[PDF] HOW TO FIND AN EULER CIRCUIT - University of New Mexico

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Euler Paths and Euler Circuits

An Euler circuit is a circuit that uses every edge of a graph exactly once. ▷ An Euler path starts and ends at different vertices. ▷ An Euler circuit starts 

Euler Paths and Euler Circuits Euler Path Euler Circuit # Odd

Euler's Theorem: 1. If a graph has more than 2 vertices of odd degree then it has no Euler paths. 2. If a 

HOW TO FIND AN EULER CIRCUIT. The book gives a proof that if a

The book gives a proof that if a graph is connected and if every vertex has even degree

Finding euler circuits in logarithmic parallel time

Cm} is an 'Eu- ler partition' of. G if each edge appears just once in its circuit see Figure 2-a. Different circuits in P may share common vertices. An. Euler.

1. For which values of n do the following graphs have an Euler

(a) Kn (b) Cn (c) Wn (d) Qn. A connected multigraph (or graph) has an Euler circuit iff each of its vertices has even degree. (a) Every vertex in Kn has degree 

Math 355 Homework 8 Key 4.5 #4 4.5 #5 4.5 #6 4.5 #7

And Euler circuit? Explain. A graph has an Euler path if at most 2 vertices have an odd degree. Since for a graph Kmn

MA115A Dr. Katiraie Section 7.1 Worksheet Name: 1. A circuit in a

The. of a vertex is the number of edges that touch that vertex. 4. According to Euler's theorem a connected graph has an Euler circuit precisely when every 

Lecture 24 Euler and Hamilton Paths Definition 1. An Euler circuit in

An Euler path in G is a simple path containing every edge of G. Definition 2. A simple path in a graph G that passes through every vertex exactly once is called 

Euler Trails and Euler Circuits

Euler Circuits. Definition. An Euler circuit is a closed Euler trail. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 a b c d e f g. 5 / 18. Page 6. Eulerian Graphs. Definition. A graph is 

Graph Theory

(a) Does G have an Euler circuit (that is an Eulerian trail)? If so

Euler Paths and Euler Circuits

An Euler circuit is a circuit that uses every edge of a graph exactly once. ? An Euler path starts and ends at different vertices.

Euler Paths and Euler Circuits

An Euler circuit is a circuit that uses every edge of a graph exactly once. ? An Euler path starts and ends at different vertices.

Euler Paths and Euler Circuits Euler Path Euler Circuit # Odd

Euler's Theorem: 1. If a graph has more than 2 vertices of odd degree then it has no Euler paths. 2. If a 

Résolution numérique une équation différentielle ordinaire ou tout

ordinaire ou tout sur la méthode d'Euler. Cas du circuit RC. Compétences visées : - Comprendre et implémenter la méthode d'Euler.

RC Euler

Résolution numérique d'une équation différentielle par la méthode d'Euler. Objectif: Saisir les paramètres du circuit : R C.

Résolution numérique déquations différentielles

Considérons par exemple le circuit électrique suivant (où le générateur est un générateur schémas d'intégration est le schéma dit d'Euler explicite.

Algorithme dEuler pour trouver un circuit hamiltonien dans le cas du

Il y a donc aussi beaucoup de circuits hamiltoniens différents. Par exemple à partir du circuit du paragraphe 6 (à gauche ci- dessous) Euler trouve un nouveau 

Résolution numérique des équations différentielles

nombreux cas la méthode d'Euler procure des résultats acceptables (au moins qualitativement). On peut en observer un exemple avec la réponse du circuit RC à 

Lecture 24 Euler and Hamilton Paths Definition 1. An Euler circuit in

An Euler path in G is a simple path containing every edge of G. Definition 2. A simple path in a graph G that passes through every vertex exactly once is called 

Euler circuit and path worksheet: Part 1: For each of these vertex

Euler circuit and path worksheet: Part 1: For each of these vertex-edge graphs try to trace it (without lifting your pen from the.

