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ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAIAFFILIATED INSTITUTIONSB.E. AEROSPACE ENGINEERINGREGULATIONS-2017CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEMPROGRAMME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES:The graduates after completion of the degree willfulfilthe followingPEO1.Research and developmentacross disciplines to advance technology andfoster innovation in order to compete successfully in the global economy.PEO2.Updating and adapting their core knowledge and abilities to compete in theever-changing global enterprise.PEO3.Entrepreneurial ventures andfostering activities that support sustainableeconomic development that enhance the quality of life of people in thestate, across the country, and around the world.PROGRAMMEOUTCOMES:PO1.Ability to apply the knowledge of mathematics, science andengineering.PO2.An engineering acumen in identifying, formulating,analysingand solvingcomplex engineering problems.PO3.Developing processes, solutions to the problems which are safe socially,culturally and environmentally.PO4.Ability to model,analyseand simulate operations of aerospace vehiclecomponents andparts.PO5.A knowledge of aerodynamics, aerospace materials, structures, propulsion,flight mechanics, orbital mechanics, software, and stability and control.PO6.Understanding of the impact of engineeringsolutions in a global, economic,environmental, and societalcontext.PO7.An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needswithin realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social,political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, andsustainability.PO8.Commitment to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms asprescribed by the Aviation bodies such as DGCAetc...PO9.Ability to work in team and have practical exposure inmodellingof Rockets,Re-entry Vehicles, Satellitesetc...PO10.Ability to communicate effectively with the aerospace community usingreports, presentations anddocumentations.PO11.Competence in the integration of aerospace science and engineering topicsand their application in aerospace vehicle design.PO12.Areadiness to engage in lifelong learning and understanding ofcontemporary issues in aviationindustry.





Communicative EnglishEngineering Mathematics IEngineering PhysicsEngineering ChemistryProblem Solving and PythonProgrammingEngineering GraphicsProblem Solving and PythonProgramming LaboratoryPhysics and ChemistryLaboratory


Technical EnglishEngineering Mathematics IIMaterials ScienceBasic Electrical, Electronicsand InstrumentationEngineeringIntroduction to AerospaceEngineeringEngineering MechanicsEngineering PracticesLaboratoryBasic Electrical, Electronicsand InstrumentationEngineering Laboratory

3 Course TitlePO1PO2PO3PO4PO5PO6PO7PO8PO9PO10PO11PO12



Transforms and PartialDifferential EquationsAero EngineeringThermodynamicsFluid MechanicsandMachineryStrength of MaterialsforMechanical EngineersManufacturing TechnologySpaceScienceThermodynamics LaboratoryStrength of MaterialsLaboratoryFluid Mechanics andMachinery Laboratory


Numerical MethodsAerodynamicsAerospace StructuralMechanicsFlight Systems andInstrumentationMechanics of MachinesEnvironmental Science andEngineeringLow and High SpeedAerodynamics LaboratoryStructures LaboratoryFlight Systems Laboratory


Space MechanicsAir Breathing PropulsionFlight DynamicsFundamentals of AerospaceControl EngineeringElementsof SpaceflightAerospace PropulsionLaboratorySpace Launch Vehicle MiniProject-IProfessional Communication

4 Course TitlePO1PO2PO3PO4PO5PO6PO7PO8PO9PO10PO11PO12


Space PropulsionVibration and Elements ofAeroelasticityFinite Element MethodsSpacecraft DynamicsAvionicsCAD LaboratorySpace Launch Vehicle MiniProject-IIAvionicsLaboratory


Hypersonic Aerodynamicsfor Aerospace VehiclesComputational FluidDynamics for AerospaceEngineeringRockets and LaunchVehiclesComputational AnalysisLaboratoryIndustrial Training



SEMESTER VI-Professional Elective IComputer Aided Design andAnalysisCryogenicsExperimental Stress AnalysisMachining and PrecisionManufacturingReliability and Quality AssuranceIntellectualProperty RightsFundamentals of Nanoscience


Course TitlePO1PO2PO3PO4PO5PO6PO7PO8PO9PO10PO11PO12SEMESTER VII-Professional Elective IIAerospace MaterialsLaunch Vehicle AerodynamicsAdditive ManufacturingLaunch Vehicle ConfigurationDesignFoundation Skills in IntegratedProduct DevelopmentDisaster ManagementTotal Quality ManagementSEMESTER VII-Professional Elective IIIAutomatic Control SystemsComposite Materials andstructuresHeat Transfer in SpaceApplicationsMissile Guidance and ControlSpacecraft Power SystemsSatellite Navigation and ControlHuman RightsSEMESTER VIII-Professional Elective IVCombustion EngineeringEconomics and Principles ofManagementSpace MissionsSpacecraft Sensors andInstrumentationSpacecraft Systems EngineeringSpacecraft StructuresProfessional Ethics inEngineering


ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAIAFFILIATED INSTITUTIONSB.E. AEROSPACEENGINEERINGREGULATIONS-2017CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEMI TO VIII SEMESTERS CURRICULA AND SYLLABISEMESTER ISL.NOCOURSECODECOURSETITLECATEGORYCONTACTPERIODSLTPCTHEORY1HS8151Communicative EnglishHS440042MA8151EngineeringMathematics-IBS440043PH8151Engineering PhysicsBS330034CY8151Engineering ChemistryBS330035GE8151Problem Solving and PythonProgrammingES330036GE8152Engineering GraphicsES62044PRACTICALS7GE8161Problem Solvingand PythonProgramming LaboratoryES400428BS8161Physics and ChemistryLaboratoryBS40042TOTAL311901225SEMESTER IISL.NOCOURSECODECOURSETITLECATEGORYCONTACTPERIODSLTPCTHEORY1HS8251Technical EnglishHS440042MA8251Engineering Mathematics-IIBS440043PH8251Materials ScienceBS330034BE8253Basic Electrical, Electronicsand InstrumentationEngineeringES330035AC8201Introduction to AerospaceEngineeringPC330036GE8292EngineeringMechanicsES53204PRACTICALS7GE8261Engineering PracticesLaboratoryES400428BE8261Basic Electrical, Electronicsand InstrumentationEngineering LaboratoryES40042TOTAL30202825


SEMESTER IIISL.NOCOURSECODECOURSETITLECATEGORYCONTACTPERIODSLTPCTHEORY1MA8353Transforms and PartialDifferential EquationsBS440042AE8301Aero EngineeringThermodynamicsPC330033CE8394Fluid MechanicsandMachineryES440044CE8395Strength of MaterialsforMechanical EngineersES330035ME8392ManufacturingTechnologyPC330036AC8301SpaceSciencePC33003PRACTICALS7AE8311Thermodynamics LaboratoryPC400428CE8481Strength ofMaterialsLaboratoryES400429CE8462Fluid Mechanics andMachinery LaboratoryES40042TOTAL322001226SEMESTER IVSL.NOCOURSECODECOURSETITLECATEGORYCONTACTPERIODSLTPCTHEORY1MA8491Numerical MethodsBS440042AC8401AerodynamicsPC330033AC8402Aerospace StructuralMechanicsPC330034AC8403Flight Systems andInstrumentationPC330035PR8451Mechanics of MachinesPC330036GE8291Environmental Science andEngineeringHS33003PRACTICALS7AC8411Low and High SpeedAerodynamics LaboratoryPC400428AC8412Structures LaboratoryPC400429AC8413Flight Systems LaboratoryPC40042TOTAL311901225


SEMESTER VSL.NOCOURSECODECOURSETITLECATEGORYCONTACTPERIODSLTPCTHEORY1AE8001SpaceMechanicsPC330032AC8501Air BreathingPropulsionPC330033AE8501FlightDynamicsPC532044AC8502Fundamentals ofAerospaceControlEngineeringPC330035AC8503Elementsof SpaceflightPC330036Open Elective IOE33003PRACTICALS7AC8511Aerospace PropulsionLaboratoryPC400428AC8512Space Launch VehicleMiniProject-IEEC400429HS8581Professional CommunicationEEC20021TOTAL301821024SEMESTER VISL.NOCOURSECODECOURSETITLECATEGORYCONTACTPERIODSLTPCTHEORY1AC8601Space PropulsionPC330032AE8008Vibrationand Elements ofAeroelasticityPC330033AE8601Finite Element MethodsPC330034AC8602Spacecraft DynamicsPC532045AE8751AvionicsPC330036Professional Elective IPE33003PRACTICALS7AC8611CAD LaboratoryPC400428AC8612Space Launch VehicleMiniProject-IIEEC400429AC8613AvionicsLaboratoryPC40042TOTAL321821225


