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The Flu in Australia 2019 In 2019


Washington State Influenza Summary 2018 to 2019 Season

In Washington State two hundred and forty five lab-confirmed influenza deaths and one hundred and forty eight influenza-like illness outbreaks in long term 


10 sept. 2019 ... ICU admissions and deaths by week virus identified

INFORMATION BRIEF 2019 Influenza Season in Australia

30 juin 2021 The number of deaths reported in notified cases of laboratory-confirmed influenza to the NNDSS in 2019. (n=953) was considerably higher than ...

Updated: August 9 2019 Page 1 New Brunswick Influenza

9 août 2019 13 related deaths4 were reported from 6 nursing homes (out of the 14) experiencing influenza outbreaks. 3) Influenza associated Hospitalization ...

2018-19 Flu Season in Review

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) publication schedule found in 2018-2019 flu season was longer and lasted farther into the spring than usual ...

Minnesota Department of Health Weekly Influenza & Respiratory

13 oct. 2020 MMWR Week of Death. 2014-15. 2015-16. 2016-17. 2017-18. 2018-19. 2019-20. Deaths Associated with Influenza by Season Minnesota.


24 sept. 2020 ... ICU admissions and deaths by week virus identified

Influenza Surveillance Monthly Report

29 déc. 2019 December 2019. Deaths surveillance. Coded cause of death data is not timely enough for seasonal influenza surveillance. To provide.

Influenza Surveillance Report

The 2018-2019 flu season was a prolonged season of moderate severity. There were 39 influenza-associated deaths and 105 respiratory outbreaks.

Seasonal influenza - Annual Epidemiological Report for 2019–2020

6 août 2020 · The majority of deceased hospitalised influenza patients were 65 years and older and had influenza A virus infection During the period of high 

[PDF] Influenza season 2019/2020: early situation assessment

18 déc 2019 · There is no evidence of significant excess mortality at this early stage however experience during past seasons suggests a significant 


10 sept 2019 · 2018/2019 INFLUENZA REPORT Overview Figure 1: Number of cases hospitalizations ICU admissions and deaths by week virus identified NL 

[PDF] Summary of the 2019-20 Influenza Season

13 oct 2020 · 197 influenza-associated deaths were reported • 109 outbreaks of influenza in long-term care facilities were reported

[PDF] Influenza-Report-30-October-2019pdf - Pharmacy Guild of Australia

In 2019 Australia's health system has had to face one of the worst flu seasons on record Influenza Deaths by State and Territory 2015-2019

[PDF] Review of the 2018–2019 influenza season in the northern

9 août 2019 · tics illness and mortality are presented by influenza documents/influenza-characterisation-report-May-2019 pdf ; accessed July 2019)

[PDF] Influenza Surveillance Report 2019–2020 Season - CDPH

22 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) during September 29 2019– 

[PDF] Influenza End-of-Season Report 2019-2020

No deaths were reported by Vermont Key Takeaways The 2019-20 flu season had a later and longer peak in geographic spread compared to the

[PDF] Influenza Activity — United States September 30 2018–February 2

15 fév 2019 · pdf Page 3 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report MMWR / February 15 2019 / Vol 

  • How many people died in 2017 because of the flu?

    The overall burden of flu for the 2017-2018 season was an estimated 41 million flu-related illnesses, 19 million flu-related medical visits, 710,000 flu-related hospitalizations, and 52,000 flu-related deaths (Table 1).
  • Was 2019 flu season the worst?

    Anthony Fauci expected the 2019–2020 flu season to be one of the worst in several years, at least as severe as the 2017–2018 season. By the third week in February the seasonal flu was near its peak with over 26 million people sickened, 250,000 hospitalized, and 14,000 who died.
  • What type of flu was in 2019?

    They created one model to test that assumption. Another possibility was that the genetic mutations that distinguished the 2019-2020 virus strain--known as "B/Victoria subclade V1A. 3"--had made it more easily transmissible, as the mutations occurred on two genes that are involved in triggering the immune response.
  • During the 2021-2022 influenza season, CDC estimates that influenza was associated with 9 million illnesses, 4 million medical visits, 10,000 hospitalizations, and 5,000 deaths.

