[PDF] A Survey Paper on Introduction to Android and Development Process

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJNT) e-ISSNJ 2395-0056

VolumeJ 07 IVVueJ 06 | June 2020 www.irjeW.neW p-ISSNJ 2395-0072

© 2020H IRJNT | ImpacW ŃacWor valueJ 7.529 | ISO 9001J2008 CerWifieT Journal | Page 2753

A Survey Paper on Introduction to Android and Development Process

R. Asritha1, R. ArpiWUa2

1Guest Faculty, Dept. of CSNH RGUOT IIIT OngoleH A.P.H INMIA.

2Dept. of CSNH NelloreH A.P.H INMIA.

Abstract: Smart phones are becoming a viWal innovaWion wUicU UaT moTifieT WUe Uuman life in many aVpecWV. May by TayH WUe mobile applicaWion TevelopmenW buVineVV iV growing progressively adopting mobile as their medium of selection for browVingH reVearcUingH anT buying WUingVH becauVe WUe worlTGV preferreT mobile plaWformH anTroiT powerV many uncounWable mobile TeviceV in aTTiWional WUan a UunTreT nineWy counWrieV arounT WUe worlT. on a Taily baViV anoWUer million uVerV power up WUeir AnTroiT-powereT TeviceV for WUe primary Wime anT begin Wrying Wo finT appVH gameVH anT TifferenW TigiWal conWenW. TUiV paper aTTiWionally proviTeV Tiffering WypeV of mobile applicaWionVH cUallengeV Wo Tevelop anTroiT applicaWion anT iWV TevelopmenW meWUoT. KeyworTVJ AnTroiTH Óobile applicaWionVH SMOH CUallengeV.


Android is based on the Linux kernel, and developed by Google anT laWer WUe Open HanTVeW Alliance. IW iV alVo VofWware plaWform anT OS for mobile TeviceV anT permiWV TeveloperV Wo wriWe coTe wiWUin WUe Java languageH TominanW WUe Tevice via Google TevelopeT Java librarieV. IW will run on many variouV TeviceV from many TifferenW manufacWureV. AnTroiT incluTeV a VofWware package TevelopmenW kiW (SMO) WUaW UelpV you wriWe original coTe anT aVVemble VofWware package moTuleV Wo form appV for anTroiT uVerV. AnTroiT alVo proviTeV a plaWform Wo TiVWribuWe appV. all aW onceH anTroiT repreVenWV an ecoVyVWem for mobile appV. AnTroiT coulT be a freely TownloaTable open Vource VofWware package VWack for mobile TeviceV WUaW UaV an OSH miTTleware anT key applicaWionV VupporWeT LINUX anT Java. In 2005 Google purcUaVeT WUe Teveloper of anTroiTH anT anTroiT waV releaVeT in 2007. Google releaVeT WUe anTroiT coTe aV open Vource beneaWU WUe ApacUe LicenVe. AnTroiT UaV variouV TeveloperV wriWing applicaWionV (appV) everywUere in WUe worlT. MeveloperV proTuce appV for a variouV reaVonVH WUey will ougUW Wo aTTreVV buVineVV neeTV or builT new VerviceV or buVineVVeVH or WUey will wiVU Wo Vupply gameV anT alWernaWive formV of conWenW for uVerV. MeveloperV like beWWer Wo Tevelop for anTroiT Vo aV Wo VucceeT in WUe bulk of mobile Tevice uVerV.


Android software development kit (SDK) is used to Tevelop appV WUaW Wake aTvanWage of WUe AnTroiT operaWing VyVWem anT UI. IW incluTeV VofWware librarieV of preTefineT coTeH a TebuggerH a emulaWorH TocumenWaWionH Vample coTeH anT WuWorialV. SMO iV uVeT Wo creaWe appV WUaW look gooT anT Wake benefiW of WUe UarTware capabiliWieV available on eacU

AnTroiT-powereT Tevice.

To Tevelop appV uVing WUe SMOH wUicU uWiliYe WUe Java programming language Wo Tevelop WUe app anT NxWenVible Óarkup Language (XÓL) fileV Wo TeVcribe TaWa reVourceV. To creaWe an app WUaW can run on boWU pUone anT WableW wriWe WUe coTe in Java anT by creaWing a Vingle app. To Tevelop your appV efficienWlyH Google offerV an inWegraWeT TevelopmenW environmenW (IMN) calleT AnTroiT SWuTio. IW offerV aTvanceT feaWureV for TebuggingH SWuTioH you can Tevelop app for any AnTroiT-powereT TeviceH or creaWe a virWual TeviceV WUaW emulaWe any UarTware configuraWion. TUe componenWV preVenW in WUe anTroiT arcUiWecWure are explaineT below aV VUown in WUe fig 1. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJNT) e-ISSNJ 2395-0056

VolumeJ 07 IVVueJ 06 | June 2020 www.irjeW.neW p-ISSNJ 2395-0072

© 2020H IRJNT | ImpacW ŃacWor valueJ 7.529 | ISO 9001J2008 CerWifieT Journal | Page 2754

Fig 1: AnTroiT ArcUiWecWure

1) Linux kernelJ IW iV WUe very imporWanW parW of anTroiT

arcUiWecWure WUaW exiVWV aW WUe Wop of anTroiT arcUiWecWure. Linux kernel iV reVponVible for memory managemenWH Tevice managemenWH Tevice TriverVH power managemenW anT reVource acceVV.

