-based smoothing priors described in Sec. 5.2. Fig. 5 illustrates t heinfluence of grayscale re gulariza- tion (Sec. 5.2). Results.Fig.6 illustrates the influence of reconstructed point cloud density on our decomposition, on the synthetic dataset. Fig. 7 shows a comparison between our decomposition on the Doll scene, and the results of previous approaches. Fig. 8 compares our results with those of a user-assisted method [

Bousseau et al. 2009

]. Fig. 9 shows a comparison between our decomposition and that obtained with a single-image method. It illustrates the limitations of a com- mon assumption for such techniques, which enforces pixels with similar chrominance to share similar reflectance.

Accompanying files

In the accompanying video, we show image-based view transi- tions [

Roberts 2009

] between photographs with harmonized light- ing, as described in Sec. 6.3, as well as artificial timelapse se- quences synthesized by transferring all illumination conditions on a single viewpoint. We also provide HTML files which list our in- trinsic decompositions on 9 datasets; input, ground truth and results of all compared methods on our synthetic benchmark; and evalua- tion of our results when varying the density of the reconstruction on the synthetic dataset. Lastly, we provide the Matlab sampling code which was used to generate Fig. 1


We thank Don Chesnut (Fig.

2 ) and the following Flickr users for permission to use their pictures in this supplemental document:

ChihPing (Fig.

8 ), Fulvia Giannessi (Figs.3 ,8 and 9 ).


BOUSSEAU, A., PARIS, S.,ANDDURAND, F. 2009. User-assisted intrinsic images.ACM Trans. Graph. 28, 5. LEVIN, A., LISCHINSKI, D.,ANDWEISS, Y. 2008. A closed- form solution to natural image matting.IEEE Trans. PAMI. ROBERTS, D. A., 2009. Pixelstruct, an opensource tool for visual-

izing 3d scenes reconstructed from photographs.SHEN, L., TAN, P.,ANDLIN, S. 2008. Intrinsic image decompo-

sition with non-local texture cues. InProc. IEEE CVPR. TAPPEN, M. F., FREEMAN, W. T.,ANDADELSON, E. H. 2005. Recovering intrinsic images from a single image.IEEE Trans.

PAMI 27, 9.

WEISS, Y. 2001. Deriving intrinsic images from image sequences.

InIEEE ICCV, vol. 2, 68.


2012. A closed-form solution to retinex with nonlocal texture

constraints.IEEE Trans. PAMI 34. 00.51 0 0.5 1

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

Point distribution of distances

Target distribution


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

Point distribution of distances

Target distribution(a) Initial point cloud (b) Initial distribution of distanced3D(c) Initial distribution of distanced~n

00.51 0 0.5 1 00.51 0 0.5 1 1 1 2

1 2 3 1 3

1 7 2

1 1 4 1 2

1 1 00.51 0 0.5 1 1 1 2

1 2 3 1 3

1 7 2

1 1 4 1 2

1 1

(d) Distance to reference cell (e) Cell sampling probability and number of samples picked (f) Point sampling probability and samples picked00.51

0 0.5 1

0.5 1 1.5

Point distribution of distances

Target distribution


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6

Point distribution of distances

Target distribution(g) Final sampled points (h) Final distribution of distanced3D(i) Final distribution of distanced~n

Figure 1:2D illustration of our algorithm for sampling candidate pairs for a single point. (a) Given an oriented point cloud, we wish to

selectNpoints so that their distancesd3Dandd~nto a reference point (black square) follow normal distributions. (b-c) The point cloud is

irregularly sampled, and the distribution of distances of all points (blue curves) is very different from the target normal distributions (red

curves). (d) We first embed the point cloud in a grid and compute the Euclidean distanced3Dto the cell containing the reference point: the

distance is color-coded (blue: small distance; dark red: large distance). (e) We infer a sampling probability for each cell based ond3Das

described in Algorithm 1; this sampling probability is shown color-coded for each cell (blue: low sampling probability; dark red: large

sampling probability). From these probabilities, we drawNsamples to choose the number of points to select in each cell, shown as black

numbers in the corresponding highlighted cells. We discard all points contained in cells for which no sample has been drawn. (f) For all

the points within sampled cells, we infer a sampling probability based ond~n(shown color-coded; blue: low sampling probability; dark red:

large sampling probability). We draw samples in each cell from these probabilities; the number of samples drawn in each cell corresponds

to the result of (e). (g) The final samples are distributed so that many points are nearby and have similar normals compared to the reference

point, while a few are further away or with different normals to produce a well-connected graph of constraints. (h-i) The distribution of

distances of sampled points (blue curves) is closer to the desired normal distributions (red curves). We provide the Matlab sampling code

used to generate this figure with the following parameters: 150 points in the point cloud and 35 samples drawn, for the illustrations (a, d-g);

500000 points in the point cloud, and 100 samples drawn, for the distributions estimated with the Matlabksdensityfunction (b-c, h-i).