Department of Health and Community Services

Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

2018-2019 Season Published September 10, 2019 1




Figure 1: Number of cases, hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths, by week virus identified, NL, 2018/2019

ŸThere were 1033 laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza during the 2018/2019 season. Of these cases, there were 270 hospitalizations, 63 ICU admissions and 27 influenza-related deaths (Table 1). ŸThis season peaked in week 14 (first week of April), 4 to 6 weeks later compared to the

5-year average (Figure 1).

ŸInfluenza A was the predominant virus circulating across all regional health authorities, accounting for 98.9% of all laboratory-confirmed cases (Figure 2). ŸAdults aged 20-64 years accounted for the largest proportion of cases overall (45%), followed by adults aged 65 and above (33%). Those less than 20 years of age accounted for 23% of lab-confirmed cases (Figure 3). ŸThe average age of confirmed cases was highest for those who had died:

ŸCases, mean: 47.5 years

ŸHospitalizations, mean: 57.6 years

ŸICU admissions, mean: 56.6 years

ŸDeaths, mean: 74.4 years

ŸOver half (59.5%) of laboratory-confirmed cases were female, and they accounted for 53.3% of hospitalizations, 60.3% of ICU admissions and 48.1% of deaths (Table 1). 0 20 40

Number of Laboratory

-Confirmed Cases

Report Week

CommunityHospICUDeaths5-year average

Published September 10, 2019 2

2018/2019 2018/2019 INFLUENZA REPORT

2018-2019 Season

Figure 2: Total number of laboratory-confirmed influenza A and B, by RHA, 2018/2019

Table 1: Number and percent of influenza cases, hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths, by sex, NL, 2018/2019

Figure 3: Number of laboratory-confirmed influenza cases, by age group, NL, 2018/2019 458
2 1 8 0 100
0 40


Rate Per 100,000 Population

Number of Laboratory

-Confirmed Cases

Regional Health Authority


10.2% 12.6% 19.0% 25.8%


Cases Hospitalizations ICU Admissions Deaths

Female 615 (59.5) 144 (53.3) 38 (60.3) 13 (48.1)

Male 418 (40.5) 126 (46.7) 25 (39.7) 14 (51.9)

Total 1033 270 63 27

Published September 10, 2019 3

2018/2019 2018/2019 INFLUENZA REPORT

2018-2019 Season

Influenza Strain

ŸInfluenza A was the predominant strain during the 2018/2019 season in NL. Of cases,

98.9% were influenza A and 1.1% were influenza B (Table 2). Fewer influenza B detections

have been reported this season compared to recent seasons. ŸAcross Canada, influenza A accounted for 95.3% of laboratory-confirmed cases, of which subtype A(H1N1)pdm 09 was the most common. ŸOver the 2018/2019 season, the National Microbiology Laboratory tested influenza A and B viruses for antiviral resistance: 4 viruses were resistant to oseltamivir (Table 3).


ŸInfluenza immunization history is collected (when available) for lab-confirmed cases that result in a hospitalization or death. Of these cases, 15.6% reported receiving the

2018/2019 influenza seasonal vaccine, 61.9% reported no immunization, and 22.5% had

unknown immunization status. ŸIn NL, influenza vaccine is offered to all individuals six months of age and older. The flu vaccine is especially important for those who are at high risk of complications from the flu such as individuals with underlying health conditions. For more information visit http:// ŸThe National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) characterized antigenically 2274 influenza viruses (378 H3N2, 1656 H1N1 and 240 B viruses) during the 2018/2019 influenza season. The majority of H3N2 and H1N1 viruses were antigenically similar to the vaccine strain. Of the influenza B viruses characterized, 30% were antigenically similar to one of the two vaccine components in the quadrivalent flu vaccine.

Note: The NML receives a proportion of the influenza positive specimens from provincial laboratories for strain

characterization and antiviral resistance testing. Strain characterization data reflect the results of hemagglutination

inhibition (HI) testing compared to the reference influenza strains recommended by WHO.

