[PDF] Louverture en question: quand des universités ouvertes se

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An International Perspective on Open Access in Scholarly

26-Apr-2018 Head - Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Belgium). Direction de la recherche scientifique / Université libre de Bruxelles.

An International Perspective on Open Access in Scholarly

26-Apr-2018 Head - Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Belgium). Direction de la recherche scientifique / Université libre de Bruxelles.

Louverture en question: quand des universités ouvertes se

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Evaluation of the potential impact of pharmacist interventions

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que les études de médecine et médecine vétérinaire comportent un Master de 3 ans (180 ECTS) Les six universités en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles sont3 :

Étudier en Belgique pour les étrangers hors UE - Bruxelles-J

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gestion et pilotage de projets - Programme détaillé

Année académique 2022-2023 Lieu : Université Ouverte de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles - Avenue Général Michel 1B - 6000 Charleroi


Pour obtenir le grade de



Spécialité : Modèles, méthodes et algorithmes en biologie

Arrêté ministériel : 7 août 2006

Présentée par

Thi Ha VO

Thèse dirigée par

Pierrick BEDOUCH

et codirigée par


préparée au sein du

Laboratoire TIMC-IMAG

dans l'École Doctorale Ingénierie pour la santé la Cognition et l'Environnement

Évaluation de l'impact potentiel des

interventions pharmaceutiques : développement et validation de l'outil multidimensionnel CLEO

Thèse soutenue publiquement le

16 décembre 2015,

devant le jury composé de :

Monsieur le Professeur Benoît ALLENET

Co-directeur, Université Grenoble Alpes, France

Monsieur le Docteur Pierrick BEDOUCH

Directeur, Université Grenoble Alpes, France

Monsieur le Docteur Johnny BENEY

Rapporteur, Université de Genève, Suisse

Monsieur le Professeur Jean-Luc BOSSON

Président, Université Grenoble Aples, France

Madame le Professeur Anne SPINEWINE

Rapporteur, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgique

Madame le Docteur Thi Lien Huong NGUYEN

Examinateur, Université de Pharmacie de Hanoi, Vietnam


To obtain the grade of


Specialty: Models, methods and algorithms in biology

Ministerial decree: 7 August 2006

Presented by

Thi Ha VO

Thesis directed by

Pierrick BEDOUCH

and co-directed by


prepared in the

Laboratory TIMC-IMAG

in the École Doctorale Ingénierie pour la santé la Cognition et l'Environnement

Evaluation of the potential impact

of pharmacist interventions: development and validation of the

CLEO multidimensional tool

Thesis publicly defended the

16 December 2015

In front of the jury composed of:

Professeur Benoît ALLENET

Co-director, University of Grenoble Aples, France

Doctor Pierrick BEDOUCH

Director, University of Grenoble Alpes, France

Doctor Johnny BENEY

Reviewer, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Professor Jean-Luc BOSSON

President, University of Grenoble Alpes, France

Professor Anne SPINEWINE

Reviewer, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium

Doctor Thi Lien Huong NGUYEN

Member, Hanoi University of Pharmacy, Vietnam



Finally, I have finished my PhD study for 4 years. When looking back, the 4-year journey perhaps is one of the most unforgettable periods in my life. This is not only from professional but also personal aspects. For me, becoming a HAPPY pharmacist is my ultimate goal. Luckily, becoming a clinical pharmacist satisfies it by making me feel happy and be passionate every working day. The philosophy of clinical pharmacy, which clearly focuses on the benefits for patients, helps me to understand easily the meaning of every activity, which I do, and to motivate myself. I do not know why I did choose France for study abroad. I believe that it is my destiny rather than a purposed choice. It was difficult for a Vietnamese young pharmacist like me to find a PhD project on clinical pharmacy in France. According to my knowledge, I am the first Vietnamese pharmacist who does so. I would like to thank Assoc.Prof. H oàng Anh Nguy n (Hanoi University of Pharmacy) who advised me and encouraged me to contact Prof.



