[PDF] CS281B/Stat241B. Statistical Learning Theory. Lecture 14.

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1. Curvature- concavity and convexity. An intuitive definition: a function is said to be convex at an interval if for all pairs of points on the graph

Quasi-Concave Programming

for differentiable quasi-concave functions.4. In speaking of a quasi-concave function some specific domain of definition

Lecture 14 The Last One!

27 ago 2015 Convex and Concave Functions. Definition. Suppose X is a convex subset of Rn. A function f : X ? R is: concave if.

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John Riley. 6. We have the following alternative definition. Definition: Concave function. The differentiable function f is concave on X if for any 0.

1 Theory of convex functions

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Quasi-Concave Programming Author(s): Kenneth J. Arrow and Alain

which is an alternative definition of concavity for differentiable functions. The inequality (1.3) states that if f(x) is concave it lies everywhere on or.

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Concave and Convex Functions1. 1 Basic Definitions. Definition 1. Let C ? RN be non-empty and convex and let f : C ? R. 1. (a) f is concave iff for any a 

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CS281B/Stat241B. Statistical Learning Theory. Lecture 14.

Mixable loss: Reduction to mix loss. Crux: exp-concavity is convenient but too strong. Definition: We say L(a x) is ?-mixable if.


13 feb 2018 Introduction Preliminaries and DeFinition. The knowledge on bi-concave univalent functions is based on univalent

CS281B/Stat241B. Statistical Learning Theory.

Lecture 14.

Wouter M. Koolen

•Convex losses•Exp-concave losses•Mixable losses•The gradient trick•Specialists 1 Menu Today we solve new online learning problems by reducing themto problems/algorithms/analyses we already cracked before. 2

Prediction with Expert Advice

Prediction with expert advice:

Protocol:•Fort= 1,2,...-

Experts announce actionsa1t,...,aKt? A.

Learner chooses an actionat? A.

Adversary reveals outcomext? X.

Learner incurs lossL(at,xt).

Goal: small regret w.r.t. best expert.


Convex: Reduction to dot loss

SayL(a,x)is[0,1]-bounded and convex inafor eachx:

K k=1w kL(ak,x)≥ L? K? k=1w kak,x?

Then we can feed Hedge?kt=L(akt,xt).

Hedge outputswt. Play the mean actionat=?Kk=1wktakt. K k=1w ktL(akt,xt)

Dot lossw?

t?t≥ L(at,xt)? actual loss Dot-loss bound translates to convex bounded lossL. R


Exp-concave: Reduction to mix loss

Definition:We sayL(a,x)isη-exp-concaveinafor eachxif K k=1w The AA outputswt. Play the mean actionat=?Kk=1wktakt. -ln? K? k=1w kte-ηL(akt,xt)?

Mix loss ofwtonη?t≥ηL?

K? k=1w ktakt,xt? actual loss 5

Mix-loss bound translates to exp-concave lossL:

R 6

Example: square loss is exp-concave

Let's consider

L(a,x) = (a-x)2

whereA=X= [-1,+1]. Findηsuch thatLisη-exp-concave by testing negative second derivative: 2 ∂a2e-η(a-x)2=∂ ∂a-2e-η(a-x)2η(a-x) =e-η(a-x)2η?4η(a-x)2-2?

ForX=A= [-Y,+Y]we findη=1

8Y2. 7

Mixable loss: Reduction to mix loss

Crux: exp-concavity is convenient buttoo strong.

Definition:We sayL(a,x)isη-mixableif


K? k=1w ke-ηL(ak,x)? Mapping fromw,a1,...,aKto witnessacalledsubstitution function. Mixable losses behave just enough like the mix loss to carry the AA regret bound through. R 8

Square loss is mixable

Square loss is mixable withη=1

2. The substitution function is

w,a1,...,aK?→m 1


2(+1) 4 wheremη(x) =-1


See (Vovk 1990, Haussler, Kivinen, Warmuth, 1998)


Mixable loss list

Popular mixable losses:•mix loss, log loss, entropic loss•square loss, Brier loss•Hellinger lossA=X= [0,1]:




1-a)2+ (⎷

x-⎷ a)? Characterisation of mixability: (Van Erven, Reid, Williamson 2012). 10

Gradient trick


Gradient trick

Abusing an algorithm that can compete with the bestexpertto in fact compete with the bestconvex combination(cf portfolios).

Assume convex lossL(w,x):

L(w,x)≥ L(wt,x) + (w-wt)?wL(wt,x)?

First-order expansion around algorithm's actionwt

Idea: feed Hedge?t=?wL(wt,x)(may need restriction + translation + scaling to make this[0,1]bounded). Getwt. Playwt. 12

Imaginary regret upper bounds the actual regret:

T t=1w? t?t-minkT t=1? k t= maxkT t=1? w? t?t-?kt? = max wT t=1(wt-w)??w?(wt,x) ≥maxwT t=1(L(wt,x)- L(w,x)) T? t=1L(wt,x)-maxwT t=1L(w,x) Caveat: even if original loss was nice (mixable/curved/...), the imagined lossw?→w??wL(wt,x)islinear. Regret of order⎷ T. 13




Not all expert predictions/actions available every round.•Missing data•Noise•Too expensive ($/time/memory)

How to model missingness? Adversarial.

How to redefine the objective? New variant of regret.

How to still do something optimal? Upgrade of AA.


Mix loss game with specialists

Protocol:•Fort= 1,2,...-

Adversary picks the subsetAt?[K]ofawakespecialists. Learner chooses a distributionwton awake specialistsAt. Adversary reveals loss vector?t?(-∞,∞]At.

Learner's loss is themix loss-ln??

k?Atwt,ke-?t,k? 16


There is no loss when a specialist is asleep.

Regret w.r.t. specialistj: only measured during rounds wherejis awake R j T=? t?[T] j?At-ln?? k?Atw kte-?kt? t?[T] j?At? j t 17

Specialist AA

Definition:TheSpecialist Aggregating Algorithm(SAA) maintains a distributionut. It starts uniformuk1= 1/K.

In roundtwith awake expertsAt, SAA predict with

w kt=ut(k|At) =ukt1{k?At} j?Atujt


u k t+1=?????u k te-?kt j?Atukte-?kt? j?Atuktk?At u k tk /?At

AA update relative to awake setAt


What makes this tick

Consider the sequence??1,??2obtained by completing?1,?2by assigning in each round the SAA mix loss to all the asleep specialists. Theorem:SAA on?and AA on??produce identical weightsut=w?t and suffer identical mix loss.Proof: (homework) 19

Specialist regret bound for SAA

The AA has small regret w.r.t. expertj:

lnK≥T? t=1-ln? K? k=1w ?tke-??tk? -T? t=1? tj T? t=1-ln?? k?Atw kte-?kt? t=[T] t?Aj? j t-? t=[T] t/?Aj-ln?? k?Atw kte-?kt? t=[T] t?Aj-ln?? k?Atw kte-?kt? t=[T] t?Aj? j t =Rj T Adversary more power (sleeping) but regret stilllnK: SAA minimax for specialist mix-loss regret game. 20


•Convex bounded losses are easier than dot loss.•Mixable losses are easier than mix loss.•Gradient trick allows us to compete with mixtures (at a cost)•Specialists extension deals with missing data (at no cost).

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