SEMESTER VIISL.NOCOURSECODECOURSETITLECATEGORYCONTACTPERIODSLTPCTHEORY1AC8701Hypersonic AerodynamicsforAerospace VehiclesPC330032AC8702Computational Fluid Dynamicsfor AerospaceEngineeringPC330033AC8703Rockets andLaunch VehiclesPC330034Professional Elective IIPE330035Professional Elective IIIPE330036Open ElectiveIIOE33003PRACTICALS7AC8711ComputationalAnalysisLaboratoryPC400428AC8712Industrial TrainingEEC20021TOTAL24180621SEMESTER VIIISL.NOCOURSECODECOURSETITLECATEGORYCONTACTPERIODSLTPCTHEORY1Professional ElectiveIVPE33003PRACTICALS2AC8811Project WorkEEC20002010TOTAL23302013TOTAL NUMBER OF CREDITS TO BE EARNED FOR AWARD OF THE DEGREE = 184HUMANITIES AND SOCIALSCIENCES (HS)SL.NOCOURSECODECOURSETITLECATEGORYCONTACTPERIODSLTPC1HS8151Communicative EnglishHS440042HS8251Technical EnglishHS440043GE8291Environmental Science andEngineeringHS33003TOTAL11110011


BASIC SCIENCES (BS)SL.NOCOURSECODECOURSETITLECATEGORYCONTACTPERIODSLTPC1MA8151Engineering Mathematics-IBS440042PH8151Engineering PhysicsBS330033CY8151Engineering ChemistryBS330034BS8161Physics and ChemistryLaboratoryBS400425MA8251Engineering Mathematics-IIBS440046PH8251Materials ScienceBS330037MA8353Transforms and PartialDifferential EquationsBS440048MA8491Numerical MethodsBS44004TOTAL29250427ENGINEERING SCIENCES (ES)SL.NOCOURSECODECOURSETITLECATEGORYCONTACTPERIODSLTPC1GE8151Problem Solving and PythonProgrammingES330032GE8152Engineering GraphicsES620443GE8161Problem Solving and PythonProgramming LaboratoryES400424BE8253Basic Electrical, Electronicsand InstrumentationEngineeringES330035GE8292EngineeringMechanicsES532046GE8261Engineering PracticesLaboratoryES400427BE8261Basic Electrical, Electronicsand InstrumentationEngineering LaboratoryES400428CE8394Fluid MechanicsandMachineryES440049CE8395Strength ofMaterialsforMechanical EngineersES3300310CE8481Strength of MaterialsLaboratoryES4004211CE8462Fluid Mechanics andMachinery LaboratoryES40042TOTAL441822431


PROFESSIONAL CORES (PC)SL.NOCOURSECODECOURSETITLECATEGORYCONTACTPERIODSLTPC1AC8201Introduction to AerospaceEngineeringPC330032AE8301Aero EngineeringThermodynamicsPC330033ME8392Manufacturing TechnologyPC330034AC8301Space SciencePC330035AE8311Thermodynamics LaboratoryPC400426AC8401AerodynamicsPC330037AC8402Aerospace StructuralMechanicsPC330038AC8403Flight Systems andInstrumentationPC330039PR8451Mechanics of MachinesPC3300310AC8411Low and HighSpeedAerodynamics LaboratoryPC4004211AC8412Structures LaboratoryPC4004212AC8413Flight Systems LaboratoryPC4004213AE8001Space MechanicsPC3300314AC8501Air Breathing PropulsionPC3300315AE8501Flight DynamicsPC5320416AC8502Fundamentals of AerospaceControl EngineeringPC3300317AC8503Elements of Space FlightPC3300318AC8511AerospacePropulsionLaboratoryPC4004219AC8601Space PropulsionPC3300320AE8008Vibration and Elements ofAeroelasticityPC3300321AE8601Finite Element MethodsPC3300322AC8602Spacecraft DynamicsPC5320423AE8751AvionicsPC3300324AC8611CAD LaboratoryPC4004225AC8613AvionicsLaboratoryPC4004226AC8701Hypersonic Aerodynamics forAerospace VehiclesPC3300327AC8702Computational Fluid Dynamicsfor Aerospace EngineeringPC3300328AC8703Rockets and LaunchVehiclesPC3300329AC8711Computational AnalysisLaboratoryPC40042TOTAL996343281


EMPLOYABILITY ENHANCEMENT COURSES (EEC)SL.NOCOURSECODECOURSETITLECATEGORYCONTACTPERIODSLTPC1AC8512Space Launch VehicleMiniProject-IEEC404022HS8581Professional CommunicationEEC200213AC8612Space Launch Vehicle MiniProject-IIEEC404024AC8712Industrial TrainingEEC200215AC8811Project WorkEEC20002010TOTAL32082416PROFESSIONALELECTIVESSEMESTER VI, ELECTIVEISL.NOCOURSECODECOURSETITLECATEGORYCONTACTPERIODSLTPC1AC8001Computer Aided Design andAnalysisPE330032AC8002CryogenicsPE330033AE8605Experimental StressAnalysisPE330034AC8003Machining and PrecisionManufacturingPE330035AC8004Reliability and QualityAssurancePE330036GE8075Intellectual Property RightsPE330037GE8073Fundamentals of NanosciencePE33003SEMESTER VII, ELECTIVEIISL.NOCOURSECODECOURSETITLECATEGORYCONTACTPERIODSLTPC1AC8005Aerospace MaterialsPE330032AC8006Launch Vehicle AerodynamicsPE330033MF8071Additive ManufacturingPE330034AC8007Launch Vehicle ConfigurationDesignPE330035GE8072Foundation Skills in IntegratedProduct DevelopmentPE330036GE8071Disaster ManagementPE330037GE8077Total Quality ManagementPE33003


SEMESTER VII, ELECTIVEIIISL.NOCOURSECODECOURSETITLECATEGORYCONTACTPERIODSLTPC1RO8401Automatic ControlSystemsPE330032AE8603Composite MaterialsandStructuresPE330033AC8008Heat Transfer in SpaceApplicationsPE330034AC8009Missile Guidance andControlPE330035AC8010Spacecraft PowerSystemsPE330036AC8011Satellite Navigation andControlPE330037GE8074Human RightsPE33003SEMESTER VIII, ELECTIVEIVSL.NOCOURSECODECOURSETITLECATEGORYCONTACTPERIODSLTPC1AC8012Combustion EngineeringPE330032AC8013Economics and Principles ofManagementPE330033AC8014Space MissionsPE330034AC8015Spacecraft Sensors andInstrumentationPE330035AC8016Spacecraft SystemsEngineeringPE330036AC8017Spacecraft StructuresPE330037GE8076Professional Ethics inEngineeringPE33003SUMMARYB. E., AerospaceEngineeringS.NoSubject AreaCredits per SemesterCreditsTotalPercentage%IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIII1Humanities Sciences44-3----1105.982Basic Sciences12744----2714.673Engineering Sciences91111-----3116.854Professional Cores-31118182011-8144.025Professional Electives-----3631206.526Open Electives----3-3-0603.267EmployabilityEnhancement Courses----321101608.70Total2525262524252113184100.00


