[PDF] InformatIon EducatIon & communIcatIon (IEc)

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La prévention des grossesses non désirées : information éducation

17 févr. 2003 Membres de l'Inspection générale des affaires sociales. La prévention des grossesses non désirées : information éducation et communication ...

Stratégie nationale dinformation éducation


Mémento de lassainissement

la méthodologie de communication spécifique à l'information-éducation-communica- tion (IEC) en assainissement en particulier la définition des objectifs 

InformatIon EducatIon & communIcatIon (IEc)

The Information Education & Communication. (IEC) strategy aims to create awareness and disseminate information regarding the benefits.


L'ÉDUCATION AUX MÉDIAS ET À L'INFORMATION (EMI). EN 10 DÉFINITIONS. ? Rapport IGEN et IGAENR. « L'« éducation aux médias » a été définie comme toute 

Stratégie nationale de santé sexuelle

OBJECTIF 1.1 - Renforcer l'information sur les moyens de contraception . éducation communication pour promouvoir la santé sexuelle)

VADEMECUM Éducation aux médias et à linformation

Partie réalisée avec la collaboration de : ? Isabelle Féroc Dumez enseignant-chercheur en sciences de l'information et de la communication à l'université de 

Perceptions et information-éducation-communication (IEC) sur la LAV

C'est ce qu'indique la définition de la LAV énoncée en introduction2 qui en fait le principal moyen (voire l'unique) de protection contre toutes les formes ( 

Information-Education-Communication pour le Changement de

Le réseau Ran'Eau a organisé cet atelier sur l'Information l'Education et la Communication pour le changement de Comportement (IEC/CC) d'une part

Programme de management sciences de gestion et numérique de

Enseignement spécifique de systèmes d'information de gestion la mercatique (marketing) des ressources humaines et de la communication ainsi que des.

information education and communication - World Health Organization

There are five main sections of analysis: 1) Communications in Education Hunt 2007 3 Communications with policy makers; 2) Global communications; 3) Policy to practice; 4) Communication in and around schools; and 5) Information communication technologies (ICTs) and education

Searches related to definition de l+information education communication PDF

1) Communication is a process of interaction or exchange of information ideas and values between two or more human beings through shared signs and symbols Its unique features: It is; 1) a two way process 2) a selective process and 3) a complex process 2) Reading a newspaper You select a newspaper that you read

  • 1- Type de l'étude

    C'est une étude descriptive, visant à expliquer ladisparité entre patients atteints de sclérose en plaque quantà la survenue ou non de complications.

  • 2- Milieu de l'étude

    L'enquête a été réalisée auniveau du service de neurologie médicale du centre hospitalieruniversitaire d'Oran.

  • 3- Population de l'étude

    L'équipe soignante (médicale etparamédicale) à interviewer fut celle exerçant au niveaud'un service de neurologie médicale.

Can information education and communication be applied to public health initiatives?

In January 1997, the World Health Organization’s Department of Reproductive Health and Research (RHR) commissioned a retrospective qualitative study of 25 years of experience in information, education and communication (IEC) as it had been applied to public health initiatives globally. The purpose of this study, which relied on a literature

What is communication in IEC?

reproductive health. Most simply put, communication, and more broadly IEC, can be 18 information, education and communication O c c a s i o n a l P a p e r 6 the natural facilitator of programmatic integration because dialogue and cooperation are

How information communication technologies affect human life?

Information communication technologies (ICT) at present are influencing every aspect of human life. They are playing salient roles in work places, business, education, and entertainment.

What is communication in distance education?

Communications in distance education programmes are around access to course materials, interactions with tutors and other learners, they are usually designed using a package of courseware, designed for independent study.



The Information, Education & Communication

(IEC) strategy aims to create awareness and available under various schemes/programmes of the Ministry and to guide the citizens on how to access them. The objective is also to encourage build-up of health seeking behaviour among the masses in keeping with the focus on promotive and preventive health. The IEC strategy has catered to the different needs of the rural and urban masses through the various tools used for communication. 17.2



The Ministry designed a strategic framework for

targeted IEC activities encompassing mass media, along with mid-media and inter-personal activities so as to disseminate information about the various health schemes in the masses. The year-long

IEC/Communication Plan had month-wise focus

on health days and health themes. While some activities were taken up to coincide with 'Health

Days', others were week and month long plans

for focussed multi-media campaigns on schemes of the Ministry. These centered around topics such as Integrated Diarrhoea Control Fortnight (IDCF), Breastfeeding Week, Tobacco Control etc. Seasonal ailments such as Dengue, H1N1 etc., needed campaigns for a longer time. All the IEC activities had a print media component coupled with TV and Radio Plans. Social Media and Outdoor Media activities substantially strengthened these.

