[PDF] RIYAD AS-SALIHIN Riyad as-Salihin. 8. 8.

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Riyad as-Salihin

http://riyad.fr.tc. - 1 - ssirde00@yahoo.fr. Riyad as-Salihin. (Le jardin des vertueux). De l'Imâm. Mohieddîne Annawawî. 631- 676. TRADUCTION ET COMMENTAIRE 


http://riyad.fr.tc. - 1 - ssirde00@yahoo.fr. Riyad as-Salihin. (Le jardin des vertueux). De l'Imâm. Mohieddîne Annawawî. 631- 676. TRADUCTION ET COMMENTAIRE 

Riyad as-Salihin (Le jardin des vertueux)

http://riyad.fr.tc. - 1 - ssirde00@yahoo.fr. Riyad as-Salihin. (Le jardin des vertueux). De l'Imâm. Mohieddîne Annawawî. 631- 676. TRADUCTION ET COMMENTAIRE 

Liste des chapîtres

http://riyad.fr.tc. - 1 - ssirde00@yahoo.fr. Riyad as-Salihin. (Le jardin des vertueux). De l'Imâm. Mohieddîne Annawawî. 631- 676. TRADUCTION ET COMMENTAIRE 

Liste des chapîtres

http://riyad.fr.tc. - 1 - ssirde00@yahoo.fr. Riyad as-Salihin. (Le jardin des vertueux). De l'Imâm. Mohieddîne Annawawî. 631- 676. TRADUCTION ET COMMENTAIRE 


Riyad as-Salihin. 8. 8. Abu Bakra Nufay ibn al-Harith ath-Thaqafi may Allah be pleased with him

Riyad us-Saliheen

Narrated Umar bin Al-Khattab (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah. (PBUH) said


1 juil. 2016 RIYAD AL-SALIHIN. AS A STANDARD TEXTBOOK. -. OF HADITH. • by. Abbas Khan. Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of.

Riyadus Salihin garten des für Kinder und Jugendliche

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Explanation of Riy?? a?-??li??n - The Chapter on Moderation in

Riyadh some of his brothers urged him to enroll. So he sought his Shaykh's

[PDF] Riyâd As-Sâlihîn - Les jardins des vertueux

Riyâd As-Sâlihîn Les jardins des vertueux L'imam An-Nawawi (1233-1277) Traduction Rachid Maach Découverte de l'islam 

[PDF] les jardins des vertueux - Islam France

II me paraissait done patent d' accompagner la traduction de l'ouvrage par un commentaire aussi minime soit-it du sens des hadiths J'ai ainsi opte pour

télécharger en PDF le livre Riyad as-Salihin en version française

Traduction et commentaire de Dr SALAHIDDINE KHESHRID (Tunisie) Lien de téléchargement du livre en version PDF : Riyad as-Salihin Liste des chapitres (les 

???? ???????? / Le Jardin des vertueux (????? - français) PDF 478M

???? ???????? / Le Jardin des vertueux (????? - français) PDF 47 8M -797 pages- Riyad as-Salihin + audio (Le jardin des vertueux) De l?Imâm Mohieddîne 

Le Jardin des Vertueux par An-Nawawy - Fichier-PDFfr

15 mai 2016 · Riyad as-Salihin (Le jardin des vertueux) De l?Imâm Mohieddîne Annawawî 631- 676 TRADUCTION ET COMMENTAIRE DU Dr SALAHIDDINE KHESHRID

Le Jardins Des Vertueux - Riyadu As Salihin PDF - Scribd

Imam AN-NAWAwi LES JARDINS DES VERTUEUX by Kitabwasounna in Types > Books - Non-fiction > Religion Spirituality

Riyad as-salihin : Les Jardins des vertueux (Bilingue poche

pdf Le jardin des vertueux - Riyad as-salihin - Imâm Mohieddîne Annawawî pdf Livre bilingue pour enfants (français anglais) - Ulrich Renz pdf  




RIyad as-SalIhIn

The Gardens of the RIghteous


New Jersey

Copyright © 2014 by Tughra Books

Originally published in Turkish as Riyâzu's-Sâlihîn in 2012

17 16 15 14 1 2 3 4

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without permis- sion in writing from the Publisher.