HS8151COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISHLTPC4004OBJECTIVES:iTo develop the basic reading and writing skills of first year engineering and technologystudents.iTo help learners develop their listening skills, which will,enable them listen to lectures andcomprehend them by asking questions; seeking clarifications.iTo help learners develop their speaking skills and speak fluently in real contexts.iTo help learners develop vocabulary of a general kind by developing their reading skillsUNIT I SHARING INFORMATION RELATED TO ONESELF/FAMILY& FRIENDS12Reading-short comprehension passages, practice in skimming-scanning and predicting-Writing-completing sentences--developing hints.Listening-short texts-short formal andinformal conversations.Speaking-introducing oneself-exchanging personal information-Language development-Wh-Questions-asking and answering-yes or no questions-parts ofspeech.Vocabulary development--prefixes-suffixes-articles-count/uncount nouns.UNIT II GENERAL READING AND FREE WRITING12Reading-comprehension-pre-reading-post reading-comprehension questions (multiple choicequestions and /or short questions/ open-ended questions)-inductive reading-short narrativesand descriptions from newspapers including dialogues and conversations (also usedas shortListening texts)-register-Writing-paragraph writing-topic sentence-main ideas-free writing,short narrative descriptions using some suggested vocabulary and structures-Listening-telephonic conversations.Speaking-sharing information ofa personal kind-greeting-takingleave-Language development-prepositions, conjunctionsVocabulary development-guessing meanings of words in context.UNIT III GRAMMAR AND LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT12Reading-short texts and longer passages (close reading)Writing-understanding text structure-use of reference words and discourse markers-coherence-jumbled sentencesListening-listening to longer texts and filling up the table-product description-narratives from differentsources.Speaking-asking about routine actions and expressing opinions.Languagedevelopment-degrees of comparison-pronouns-direct vs indirect questions-Vocabularydevelopment-single word substitutes-adverbs.UNIT IVREADING AND LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT12Reading-comprehension-reading longer texts-reading different types of texts-magazinesWriting-letter writing, informal or personal letters-e-mails-conventions of personal email-Listening-listening to dialogues or conversations and completing exercises based on them.Speaking-speaking about oneself-speaking about one"s friend-Language development-Tenses-simple present-simple past-present continuous and past continuous-Vocabularydevelopment-synonyms-antonyms-phrasal verbsUNIT V EXTENDED WRITING12Reading-longer texts-close reading-Writing-brainstorming-writing short essays-developingan outline-identifying main and subordinate ideas-dialogue writing-Listening-listening to talks-conversations-Speaking-participating in conversations-short groupconversations-Language development-modal verbs-present/ past perfect tense-Vocabularydevelopment-collocations-fixed and semi-fixed expressionsTOTAL: 60 PERIODSOUTCOMES:At the end of the course, learners will be able to:•Read articles of a general kind in magazines and newspapers.•Participate effectively in informal conversations; introduce themselves and their friends andexpressopinions in English.•Comprehend conversations and short talks delivered in English•Write short essays of a general kind and personal letters and emails in English.


MA8151ENGINEERINGMATHEMATICS-I L T P C4 0 0 4OBJECTIVES:The goal of this course is toachieve conceptual understanding and to retain the best traditions oftraditional calculus. The syllabusis designed to provide the basic tools of calculus mainly for thepurpose of modeling the engineering problems mathematically and obtaining solutions.This is afoundation course which mainly deals with topics such as single variable and multivariable calculusand plays an important role in the understanding of science, engineering, economics and computerscience, among other disciplines.UNIT IDIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS12Representation of functions-Limit of a function-Continuity-Derivatives-Differentiation rules-Maxima and Minima of functions of one variable.UNITIIFUNCTIONSOF SEVERAL VARIABLES12Partial differentiation-Homogeneous functions and Euler"s theorem-Total derivative-Changeof variables-Jacobians-Partial differentiationof implicit functions-Taylor"s series for functionsof two variables-Maxima and minima of functions of two variables-Lagrange"s method ofundetermined multipliers.UNIT III INTEGRAL CALCULUS12Definite and Indefinite integrals-Substitution rule-Techniques of Integration-Integration by parts,Trigonometric integrals, Trigonometric substitutions, Integration of rational functions by partialfraction, Integration of irrational functions-Improper integrals.UNIT IV MULTIPLEINTEGRALS12Double integrals-Change of order of integration-Double integrals in polar coordinates-Areaenclosed by plane curves-Triple integrals-Volume of solids-Change of variables in double andtriple integrals.UNIT VDIFFERENTIALEQUATIONS12Higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients-Method of variation ofparameters-Homogenous equation of Euler"s and Legendre"s type-System of simultaneouslinear differential equations with constant coefficients-Method of undetermined coefficients.TOTAL:60 PERIODS

TEXT BOOKS:1.Board of Editors. Using English A Course book for Undergraduate EngineersandTechnologists. Orient BlackSwan Limited, Hyderabad: 20152.Richards, C. Jack. Interchange Students" Book-2 New Delhi: CUP, 2015.REFERENCES1Bailey, Stephen. Academic Writing: A practical guide for students. New York:Rutledge,2011.2Means,L.Thomas and Elaine Langlois. English & Communication For Colleges.CengageLearning ,USA: 20073Redston, Chris &Gillies Cunningham Face2Face (Pre-intermediate Student"s Book&Workbook) Cambridge University Press, New Delhi: 20054Comfort, Jeremy, et al.Speaking Effectively: Developing Speaking Skills for BusinessEnglish. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: Reprint 20115Dutt P. Kiranmai and Rajeevan Geeta. Basic Communication Skills, Foundation Books:2013


OUTCOMES:After completing this course, students should demonstrate competency in the following skills:iUse both the limit definition andrules of differentiation to differentiate functions.iApply differentiation to solve maxima and minima problems.iEvaluate integrals both by using Riemann sums and by using the Fundamental Theorem ofCalculus.iApply integration to compute multiple integrals,area, volume, integrals in polar coordinates,in addition to change of order and change of variables.iEvaluate integrals using techniques of integration, such as substitution, partial fractions andintegration by parts.iDetermine convergence/divergence ofimproper integrals and evaluate convergentimproper integrals.iApply various techniques in solving differential equations.TEXTBOOKS:1.Grewal B.S., "Higher Engineering Mathematics", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 43rdEd.,2014.2.James Stewart,"Calculus: Early Transcendentals", Cengage Learning, 7thEd., New Delhi,2015. [For Units I & III-Sections 1.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 2.7(Tangents problems only), 2.8, 3.1 to3.6, 3.11, 4.1, 4.3, 5.1(Area problems only), 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 (excluding net change theorem),5.5, 7.1-7.4 and 7.8].REFERENCES:1.Anton, H, Bivens, I and Davis, S, "Calculus", Wiley, 10thEd., 2016.2.Jain R.K. and Iyengar S.R.K., "Advanced Engineering Mathematics", Narosa Publications,New Delhi, 3rdEd., 2007.3.Narayanan, S. and Manicavachagom Pillai, T. K., "Calculus" Volume I and II,S. Viswanathan Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, 2007.4.Srimantha Pal and Bhunia, S.C, "Engineering Mathematics" Oxford University Press, 2015.5.Weir, M.D and Joel Hass, "Thomas Calculus", 12thEd., Pearson India, 2016.PH8151ENGINEERING PHYSICSLTPC3003OBJECTIVES:iTo enhance the fundamental knowledge in Physics and its applications relevant to variousstreams of Engineering and Technology.UNIT IPROPERTIES OF MATTER9Elasticity-Stress-strain diagram and its uses-factors affecting elastic modulus and tensilestrength-torsional stress and deformations-twisting couple-torsion pendulum: theoryandexperiment-bending of beams-bending moment-cantilever: theory and experiment-uniformand non-uniform bending:theory and experiment-I-shaped girders-stressdue to bending inbeams.UNIT IIWAVES AND FIBER OPTICS9Oscillatory motion-forced and damped oscillations: differential equation and its solution-planeprogressive waves-wave equation.Lasers:population of energy levels, Einstein"s A and Bcoefficients derivation-resonant cavity, optical amplification(qualitative)-Semiconductor lasers:homojunctionand heterojunction-Fiber optics: principle, numerical aperture and acceptanceangle-typesof opticalfibres (material, refractive index, mode)-losses associated with opticalfibers-fibre optic sensors: pressure and displacement.