Euler Paths and Euler Circuits - University of Kansas

An Euler circuit is a circuit that uses every edge of a graph exactly once IAn Euler path starts and ends atdi erentvertices IAn Euler circuit starts and ends atthe samevertex Euler Paths and Euler Circuits B C E D A B C E D A An Euler path: BBADCDEBC Euler Paths and Euler Circuits B C E D A B C E D A Another Euler path: CDCBBADEB

Euler Path Euler Circuit - MWSU Intranet

Euler Paths and Euler Circuits Finding an Euler Circuit: There are two different ways to find an Euler circuit 1 Fleury’s Algorithm: Erasing edges in a graph with no odd vertices and keeping track of your progress to find an Euler Circuit a Begin at any vertex since they are all even A graph may have more than 1 circuit) b

Math in Society - OpenTextBookStore

DIGRAPHS AND EULER CIRCUITS 3 De nition 1 A walk in a digraph D is a sequence of arrows with the property that each arrow has source equal to the target of the previous arrow The terms cycle and so forth have the same meaning as before with the only change that we need to keep track of direction De nition 2

HOW TO FIND AN EULER CIRCUIT - University of New Mexico

vertex has even degree then there is an Euler circuit in the graph Buried in that proof is a description of an algorithm for nding such a circuit (a) First pick a vertex to the the start vertex " (b) Find at random a cycle that begins and ends at the start vertex Mark all edges on this cycle This is now your curent circuit "

Lecture 24 Euler and Hamilton Paths - Duke University

An Euler circuit has been constructed if all the edges have been used Otherwise consider the subgraph H obtained from G be deleting the edges already used and vertices that are not incident with any remaining edges

Searches related to euler circuit filetype:pdf

• An Euler circuit in a graph G is a circuit containing every edge of G once and only once › circuit - starts and ends at the same vertex • An Euler path is a path that contains every edge of G once and only once › may or may not be a circuit 3-June-02 CSE 373 - Data Structures - 24 - Paths and Circuits 9 An Euler Circuit

How do you find the path of a Euler circuit?

    The path is shown in arrows to the right, with the order of edges numbered. Euler Circuit An Euler circuit is a circuit that uses every edge in a graph with no repeats. Being a circuit, it must start and end at the same vertex. Example 6 The graph below has several possible Euler circuits.

Can Euler circuit contain repeated vertex?

    The Euler circuit can contain the repeated vertex. If we begin our path from vertex A and then go to vertices C, D or C, E, then in this process, the condition of same start and end vertex is not satisfied, but another condition of covering all edges is not satisfied.

What is a closed Euler circuit?

    If an Euler trail contains the same vertex at the start and end of the trail, then that type of trail will be known as the Euler Circuit. A closed Euler trail will be known as the Euler Circuit. Note: If all the vertices of the graph contain the even degree, then that type of graph will be known as the Euler circuit.

Is a connected multigraph an Euler circuit?

    Theorem 1. A connected multigraph with at least two vertices has an Euler circuit if and only if each of its vertices has even degree. A connected multigraph has an Euler path but not an Euler circuit if and only if it has exactly two vertices of odd degree Proof. Necessary condition for the Euler circuit.

Proof of Suciency for Euler Circuits

First we will prove a lemma, the use of which will be allowed on future assignments:

1 Lemma Proof

Claim: Every connected graph of two or more vertices has a vertex that can be removed (along with its incident edges) without disconnecting the remaining graph. Proof: We will prove an even stronger fact by induction on the number of vertices: P(n) = \A connected graph withnvertices has two distinct vertices, each of which can be removed individually (along with incident edges) without discon- necting the remaining graph" Base Case:P(2): Either one of the vertices can be removed. The remaining graph is a single vertex in both cases, which is a connected graph.

Inductive Case:P(2)^ ^P(n)!P(n+ 1)

1. Consider arbitrary connected graphGwithn+ 1 vertices.

2. Remove an arbitrary vertexvto getG0.

3. Case 1:G0is connected

(a) SinceP(n) is true (Inductive Hypothesis), there are two distinct ver- ticeswanduthat (individually) can be removed fromG0without disconnecting it. (b) Ifwwere removed fromGinstead ofv, the resulting graph would still be connected. (c) Therefore, two distinct vertices can be safely removed fromG, and we are done.

4. Case 2:G0is disconnected

5. ThenG0is made up ofkconnected component subgraphsC1;:::;Ck.

6.k2 because with at leastn+1 vertices inGwheren2, the remainingn

vertices (at least 2) must be in separate components ifG0is disconnected. 1

7. Each componentCihas a vertexvithat was a neighbor ofvinG.

8. Case 2.1: For eachCi, vertexviis the only vertex in the component.

(a) Addvback toG0getGagain, and then removev1instead. (b) Alternately, sincek2, we could have removedvkinstead. (c) Now we have removed a vertex fromGin two dierent ways, and each results in a connected graph.

