[PDF] Child Language Acquisition Is Language Behavior?

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behaviorist theory on language learning and acquisition

native languages while the rest can account for foreign language acquisition. Yet these four fundamental theories of language acquisition cannot be totally 

First Language Acquisition Theories and Transition to SLA

Behaviorist Theory. Behaviorism or Behaviorist Theory of first language (L1) plays a crucial role in understanding the early importance attached to the role 

Theories of First Language Acquisition

10 avr. 2015 with external observation. Behaviorist theory founded by J.B.. Watson


Although Behaviourism is now seen as offering only a very limited explanation each theory has added to our overall understanding




Of these behaviorist theory and mentalist theory are mainly applicable with first language acquisition. Obviously

Chapter 2: First Language Acquisition (pp

Three Positions in First Language Acquisition. ? Behavioristic Position Skinner's theories attracted a number of critics (Noam Chomsky) but it also.

Study on Child Language Acquisition—Behaviorism Nativism


The Nature of Language Acquisition: Where L1 and L2 Acquisition

hand behaviorism as a theory of language acquisition has been attacked and first language do not by any means learn and produce a large set of ...

Child Language Acquisition Is Language Behavior?

Child First Language Acquisition. ? Children's creativity with language is a problem for behaviorist theories of language learning.

[PDF] Behaviorist theory on language acquisition - Amazon AWS

These five basic theories are furthermore very much complementary to each other serving different types of learners or representing various cases of language 

[PDF] First Language Acquisition Theories and Transition to SLA

Behaviorism or Behaviorist Theory of first language (L1) plays a crucial role in understanding the early importance attached to the role of the first language


Abstract This paper aims to reveal new productive approaches in the improvement of the learning outcomes seen from the perspective of behaviorist theory


Children learning to sign as a first language pass through similar stages to hearing children learning spoken language Deprived of speech the urge to 

behaviorist theory on language learning and acquisition

The Principle of the Behaviorist Theory The behaviorist theory believes that “infants learn oral language from other human role models through a process 


Obviously native language growth must pave the way for foreign language growth Then these five basiclanguage leaming theories are fundamental pillars of 

(PDF) Mentalo-Behaviorist Approach to Language Acquisition

Based on the above review of behaviorism and mentalism there are two major questions to be addressed The first is that can behaviorism alone be a theory for 

[PDF] First language acquisition behaviorist theory pdf - Squarespace

Behaviorism theory of language acquisition First language acquisition theories pdf Academia edu uses cookies to personalize content tailor ads and improve 

[PDF] The Nature of Language Acquisition: Where L1 and L2 - CORE

behaviorism and mentalism and how each alone fails to account for both L1 and L2 acquisition I thus maintain that a well-defined and adequate theory should 

[PDF] Study on Child Language Acquisition—Behaviorism Nativism and

important similarities between first language acquisition and SLA So both second language research endeavors hoping for language acquisition theories

  • What is the behaviorist theory of first language acquisition?

    According to the Behaviorist Theory, Skinner (1985) equated learning a language to verbal behavior. Therefore, he believes that language acquisition like any other behavior can be observed, rather than trying to explain the mental systems underlying these types of behaviors.
  • What is the behaviorist theory of language acquisition by Skinner?

    Skinner. Skinner (1957) argued that language acquisition could be explained by mechanisms of operant conditioning (OC). OC is a technique that can be used to target and increase a behavior by pairing performance of the target behavior with a positive or rewarding outcome (Domjan, 2010).
  • The learning theory of language acquisition suggests that children learn a language much like they learn to tie their shoes or how to count; through repetition and reinforcement. When babies first learn to babble, parents and guardians smile, coo, and hug them for this behavior.

Child Language


First and Second


Child FirstLanguage Acquisition:

Young Children Talking

3 months

6 months

9 months

12 months

18 months

24 months

36 months


Child FirstLanguage Acquisition



Sounds and Pronunciation


MorphologyIs Language Behavior?


Is Language Behavior?

B.F. Skinner (1904-1990)

claimed that language is just another form of behavior. It is a response to stimuli in the environment. And it is learned. Children's creativity with language is a problem for this theory. 6

Is Language Behavior?

Predictions of behaviorism for first

language acquisition: - Children would make many errors. - Errors would differ from child to child. - The level of linguistic attainment would differ from child to child. 2 7

Behaviorist Learning I

Ivan Pavlov (1849-

1936) discovered



Learning is the involuntary

association of stimulus and response. 8 9

Behaviorist Learning I

1.Neutral stimulus: Bell rings

2.Unconditioned stimulus: Present food

3.Unconditioned response: The dog

salivates Conditioning: Repeat the bell ringing and food presentation several times.

After conditioning: The dog hears a bell

and then the dog salivates. 10

Behaviorist Learning I

Pavlov's Classic Conditioning: Learning is the

association of stimulus and response.

1. Neutral stimulus: Bell rings

2. Unconditioned stimulus: Present food

3. Unconditioned response: The dog salivates

Conditioning: Repeat the bell ringing and food

presentation several times. After conditioning: The dog hears a bell and then the dog salivates even when no food is presented. 1112

Behaviorist Learning of Language?

Adult utters "water" whenever the child

sees water. - Unconditioned stimulus: "water" - Unconditioned response: the child . . .

Drinks? Splashes? Spits?