17 18

CY8151ENGINEERING CHEMISTRYL T P C3 0 0 3OBJECTIVES:iTo make the students conversant with boiler feed water requirements, related problems andwater treatmenttechniques.iTo develop an understanding of the basic concepts of phase rule and its applications to singleand two component systems and appreciate the purpose and significance of alloys.iPreparation, properties and applications of engineering materials.iTypes of fuels, calorific value calculations, manufacture of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels.iPrinciples and generation of energy in batteries, nuclear reactors, solar cells, wind mills andfuel cells.UNIT IWATER AND ITS TREATMENT9Hardness of water-types-expression of hardness-units-estimation of hardness of water byEDTA-numerical problems-boiler troubles (scale and sludge)-treatment of boiler feed water-Internal treatment (phosphate , colloidal , sodiu m aluminat e an d calgo n conditioning ) externaltreatment-Ion exchange process, zeolite process-desalination of brackish water-ReverseOsmosis.UNIT IISURFACE CHEMISTRY AND CATALYSIS9Adsorption:Types of adsorption-adsorption of gases on solids-adsorption of solute fromsolutions-adsorption isotherms-Freundlich"s adsorption isotherm-Langmuir"s adsorptionisotherm-contact theory-kinetics of surface reactions, unimolecular reactions, Langmuir-applications of adsorption on pollution abatement.Catalysis:Catalyst-types of catalysis-criteria-autocatalysis-catalytic poisoning and catalyticpromoters-acid base catalysis-applications (catalytic convertor)-enzyme catalysis-Michaelis-Menten equation.UNIT IIIALLOYS AND PHASE RULE 9Alloys:Introduction-Definition-properties ofalloys-significance of alloying, functions and effect ofalloying elements-Nichrome and stainless steel (18/8)-heat treatment of steel.Phase rule:Introduction, definition of terms with examples, one component system-water system-reducedphase rule-thermal analysis and cooling curves-two component systems-lead-silver system-Pattinson process.UNIT IVFUELS AND COMBUSTION 9Fuels:Introduction-classification of fuels-coal-analysis of coal (proximat e an d ultimate)-carbonization-manufacture of metallurgical coke (Ott o Hoffman n method)-petroleum-manufacture of synthetic petrol (Bergius process)-knocking-octane number-diesel oil-cetanenumber-natural gas-compressed natural gas (CNG)-liquefied petroleum gases (LPG)-poweralcohol and biodiesel.Combustion of fuels:Introduction-calorific value-higher and lower calorificvalues-theoretical calculation of calorific value-ignition temperature-spontaneous ignitiontemperature-explosive range-flue gas analysis (ORSAT Method).UNIT VENERGY SOURCES AND STORAGE DEVICES 9Nuclear fission-controlled nuclear fission-nuclear fusion-differences between nuclear fissionand fusion-nuclear chain reactions-nuclear energy-light water nuclear power plant-breederreactor-solar energy conversion-solar cells-wind energy.Batteries, fuel cells andsupercapacitors:Types of batteries-primary battery (dr y cell ) second ary batt ery ( lead acidbattery, lithium-ion-battery) fuel cells-H2-O2fuel cell.TOTAL: 45 PERIODSOUTCOMES:iThe knowledge gained on engineering materials, fuels, energy sources and water treatmenttechniques will facilitate better understanding of engineering processes and applications forfurther learning.


TEXT BOOKS:1.S. S. Dara and S. S. Umare, "A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry", S. Chand & CompanyLTD, New Delhi,20152.P. C. Jain and Monika Jain, "Engineering Chemistry" Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company (P)LTD, New Delhi, 20153.S. Vairam, P. Kalyani and Suba Ramesh, "Engineering Chemistry", Wiley India PVT, LTD,New Delhi, 2013.REFERENCES:1.Friedrich Emich,"Engineering Chemistry", Scientific International PVT, LTD, New Delhi, 2014.2.Prasanta Rath, "Engineering Chemistry", Cengage Learning India PVT, LTD, Delhi, 2015.3.Shikha Agarwal, "Engineering Chemistry-Fundamentals and Applications", CambridgeUniversity Press, Delhi, 2015.


GE8151PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMINGL T PC3 0 0 3OBJECTIVES:iTo know the basics of algorithmic problem solvingiTo read and write simple Python programs.iTo develop Python programs with conditionals and loops.iTo define Python functions and call them.iTo use Python data structures--lists, tuples, dictionaries.iTo do input/output with files in Python.UNIT I ALGORITHMIC PROBLEM SOLVING9Algorithms, building blocks of algorithms (statements , state , contro l flow , functions ), notation(pseudo code, flow chart, programming language), algorithmic problem solving, simple strategiesfor developing algorithms (iteration, recursion). Illustrative problems: find minimum in a list, insert acard in a list of sorted cards, guess an integer number in a range, Towers of Hanoi.UNIT IIDATA, EXPRESSIONS, STATEMENTS9Python interpreter and interactive mode; values and types: int, float, boolean, string, and list;variables,expressions, statements, tuple assignment, precedence of operators, comments;modules and functions, function definition and use, flow of execution, parameters andarguments;Illustrativeprograms: exchange the values of two variables, circulate the values of n variables,distance between two points.UNIT IIICONTROL FLOW, FUNCTIONS9Conditionals: Boolean values and operators, conditional (if ), alternat ive (if-else) , chainedconditional (if-elif-else); Iteration: state, while, for, break, continue, pass; Fruitful functions: returnvalues, parameters, local and global scope, function composition, recursion; Strings: string slices,immutability, string functions and methods, string module; Lists as arrays. Illustrative programs:square root, gcd, exponentiation, sum an array ofnumbers, linear search, binary search.UNIT IVLISTS, TUPLES, DICTIONARIES9Lists: list operations, list slices, list methods, list loop, mutability, aliasing, cloning lists, listparameters; Tuples: tuple assignment, tuple as return value; Dictionaries: operations and methods;advanced list processing-list comprehension; Illustrative programs: selection sort, insertion sort,mergesort, histogram.UNIT VFILES, MODULES, PACKAGES9Files and exception: text files, reading and writing files, format operator; command linearguments,errorsand exceptions, handling exceptions, modules, packages; Illustrative programs: word count,copy file.TOTAL: 45 PERIODSOUTCOMES:Upon completion of the course, students will be able toiDevelop algorithmic solutions to simple computational problemsiRead, write, execute by hand simple Pythonprograms.iStructure simple Python programs for solving problems.iDecompose a Python program into functions.iRepresent compound data usingPython lists, tuples, dictionaries.iRead and write data from/to files in Python Programs.TEXT BOOKS:1.Allen B. Downey, ``Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist"", 2ndEd.,Updated for Python 3, Shroff/O"Reilly Publishers, 2016(http://greenteapress.com/wp/think-python/)2.Guido van Rossum and FredL. Drake Jr, "An Introduction to Python-Revised andupdated for Python 3.2, Network Theory Ltd., 2011.


REFERENCES:1.John V Guttag, "Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python"", Revised andexpandedEd., MIT Press, 20132.Robert Sedgewick,Kevin Wayne, Robert Dondero, "Introduction to Programming in Python: AnInter-disciplinary Approach, Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd., 2016.3.Timothy A. Budd, "Exploring Python", Mc-Graw Hill Education (India) Private Ltd, 2015.4.Kenneth A. Lambert, "Fundamentals of Python: First Programs", CENGAGE Learning, 2012.5.Charles Dierbach, "Introduction to Computer Science using Python: A Computational Problem-Solving Focus, Wiley IndiaEd., 2013.6.Paul Gries, Jennifer Campbell and Jason Montojo, "PracticalProgramming: An Introduction toComputer Science using Python 3", SecondEd., Pragmatic Programmers, LLC, 2013.