Table 2: Number and percent of influenza cases, hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths, by type, NL, 2018/2019

Source: Influenza and Respiratory Viruses Section, National Microbiology Laboratory (NML), Public Health Agency of Canada

Table 3: Cumulative antiviral resistance by influenza virus type and sub-type, Canada, 2018/2019

Oseltamiǀir Zanamiǀir Amantadine

Tested Resistant Tested Resistant Tested Resistant

A (H3N2) 220 0 0.0 220 0 0.0 134 134 100

A (H1N1) 1082 4 0.4 1080 0 0.0 389 389 100

B 142 0 0.0 142 0 0.0 -- -- --

Total 1444 4 0.3 1442 0 0.0 523 523 100

Flu Type Cases Hospitalizations ICU Admissions Deaths

A 1022 (98.9) 267 (98.9) 62 (98.4) 27 (100.0)

B 11 (1.1) 3 (1.1) 1 (1.6) 0 (0.0)

Total 1033 270 63 27

Published September 10, 2019 4

2018/2019 2018/2019 INFLUENZA REPORT

2018-2019 Season

Outbreak Reports (CNPHI: Outbreak Summaries)

ŸThere were 150 respiratory outbreaks during the 2018/2019 season. Of these, 37 were confirmed influenza A outbreaks (Figure 4). There were no confirmed influenza B outbreaks. ŸOutbreaks occurred in all regions, peaking in March. Figure 4: Number of confirmed influenza outbreaks reported in Canadian Network for Public Health Table 4: Number of positive respiratory virus specimens, by type, NL, 2018/2019 season1 ŸIn addition to influenza, there were a number of other respiratory viruses circulating during the 2018/2019 season (Table 4). The most predominant virus other than influenza was RSV.

Other Respiratory Viruses



R.S.V. 490

Parainfluenza virus 1 11

Parainfluenza virus 2 59

Parainfluenza virus 3 202

Adenovirus 52

Entero/Rhinovirus 395

hMPV 230 134
18 10 15 12 3 12 22
9 19 16 8 3220
4 8 12 16 20 24







Number of Outbreaks

Influenza AInfluenza BOther Respiratory

Published September 10, 2019 5

2018/2019 2018/2019 INFLUENZA REPORT

2018-2019 Season

Syndromic Surveillance

Figure 5: Number of influenza-related HealthLine calls by report week and RHA, 2018/2019 season ŸInfluenza-related HealthLine calls are consistent with the peak of the 2018/2019 influenza season (Figure 5). ŸMost callers to HealthLine were advised to see their family physician (48.0%) or to care for themselves at home (33.8%) (Figure 6). Figure 6: Influenza-related HealthLine calls by disposition, NL, 2018/2019 season



Emergency Room


Family Physician


Alternative Health Care




0 20 40

Number of Calls

Report Week

Eastern HealthCentral HealthWestern HealthLabrador-Grenfell HealthUnknown\Declined\NA

Published September 10, 2019 6

2018/2019 2018/2019 INFLUENZA REPORT

2018-2019 Season

Influenza case data is from the Communicable Disease Control influenza reporting tool: case counts are available from

Influenza Weekly Reports, located at:

Influenza outbreak data are from the Canadian Network for Public Health Intelligence (CNPHI). HealthLine data are from the NL HealthLine: http://yourhealthline.ca

Note: The data presented here are from August 26, 2018 - August 24, 2019; report weeks from various sources may not

align exactly. Fluctuations in data occur with each report and can be attributed to continuous updating. Death

surveillance is passive and may underestimate the true number of influenza-related deaths in NL.

All laboratory-confirmed influenza and severe respiratory illness (SRI) are reported to the Regional Medical Officer of

Health (RMOH) or designate responsible for appropriate investigation, treatment, case follow up and provincial reporting.

For more information on influenza in Canada see the Public Health Agency of Canada website: http://

Data Sources and Disclaimer

Emergency Department Influenza-like-illness

Figure 7: Percent of emergency department visits with ILI by report week, NL, 2018-2019 ŸThe percentage of emergency room visits with Influenza-like-illness is consistent with the peak of the 2018/2019 influenza season (Figure 7). 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% 7.0%

Percent ILI

Report Week


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