[PDF] Treaty Series c) em caso de companhias

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Treaty Series

c) em caso de companhias de seguros certificado de quitaco tivals cindmatographiques et reunions sportives organisds par leurs autoritds respec-.

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Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations

Recueil des Traitis

Traitis et accords internationaux

enregistris ou classes et inscrits au ripertoire au Secritariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

Copyright © United Nations 2000

All rights reserved

Manufactured in the United States of America

Copyright © Nations Unies 2000

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Imprimd aux Etats-Unis d'Am6rique

Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations


Recueil des Traitis

Traitis et accords internationaux

enregistris ou classjs et inscrits au rdpertoire au Secritariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

United Nations e Nations Unies

New York, 2000

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations

VOLUME 1966 1997 I. Nos. 33599-33612



Treaties and international agreements

registered from 28 February 1997 to 14 March 1997 Page

No. 33599. Israel and United States of America:

Counterterrorism Cooperation Accord. Signed at Washington on 30 April 1996 .... 3

No. 33600. United Nations and Denmark:

Memorandum of Agreement for the contribution of personnel to the Interna- tional Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (with annexes). Signed at

The H ague on 28 February 1997 ............................................................................. 17

No. 33601. Brazil and Paraguay:

Agreement on the restitution of stolen motor vehicles. Signed at Brasilia on I Sep-

tem ber 1994 ................................................................................................................ 19

No. 33602. Brazil and Turkey:

Agreement on cultural and educational cooperation. Signed at Brasilia on 10 April

1995 .............................................................................................................................. 47

No. 33603. Brazil and South Africa:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement on the exemption of visas for the holders of diplomatic, official and ordinary passports. Pretoria, 26 November

1996 .............................................................................................................................. 67

No. 33604. Hungary and Romania:

Treaty of understanding, cooperation and good neighbourliness (with appendix).

Signed at Timisoara on 16 September 1996 .......................................................... 77

No. 33605. Mexico and El Salvador:

Basic Agreement on technical and scientific cooperation. Signed at Mexico City on

19 Septem ber 1995 ..................................................................................................... 123

Vol. 1966

Traitis et accords internationaux

enregistrds ou classds et inscrits au repertoire au Secritariat de I'Organisation des Nations Unies

VOLUME 1966 1997 I. NOs 33599-33612



Traitds et accords internationaux

enregistr~s du 28frvrier 1997 au 14 mars 1997 Pages

NO 33599. Israel et Etats-Unis d'Am6rique:

Accord relatif A la coop6ration antiterroriste. Sign6 A Washington le 30 avril 1996... 3 N 0

33600. Organisation des Nations Unies et Danemark:

M6morandum d'accord relatif b la contribution de personnel au Tribunal p6nal international pour l'ex-Yougoslavie (avec annexes). Sign6 A La Haye le 28 f6-

v rier 1997 .................................................................................................................... 17

NO 33601. Brksil et Paraguay :

Accord pour la restitution de v6hicules automobiles vol6s ou endommag6s. Sign6

A B rasilia le Ier septem bre 1994 ............................................................................... 19

NO 33602. Brisil et Turquie :

Accord relatif A la cooperation relative A la culture et A l'enseignement. Sign6 A

B rasflia le 10 avril 1995 ............................................................................................ .47

NO 33603. Br6sil et Afrique du Sud :

lchange de notes constituant un accord relatif A l'exemption de visa pour les titulaires d'un passeport diplomatique, officiel ou r6gulier. Pretoria, 26 no-

vem bre 1996 ................................................................................................................ 67

NO 33604. Hongrie et Roumanie :

Trait6 d'entente, de coop6ration et de bon voisinage (avec annexe). Sign6 A Timi-

soara le 16 septem bre 1996 ....................................................................................... 77

N 0

33605. Mexique et El Salvador:

Accord de base relatif b la coop6ration technique et scientifique. Sign6d Mexico le

19 septem bre 1995 ..................................................................................................... 123