2) NaWive LibrarieVJ On nexW Wo WUe Linux kernelH WUere are

NaWive librarieV VucU aV OpenGLH ŃreeTypeH PebOiWH SQLiWeH ÓeTiaH C runWime library (libc) eWc. TUe SQLiWe iV for TaWabaVeH PebOiW library iV reVponVible for browVer VupporWH ŃreeType for fonW VupporWH ÓeTia for playing anT recorTing auTio anT viTeo formaWV.

3) AnTroiT RunWimeJ In anTroiT runWimeH WUere are many

core librarieV anT MVÓ (Malvik VirWual ÓacUine) wUicU iV reVponVible Wo run WUe anTroiT applicaWion. MVÓ iV like JVÓ buW iW iV opWimiYeT for mobile TeviceV. IW WakeV leVV memory anT proviTeV faVW performance.

4) AnTroiT ŃrameworkJ On nexW Wo WUe NaWive librarieV

anT anTroiT runWimeH WUere iV anTroiT framework. IW incluTeV AnTroiT APIGV VucU aV reVourceVH locaWionVH UI (UVer InWerface)H WelepUonyH ConWenW ProviTerV (TaWa) anT package managerV. AnTroiT Ńramework proviTeV a loW of claVVeV anT inWerfaceV for anTroiT applicaWion


5) ApplicaWionVJ On nexW Wo WUe anTroiT frameworkH WUere

are applicaWionV. All WUe applicaWionV VucU aV UomeH conWacWH VeWWingVH gameVH browVerV are uVing anTroiT framework WUaW uVeV anTroiT runWime anT librarieV. AnTroiT runWime anT naWive librarieV are uVing Linux kernel.

Mobile apps are of three different types:

1. Native Apps: NaWive appV are builW Vpecifically for a

native Android mobile apps or native iOS apps, not to uVe an iOS app on a PinTowV pUone.

2. Web Apps: Peb appV beUave Vimilarly Wo naWive appV

buW are acceVVeT via a web browVer on your mobile Tevice. TUey are noW VWanTalone appV in WUe VenVe of Uaving Wo TownloaT anT inVWall coTe inWo your Tevice. TUey are acWually reVponVive webViWeV WUaW aTapW iWV uVer inWerface Wo WUe Tevice. In facWH wUen you come acroVV WUe opWion Wo webViWe URL on your Tevice. One kinT of web app iV WUe progreVVive web app (PPA)H wUicU iV baVically a naWive app running inViTe a browVer.

3. Hybrid Apps: TUeVe are web appV WUaW look anT feel like

naWive appV. TUey can Uave a Uome Vcreen app iconH faVW performanceH reVponVive TeVignH even be able Wo funcWion



The Android platform provides rich functionality for app TevelopmenWH anT WUere are a number of cUallengeV you neeT Wo aTTreVVH VucU aVJ

Ȉ GeWWing performance rigUW

Ȉ Oeeping your coTe anT uVerV more Vecure

Ȉ Óaking Vure your app iV compaWible wiWU olTer verVionV

Ȉ UnTerVWanTing WUe markeW anT WUe uVer

AnTroiT runV on billionV of UanTUelT TeviceV acroVV WUe worlT anT VupporWV a variouV form facWorV incluTing WeleviVionV anT wearable TeviceV. MeviceV come in TifferenW International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJNT) e-ISSNJ 2395-0056

VolumeJ 07 IVVueJ 06 | June 2020 www.irjeW.neW p-ISSNJ 2395-0072

© 2020H IRJNT | ImpacW ŃacWor valueJ 7.529 | ISO 9001J2008 CerWifieT Journal | Page 2755

sizes and shapes, which affects how you design the screens anT UI elemenWV in your appV. TUe Tevice manufacWurerV can aTT WUeir own UI elemenWVH VWyleVH anT colorV Wo TifferenWiaWe WUeir proTucWV. NacU manufacWurer offerV TifferenW feaWureV wiWU reVpecW Wo camera buWWonVH keyboarT formVH Vcreen ViYe. An app running on one Tevice may look a biW TifferenW on one anoWUer. Your cUallengeH aV a TeveloperH iV Wo TeVign WUe UI elemenWV Wo work on all WUe


2. GeWWing WUe app performance rigUW

An appGV performance iV TeWermineT by Uow faVW iW runVH Uow eaVily iW connecWV Wo WUe neWworkH anT Uow well iW manageV baWWery anT memory uVage. Performance iV affecWeT by facWorV VucU aV mulWimeTia conWenWH baWWery lifeH TeVign for your applicaWion may cauVe performance problemV for uVerV. Ńor exampleH enable backgrounT VerviceV only wUen WUey are neceVVary Wo Vave WUe uVerGV baWWery power.

