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Computer Applications Computer Applications

Accounting software is a class of computer programs that enable you to manage Computer Applications – IX (CBSE Course) Answers. Application based Questions. 1 ...

CBSE Academic CBSE Academic

I am happy to release Information and communication Technology Book for Class – IX. The GIMP is a Free Software application covered by the General Public ...

Chapter-1 Computer System Chapter-1 Computer System

With the help of your teacher install one application software in your computer. Rationalised 2023-24. Page 20. COMPUTER SCIENCE – CLASS XI.

Class: X Session: 2022-23 Computer Applications (Code 165

cbse.nic.in c. india.gov.in d. brainly.gov.in. 3. Which one of the following 9. Which tag is used to provide line beak ______ in html document. a. <p>.

registration of students in class ix/xi

27-Jun-2022 The excel file can be uploaded from a broadband connected computer/ cybercafe. 3. Check List Printing of Registered Students: (a) Schools shall ...


16-Jun-2022 Schools are advised that only bonafide candidates already registered in class IX/XI are sponsored in LOC of class X/XII. While making ...

AI Curriculum Handbook

25-Sept-2019 As a beginning in this direc on CBSE has introduced Ar ficial Intelligence as an op onal subject at Class IX from the Session 2019-2020 onwards ...


Kshipra Verma Education Officer


COMPUTER APPLICATIONS. CLASS IX (Code 165). (2023-24). Learning Outcomes. 1. Ability to familiarise with basics of computers.

Computers for Class VI

Hardware components describe the physical parts of the computer and software controls hardware and run the operating system different programs & applications 

Computer Applications

Computer Applications – IX (CBSE Course) Answers Ans. Accounting software is a class of computer programs that enable you to manage your business's.

CBSE Academic

like to express my deep appreciation to the text book development team for their program or application on many connected computers at the same time.

InformatIon and Computer teChnology

like to express my deep appreciation to the text book development team for their 8. Name any 4 application areas of computer . 9. How the computers are ...

Domestic Data Entry Operator

26-Sept-2018 curricula for the vocational subjects from Classes IX to XII. This ... Airlines use large-scale computer applications.


COMPUTER APPLICATIONS. CLASS IX (Code 165). Learning Outcomes. 2. Ability to navigate the file system. 3. Ability to create and edit documents 

Computer Science Class XI

I am happy to release Part-1 of Computer Science Book for Class - XI. I would like to express my deep appreciation to the text book development team for 

AI Curriculum Handbook

As a beginning in this direc on CBSE has introduced Ar ficial Intelligence as an op onal subject at Class IX from the Session 2019-2020 onwards. To enhance the 

“A computer would deserve to be called intelligent if it could deceive

A computer system comes in various forms and sizes. COMPUTER SCIENCE – CLASS XI ... is started or a software application is launched the.

Icse class 9 computer application book pdf

Home / SCHOOL BOOK / ICSE / CLASS ??? 9th / Interpreter Computer INFORMATION BASICS ...18 pages View PDF Computer Applications IX (CBSE Course) Answers.

Class: X Session: 2020-21 Computer Applications (Code 165

Page 1 of 9. Class: X Session: 2020-21. Computer Applications (Code 165). Sample Question Paper (Theory). Maximum Marks: 50. Time Allowed: 2 hours.



CLASS IX (Code 165)

Learning Outcomes

2. Abili ty to navigate the file system.

3. Abili ty to create and edit documents, spread sheets, and presentations.

4. Abili ty to perform basic data manipulation using spread sheets and use Indian

languages in documents.

5. Abili ty to send and receive emails, follow email etiquette, and communicate over

the internet.

6. Abili ty to create and upload videos.

7. Abili ty to safely and correct ly use we bsites, social networ ks, chat sit es, and


Distribution of Marks and Periods

Unit No.

Unit Name



Theory Practical

1. Basics of Information Technology 15 10 05

2. Cyber s afety 10 05 05

3. Office Tools 15 10 55

4. Scratch /Python 10 30 60

5. Lab Exe rcises 50 - -

Tot al 100 55 125

Unit 1: Basics of Information Technology

• Com puter Systems: characteristics of a computer, components of a computer system - CPU, memory, storage devices and I/O devices • Mem ory: primary (RAM and ROM) and secondary memory • Sto rage devices: hard disk, CD ROM, DVD, pen/flash drive, memory stick • I/O devices: keyboard, mouse, monitor, printer, scanner, web camera • Typ es of software: system so ftware (operating system, de vice drivers),

application software including mobile applications (2021-22)1. Ability to familiarise with basics of computers.