9. Case 2.2: At least one ofCi, call itCq, has 2 or more vertices.

(a) The Strong Inductive Hypothesis applies toCq, so there are two distinct vertices that can be removed fromCqwithout disconnecting it. (b) Since there are two, and they are distinct, at least one of them is not v q. Call the other onex. (c) Addvback toG0to getGagain. (d) We have already identied one vertex,x, that can be safely removed fromGwithout disconnecting it. (e) We also know that there is at least one otherCpwherep6=qbecause k2. (f) IfCpis just one vertex, we can remove it (vp) as in Case 2.1. (g) IfCpis more than one vertex, then the I.H. allows us to nd and remove one vertex (notvp) as in Case 2.2. (h) The vertex removed fromCpaccounts for the second vertex that we could remove fromGwithout disconnecting it.

10. In all cases,P(n+1) is true because we found two distinct vertices, either

of which could be removed without disconnectingG. Feel free to use this lemma on tests and other assignments. Now we can use this lemma to do the actual proofs from class. Note: Can you gure out why the stronger fact about two distinct vertices had to be proven instead? All we care about is having one vertex to safely remove, so why was this proof done instead? Discuss this on Piazza.

2 Induction on number of vertices

P(n) = \A connected multi-graph withnvertices, each of even degree, has an

Euler circuit"

Base Case:P(2):

1. Because vertex degrees are even, there must be an even number of edges

between these two vertices. 2

2. Call the verticesaandb, and assume there are 2kedges.

3. Then going fromatoband then back again toa ktimes results in an

Euler circuit.

Inductive Case:P(n)!P(n+ 1)

1. Take arbitrary connect graphGwithn+ 1 vertices, each of even degree.

2. By the lemma, we can remove a vertexv(and incident edges) that does

not disconnect the graph. Call the resultG0.

3.vhad an even degree inG, so we can arbitrarily pair up all ofv's incident


4. For every such pair of edges (x;v), (v;y) that existed inG, add one edge

(x;y) toG0.

5. The degree of each remaining vertex inG0stays the same as inG, so all

are still even.

6. The Inductive Hypothesis then indicates thatG0has an Euler circuit. Call


7. Addvback to getGagain, and restore the edges to their original state.

8. Create a path inGfromC: whenever an edge (x;y) is traversed that

existed inG0, but does not exist inG, traverse (x;v) then (v;y) instead.

9. The resulting path is an Euler circuit inG.


3 Induction on number of edges

P(n) = \A connected multi-graph withnedges and all vertices of even degree has an Euler circuit"

Base Case:P(2):

1. Because there are only two edges, and vertex degrees are even, these edges

must both be between the same two vertices.

2. Call the verticesaandb: Then (a;b;a) is an Euler circuit.

Inductive Case:P(n)!P(n+ 1):

1. Start with connected graphGwithn+ 1 edges and vertices all of even


2. By lemma, pick a vertexvthat can be removed without disconnecting the

graph. 3

3. Since the removal ofvwill not disconnect the graph, no number of edges

removed from it will disconnect the graph either.

4.vmust have at least 2 edges since the graph is connected and all vertices

have even degree.

5. Pick any two such edges (x;v) and (y;v).

6. Remove (x;v) and (y;v) fromG, and add an edge (x;y). Ifvnow has no

incident edges, remove it as well. Call the resultG0.

7.G0is connected, and it hasnedges (we removed 2, but then added 1).

8. The Inductive Hypothesis says thatG0has an Euler circuitC.

9. Restore the graph to getGagain, and traverseCwithinG.

10. The rst time (x;y) is traversed, traverse (x;v) and then (v;y) instead.

11. The result is an Euler circuit inG.


4 Proof via maximal path

1. Consider a maximal simple pathW= (a;:::;b) in connected graphG,

where each vertex has even degree.

2. Look at the endpointa, which like all other vertices has even degree.

3. BecauseWis maximal,a's neighbors must be inW(otherwise we could

extend the path).

4. Moreover, for each neighborxofa, each edge (x;a) must be inWin order

for the path to be maximal.

5. Becauseais the starting point, and its even number of edges are all in the

path, the only way for all of them to be traversed is forWto end ata.

6. Thereforea=bandWis a (simple) circuit.

7. Now, assumeWis not an Euler circuit BWOC.

8. Then there is an edge (x;y) that is not inW.

9. SinceGis connected, there is a path fromyto some vertexvinW, which

is (y;:::;v).

10. Crete a path (x;y;:::;v;:::;a;:::;v), which exists becauseWis a circuit.

11. This path is clearly longer thanW, which contradicts the assumption that

it is a maximal path. 4quotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23
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