[PDF] While and Do-While Loops Loops The while statement The if

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Decisions in Java – The IF Statement Two Actions – The if-else

It is also possible to illustrate the action of statements with a flow chart. Java allows us to write an if statement that has no else branch. Page 2 of 7.

Conditional Statements Conditional statements The if statement The

• The statement in the if statement can be any Java statement: • A simple The if-else Flowchart boolean_expression statement1 true false statement2. Page ...


"Those" said Jill

Conditional Statements

• The statement in the if statement can be any Java statement: • A simple The if-else Flowchart boolean_expression statement1 true false statement2. Page ...

Chapter 3: Java Control Statements Chapter 3: Java Control Statements

} Page 5. Integrative Programming. Selection Statements. The flowchart in Figure 3.1a illustrates how Java executes the syntax of an if statement. If the 

Loops and Conditionals

statement 1 elif test2: statement 2 else: statement 3. • Both the elif and else blocks are optional. Page 9. If/elif/else statements. Page 10. Lamp flowchart 


• One of the alternatives within an IF–THEN–ELSE statement. • may involve further IF–THEN–ELSE statement. Page 26. EXAMPLE 6. • Write an algorithm that reads 

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if-else Statement Flowcharts. Wear a coat. Yes. Is it cold outside? Wear If the SwitchExpression matches the CaseExpression the Java statements between the ...

L3-Selections 2021-2022 Lecturer: Dr. Basim Jamil

29 Nov 2021 The flowchart in Figure 3.1a illustrates how Java executes the ... An if-else statement decides the execution path based on whether the condition.

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There are several conditional statements in Java. These include the if if-else The flow chart of an if-else statement is shown below. Page 4. Decision ...

Conditional Statements

The conditional statements if if-else

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Java provides three types of loop statements while loops do-while loops

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If statements can be modeled as a flow chart. executed statements the if statement is ended by ... Java provides two binary logical operators (&&.

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execution flow chart is shown in Figure (A). Example if (radius >= 0) { The statement in an if or if ... else statement can be any legal Java statement.

While and Do-While Loops Loops The while statement The if

Within a method we can alter the flow of control using either conditionals or loops. • The loop statements while

Chapter 3

execution flow chart is shown in Figure (A). Example if (radius >= 0) { The statement in an if or if ... else statement can be any legal Java statement.

Java If Else If Statement

Giving a java statements associated block. What are evaluated. The syntax is extremely similar reason If statement. If else it with java if else if 

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While and Do-While Loops

15-110 Summer 2010

Margaret Reid-Miller

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller)

Loops • Within a method, we can alter the flow of control using either conditionals or loops. • The loop statements while, do-while, and for allow us execute a statement(s) over and over. • Like a conditional, a loop is controlled by a boolean

expression that determines how many times the statement is executed. E.g., You may want to calculate the interest paid on a mortgage

for each year of the loan term.

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller)

The while statement

• The form of the while statement is

while () • If boolean_expression evaluates to true, then

statement is executed. • Then, the boolean_expression is evaluated again. If it evaluates to true, statement is executed again. • This repetition continues until the boolean_expression evaluates to false. How is the while loop different from the if statement?

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller)

The if Flowchart

boolean_expression statement (body of loop) true false

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller)

The while Flowchart

boolean_expression statement (body of loop) true false

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller)

A while Example

Print n asterisks!int i = 0; !while (i < n) {! !


!i++;!}!System.out.println();! i output n = 5

0 *! 1 **!2 ***!3 ****!4 *****!

i < n ? i < n ? i < n ? i < n ? i < n ?

5 *****

i < n ?

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller)

The Loop Control Variable

• The variable i (known as the loop control variable) is used in three ways: it is initialized, tested, and updated.!

!int i = 0; !

!while (i < n) {!!! System.out.print("*");!!! i++;!!}!!System.out.println();!• All three things must be coordinated in order for the loop to work correctly!

// initialize // test // update

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller)

Off-by-1 Errors

int i = 0; !while (i < n) {! !


!i++;!}!System.out.println();!For n = 5 the output is ***** (5 asterisks) !int i = 1; !!while (i < n) {!!!System.out.print

!!i++;!!}!!System.out.println();! Output?

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller)

Off-by-1 Errors

int i = 0; !while (i < n) {! !


!i++;!}!System.out.println();!For n = 5 the output is ***** (5 asterisks) !int i = 0; !!while (i <= n) {!!!System.out.print

!!i++;!!}!!System.out.println();! Output?

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller)


!What is the output if n = 5? int i = 0; !while (i < n) {!! !



Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller)

Infinite Loops

Do you know which

company has this address?

1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014

Apple Computer int i = 0; !while (i < n) {!! !



Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller)

A while Example

int i = 0; !while (i < n) {! !


!i++;!}!System.out.println();! !What is the output if n = 0?

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller)


• Write a method with a while loop to prints 1 through n in square brackets. For example, if n = 6 print

!![1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]!

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller)

Exercise: Cumulative Sum

• Write a method with a while loop that computes the sum of first n positive integers: sum = 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n

Examples: n = 5 sum = 15 n = 19 sum = 190

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller)

Exercise: Fencepost Loop

• Write a method with a while loop that prints 1 through n, separated by commas. E.g., for n = 9 print

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9!

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller)

The do Statement

• The form of the do statement is do! !!while (); • First, statement is executed. • Then, the boolean_expression is evaluated. If it evaluates to true, statement is executed again. • This repetition continues until the boolean_expression evaluates to false.

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller)

The do Flowchart

boolean_expression statement false true

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller)


!int i = 0; // initialize!!do {!!! System.out.print("*"); !!! i++; // update!!} while (i < n); // test!!System.out.println();!

For n = 7 what is the output? How is it different from the while loop?

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller)

User Input

Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);!System.out.print(!!!"Please enter the month [1-12]: ");!int month = keyboard.nextInt();!

What if the user enters a month outside the range?

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller)

User Input (cont'd)

• Use a do-while loop to test whether a user has entered data of the correct form and, if not, ask repeatedly until the data entered is correct.

Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);!int month;!do {!!System.out.print(!!!"Please enter the month [1-12]: ");!!month = keyboard.nextInt();!} while ( );!

month < 1 || month > 12 Must be declared outside the loop Outside the scope of the loop

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller)

• Sometimes it is easier to think of what you want the input to be and negate.

Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);!int month;!do {!!System.out.print(!!!"Please enter the month [1-12]: ");!!month = keyboard.nextInt();!} while ( );!

Use de Morgan's law to prove the Boolean expressions are the same! !(month >= 1 && month <= 12)

User Input

What is the loop control variable?

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller)

• Suppose you want to find the maximum of the data entered from the keyboard. • It is not known in advanced how many data values a user might want to enter. (And the user may not want to count them!) • A sentinel is a special value that is used to detect a special condition, in this case that the user is done entering values. • The sentinel, of course, must be distinct from any value the user may want to input.

Sentinel Controlled Loops

Summer 2010 15-110 (Reid-Miller) Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in);!

System.out.print("Enter count (enter -1 to quit): ");!int count = console.nextInt();!int maxSoFar = count;!while (count != -1) {! if (count > maxSoFar) maxSoFar = count; System.out.print("Enter count (enter -1 to quit): ");! count = console.nextInt();!}!if (maxSoFar > -1) !!System.out.println("The maximum is " + maxSoFar);!else !!System.out.println("No counts entered");

Sentinel Example

Consider making -1 a named constant

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