‡ Computer networking: Type of networks: PAN LAN MAN :AN wiredwireless communication :i-)i Bluetooth cloud computers (privatepublic)

‡ Multimedia: images audio video animation

Unit 2: Cyber-safety

‡ Safely browsing the web and using social networks: identity protection proper usage of password s priva cy confidentia lit y of informat ion c yber stalking reporting cybercrimes ‡ Safely accessing websites: viruses and malware adware

Unit 3: Office tools

‡ Introduction to a word processor: create and save a document. ‡ Edit and format text: tex t sty le ( B I U ) fo nt typ e fo nt si ]e text colour alignment of text. )ormat paragraphs with line andor paragraph spacing. Add headers and footers numberin g page s gramm ar a nd sp ell check utilities subscrip t an d superscri pt in sert sym bol s use print p revi ew an d print a document. ‡ Insert pictures change the page setting add bullets and numbering borders and shading and insert tables - insertdelete rows and columns merge and split cells. ‡ Use auto-format trac k chang es re view comme nts u se of dr awing tools shapes and mathematical symbols. ‡ Presentation tool: understand the concept of slide shows basic elements of a slide different types of slide layouts create and save a presentation and learn about the different views of a slide set - normal view slide sorter view and hand-outs. ‡ Edit and format a slide: add titles subtitles text background and watermark headers and footers and slide numbers. ‡ Insert pictures from files create animations add sound effects and rehearse timings. ‡ Spreadsheets: conce pt of a works heet a nd a wor kbook cre ate and save a worksheet. ‡ :orking with a spreadsheet: enter numbers text datetime series using auto fill edit and format a worksheet including changin g th e colour si] e font alignment of text insert and delete cells rows and columns. Enter a formula using the operators (- ) refer to cells and print a worksheet. ‡ Use simple statistical functions: SUM () A9ERA*E () MAX () MIN () I) () (without compound statements) embe d cha rts of va rious t ypes: line pie scatter bar and area in a worksheet.

Unit 4: Scratch or Python

Alternative 1: Educational programming language - Scratch

‡ Introduction to Scratch.

‡ Drag and drop commands creati ng sim ple sc ripts rep eati ng blocks of commands. ‡ Discuss x-y plane create scripts to move the cat (Scratch mascot). ‡ Create a script to draw diagrams using the pen feature.

Alternative 2: Python ..

‡ Programming Basics : Algorithms and )lowcharts

‡ Characteristics of a good program

‡ Introduction to Python

‡ A simple ³Hello :orld program

‡ Running a Python program

5. Lab Exercises

‡ Browser settings for a secure connection

‡ :orking with the operating system: Navigation of the file system using a mouse and keyboard. ‡ :ord processing: create a text document create a letter report and greeting card. ‡ Create a text document with figures in it. It should describe a concept taught in another course. ‡ Disc uss the follow ing i n a text doc ument abou t th e basic orga nis ation of a computer: CPU memory inputoutput devices hard disk. ‡ Create a text document in an Indian language other than English.

‡ Create a presentation.

‡ Create a presentation with animation.

‡ Include existing images pictures in a presentation. ‡ Animate pictures and text with sound effects in a presentation ‡ Create a simple spreadsheet and perform the following operations: min max sum and average. ‡ Create different types of charts using a spreadsheet: line bar area and pie.

‡ :rite basic ScratchPython programs.

Breakup of marks for the Practicals:

S.No. Unit Name Marks

1. Lab Test

(30 marks) :ord processin g

Handling spreadsheets

Creating presentations

:riting basic PythonScratch progr ams

2. Report )ile viva

(10 marks)

Report file:

‡ 4 documents each with a word processor

spreadsheet and presentation tool

‡ At least 4 programs on ScratchPython

9iva voce (based on the report file) 2

3. ProMect (that uses most of the concepts that have been learnt)

(10 marks)

Total Marks 50

Computer Applications

CLASS X (Code 165)

Learning Outcomes

1. Abili ty to create a simple website

2. Abili ty to embed images audio and video in an HTML page

3. Abili ty to use style sheets to beautify the web pages.

4. Abili ty to write iterative programs with ScratchPython.

5. Abili ty to Interface a web site with a web server and record the details of a

user s reTuest.

6. Abili ty to follow basic cyber ethics

. Abili ty to familiari]e with network concepts.

Distribution of Marks and Periods

Unit No.

Unit Name Marks Periods

Theory Practical

1. Network ing 10 05 05

2. HTML 2 0 30 50

3. Cyber e thics 10 05 10

4. Scratch Python Theory 10 15 60

5. Practic als 50 - -

Tot al 100 55 125

Unit 1: Networking

‡ Int ernet: :orld :ide :eb web servers web clients web sites web pages web browser s blogs news groups HTM L web address e-m ail address downloading and uploading files from a remote site. Internet protocols: TCPIP SMTP POP3 HTTP HTTPS. Remote login and file transfer protocols: SSH


‡ Servic es availab le on t he interne t: informati on retriev al loca ting sites using search engines and finding people on the net ‡ :eb servic es: c hat em ail video confer encing e-Le arning e-Banking eShopping e-Reservation e-*overnance e-*roups social networking.

‡ Mobile technologies: SMS MMS 3* 4*.

Unit 2: HTML

‡ Introduction to web page designin g usi ng HTML: cre ate and save an HTML document access a web page using a web browser. ‡ HTML tags: html head title body (attributes: text background bgcolor link vlink alink) br (break), hr(horizontal rule), insertin g comment s, h1..h6 (heading), p (paragraph), b (bold), i (italics), u (underline), ul (unordered list), ol (ordered list), and li (list item). Description lists: dl, dt and dd. Attributes of ol (start, type), ul (type).quotesdbs_dbs2.pdfusesText_4
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