[PDF] Conditional Statements Conditional statements The if statement The

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Decisions in Java – The IF Statement Two Actions – The if-else

It is also possible to illustrate the action of statements with a flow chart. Java allows us to write an if statement that has no else branch. Page 2 of 7.


"Those" said Jill

Conditional Statements

• The statement in the if statement can be any Java statement: • A simple The if-else Flowchart boolean_expression statement1 true false statement2. Page ...

Chapter 3: Java Control Statements Chapter 3: Java Control Statements

} Page 5. Integrative Programming. Selection Statements. The flowchart in Figure 3.1a illustrates how Java executes the syntax of an if statement. If the 

Loops and Conditionals

statement 1 elif test2: statement 2 else: statement 3. • Both the elif and else blocks are optional. Page 9. If/elif/else statements. Page 10. Lamp flowchart 


• One of the alternatives within an IF–THEN–ELSE statement. • may involve further IF–THEN–ELSE statement. Page 26. EXAMPLE 6. • Write an algorithm that reads 

Chapter 3: Decision Structures

if-else Statement Flowcharts. Wear a coat. Yes. Is it cold outside? Wear If the SwitchExpression matches the CaseExpression the Java statements between the ...

L3-Selections 2021-2022 Lecturer: Dr. Basim Jamil

29 Nov 2021 The flowchart in Figure 3.1a illustrates how Java executes the ... An if-else statement decides the execution path based on whether the condition.

Decision-Making and Repetition

There are several conditional statements in Java. These include the if if-else The flow chart of an if-else statement is shown below. Page 4. Decision ...

Conditional Statements

The conditional statements if if-else

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Java provides three types of loop statements while loops do-while loops

Chapter 3: Decision Structures

If statements can be modeled as a flow chart. executed statements the if statement is ended by ... Java provides two binary logical operators (&&.

Chapter 3: Control Statements

execution flow chart is shown in Figure (A). Example if (radius >= 0) { The statement in an if or if ... else statement can be any legal Java statement.

While and Do-While Loops Loops The while statement The if

Within a method we can alter the flow of control using either conditionals or loops. • The loop statements while

Chapter 3

execution flow chart is shown in Figure (A). Example if (radius >= 0) { The statement in an if or if ... else statement can be any legal Java statement.

Java If Else If Statement

Giving a java statements associated block. What are evaluated. The syntax is extremely similar reason If statement. If else it with java if else if 

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Conditions are Boolean expressions. • Java has several types of selection statements: o if Statements if … else statements

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if (boolean-expression) { statement(s);. } Page 5. Integrative Programming. Selection Statements. The flowchart in Figure 3.1a 

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The conditional statements if if-else and switch allow us to choose which statement will be executed next • Each choice or decision is based on the value of

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Selection Statements The flowchart in Figure 3 1a illustrates how Java executes the syntax of an if statement If the boolean-expression evaluates to true 

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22 nov 2019 · // Here if the condition is true if block // will consider only statement1 to be inside // its block Page 3 Flow chart: Example: class 

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Conditional Statements

15-110 Summer 2010

Margaret Reid-Miller

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 2

Conditional statements

• Within a method, we can alter the flow of control (the order in which statements are executed) using either conditionals or loops.

• The conditional statements if, if-else, and switch allow us to choose which statement will be executed next. • Each choice or decision is based on the value of a boolean expression (also called the condition).

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 3

The if statement

• If we have code that we sometimes want to execute and sometimes we want to skip we can use the if statement.

• The form of the if statement is if (boolean_expression) statement • If boolean_expression evaluates to true, then statement is executed. • If boolean_expression evaluates to false, then statement is skipped. • Note that the boolean_expression enclosed in parentheses must evaluate to true or false.

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 4

The if Flowchart

boolean_expression statement true false

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 5

if-Statement Examples !if (count > 0) !

average = total / count;!if (age >= 26) !!if (hasLicense == true)!!System.out.println("You may rent a car.");!daysInFeb = 28;!! if (isLeapYear) {!daysInFeb = 29;!System.out.println(year + " is a leap year.");!}!Or simply


Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 6

The if Statement

• The statement in the if statement can be any Java statement:

• A simple statement • A compound statement, such as an if statement • A block statement, a group of statements

enclosed in braces {} if (zipcode == 15213) {!city = "Pittsburgh";!state = "PA";!}! Proper indentation becomes essential!

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 7

The if-else Statement

• If we want to choose between two alternative we use the if/else statement: if (boolean_expression)!

statement1!else !! statement2! • If boolean_expression evaluates to true, then statement1 is executed. • If boolean_expression evaluates to false, then statement2 is executed.

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 8

The if-else Flowchart

boolean_expression statement1 true false!statement2

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 9

if-else Statement Examples !if (temperature <= 32.0) {!

! forecast = "SNOW"; !!} ! else {! forecast = "RAIN";!!} !if (count > 0) { !! average = total / count; !!} ! else {!! System.out.println("No data to average.");!!}

The then clause The else clause

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 10

Common Error 1

• When you want to test if the value of a variable is in a range. !if (0 < temperature < 100) { ! ! state = "LIQUID"; !!}!WRONG!! if (0 < temperature && temperature < 100) { ! !state = "LIQUID"; !}!Correct

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 11

Common Error 2

• When you want to test if the value of a variable is one of two alternates. !if (choice == 'M' || 'L') { ! ! System.out.println("You're correct!"); !!}!WRONG!! if (choice == 'M' || choice == 'L') { ! ! System.out.println("You're correct!"); !}!Correct

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 12

The Dangling else Problem

• When an if statement is nested inside the then clause of another if statement, the else clause is paired with the closest if statement without an else clause. if (x > 0) ! if (y > 0)! color = "red"; !else ! color = "blue"; Misleading indentation

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 13

The Dangling else Problem

• In reality it is if (x > 0) ! if (y > 0)! color = "red"; ! else ! color = "blue"; y x y x

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 14

The Dangling else Problem

• Use braces to pair else with the outer if if (x > 0) {! if (y > 0)! color = "red"; !} !else {! color = "blue";!}! • Compare flowcharts! y x

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 15

Multiple Alternatives

• Determine if a number is positive, negative, or zero: if (value < 0) {!!System.out.println("Value is negative.");!} !if (value == 0) {!!System.out.println("Value is zero.");!}!if (value > 0) {!!System.out.println("Value is positive.");!}!