The Media Plan was monitored at the highest level

to ensure due implementation and mid-course correction, and possible change in the focus to suit the need. In a unique initiative, the Ministry partnered with the Directorate of Field Publicity (DFP), under the

Ministry of Information & Broadcasting to create

enhanced awareness about the various RMNCH+A initiatives and schemes of the Government through the mid-media and inter-personal activities in 184

High Priority Districts (HPDs). These include

spreading information on the preventive and promotive healthcare for the adolescents, newly married couples, expectant mothers, feeding mothers, newborns and children. Along with State governments, partner agencies have contributed to making it a big success in creating enhanced awareness and inculcating a health seeking behaviour in the masses in these high priority districts. 17.3 PRINT

The IEC Division has been regularly publishing

advertisements in all the leading newspapers of

India, including regional languages. The aim of

such advertisements is not only to encourage people to adopt positive behaviour but also to raise awareness and disseminate information regarding

Annual Report 2015-16

availability and access to quality healthcare messages are delivered across the country through print media on International Days like World

Population Day, World Health Day, No Tobacco

Day etc. This year, regular advertisements were

published in the newspapers for spreading awareness on preventing Dengue, Malaria, Swine

Flu. These were effective in dispelling myths and

fears and quenching baseless rumours. Similar advertisements were also released to create awareness about Sex Selection(PC PNDT Act.).

Special print media campaigns were taken to mark

the launch of Mission Indradhanush, Pulse Polio campaign, World Breast Feeding Week, Young

Child Feeding Week, Call to Action Summit,

National Nutrition Week, World Mental Health

Day, Launch of IPV Vaccine, Safe Motherhood

Day, World Hepatitis Day, India International

Control Fortnight (IDCF), to name a few.

The Department of Health and Family Welfare

brought out a unique wall calendar for 2016 on the theme of "Sajag Ham to Swasth Ham" . The calendar covered several issues highlighting mother and newborn care. It was distributed to different departments of central government, state government, NGOs, donor partners etc. 17.4


The IEC Division of this Ministry has been using

this medium extensively to spread positive health messages to the target audience. The Ministry has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Doordarshan (Prasar Bharati) for 300% bonus airtime on commitment of Rs.50.00 crore.

The objective of this MoU is to promote/highlight

policies, programmes and schemes of this Ministry to the last pillar of this country through Regional Kendras.Doordarshan has also aired spots on Reproductive

Child Health (RCH) and Non-Reproductive

Child Health as well as Communicable Disease/

Non-Communicable Diseases. The precautionary

measures were highlighted through Doordarshan,

All India Radio, Pvt. Satellite Channels as well

as FM Channels to prevent the spread of H1N1,

Dengue and Malaria. TV & Radio spots were also

aired during the launch of Adolescent Health,

National Nutrition, Breast Feeding, Hepatitis-B,

Inactivated Polio Vaccine etc.

The Ministry has also coordinated the production

and telecast of one hour programme (Health

India) through Lok Sabha TV between 5.00 PM

to 6.00 PM on every Saturday. The audience had an opportunity to interact with specialist doctors during the phone-in programme.

TV spots on critical issues covering Maternal

Health, Child Health, Family Planning, Adolescent

Health and Immunization were also telecast/

broadcast through satellite channels, Digital

Cinemas as well as FM Channels through DAVP

from time to time. 17.5


A contract has been signed with All India Radio

(Prasar Bharati) for slots to highlight policies, programme and schemes of this Ministry through programme, women's programme, before and after Regional News in the 18 High Focus States.

Radio spots on critical health issues are also

being broadcast before and mid-break of morning

National News as well as before and mid-break of

evening National News through All India Radio,

New Delhi. The Ministry is also in the process

of signing an MoU with All India Radio (Prasar

Bharati) with maximum airtime bonus for airing

its radio spots. The MoU will be on the same lines as has been signed with Doordarshan (Prasar


Annual Report 2015-16

Sen the phone-in programme of the All India Radio to interact with radio listeners on issues such as

Mission Indradhanush, JSSK/JSY, communicable

diseases etc.

Additionally, the Community Radio Platforms have

also been used by the Ministry for re-broadcasting of programmes that were earlier aired by All India


Catchy radio jingles were played on private radio

stations and FM Channels of All India Radio to create awareness regarding H1N1 (Swine Flu) in

February, 2015. This provided information on its

symptoms, ways to protect oneself and encouraged timely medical intervention. 17.6


Social Media is being used by the Ministry for

covering events as well as for dissemination of health messages to the people. Currently,

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare uses two

most popular social media services: YouTube and

Twitter. The YouTube channel of the Ministry

houses a wide array of videos including short positive behaviour and adopting healthy life style.

The videos are uploaded at regular intervals with

their links tweeted through its twitter handle.

There are more than 1.78 lakhs followers on

the Twitter handle of the Ministry. It not only disseminates health messages but also gives updates and information on various events & initiatives of the Ministry. The platform has also been effectively used for various campaigns including PC&PNDT,

Child Health, Mission Indradhanush, H1N1, etc.



The Ministry participated in the 35

th India

International Trade Fair (IITF) at Pragati Maidan

during 14-27 November, 2015. The theme of this year's exhibition of the Ministry was "Prevention is better than cure" . This covered all the preventive measures being taken at the personal, community and government level. The focus of the pavilion was on preventive healthcare across the various spectrums of healthcare including Child and

Maternal Health, Family Planning and Adolescent

Health, Communicable and Non-Communicable


During the trade fair, visitors were offered free

health check-ups, counseling for population stabilization, HIV/AIDS, Family Planning methods, Yoga demonstration for life style diseases, etc. Performances by the Song and Drama Division of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, health quizzes and interactive lectures by health experts were other major attractions of the pavilion.

Seven "Swasth Chetna" stalls were established

across Pragati Maidan for easy access, resulting in more than 69,000 people getting registered for health check-ups.quotesdbs_dbs41.pdfusesText_41
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