Published by Tughra Books

345 Clifton Ave., Clifton,

NJ, 07011, USA

www.tughrabooks.com Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Available

ISBN: 978-1-59784-333-1

Printed by

Çalayan A.., Izmir - Turkey


Introduction ..................................................................................................1

Sincerity and Purity of Intention .............................................................3

Repentance ....................................................................................................9

Patience ........................................................................................................11

Truthfulness ................................................................................................19

Watchfulness (Muraqaba) .......................................................................23 Revering Allah and Piety (Taqwa) ........................................................28 Certainty and Trust in Allah ...................................................................30 Straightforwardness (Istiqama) ..............................................................35 Hastening to Perform Good Actions ......................................................36

Striving (Mujahada) ..................................................................................38

The Encouragement to Increase Good Actions in

the Later Part of One"s Life .................................................................47 The Clarification of the Many Paths of Good .....................................48 Moderation in Worship ............................................................................54 Perseverance in Good Deeds ..................................................................58 The Command to Follow the Sunnah and Its Manners ....................59 Obligation to Obey the Judgment of Allah ..........................................62 The Prohibition against Innovations and New Matters ....................66 On Those Who Build Good or Bad Traditions .....................................67

Showing the Way to Good, and Helping One Another

to Goodness and Piety ..........................................................................70

Sincere Advice ............................................................................................71

Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil ....................................................72 The Integrity of Those Who Enjoin Good and Forbid Evil .............80

Riyad as-Salihinvi

To Deliver Trusts ........................................................................................81

On Injustice and the Command to Make Restitution

in Cases of Injustice ...............................................................................84

Respecting the Rights of the Muslims, and Having

Compassion and Mercy for Them ......................................................90 Veiling the Faults of Muslims and the Prohibition against Divulging Them without Necessity ...................................................97 Taking Care of the Needs of the Muslims ...........................................98 Respecting Muslims even They Are Weak and Poor .......................100 Kindness to Orphans, Girls, the Weak, the Poor, and the Downtrodden .................................................................................102 Treating Women Well ............................................................................104 The Rights of a Husband from His Wife ...........................................106 Spending on Ones Family .....................................................................108 Spending out of What One Loves and Spending What Is Excellent ......110

The Obligation to Command Ones Family to Obey

Allah, and to Teach Them Proper Behavior ...................................112 The Right of the Neighbor and Treating Him Well .......................113 Dutifulness to Parents and Maintaining Ties of Kinship ...............115 Respecting Ones Parents, Relatives, Scholars and the Virtuous People 121 The Excellence of Love for the Sake of Allah ..................................131 The Signs of Allahs Love for His Servant .........................................135 Judging People according to the Outward While Leaving Their Secrets to Allah the Almighty ................................................137

Fear of Allah .............................................................................................139

The Hope for Allahs Mercy ..................................................................145 Living between Fear and Hope .............................................................153 The Excellence of Weeping from Fear and Respect of Allah ........155 The Excellence of Ascetics ....................................................................158 Leading a Simple Life Style ..................................................................168 Contentment, Self-Restraint, and Moderation in Life Style ..........182 The Encouragement to Work and to Be Contented .........................186


Generosity, Magnanimity and Spending in Good Ways

with Trust in Allah the Almighty ....................................................187 Preferring and Helping Others ............................................................196 The Desire for in Matters Which Pertain to the Hereafter............199 The Excellence of the Grateful Wealthy Person ..............................200 Remembering Death and Constraining Expectation .......................202

Visiting the Graves ..................................................................................204

On Wishing for Death .............................................................................204

Scrupulousness and Abandoning Things That Are Doubtful .......205 The Recommendation to Withdraw When Things Are Corrupt .....209 Humility and Being Gentle with the Believers ...............................210 The Prohibition of Pride and Arrogance ............................................213

Good Character .........................................................................................216

Forbearance, Patience and Kindness ....................................................219 Pardoning and Turning Away from the Ignorant ............................222 Seriousness and Sensibility in Religious Matters .............................224 The Leaders Should Be Kind, Just and Compassionate ...................226

The Just Ruler ..........................................................................................229

The Obligation to Obey Those in Authority ......................................230 The Prohibition against Seeking Authority ......................................234 Encouraging Those in Authority to Adopt Righteous Counsellors ........236

Modesty ......................................................................................................237

Keeping Secrets and Ful“lling the Covenant ....................................238 Speaking Good Words and Displaying a Cheerful Face ..................241 Speaking Plainly and Clearly ................................................................242 Worshiping with Calmness and Dignity ............................................245 Conveying Good News and Congratulate People .............................246 Saying Farewell and Asking for Supplication ...................................251 The Istikhara and Consultation ............................................................253 Using the Right First in Things ...........................................................255

Saying Bismillah When Starting to Eat and

Alhamdulillah Afterwards ..................................................................256

Riyad as-Salihinviii

Table Manners ..........................................................................................257

Dress Code .................................................................................................263

The Etiquette of Sleeping ......................................................................274 The Etiquette of Gatherings .................................................................274

Dreams .......................................................................................................276

Greeting ....................................................................................................278