Computer thinks any combination of the three statements can be executed.

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 16

Multiple Alternatives

• Determine if a number is positive, negative, or zero

if (value < 0) {!! System.out.println("Value is negative.");!} !else {!! if (value == 0) {!!! System.out.println("Value is zero.");!! } ! else {!!! if (value > 0) {!!!! System.out.println("Value is positive.");!!! }!! }!}!At most one statement is executed. Leads to lots of indentation.

Summer 2010

• Determine if a number is positive, negative, or zero if (value < 0) {!! System.out.println("Value is negative.");!} ! else {! ! if (value == 0) {!!! System.out.println("Value is zero.");!! } ! else {! !! if (value > 0) {!!!! System.out.println("Value is positive.");!!! }!

15-110 (Reid-Miller) 17

Multiple Alternatives

Remove unnecessary brackets and re-indent

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 18

Multiple Alternatives

• Determine if a number is positive, negative, or zero:

if (value < 0) {!! System.out.println("Value is negative.");!} !else if (value == 0) {!!!System.out.println("Value is zero.");!} !else if (value > 0) {!!!System.out.println("Value is positive.");!}!

At most one statement is executed. Each choice, however, is at same indentation.

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 19

Multiple Alternatives

• Determine if a number is positive, negative, or zero:

if (value < 0) {!!System.out.println("Value is negative.");!} !else if (value == 0) {!!!System.out.println("Value is zero.");!} !else { // value must be positive!!!System.out.println("Value is positive.");!}!

It is clear, exactly one statement is executed.

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 20

Multiple Alternatives: Assignments

• Determine the fare: $2 for a child (no more than 11 years), $3 for a senior (at least 65 years), or $5 for an adult.

int fare;!if (age _______) {!!fare = 2;!} !else if (age __________) { // _____________________!!fare = 5;!} !else { // ________________!!fare = 3;!}!System.out.println("Your fare is $" + fare);!fare must be defined before the if statement

last clause must be else with no if


• Write a method that prints how many of n1, n2, and n3 are odd: public void printNumOdd(int n1, int n2, int n3) {!}!

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 21


• Write a method that print whether die1 and die2 are doubles, cat's eyes (two 1's) or neither of these. public void printDoubles(int die1, int die2) {!

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 22 Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 23

Programming Style

• Single-line if statement: if (y > 0) color = "red";! • Multi-line if statement: if (zipcode == 15213) {! city = "Pittsburgh";! state = "PA";!} • The if-else statement: if (temperature <= 32.0) {! forecast = "SNOW"; !} !else {! forecast = "RAIN";!}! • Multiple alternatives:

if (value < 0) {! valueType = "negative";!} !else if (value == 0) {! valueType = "zero";!} !else { // no if here!!! valueType = "positive";!}!

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 24

Testing For Equality

• For primitive values use == for equality testing. • For objects, use the equals method for testing equal contents. • The argument must be the same type as the object on which

equals() is called. The method returns true or false depending on whether both objects are "equal" or not.

• For example, let day be an int variable and month be a String variable. ! if (day == 1 && month.equals("APRIL")) {! ! System.out.println("It's April Fool's Day");! Two String objects are equal if they have exactly the same characters, including case and number of characters.

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 25

Testing for Equality with doubles

• Which statement will Java print?

double x = Math.sqrt(2.0);!double y = x * x;!if (y == 2.0) {!!System.out.println("sqrt(2) * sqrt(2) is 2");!} !else {!!System.out.println("sqrt(2) * sqrt(2) "!!!!!+ "is not 2. It is " + y);!}

Never test for exact equality with floating point numbers!

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 26

Testing for Equality with doubles

• Because of round-off errors, you should test if the numbers are close.

double tolerance = 1.0e-10;double x = Math.sqrt(2.0);!double y = x * x; !if (Math.abs(y - 2.0) < tolerance) {!!System.out.println("sqrt(2) * sqrt(2) is 2");!} !else {!!System.out.println("sqrt(2) * sqrt(2) "!!!!!+ "is not 2. It is " + y);!}!

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 27

Short-Circuit Evaluation

• Short circuit evaluation (or lazy evaluation) : If the first conditional in an && expression is false, Java does not execute the second conditional.


! if (liters > 0 && total/liters > threshold) {!! System.out.println("WARNING: Exceeds threshold");! }

What if the expression was an || expression?

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) 28

The switch statement

• If an if/else statement with multiple alternatives compares an int or char variable or expression against several constants you can use a switch statement.

Example: !switch (suitAsChar) {!

!case 'C': suitAsName = "Clubs"; break;!!case 'D': suitAsName = "Diamonds"; break;!!case 'H': suitAsName = "Hearts"; break;!!case 'S': suitAsName = "Spades"; break;!!default: suitAsName = "Unknown";!}!

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