3. Oeeping your coTe anT uVerV more Vecure

You neeT Wo Wake precauWionV Wo make your coTeH anT WUe uVerGV experience wUen WUey uVe your appH aV Vecure aV poVVible. Ȉ UVe ProGuarT WoolVH wUicU iV proviTeT in AnTroiT SWuTio. IW TeWecWV anT removeV unuVeT fielTVH meWUoTVH claVVeVH anT aWWribuWeV. Ȉ NncrypW all your appGV coTe anT reVourceV wUile packaging WUe app. Ȉ To proWecW criWical uVer informaWion VucU aV loginV anT paVVworTVH Vecure your communicaWion cUannel Wo proWecW TaWa in WranViW acroVV WUe inWerneWH aV well aV TaWa aW reVW on

WUe Tevice.

4. Óaking Vure your app iV compaWible wiWU olTer verVionV

TUe AnTroiT plaWform conWinueV Wo proviTe anT improve new feaWureV WUaW you can aTT in Wo your appV. HoweverH you VUoulT make Vure WUaW your app can VWill run on TeviceV wiWU olTer verVionV of AnTroiT. IW iV noW gooT Wo focuV only on WUe moVW recenW AnTroiT verVionH aV noW all uVerV may Uave upgraTeT or may be able Wo upgraTe WUeir TeviceV Wo new verVionV. So AnTroiT SWuTio proviTeV opWionV for TeveloperV Wo more eaVily remain compaWible wiWU WUe olTer verVionV.

5. UnTerVWanTing WUe markeW anT WUe uVer

TUe anTroiT app TeveloperV muVW know WUe buVineVV plaWform wUere WUey Uave Wo Vell WUere appV. TUe TeveloperV muVW Tevelop WUere app baVing on WUe uVer requiremenWV anT WUeir inWereVWV of WUe plaWform.


An Android application projecW beginV wiWU an iTea anT requiremenWV neceVVary Wo builT WUaW iTea. You may wanW Wo VkeWcU uVer inWerfaceV (UIV) for WUe variouV applicaWion funcWionV. To VUow wUaW a UI woulT look like anT Uow iW woulT TrawH mock-upVH workH uVeH anT proWoWypeV. PUen you are reaTy Wo VWarW coTingH uVe WUe AnTroiT SWuTio Wo go WUrougU WUe following VWepV Wo Tevelop app aV VUown in WUe below fig 2J

Fig 2: ApplicaWion TevelopmenW proceVV

Defining the idea and requirements: Most apps start wiWU an iTea of wUaW iW VUoulT ToH by markeW anT uVer reVearcUH Turing WUiV VWage WUe appV requiremenW are


Prototyping the user interface: Use drawing, mock ups anT proWoWypeV Wo VUow wUaW WUe uVer inWerface woulT look likeH anT Uow iW woulT work. Developing and Testing the app: An app conViVWV of one or more acWiviWieVH Ńor eacU acWiviWy you can uVe AnTroiT VWuTio Wo To WUe following in parWicular orTerJ Create the layout: Place the UI elements onto the Vcreen in a layouWH anT aVVign VWring reVourceV viewV anT menu iWemVH uVing WUe NxWenVible Óarkup

Language (XÓL).

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJNT) e-ISSNJ 2395-0056

VolumeJ 07 IVVueJ 06 | June 2020 www.irjeW.neW p-ISSNJ 2395-0072

© 2020H IRJNT | ImpacW ŃacWor valueJ 7.529 | ISO 9001J2008 CerWifieT Journal | Page 2756

Write the Java code: Create a Java Source code for componenWV anT WeVWVH anT uVe WeVWing anT

Tebugging WoolV.

Register the activity: It declares the activity in the manifeVW file.

Define the build: use the default builT

configuraWion or creaWe cuVWom builTV for

TifferenW verVionV of your applicaWion.

Publishing the app: Assemble the final APK (package file) anT TiVWribuWe iW WUrougU cUannelV like google play



SmarW PUoneV wUicU UaV cUangeT WUe life of everyone. TUere are TifferenW WypeV of appV in wUicU an applicaWion iV TevelopeT baVeT on Wype of operaWing VyVWem. SmarW PUoneV proviTeV may feaWureV WUaW VignificanWly reTuce WUe frequency anT impacW of applicaWion VecuriWy iVVueV. Pe can TeVign our own appV baVeT on our requiremenW by following WUe TevelopmenW proceVV VWepV. To Tevelop appV WUere are cerWain cUallengeV wUicU an applicaWion neeT Wo aTTreVV.


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