After conditioning:

- Conditioned stimulus: the word "water" - Conditioned response: The child drinks. 3 13

Behaviorist Learning II

B.F. Skinner's Operant Conditioning:

- Learning in which a voluntary response is strengthened or weakened, depending on its positive or negative consequences - Works with voluntary muscles only, in contrast to Pavlov's classical conditioning. 14

Behaviorist Learning II

1.A hungry pigeon is placed in a box.

2.When, by chance, the pigeon pecks a key in

the box, it receives food. • The first time this happens the pigeon does not learn the connection between pecking and receiving food.

3.Eventually, the pigeon pecks the key

continuously until its hunger is satisfied. • The pigeon demonstrates that it has learned the connection between stimulus and response. 1516

Behaviorist Learning II

Shapingis the process of teaching a

complex behavior by rewarding closer and closer approximations to the desired behavior.

1. Reinforce any behavior that is similar to the

behavior you want.

2. Reinforce only those behaviors that are

close to the desired behavior.

3. Reinforce only the desired response.


Behaviorist Learning of Language?

Adults train the child to say "water"

when it sees water.

1. Reinforce "wa", "wawa", etc.

2. Reinforce "wada"

3. Reinforce only "water"

4 19

Operant Conditioning


Child FirstLanguage Acquisition

Children's creativity with language is a

problem for behaviorist theories of language learning.

Jean Berko and the "wugs"

- The child's learning of English morphology.

Word, 14, 150-177, 1958.


This is a wug.


Now there are two of them.

Two ...?

Two wugs


This is a bird who knows how to

rick. It is ricking. 5 25

What did it do yesterday?

Yesterday it ....

Yesterday it ricked.


This is a frog who knows how to

mot. He is motting right now. 28

What did he do yesterday?

Yesterday he ....

Yesterday he motted.


This is a little wug. What would

you call such a small wug? 6

A wuglet


This wug lives in a house. What

would you call a house that a wug lives in?

A wugwam


What Can We Learn

From The Wugs?

The major finding of the wug test was that even

very young children have already internalized systematic aspects of the linguistic system that enable them to produce plurals, past tenses, possessives, and other forms of words that they have never heard before. The test has been replicated many times, and it has proven very robust. It was the first experimental proof that young children have extracted generalizable rules from the language around them. 35

The First Longitudinal Study of

Child Language Acquisition

Roger Brown undertook a landmark study of the

linguistic development of children. He focused on three children, whom he called Adam, Eve, and Sarah. In this monumental study, and on the basis of careful examination of these children's utterances, he established empirical generalizations for the way in which any language is acquired. A first language: The early stages. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1973. 36

The First Longitudinal Study of

Child Language Acquisition

Adamwas studied by Brown from the age of 2

years and 3 months (2;3) for 15 months.

Sarahwas studied by Brown from the age of 2

years and 3 months (2;3) for 21 months.

Evewas studied by Brown from the age of 1

year 6 months (1;6) for 15 months. 7 37

Adam's Acquisition of 14


Stage Age Morphemes


II 2;6 Present progressive

in on plural

III 2;11 Uncontractible copula

Past irregular

IV 3;2 Articles

3rd person irregular


V 3;6 3rd person regular

Past regular

Uncontractible auxiliary

Contractible copula

Contractible auxiliary


Sarah's Acquisition of 14


Stage Age Morphemes


II 2;10 Plural

in, on

Present progressive, Past irregular, Possessive

III 3;1

Uncontractible copula


IV 3;8

3rd person regular

V 4;0 Past regular

Uncontractible auxiliary

Contractible copula

3rd person irregular

Contractible auxiliary


Eve's Acquisition of 14 Morphemes

Stage Age Morphemes


II 1;9 Present progessive


III 1;11in


IV 2;2 Possessive, Past regular

V 2;3 Uncontractible copula

Past irregular


3rd person regular

3rd person irregular

Uncontractible auxiliary

Contractible copula

Contractible auxiliaryIs the Order of Acquisition

the Same for the Three


Stage Age Morphemes Stage Age Morphemes Stage Age Morphemes I1;6

II 1;9 Present progessive


III 1;11in


IV 2;2 Possessive, Past regular

I 2;3 I 2;3 V 2;3 Uncontractible copula

Past irregular


II 2;6 Present progressive3rd person regular

in3rd person irregular onUncontractible auxiliary pluralContractible copula

II 2;10 Plural Contractible auxiliary

III 2;11 Uncontractible copulain, on

Past irregular Present progressive, Past irregular, Possessive

III 3;1

IV 3;2 Articles Uncontractible copula

3rd person irregular Articles


V 3;6 3rd person regular

Past regular

Uncontractible auxiliary IV 3;8

Contractible copula 3rd person regular

Contractible auxiliary

V4;0Past regular

Uncontractible auxiliary

Contractible copula

3rd person irregular

Contractible auxiliaryAdam Sarah Eve


Child SecondLanguage Acquisition

The Morpheme Order Studies

- The Bilingual Syntax Measure 8 43

The Bilingual Syntax Measure


Spanish-Speaking Children in Three

Different Cities


Spanish- and Cantonese-speaking



Adults and Children


In Speech and In Writing


A Natural Order for the Acquisition

Morphemes in English as a L2?



COPULA is/are

9 49

A Natural Order for the Acquisition

Morphemes in English as a L2?

AUXILIARY is/are/have

|PROGRESSIVE -ingquotesdbs_dbs20.pdfusesText_26
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