I would like to thank the most important person contributing to my thesis, Assoc.Prof.

Pierrick Bedouch

- my director of thesis. You played a critical role in the implementation of this project. I thank you for your many tips, support, advices and your encouragement in difficult times. We spent hours and hours to discuss issues concerning research in hospital, at the laboratory and even in many Grenoble-Paris trains. To conduct a successful research project, it requires not only scientific competences but also organizational and inter-personal skills which I learned much from you. Also, as an administer of the Act-IP project, you have a rich experience in database development and management, epidemiologic studies of pharmacist interventions which helped me so much in conducting this thesis and my future career.

I would like to thank Prof.

Benoît Allenet

- my co-director of thesis. I thank you, during our

first contacts, for having trusted me, and then to have spent so much energy to make it

feasible. The most important things, which I learned from you, are not only related directly to the thesis research but also to the global view of clinical pharmacy, the trendies of clinical pharmacy in France and in over the world.

I am also indebted so much to the members of the

working group of SFPC (French Society of Clinical Pharmacy) - Dr.

Bruno Charpiat,


Ornella Conort

, PharmD.

Michel Juste,


Renaud Roubille,


François-Xavier Rose,

with whom I have interacted during the course of my thesis studies. Their rich experience and knowledge as well as many valuable discussions in direct meetings with the group helped me understand my research area better. They are experts in clinical pharmacy in France; therefore having a chance to work with them in this interesting topic is my precious opportunity. In particular, I am grateful to Dr.

Bruno Charpiat

for his intelligent questions, insightful comments and constructive criticisms at different stages of my research. I am also thankful to Mr.

Michel Juste

and his 2 staffs for allowing me to visit his pharmacy department in Epernay and "taste the champagne wine"!

I am grateful and honor to Prof.

Anne Spinewine

and Dr.

Johnny Beney

for their acceptance to be my two reviewers. I appreciate greatly your time and your comments to enrich ideas in discussion and to sharpen the value of the thesis's results.

I am grateful to Prof.

Jean-Luc Bosson

for his trust in me to become one member of his research team - ThEMAS. I thank to him for his practical advices in methodological issues of validation of the tool and for his acceptance to be the president of my thesis jury. I am also thankful to his statistic technician -

Céline Genty

who helped me so much in data analysis.

I would like to thank Dr.


Liên H

ng Nguy n who was a member of jury in my master defense at the Hanoi University of Pharmacy accepted to travel a long journey from Vietnam to France to become a member of jury in my PhD thesis. With her rich experience in clinical pharmacy practice and teaching in Vietnam, she gave me many useful reflections on how to apply the thesis's results in Vietnam. I am also grateful to two pioneering clinical pharmacists who inspired me most in my career: Prof. Th

Kim Huy

n Hoàng in Vietnam and Prof.

Jean Calop

in France. Prof. H uy n who was the advisor of my master study and I am indebted to her for guiding my first research in clinical pharmacist six year ago and her continuous encouragement and guidance until now and the future. I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. Calop for his guidance, caring in my professional and personal life. Having a chance to work with him in an educational project of clinical pharmacist in Vietnam helped me to broaden my view. I am also thankful to the laboratory staffs: Mrs.

Caroline Zala

(secretary at the Dotoral

School), Mrs.

Céline Fontant

(secretary of the laboratory), Mrs.


, Mr.


(IT technician), Mrs.


and other staffs in the laboratory. I am also grateful to


Foote for helping me to edit my review article. Thank to

Angélique, Malika, Laurent

for your smile and caring given to me!

My sincere thank also goes to

Céline Zecchini

and Mrs.