GE8152ENGINEERINGGRAPHICSL T P C2044OBJECTIVES:iTodevelopinstudents,graphicskillsforcommunicationofconcepts,ideasanddesignofEngineering products.iToexposethemtoexistingnationalstandardsrelatedtotechnicaldrawings.CONCEPTSANDCONVENTIONS(NotforExamination)1Importanceofgraphicsinengineeringapplications-Useofdraftinginstruments-BISconventionsandspecifications-Size,layoutandfoldingofdrawingsheets-Letteringanddimensioning.UNITIPLANECURVESANDFREEHANDSKETCHING7+12Basic Geometrical constructions,Curvesusedinengineeringpractices:Conics-Constructionofellipse,parabolaandhyperbolabyeccentricitymethod-Construction ofcycloid-constructionofinvolutesofsquareandcircle-Drawingoftangentsandnormaltotheabovecurves.Visualization concepts and Free Hand sketching: Visualization principles-RepresentationofThree-Dimensionalobjects-Layout of views-Freehand sketchingof multiple views from pictorialviews of objectsUNITIIPROJECTIONOFPOINTS,LINESANDPLANESURFACE6+12Orthographic projection-principles-PrincipalPlanes-First angle projection-projection of points.Projectionofstraightlines (only First angle projections)inclined to both the principal planes-Determinationoftruelengthsandtrueinclinationsby rotating linemethod andtracesProjection ofplanes (polygonal and circularsurfaces) inclined toboth the principal planes by rotating objectmethod.UNIT IIIPROJECTIONOFSOLIDS5+12Projectionofsimplesolidslikeprisms,pyramids,cylinder,coneand truncated solidswhentheaxisisinclinedtooneof the principalplanesbyrotating object method.UNIT IVPROJECTION OF SECTIONED SOLIDSANDDEVELOPMENTOFSURFACES5+12Sectioningofabovesolidsinsimpleverticalpositionwhen thecuttingplane isinclined to theoneof the principalplanesand perpendiculartotheother-obtainingtrueshapeofsection.Development of lateralsurfaces of simple and sectioned solids-Prisms, pyramids cylinders andcones.UNIT VISOMETRICANDPERSPECTIVEPROJECTIONS6+12Principlesofisometricprojection-isometricscale-Isometric projectionsof simplesolidsandtruncatedsolids-Prisms,pyramids,cylinders,cones-combinationof two solid objects in simplevertical positions-Perspectiveprojectionofsimple solids-Prisms, pyramidsandcylindersbyvisualraymethod.TOTAL: 90 PERIODSOUTCOMES:On successful completion of this course, the student will be able toifamiliarize with the fundamentals and standards of Engineering graphicsiperform freehand sketching of basic geometrical constructions and multiple views ofobjects.iproject orthographic projections of lines and plane surfaces.idraw projections and solids and development of surfaces.ivisualizeand toproject isometric and perspective sections of simple solids.TEXTBOOKS:1.Natrajan K.V.,"A textbookofEngineeringGraphics",DhanalakshmiPublishers,Chennai,2009.


2.VenugopalK. andPrabhuRajaV.,"EngineeringGraphics",NewAgeInternational(P)Limited,2008.REFERENCES:1.Bhatt N.D. and Panchal V.M., "Engineering Drawing", Charotar Publishing House, 50thEd., 2010.2.Basant Agarwal and Agarwal C.M., "Engineering Drawing", Tata McGraw Hill PublishingCompany Limited, New Delhi, 2008.3.Gopalakrishna K.R., "Engineering Drawing" (Vol. I&II combined), Subhas Stores, Bangalore,2007.4.Luzzader, Warren.J. and Duff,John M., "Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing with anintroduction to Interactive Computer Graphics for Design and Production, Eastern EconomyEd., Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2005.5.N S Parthasarathy and Vela Murali, "Engineering Graphics",Oxford University, Press, NewDelhi, 2015.6.Shah M.B.,andRana B.C.,"EngineeringDrawing",Pearson, 2ndEd., 2009.PublicationofBureauofIndianStandards:1.IS10711-2001:TechnicalproductsDocumentation-Sizeand layoutofdrawingsheets.2.IS9609(Parts0&1)-2001:TechnicalproductsDocumentation-Lettering.3.IS10714(Part20)-2001&SP46-2003: Linesfortechnicaldrawings.4.IS11669-1986&SP46-2003:DimensioningofTechnicalDrawings.5.IS15021(Parts1to4)-2001:Technicaldrawings-ProjectionMethods.SpecialpointsapplicabletoUniversityExaminationsonEngineeringGraphics:1.Therewillbefivequestions,eachofeither-ortypecoveringallunitsofthesyllabus.2.Allquestionswillcarryequalmarksof20eachmakingatotalof100.3.TheanswerpapershallconsistofdrawingsheetsofA3size only.ThestudentswillbepermittedtouseappropriatescaletofitsolutionwithinA3 size.4.The examination will be conducted in appropriate sessions on the same day


GE8161PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMINGL T P CLABORATORY0 0 4 2OBJECTIVES:iTo write, test, and debug simple Python programs.iTo implement Python programs with conditionals and loops.iUse functions for structuring Pythonprograms.iRepresent compound data using Python lists, tuples, dictionaries.iRead and write data from/to files in Python.LIST OF PROGRAMS1.Compute the GCD of two numbers.2.Find the square root of a number (Newton"s method)3.Exponentiation (power of a number)4.Find the maximum of a list of numbers5.Linear search and Binary search6.Selection sort, Insertion sort7.Merge sort8.First n prime numbers9.Multiply matrices10.Programs that take command line arguments (word count)11.Find the most frequent words in a text read from a file12.Simulate elliptical orbits in Pygame13.Simulate bouncing ball using PygamePLATFORM NEEDEDPython 3 interpreter for Windows/LinuxTOTAL :60 PERIODSOUTCOMES:Upon completion of the course, students will be able toiWrite, test, and debug simplePython programs.iImplement Python programs with conditionals and loops.iDevelop Python programs step-wise by defining functions and calling them.iUse Python lists, tuples, dictionaries for representing compound data.iRead and write data from/to files in Python.BS8161PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY LABORATORY(Common to all branches of B.E. / B.Tech.Programmes)LTPC0042OBJECTIVES:iTo introduce different experiments to test basic understanding of physics concepts applied inoptics, thermal physics, properties of matter and liquids.LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: PHYSICS LABORATORY (Any 5 Experiments)1.Determination of rigidity modulus-Torsion pendulum2.Determination of Young"s modulus by non-uniform bending method3.(a) Determination of wavelength, and particle size using Laser(b) Determination of acceptance angle in an opticalfibre.4.Determination of thermal conductivityof a bad conductor-Lee"s Disc method.5.Determination of velocity of sound and compressibility of liquid-Ultrasonic interferometer6.Determination of wavelength of mercury spectrum-spectrometer grating7.Determination of band gap of asemiconductor8.Determination of thickness of a thin wire-Air wedge methodTOTAL: 30 PERIODS


OUTCOMES:Upon completion of the course, the students will be able toiapply principles of elasticity, optics and thermal properties for engineeringapplications.CHEMISTRY LABORATORY: (Any seven experiments to be conducted)OBJECTIVES:iTo make the student to acquire practical skills in the determination of water quality parametersthrough volumetric and instrumental analysis.iTo acquaint thestudents with the determination of molecular weight of a polymer byviscometery.1. Estimation of HCl using Na2CO3as primary standard and Determination of alkalinity in watersample.2. Determination of total, temporary & permanent hardness of water by EDTA method.3. Determination of DO content of water sample by Winkler"s method.4. Determination of chloride content of water sample by argentometric method.5. Estimation of copper content of the given solution by Iodometry.6. Determination of strength of given hydrochloric acid using pH meter.7. Determination of strength of acids in a mixture of acids using conductivity meter.8. Estimation of iron content of the given solution using potentiometer.9. Estimation of iron content of the water sample usingspectrophotometer (1, 10-Phenanthroline / thiocyanate method).10. Estimation of sodium and potassium present in water using flame photometer.11. Determination of molecular weight of polyvinyl alcohol using Ostwald viscometer.12. Pseudo first order kinetics-ester hydrolysis.13. Corrosion experiment-weight loss method.14. Determination of CMC.15. Phase change in a solid.16.Conductometric titration of strong acid vs strong base.TOTAL: 30 PERIODSOUTCOME:iThe students will be outfitted with hands-on knowledge in the quantitative chemical analysisof water quality related parameters.TEXTBOOK:1.Vogel"s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis (8THEd., 2014)