Vol. 1966

United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitis Page

No. 33606. Mexico and El Salvador:

Treaty on the recovery and return of stolen and embezzled vehicles and aircraft (with annexes). Signed at Mexico City on 19 September 1995 ........................... 139

No. 33607. Mexico and Argentina:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement on the establishment of a coordina- tion and consultation mechanism. Mexico City, 27 November 1995 ................. 167

No. 33608. United Nations and Costa Rica:

Exchange of letters constituting an agreement on the United Nations Regional Workshop on indicators of sustainable development for the Latin American and Caribbean Region, to be held in San Josd, Costa Rica, from 10 to 12 March

1997. New York, 26 February and 5 March 1997 .................................................. 175

No. 33609. United Nations (United Nations Children's Fund) and Bolivia: Standard Basic Cooperation Agreement. Signed at La Paz on 18 November 1993... 177

No. 33610. Multilateral:

Convention on mutual administrative assistance in tax matters (with annexes).

Concluded at Strasbourg on 25 January 1988 ....................................................... 215

No. 33611. Multilateral:

European Convention on transfrontier television (with annex). Concluded at

Strasbourg on 5 M ay 1989 ........................................................................................ 265

No. 33612. Multilateral:

European Convention on the protection of the archaeological heritage (revised).

Concluded at Valletta on 16 January 1992 ............................................................. 305

ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, subsequent agreements, etc., con- cerning treaties and international agreements registered with the

Secretariat of the United Nations

No. 4789. Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform conditions of ap- proval and reciprocal recognition of approval for motor vehicle equipment and parts. Done at Geneva, on 20 March 1958: Entry into force of amendments to Regulation No. 30 annexed to the above-

m entioned A greem ent ............................................................................................... 330

Entry into force of amendments to Regulation No. 90 annexed to the above-

m entioned A greem ent ............................................................................................... 331

Entry into force of amendments to Regulation No. 96 annexed to the above-

m entioned A greem ent ............................................................................................... 331

Application by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland of Regulations Nos. 98 and 99 annexed to above-mentioned Agreement .............. 331

Vol. 1966

1997 United Nations -Treaty Series e Nations Unies -Recueil des Trait~s VII

Pages N 0

33606. Mexique et El Salvador:

Convention relative au recouvrement et A la restitution de vdhicules et d'a~ronefs voles ou d~tourn6s (avec annexes). Sign6 A Mexico le 19 septembre 1995 ....... 139 N 0

33607. Mexique et Argentine:

tchange de notes constituant un accord relatif A l'6tablissement d'un m6canisme de coordination et de consultation. Mexico, 27 novembre 1995 ............. 167 N 0

33608. Organisation des Nations Unies et Costa Rica :

lchange de lettres constituant un accord relatif A l'atelier regional des Nations Unies sur les indicateurs du d6veloppement durable pour la r6gion de 'Am6- rique latine et des Caralbes, devant avoir lieu A San Josd (Costa Rica), du 10 au

12 mars 1997. New York, 26 fWvrier et 5 mars 1997 ............................................ 175

N 0

33609. Organisation des Nations Unies (Fonds des Nations Unies pour l'en-

fance) et Bolivie : Accord de base r6gissant la cooperation. Signd A La Paz le 18 novembre 1993 ....... 177 N 0

33610. Multilatkral :

Convention concernant l'assistance administrative mutuelle en mati~re fiscale (avec annexes). Conclue A Strasbourg le 25 janvier 1988 ..................................... 215 N 0

33611. Multilateral :

Convention europcenne sur la t~l~vision transfronti~re (avec annexe). Conclue A

Strasbourg le 5 m ai 1989 ........................................................................................... 265

N 0

33612. Multilateral :

Convention europ6enne pour la protection du patrimoine arch~ologique (r~vis6e).