Shaking Hands When Meeting ............................................................283 Visiting the Sick, Escorting the Dead and Praying over Him ........284 Setting Out on a Journey ........................................................................298 The Excellence of Reciting the Quran ..............................................308 Encouraging the Recitation of Certain Surahs and Ayahs .............313 Meeting Together for Reciting the Qur"an.........................................320 The Excellence of Ablution ...................................................................321 The Excellence of the Adhan ................................................................324 The Excellence of the Prayers .............................................................327 Persevering in the Prescribed Prayers ................................................334

The Excellence of the First Row and the Command

to Make Them Straight ......................................................................336 The Excellence of Performing the Sunnah Prayers .......................339

The Witr Prayer .......................................................................................343

The Duha Prayer .....................................................................................344

The Prayer of Greeting the Masjid ....................................................345 Praying Two Units after Doing Wudu ................................................345

The Jumu"ah Prayer ................................................................................346

The Prostration of Gratitude ................................................................349 The Excellence of Rising in the Night to Pray .................................350

The Tarawih Prayers ...............................................................................358

The Excellence of the Siwak and the Qualities of

the Natural Form (Fitrah) ..................................................................359 The Obligation of Zakah and Its Excellence ....................................360 The Obligation to Fast During Ramadan and Its Excellence ........368


Generosity, Charity and Doing Much Good in

the Month of Ramadan ......................................................................373 What One Says When Seeing the New Moon ...................................373 The Excellence of Suhur ........................................................................374 The Excellence of Hastening to Break the Fast................................374 Commanding the Person Who Is Fasting to Guard His Tongue and Limbs from Incorrect Actions, Verbal Abuse and the Like ........375 The Recommendation to Fast Three Days of Every Month ..........379

The Excellence Giving the Person Who Is Fasting

Something with Which to Break the Fast ......................................379 The Obligation and Merit of Hajj .......................................................380 The Excellence of Jihad ........................................................................382 The Clarification of Those Who Are Martyrs ..................................400 The Excellence of Freeing Slaves ........................................................402 The Excellence of Being Good to Slaves ............................................402 The Excellence of Being Generous in Transactions ........................405 The Excellence of Knowledge ..............................................................406 The Excellence of Praise and Thankfulness .....................................410 The Prayer on the Messenger of Allah ...............................................412 The Excellence of Dhikr and Encouraging It ...................................416 Morning and Evening Supplications ...................................................430 What to Say when Going to Sleep ........................................................434 The Excellence of Supplication ............................................................436 The Excellence of Supplication for Those Who Are Absent ..........439 The Miracles of the Friends of Allah and Their Excellence .........442 The Prohibition against Backbiting and the Command to Guard the Tongue ...........................................................................450 The Prohibition against Mischief-Making and Slandering ...........456 The Censure of Being Two-Faced ........................................................457 The Prohibition against Lying .............................................................458 The Prohibition against Envy ...............................................................468 The Prohibition against Spying ............................................................469

Riyad as-Salihinx

Prohibition against Despising Muslims and Deceiving Them ......469 The Prohibition against Using a Gift to Cause a Sense

of Indebtedness .....................................................................................471

Forbidding Muslims Disassociating Themselves from

One Another for More than Three Days .........................................473

The Prohibition against Two People Conversing to

the Exclusion of a Third without His Permission ........................475 The Prohibition against Cruelty to a Human Being or Animal without Legitimate Reason .................................................476 Forbidding Showing-O? .........................................................................479 The Prohibition against Looking at What Is Prohibited ...............482 The Prohibition against Being Alone with an Unrelated Woman ......485 Forbidding Men Trying to Look Like Women and Women Trying to Look Like Men in Clothing, Movements, Etc. ............485 The Prohibition against Being Like Satan and the Unbelievers ......487 The Prohibition against Going against Ones Own Nature ...........488 Forbidding Wailing over the Dead .......................................................492 The Prohibition against Going to Soothsayers, Astrologers, Diviners and Looking for Omens .....................................................494 The Prohibition against Believing in Bad Omens ............................495 The Prohibition of Images and Statues ..............................................496 The Prohibition against Keeping a Dog in the Home .....................497 The Etiquette and Behavior to Adopt within the Mosque..............498

The Method and Etiquette of Making an Oath, and

the Prohibitions against It ..................................................................500 The Prohibition against Addressing an Iniquitous Person

or Innovator as MasterŽ ....................................................................503

The Prohibition against Cursing the Wind, and What One Says When It Blows .....................................................................503 The Prohibition against a Man Attributing Rain to a Star ............504 Forbidding Calling a Muslim an Unbeliever .....................................506 Forbidding Obscene and Coarse Language ........................................506


Speech Etiquette ......................................................................................507