HS8251TECHNICAL ENGLISHLTPC4004OBJECTIVES:The Course prepares second semester engineering and Technology students to:•Develop strategies and skills to enhance their ability to read and comprehend engineeringand technology texts.•Foster theirability to write convincing job applications and effective reports.•Develop their speaking skillsto make technical presentations, participate in groupdiscussions.•Strengthen their listening skill which will help them comprehend lectures and talks in theirareas ofspecialization.UNIT IINTRODUCTION TECHNICAL ENGLISH12Listening-Listening to talks mostly of a scientific/technical nature and completing information-gap exercises-Speaking-Asking for and giving directions-Reading-readingshort technicaltexts from journals-newspapers-Writing-purpose statements-extended definitions-issue-writing instructions-checklists-recommendations-Vocabulary Development-technicalvocabulary Language Development-subject verb agreement-compound words.UNIT IIREADING AND STUDY SKILLS12Listening-Listening to longer technical talks and completing exercises based on them-Speaking-describing a process-Reading-reading longer technical texts-identifying the varioustransitions in a text-paragraphing-Writing-interpreting charts, graphs-VocabularyDevelopment-vocabulary usedin formal letters/emails andreports LanguageDevelopment-impersonal passive voice, numerical adjectives.UNIT IIITECHNICAL WRITING AND GRAMMAR12Listening-Listening to classroom lectures/talkson engineering/technology-Speaking-introduction to technical presentations-Reading-longer texts both general and technical,practice in speed reading; Writing-Describing a process, use of sequence words-VocabularyDevelopment-sequence words-Misspelled words. Language Development-embeddedsentencesUNIT IVREPORT WRITING12Listening-Listening to documentaries and making notes. Speaking-mechanics ofpresentations-Reading-readingfor detailed comprehension-Writing-email etiquette-jobapplication-cover letter-Résumépreparation (viaemail and hard copy)-analyticalessays andissue-basedessays--Vocabulary Development-finding suitable synonyms-paraphrasing-.Language Development-clauses-if conditionals.UNIT VGROUP DISCUSSION AND JOB APPLICATIONS12Listening-TED/Ink talks; Speaking-participating in a group discussion-Reading-reading andunderstanding technical articles Writing-Writing reports-minutes of a meeting-accident andsurvey-Vocabulary Development-verbalanalogies LanguageDevelopment-reported speechTOTAL :60 PERIODSOUTCOMES:At the end of the course learners will be able to:iRead technical texts and write area-specific texts effortlessly.iListen and comprehend lectures and talks in their area ofspecializationsuccessfully.iSpeak appropriately and effectively in varied formal and informal contexts.iWrite reports and winning job applications.


TEXT BOOKS:1.Board of editors. Fluency in English A Course book for Engineering and Technology.Orient Black swan,Hyderabad: 20162.Sudharshana.N.P and Saveetha. C. English for Technical Communication. CambridgeUniversity Press: New Delhi, 2016.REFERENCES1.Raman, Meenakshi and Sharma, Sangeetha-Technical Communication Principles andPractice.Oxford University Press: New Delhi,2014.2.Kumar, Suresh. E. Engineering English. Orient Blackswan: Hyderabad,20153.Booth-L. Diana, Project Work, OxfordUniversity Press, Oxford: 2014.4.Grussendorf, Marion, English for Presentations, Oxford University Press, Oxford: 20075.Means, L. Thomas and Elaine Langlois, English & CommunicationforColleges.Cengage Learning, USA: 2007Students can be asked toread Tagore, Chetan Bhagat and for supplementary reading.


MA8251ENGINEERINGMATHEMATICS-IIL T P C4 0 0 4OBJECTIVES:This course is designed to cover topics such as Matrix Algebra, Vector Calculus, ComplexAnalysisand Laplace Transform. Matrix Algebra is one of the powerful tools to handle practical problemsarising in the field of engineering. Vector calculus can be widely used for modelling the variouslaws of physics. The various methods of complex analysis and Laplace transforms can be used forefficiently solving the problems that occur in various branches of engineering disciplines.UNIT IMATRICES12Eigen values and Eigenvectors of a real matrix-Characteristic equation-Properties of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors-Cayley-Hamilton theorem-Diagonalization of matrices-Reduction ofa quadratic form to canonical form by orthogonal transformation-Nature of quadratic forms.UNIT II VECTOR CALCULUS12Gradient and directional derivative-Divergence andcurl-Vector identities-Irrotational andSolenoidal vector fields-Line integral over a plane curve-Surface integral-Area of a curvedsurface-Volume integral-Green"s, Gauss divergence and Stoke"s theorems-Verificationandapplicationin evaluating line,surface andvolume integrals.UNIT III ANALYTICFUNCTIONS12Analytic functions-Necessary and sufficient conditions for analyticity in Cartesian andpolarcoordinates-Properties-Harmonic conjugates-Construction of analytic function-Conformalmapping-Mapping by functions21zzczczw,,,-Bilinear transformation.UNIT IV COMPLEXINTEGRATION12Line integral-Cauchy"s integral theorem-Cauchy"sintegral formula-Taylor"s and Laurent"sseries-Singularities-Residues-Residue theorem-Application of residue theorem forevaluation of real integrals-Use of circular contour and semicircular contour.UNIT VLAPLACE TRANSFORMS12Existence conditions-Transforms of elementary functions-Transform of unit step functionandunitimpulse function-Basic properties-Shifting theorems-Transforms of derivatives andintegrals-Initial and final value theorems-Inverse transforms-Convolution theorem-Transformof periodic functions-Application to solution of linear second order ordinary differential equationswith constant coefficients.TOTAL: 60 PERIODSOUTCOMES:After successfully completing the course, the student will have a good understanding of thefollowing topics and their applications:iEigen values andeigenvectors, diagonalization of a matrix, Symmetric matrices, Positivedefinite matrices and similar matrices.iGradient, divergence and curl of a vector point function and related identities.iEvaluationof line, surface and volume integrals using Gauss, Stokes and Green"stheorems and their verification.iAnalyticfunctions, conformal mapping and complex integration.iLaplace transform and inverse transform of simple functions, properties, various relatedtheorems and application to differential equations with constant coefficients.TEXTBOOKS:1.Grewal B.S., "Higher Engineering Mathematics", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 43rdEd., 2014.2.Kreyszig Erwin, "Advanced Engineering Mathematics ", John Wiley and Sons, 10thEd., NewDelhi, 2016.


REFERENCES:1.Bali N., Goyal M. and Watkins C., "Advanced Engineering Mathematics", Firewall Media (Animprint of Lakshmi Publications Pvt., Ltd.,), New Delhi, 7thEd., 2009.2.Jain R.K.and IyengarS.R.K.,"Advanced Engineering Mathematics", Narosa Publications, NewDelhi,3rdEd., 2007.3.O"Neil, P.V. "Advanced Engineering Mathematics", Cengage Learning India Pvt., Ltd, NewDelhi, 2007.4.Sastry, S.S, "Engineering Mathematics", Vol. I & II, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, 4thEd., New Delhi,2014.5.Wylie, R.C. and Barrett, L.C., "Advanced Engineering Mathematics "Tata McGraw HillEducation Pvt. Ltd, 6thEd., New Delhi, 2012.


PH8251MATERIALS SCIENCE(Common to courses offered in Faculty of MechanicalEngineeringExcept B.E. MaterialsScience and Engineering )LTPC3003OBJECTIVES:iTo introduce the essential principles of materials science for mechanical and relatedengineering applications.UNIT IPHASE DIAGRAMS9Solid solutions-Hume Rothery's rules-thephase rule-single component system-one-component system of iron-binary phase diagrams-isomorphous systems-the tie-line rule-thelever rule-application to isomorphous system-eutectic phase diagram-peritectic phase diagram-other invariantreactions-free energy composition curves for binary systems-microstructuralchange during cooling.UNIT IIFERROUS ALLOYS9The iron-carbon equilibrium diagram-phases, invariant reactions-microstructure of slowly cooledsteels-eutectoid steel, hypo and hypereutectoid steels-effect of alloying elements on the Fe-Csystem-diffusion in solids-Fick's laws-phase transformations-T-T-T-diagram for eutectoidsteel-pearlitic, baintic and martensitic transformations-tempering of martensite-steels-stainless steels-cast irons.UNIT IIIMECHANICAL PROPERTIES9Tensile test-plastic deformation mechanisms-slip and twinning-role of dislocations in slip-strengthening methods-strain hardening-refinement of the grain size-solid solutionstrengthening-precipitation hardening-creep resistance-creep curves-mechanisms of creep-creep-resistant materials-fracture-the Griffith criterion-critical stress intensity factor and itsdetermination-fatigue failure-fatigue tests-methods of increasing fatigue life-hardness-Rockwell and Brinell hardness-Knoop and Vickers microhardness.UNIT IVMAGNETIC, DIELECTRIC AND SUPERCONDUCTING MATERIALS9Ferromagnetism-domaintheory-types of energy-hysteresis-hard and soft magneticmaterials-ferrites-dielectric materials-types of polarization-Langevin-Debye equation-frequency effects on polarization-dielectric breakdown-insulating materials-Ferroelectricmaterials-superconducting materials and their properties.UNIT VNEW MATERIALS9Ceramics-types and applications-composites: classification, role of matrix and reinforcement,processing of fiber reinforced plastics-metallic glasses:types , glass forming ability of alloys,melt spinning process, applications-shape memory alloys: phases, shape memory effect,pseudoelastic effect, NiTi alloy, applications-nanomaterials: preparation (botto m u p an d topdown approaches), properties and applications-carbon nanotubes: types.TOTAL :45PERIODSOUTCOMES:Upon completion of this course,ithe students will have knowledge on the various phase diagrams and their applicationsithe students will acquire knowledge on Fe-Fe3C phasediagram, various microstructuresand alloysithe students will get knowledge on mechanical properties of materials and theirmeasurementithe students will gain knowledge on magnetic, dielectric and superconducting properties ofmaterialsithe students will understand the basics of ceramics, composites and nanomaterials.