Isebelle Federspiel

- a pharmacy resident and a hospital pharmacist who helped me so much in implementation of an important part of research at the Hematology-Oncology service in Grenoble University Hospital. My research would not have been possible without their helps. I would like to thank many physicians and pharmacists who accepted to participate in expert panels in our research study. I am indebted to dozens of people who helped and taught me immensely to understand practice and education of clinical pharmacy in different settings. I thank the whole pharmacy residents and pharmacy staffs at the Grenoble University Hospital and pharmacists - teachers at the Pharmacy Faculty of the University Joseph Fourier (UJF) for helping me to understand practice and education on clinical pharmacy in Grenoble. A special thanks goes out to Prof.

Christophe Ribuot

- the head of Pharmacy Faculty - UJF and

Claire, Sébastien,


Maud, Lehmann, and Manon

at the hospital.

I am thankful to Mrs.

Th Hà and her colleagues at the Roanne Hospital in France for helping me to understand how a clinical pharmacy can be organized well with a few pharmacists. During my travel to Texas, in USA to participate the American College of Clinical Pharmacy conference in 2013, I had a chance to visit one hospital and one university. I give my sincere thanks to Mr.

Scott Soefje

- the director of pharmacy and his staffs for showing me the organization and activities in pharmacy at the University Medical Center at Brackenridge. I thank Dr.

Nile Barnes

for introducing me about the pharmacy education system at the College of Pharmacy of Texas at Austin which is classed rank in the top 4 nationally in USA. I am grateful to Dr.

Kenneth A


for a meaningful discussion and to Dr.

Crismon M Lynn

- the Pharmacy College Dean for your permission and organization of my visit and to Dr.

Sorofman A Bernard

for introducing me to these American colleagues in Austin. I appreciate the financial support as a 3-year scholarship from the

Minister of Education and

Training of Vietnam

(MOET) and as 1-year temporary employee for teaching and research (as an ATER) at the Pharmacy Faculty of the University of Joseph Fourier. Particularly, I want to thank Mr. V n Ga Bùi - the Vice-Minister of MOET, Mr.

Xuân Vang Ngu

y n - the president of the VIED, Prof. Ng c Thành Cao - the president, Dr. Ng c Kính Lê , Dr.


c Nguy n , Assoc.Prof. Th

Hoài Nguy

n - the former and current heads of phamarcy department, Assoc.Prof. H u D ng Tr n - the vice-head of pharmacy department at Hue University of Medecin and Pharmacy (HUMP), Assoc.Prof. V i t Hùng Lê - the former president of the Hanoi University of Pharmacy, Mr.

Anh Ng



(VIED) - who played a critical role to help me to obtain the scholarship and allow me to study in France.

I am also indebted to Mrs.

Th H ng Ph ng Võ who has worked so hard as double or three times in our department of clinical pharmacy at the HUMP in Vietnam, so I can be free and focus totally on finishing this thesis. I doubt that I will ever be able to convey my appreciation fully, but I owe her my eternal gratitude.

I would like to thank Mr.

V i t Thành Tr ng - the head of clinical pharmacy department at the HUMP for always giving useful advices on many professional issues. I am grateful to Dr. V n Hùng Nguy n the head of pharmacy department at the Haiphong UMP for inspiring me so much to be a leader in clinical pharmacy. On this occasion, I also wish to thank sincerely to all staffs at Pharmacy Department in the HUMP has provided me the most favorable conditions so that I can focus totally on completing the study. I want to send my gratitude to my motherland - my home country - Vi t Nam . My dream is always related to your name:

All for Clinical Pharmacy in Vietnam

. I would like to thank the networking "Nh p c u D c lâm sàng" (Bridge of Clinical pharmacy in Vietnam) for helping me to realize my dream. 4 Many friends have helped me stay sane through these difficult years. Their support and care helped me overcome setbacks and stay focused on my study. I also would like to give my gratitude to my lovely Vietnamese friends -

Tú, Thúy, Duy



for the time with laughter, your care and love. Thank to V

ân Anh

for our wonderful travel together in Europe, to Hà (Paris) for moments of travel together in France; H i Ly and Naz for our funny moments in Sweden and Denmark; and C

át T

ng for welcoming me in Corpus Chiristi, in

USA. I am also indebted to

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