The Serious Nature and Persistence in Supplications ......................507 The Rights of a Husband over His Wife ............................................508

Not to Get ahead of the Imam in Coming up from

Bowing or Prostration .........................................................................508 It Is Disliked to Pray When Food Has Been Served or When One Needs to Go to the Lavatory .........................................509 It Is Disliked to Look about in the Prayer without Reason ............509 It Is Forbidden to Pass in front of Someone Praying .......................510 It Is Disliked to Single Out Friday to Fast or Friday Night for Praying at Night .................................................................510 Forbidding Continuous Fasting, Which Is to Fast Two or More Days without Eating or Drinking between Them .............511 It Is Forbidden to Sit on Graves ............................................................511 The Prohibition against Relieving Oneself in the Road, Shady Places, Water Sources, Etc. .....................................................512 It Is Disliked to Show Preference to One Child over

the Others in Gifts ...............................................................................512

The Etiquette of Trade ...........................................................................513

The Prohibition against Squandering Money in Improper Ways ........515

The Prohibition against Pointing at a Muslim with

a Weapon, Seriously or in Jest............................................................516 It Is Disliked to Refuse Scent for No Reason .....................................517 It Is Disliked to Praise Someone to His Face ....................................517

The Warning Not to Commit What Allah and His

Messenger Have Prohibited ...............................................................517

Miscellaneous ..........................................................................................518

Asking Forgiveness ..................................................................................536

On What Allah Has Promised the Believers in Paradise ................539


R iyad as-Salihin (The Gardens of the Righteous), is one of the most famous works of Imam Nawawi.

The author"s real name is Muhyiddin Abu Zakari-

yya Yahya ibn Sharaf ibn Murri (1233-1277 ce). He is a great scholar of Hadith whose opinions are accepted as proof in his field. This work of Imam Nawawi has become so fa- mous that it is commonly found in most Muslims" homes. In this compilation, along with taking the prime Hadith refer- ences known as the Six Books (Al-Kutub as-Sitta) as basis, he benefited from other sources as well. He related authenticat- ed hadiths with their sources, and took the relevant verses of the Qur"an at the beginning of every chapter. The hadiths he preferred to include his collection are about: a. Enhancing morality b. Purifying hearts c. Protecting body parts from sin d. Being a means for happiness in this world and the next e. Encouraging for goodness, warning against evil, and revealing the outward and inward manners of jour- neying on the spiritual path f. Enjoining the good and forbidding the evil Thus, Riyad as-Salihin can be briefly defined as a book of enhancing morals, mannerliness, encouraging goodness,

Riyad as-Salihin2

and warning against the evil. This work consists of the wis- dom of the noble Prophet setting the criteria about the man- ners to be observed by individuals. Since the time it was published, Riyad as-Salihin has been a must read on the way to deepening in Islamic teaching. This work we present to you with pride is an abridged version of the full compilation. This abridged version consists of 876 hadiths chosen from among more than 1800 hadiths on

18 main topics. There are so many different annotated ver-

sions of this classic. In our version, we rather tried to translate the intended meaning to be derived from the hadiths, rather than making a word for word translation. Annotations are add- ed to clarify the meaning when needed. The Qur"anic verses and hadiths are presented with their sources. Rather than the entire chain of narration, name of the particular Companion who reported a given hadith is stated at the beginning. We pray Allah that it serves as an encouragement to goodness and benefits people.

In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful,

the All-Compassionate

Sincerity and Purity

of Intention But they were not enjoined anything other than that they should worship Allah, sincere in faith in Him and prac- ticing the Religion purely for His sake, as people of pure faith; and establish the Prayer in accordance with its con- ditions; and pay the Prescribed Purifying Alms, and that is the upright, ever-true Religion. (al-Bayyinah 98:5) (Bear in mind that) neither their flesh nor their blood reaches Allah, but only piety and consciousness of Allah reach Him from you... (al-Hajj 22:37) Say (to the believers): "Whether you keep secret what is in your bosoms or reveal it, Allah knows it. He knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth.

Allah has full power over everything."

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Riyad as-Salihin4

1. Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "I

heard the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, say, 'In- deed, actions only go by intentions. Everyone gets what they intend. Anyone, therefore, who emigrates to Allah and His Messenger, his emigration is indeed to Allah and His Mes- senger. But anyone who emigrates to gain something of this world or to marry a woman, his emigration is to that to which he emigrated."" (Sahih al-Bukhari, Iman, 41; Sahih Muslim, Imara, 155). 6 *A

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2. Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, Umm al-Mu"minin (the

Mother of the Believers), "The Messenger of Allah, peace and bless-quotesdbs_dbs41.pdfusesText_41
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