TEXT BOOKS:1.Balasubramaniam, R. "Callister's Materials Science and Engineering". Wiley India Pvt.Ltd., 2014.2.Raghavan, V. "Physical Metallurgy: Principles and Practice". PHILearning, 2015.3.Raghavan, V. "Materials Science and Engineering : A First course".PHI Learning, 2015.REFERENCES1.Askeland, D. "Materials Science and Engineering". Brooks/Cole, 2010.2.Smith, W.F., Hashemi, J. & Prakash, R. "Materials Science andEngineering". TataMcGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., 2014.3.Wahab, M.A. "Solid State Physics: Structure and Properties of Materials", NarosaPublishing House, 2009.


BE8253BASIC ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS AND INSTRUMENTATION L T P CENGINEERING3 0 0 3OBJECTIVES:To impart knowledge on• Electric circuit laws, single and three phase circuits and wiring• Working principles of Electrical Machines• Working principle of Various electronic devices and measuring instrumentsUNIT IELECTRICAL CIRCUITS9Basic circuit components-,Ohms Law-Kirchoff"s Law-Instantaneous Power-Inductors-Capacitors-Independent and Dependent Sources-steady state solution of DC circuits-Nodalanalysis, Mesh analysis-Thevinin"s Theorem, Norton"s Theorem, Maximum Power transfertheorem-Linearity andSuperposition Theorem.UNIT IIAC CIRCUITS9Introduction to AC circuits-waveforms and RMS value-power and power factor,single phaseand three-phase balanced circuits-Three phase loads-housing wiring, industrial wiring, materialsof wiringUNIT IIIELECTRICAL MACHINES9Principles of operation and characteristics of; DC machines, Transformers (singl e an d threephase),Synchronous machines, three phase andsingle-phaseinduction motors.UNIT IVELECTRONIC DEVICES & CIRCUITS9Types ofMaterials-Silicon & Germanium-N type and P type materials-PN Junction-ForwardandReverse Bias-Semiconductor Diodes-Bipolar Junction Transistor-Characteristics-FieldEffect Transistors-Transistor Biasing-Introduction to operational Amplifier-Inverting Amplifier-Non-InvertingAmplifier-DAC-ADC.UNIT VMEASUREMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION9Introduction to transducers-Classification of Transducers: Resistive, Inductive, Capacitive,Thermoelectric, piezoelectric, photoelectric, Hall effect and Mechanical-Classification ofinstruments-Types of indicating Instruments-multimeters-Oscilloscopes-three-phase powermeasurements-instrument transformers (CT and PT)TOTAL: 45 PERIODSOUTCOMES:AbilitytoiUnderstand electric circuits and working principles of electrical machinesiUnderstand the concepts of various electronic devicesiChoose appropriate instruments for electrical measurement for a specific applicationTEXT BOOKS1.D P Kothari and I.JNagarath," Electrical Machines "Basic Electrical and ElectronicsEngineering", McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, Third Reprint ,20162.Leonard S Bobrow, "Foundations of Electrical Engineering", Oxford University Press, 20133.Thereja .B.L., "Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics", S. Chand & Co. Ltd.,2008.REFERENCES:1.A.E.Fitzgerald, David E Higginbotham and Arvin Grabel, "Basic Electrical Engineering",McGraw Hill Education(India) Private Limited, 20092.Allan S Moris, "Measurement and Instrumentation Principles", Elseveir, First Indian Ed., 20063.Del Toro, "Electrical Engineering Fundamentals", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 20074.John Bird, "Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology", Elsevier, First Indian Ed., 20065.N K De, DipuSarkar, "Basic Electrical Engineering", Universities Press (India)Private Limited20166.Rajendra Prasad, "Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering", Prentice Hall of India, 2006


AC8201INTRODUCTION TO AEROSPACE ENGINEERINGLTPC3003OBJECTIVES:iUse the standard atmosphere tables and equations.iFind lift and drag coefficient data from NACA plots.iApply the concept of static stability to flight vehicles.iDescribe the concepts of stress, strain, Young"s modulus, Poisson"s ratio, yield strength.iDemonstrate a basic knowledge of dynamics relevant to orbital mechanics.UNIT ISTANDARD ATMOSPHERE7History of aviation-standard atmosphere-pressure, temperature and density altitude.UNIT IIAERODYNAMICS10Aerodynamic forces-Lift generation Viscosity and its implications-Shear stress in a velocityprofile-Lagrangian and Eulerian flow field-Concept of a streamline-Aircraft terminology andgeometry-Aircraft types-Lift and drag coefficients using NACA data.UNIT IIIPERFORMANCE AND PROPULSION10Viscous and pressure drag-flow separation-aerodynamic drag-thrust calculations-thrust/poweravailable and thrust/power required.UNIT IVAIRCRAFT STABILITY AND STRUCTURAL THEORY10Degrees of freedom of aircraft motions-stable, unstable and neutral stability-concept of staticstability-Hooke"s Law-brittle and ductile materials-moment of inertia-section modulus.UNIT VSPACE APPLICATIONS8History of space research-spacecraft trajectories and basic orbital manoeuvres-six orbitalelements-Kepler"slaws of orbits-Newtons law of gravitation.TOTAL: 45 PERIODSOUTCOME:iAbility to understand aerodynamics, lift, drag, and the standard atmosphere, aircraftperformance, stability, and control, propulsion, structures, rocket and spacecraft trajectoriesand orbits.TEXT BOOKS:1.John D. Anderson, Introduction to Flight, 8thEd., McGraw-Hill Education, New York, 2015.2.Stephen. A. Brandt, "Introduction to Aeronautics: A design perspective" American Institute ofAeronautics & Astronautics,1997.REFERENCE:1.Kermode, A.C., "Mechanics of Flight", Himalayan Book, 1997.


GE8292ENGINEERING MECHANICS L TP C3 2 0 4OBJECTIVE:iTo develop capacity to predict the effect of force and motion in the course of carrying outthe design functions of engineering.UNITISTATICS OF PARTICLES9+6Introduction-Units and Dimensions-Laws of Mechanics-Lami"s theorem, Parallelogram andtriangular Law of forces-Vectorial representationof forces-Vector operations of forces-additions, subtraction, dot product, cross product-Coplanar Forces-rectangular components-Equilibrium of a particle-Forces in space-Equilibrium of a particle in space-Equivalent systemsof forces-Principle of transmissibility.UNIT IIEQUILIBRIUM OF RIGID BODIES9+6Free body diagram-Types of supports-Action and reaction forces-stable equilibrium-Moments and Couples-Moment of a force about a point and about an axis-Vectorialrepresentation of moments and couples-Scalar components of a moment-Varignon"s theorem-Single equivalent force-Equilibrium of Rigid bodies in two dimensions-Equilibrium of Rigid bodiesin three dimensionsUNIT IIIPROPERTIES OF SURFACES AND SOLIDS9+6Centroids and centre of mass-Centroids of lines and areas-Rectangular, circular, triangularareas by integration-T section, I section,-Angle section, Hollow section by using standardformula-Theorems of Pappus-Area moments of inertia of planeareas-Rectangular, circular,triangular areas by integration-T section, I section, Angle section, Hollow section by usingstandard formula-Parallel axis theorem and perpendicular axis theorem-Principal moments ofinertia of plane areas-Principal axes of inertia-Mass moment of inertia-mass moment of inertiafor prismatic, cylindrical and spherical solids from first principle-Relation to area moments ofinertia.UNIT IVDYNAMICS OF PARTICLES9+6Displacements, Velocity and acceleration, their relationship-Relative motion-Curvilinear motion-Newton"s laws of motion-Work Energy Equation-Impulse and Momentum-Impact of elasticbodies.UNIT VFRICTION AND RIGID BODY DYNAMICS9+6Friction force-Laws of sliding friction-equilibrium analysis of simple systems with sliding friction-wedge friction-. Rolling resistance-Translation and Rotation of Rigid Bodies-Velocity andacceleration-General Plane motion of simple rigid bodies such as cylinder, disc/wheel andsphere.TOTAL: 45+30=75 PERIODSOUTCOMES:On successful completion of this course, the student will be able toiillustratethe vectorial and scalar representation of forces and momentsianalyse the rigid body in equilibriumievaluate the properties of surfaces and solidsicalculate dynamicforces exerted in rigid bodyidetermine thefriction and the effects by the laws of frictionTEXT BOOKS:1.Beer, F.P and Johnston Jr. E.R., "Vector Mechanics for Engineers (In SI Units):Statics andDynamics", 8thEd., Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing company, New Delhi (2004).2.Vela Murali, "Engineering Mechanics", Oxford University Press (2010)