Conclue A La Valette le 16janvier 1992 .................................................................. 305

ANNEXE A. Ratifications, adhesions, accords ultgrieurs, etc., concernant des traitis et accords internationaux enregistrs au Secretariat de

I'Organisation des Nations Unies

N 0

4789. Accord concernant l'adoption de conditions uniformes d'homologa-

tion et la reconnaissance r~ciproque de I'homologation des kquipe- ments et pieces de vkhicules A moteur. Fait A Gen ve, le 20 mars

1958 :

Entree en vigueur d'amendements au R~glement n

30 annex6 A l'Accord susmen-

tio nn 6 ........................................................................................................................... 332

Entr6e en vigueur d'amendements au Riglement n

90 annexd A l'Accord susmen-

tio nn 6 ........................................................................................................................... 333

Entr6e en vigueur d'amendements au R~glement n

96 annex6 A l'Accord susmen-

tio nn 6 ........................................................................................................................... 333

Application par le Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord des R~glements nos 98 et 99 annex6s A l'Accord susmentionn6 ................................ 333

Vol. 1966

VIII United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitks 1997 Page No. 7247. International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Pro- ducers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organisations. Done at

Rome, on 26 October 1961:

A ccession by Poland ......................................................................................................... 334

No. 9464. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Opened for signature at New York on 7 March 1966:
Declaration by the Republic of Korea under article 14 (1) recognizing the compe- tence of the Committee on the elimination of racial discrimination .................. 337 No. 12136. Treaty of friendship, co-operation and mutual assistance between the Socialist Republic of Romania and the Hungarian People's Republic. Signed at Bucharest on 24 February 1972:

Termination (N ote by the Secretariat) ........................................................................... 338

No. 12140. Convention on the taking of evidence abroad in civil or commercial matters. Opened for signature at The Hague on 18 March 1970:

Acceptance by Sweden of the accession of Estonia .................................................... 339

Acceptance by Sweden of the accession of Poland ..................................................... 339

No. 14151. Protocol amending the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961.

Concluded at Geneva on 25 March 1972:

Ratification by Lebanon .................................................................................................. 34Q

No. 14152. Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, as amended by the Pro- tocol of 25 March 1972 amending the Single Convention on Nar- cotic Drugs, 1961. Done at New York on 8 August 1975: Participation by Lebanon in the above-mentioned Convention ................................. 341 No. 14236. Convention on the recognition of divorces and legal separations.

Concluded at The Hague on 1 June 1970:

Acceptance by Finland of the accession of Poland ...................................................... 342

No. 14551. Convention between the Federal Republic of Germany and the State of Israel on social security. Signed at Jerusalem on 17 December 1973:
Supplementary Agreement to the above-mentioned Convention. Signed at Jerusa-

lem on 12 February 1995 .......................................................................................... 343

No. 14668. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 16 December 1966:
Accession by COte d'Ivoire to the Optional Protocol of 16 December 1966 to the

above-m entioned C ovenant ..................................................................................... 358

Vol. 1966

United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Trait~s



7247. Convention internationale sur la protection des artistes interprites ou

exkcutants, des producteurs de phonogrammes et des organismes de radiodiffusion. Faite A Rome, le 26 octobre 1961 :

A dhesion de la Pologne ..................................................................................................... 334

NO 9464. Convention internationale sur I'6limination de toutes les formes de discrimination raciale. Ouverte A la signature A New York le 7 mars

1966 :

D6claration de la R6publique de Cor6e en vertu du paragraphe 1 de l'article 14 reconnaissant la comp6tence du Comit6 pour l'61imination de la discrimina-

tion raciale .................................................................................................................. 337

NO 12136. Trait d'amiti6, de coopkration et d'assistance mutuelle entre la Rkpublique socialiste de Roumanie et la Rkpublique populaire hongroise. Sign6 A Bucarest le 24 fWvrier 1972 :

A brogation (N ote du Secrdtariat) ................................................................................... 338

NO 12140. Convention sur i'obtention des preuves A I'ktranger en mati~re civile on commerciale. Ouverte A la signature A La Haye le 18 marsquotesdbs_dbs24.pdfusesText_30

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