(a) View of St. Basil (b) Approximate proxy (c) Ambient occlusion at 3D points (d) Decomposition without correction (e) Decomposition with correction

Figure 2:Ambient occlusion estimation on the St. Basil scene, downloaded from Flickr. An approximate proxy created with Poisson

reconstruction (b) is used to estimate ambient occlusion at sparse 3D points (c). Correcting pairwise constraints with the ratios of ambient

occlusion yields a better decomposition (e) in regions systematically in shadow, such as the arches near the ground.

Input Without pairwise constraints With pairwise constraints

Figure 3:Influence of the pairwise relative constraints on an image of the Moldovita scene. Despite the intricate texture patterns on the

painted fac¸ade, these constraints enable the separation of reflectance from the illumination.Input image

With prior of With our smoothness prior

Bousseau et al. 2009

] based on [

Levin et al. 2008

Figure 4:Influence of the smoothing prior on an image of the Doll scene. We compare results of our decomposition using the image-guided

prior of Bousseau et al. (middle), with ours based on the Matting prior of Levin et al. (right). Our prior better disambiguates texture from

shading in complex regions and recovers a smoother illumination layer. Input image and Without regularization With regularization Ground truth constrained points

Figure5:Influenceofgrayscaleregularizationonanimageofoursyntheticdataset. Whileourmethodproducesahighqualitydecomposition

in most regions of the image, adding the grayscale regularization further improves the results in regions with ambient occlusion. The

regularization helps to capture the shadowing effects in areas where only few 3D points are reconstructed.

Sampling with Sampling with Sampling with Sampling with PMVS

240k points 50k points 15k points 2.5k points reconstruction(LMSE 0.013) (LMSE 0.014) (LMSE 0.019) (LMSE 0.041) (LMSE 0.014)

Figure 6:Influence of the point cloud density and reconstruction method on an image of our synthetic dataset. Top row: constrained 3D

points and their estimated reflectance. Middle row: estimated reflectance. Bottom row: estimated illumination. The right column corresponds

to the PMVS reconstruction with ground truth camera parameters (instead of the output of structure from motion, which fails on synthetic

images); note the irregular distribution of reconstructed points. For each setting, we report the LMS error on this view.

Input image for our method

Bousseau et al. 2009

] scribbles [

Bousseau et al. 2009

Shen et al. 2008

Tappen et al. 2005

Weiss 2001

Zhao et al. 2012

] Our decomposition

Figure 7:Comparison between our approach and existing single-image methods on a picture captured with a flash. We captured our own

version of a similar doll from different viewpoints with a moving light source (flash) and compare with the results shown in previous papers.

Although our input is more challenging due to the background texture and shadows cast on the doll, our automatic method successfully

recovers a smooth illumination layer and a shading-free reflectance layer.[Bousseau et al. 2009] scribbles [Bousseau et al. 2009] reflectance [Bousseau et al. 2009] illumination Our reflectance Our illumination

Figure 8:Comparison to the user-assisted approach of Bousseau et al. Our coherence constraints ensure that the reflectance is similar in

every view and allows the recovery of reflectance values even in shadowed areas where the single image approach of produces noisy results.

In addition, we recover a smoother illumination in textured planar regions. (a) Input image (b) Our decomposition (c) Result from and constrained points [

Zhao et al. 2012

Figure 9:Comparison to a single-image method on the Moldovita scene. Our approach successfully separates the complex painted texture

from the smooth illumination (b), in regions which are well reconstructed (a). In the absence of 3D points (e.g., steeple and rool, left part

of the fac¸ade), our decomposition relies on the image-guided smoothness prior. In comparison, the method by Zhao et al. shares similar

artifacts on the steeple and roof due to their assumption on chrominance, but does not extract the shadow cast on the fac¸ade (c).

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