REFERENCES:1.Bhavikatti, S.S and Rajashekarappa, K.G., "Engineering Mechanics", New Age International(P) Limited Publishers, 1998.2.Hibbeller, R.C and Ashok Gupta, "Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics", 11thEd.,Pearson Education 2010.3.Irving H. Shames and Krishna Mohana Rao. G., "Engineering Mechanics-Statics andDynamics", 4thEd.,Pearson Education 2006.4.Meriam J.L. and Kraige L.G., " Engineering Mechanics-Statics-Volume 1, Dynamics-Volume2", ThirdEd., John Wiley & Sons,1993.5.Rajasekaran S and Sankarasubramanian G., "Engineering Mechanics Statics and Dynamics",3rdEd., VikasPublishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2005.


GE8261ENGINEERING PRACTICES LABORATORYL T P C00 4 2OBJECTIVES:To provide exposure to the students with hands on experience on various basicengineering practices in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics Engineering.GROUP A (CIVIL & MECHANICAL)ICIVIL ENGINEERING PRACTICE13Buildings:(a) Study of plumbing and carpentry components of residential and industrial buildings. Safetyaspects.Plumbing Works:(a) Study of pipeline joints, its location and functions: valves, taps, couplings, unions,reducers, elbows in household fittings.(b) Study of pipe connections requirements for pumps and turbines.(c) Preparation of plumbing line sketches for water supply and sewage works.(d) Hands-on-exercise:Basic pipe connections-Mixed pipe material connection-Pipe connections withdifferent joining components.(e) Demonstration of plumbing requirements of high-rise buildings.Carpentry using Power Tools only:(a) Study of the joints in roofs, doors, windows and furniture.(b) Hands-on-exercise:Wood work, joints by sawing, planing and cutting.IIMECHANICAL ENGINEERING PRACTICE18Welding:(a) Preparation of butt joints, lap joints and T-joints by Shielded metal arc welding.(b) Gas welding practiceBasic Machining:(a) Simple Turning and Taper turning(b) Drilling PracticeSheet Metal Work:(a) Forming & Bending:(b) Model making-Trays and funnels.(c) Different type of joints.Machine assembly practice:(a) Study of centrifugal pump(b) Study of air conditionerDemonstration on:(a) Smithy operations, upsetting, swaging, setting down and bending. Example-Exercise-Production of hexagonal headed bolt.(b) Foundry operations like mould preparation for gear and step cone pulley.(c) Fitting-Exercises-Preparation of square fitting and V-fitting models.GROUP B (ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS)IIIELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PRACTICE131. Residential house wiring using switches, fuse, indicator, lamp and energy meter.2. Fluorescent lamp wiring.3. Stair case wiring4.Measurement of electrical quantities-voltage, current, power & power factor in RLCcircuit.5. Measurement of energy using single phase energy meter.6. Measurement of resistance to earth of an electrical equipment.


IVELECTRONICS ENGINEERING PRACTICE161.Study of Electronic components and equipments-Resistor, colour coding measurementof AC signal parameter (peak-peak, rms period, frequency) using CR.2.Study oflogic gates AND, OR, EX-OR andNOT.3.Generation of Clock Signal.4.Soldering practice-Components Devices and Circuits-Using general purposePCB.5.Measurement of ripple factor of HWR and FWR.TOTAL: 60 PERIODSOUTCOMES:On successfulcompletion of this course, the student will be able toifabricate carpentry components and pipe connections including plumbing works.iuse welding equipments to join the structures.iCarry out the basic machining operationsiMake the models using sheet metal worksiIllustrate on centrifugal pump, Air conditioner, operations of smithy, foundary and fittingsiCarry out basic home electrical works and appliancesiMeasure the electrical quantitiesiElaborate on the components, gates, soldering practices.LIST OF EQUIPMENT FOR A BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS:CIVIL1. Assorted components for plumbing consisting of metallic pipes,plastic pipes, flexible pipes, couplings, unions, elbows, plugs andother fittings.15 Sets.2. Carpentry vice (fitted to work bench)15 Nos.3. Standard woodworking tools15 Sets.4. Models of industrial trusses, door joints, furniture joints5 each5. Power Tools: (a) Rotary Hammer2 Nos(b) Demolition Hammer2 Nos(c) Circular Saw2 Nos(d) Planer2 Nos(e) Hand Drilling Machine2 Nos(f) Jigsaw2 NosMECHANICAL1. Arc welding transformer with cables and holders5 Nos.2. Welding booth with exhaust facility5 Nos.3. Welding accessories like welding shield, chipping hammer,wire brush.5 Sets.4. Oxygen and acetylene gas cylinders, blow pipe and otherwelding outfit.2 Nos.5. Centre lathe2 Nos.6. Hearth furnace, anvil and smithy tools2 Sets.7. Moulding table, foundry tools2 Sets.8. Power Tool: Angle Grinder2 Nos9. Study-purpose items: centrifugal pump, air-conditionerOne each.ELECTRICAL1. Assorted electrical components for house wiring15 Sets2. Electrical measuring instruments10 Sets3. Study purpose items: Iron box, fan and regulator, emergency lamp1 each4. Megger (250V/500V)1 No.


5. Power Tools: (a) Range Finder2 Nos(b) Digital Live-wire detector2 NosELECTRONICS1. Soldering guns10 Nos.2. Assorted electronic components for making circuits50 Nos.3. Small PCBs10 Nos.4. Multimeters10 Nos.5. Study purpose items: Telephone, FM radio, low-voltage powersupply


BE8261BASIC ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS AND INSTRUMENTATIONENGINEERING LABORATORYL T PCL T P C0 0 4 2OBJECTIVE:iTo train thestudents in performing various tests on electrical drives, sensors and circuits.LIST OF EXPERIMENTS:1.Load test on separately excited DC generator2.Load test on Single phase Transformer3.Load test on Induction motor4.Verification of Circuit Laws5.Verification of Circuit Theorems6.Measurement of three phase power7.Load test on DC shunt motor.8.Diode based application circuits9.Transistor based application circuits10.Study of CRO and measurement of AC signals11.Characteristics of LVDT12.Calibration of Rotometer13.RTD andThermistorMinimum of 10 Experiments to be carriedout:-TOTAL: 60 PERIODSOUTCOMES:iAbility to determine the speed characteristic of different electrical machinesiAbility to design simple circuits involving diodes and transistorsiAbility to use operational amplifiersLIST OF EQUIPMENT FOR A BATCH OF 30 STUDENTSS.No.NAME OF THE EQUIPMENTQty.1D. C. Motor Generator Set22D.C. Shunt Motor23Single Phase Transformer24Single Phase Induction Motor25AmmeterA.C and D.C206Voltmeters A.C and D.C207.Watt meters LPF and UPF48.Resistors & Breadboards-9.Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes410.Dual Regulated power supplies611.A.C. Signal Generators412.Transistors (BJT, JFET)-


MA8353TRANSFORMS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS L T P C4 0 0 4OBJECTIVES:iTo introduce the basic concepts of PDE for solving standard partial differential equations.iTo introduce Fourier series analysis which is central to many applications in engineering apartfrom its use in solving boundary value probquotesdbs_dbs19.pdfusesText_25

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