[PDF] Economic and Social Council 03-Dec-2014 Amis des é

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Corrigé du baccalauréat ES Centres étrangers 12 juin 2014

Corrigé du baccalauréat ES Centres étrangers. 12 juin 2014. Exercice 1. 5 points. Commun à tous les candidats. 1. On prend un candidat au hasard et on note 

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Corrigé du baccalauréat S Centres étrangers. 12 juin 2014. Exercice 1. 4 points. Commun à tous les candidats. Question 1.

Mountains and Climate Change: A global concern (Sustainable

Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) Swiss Agency for Development and 2014

Baccalauréat ES Centres Etrangers 12 juin 2014

12-Jun-2014 EXERCICE 1. 5 points. Commun à tous les candidats. Une grande entreprise vient de clôturer sa campagne de recrutement qui s'est déroulée en.

Economic and Social Council

03-Dec-2014 Amis des étrangers au Togo (2013). Amity Foundation (2014). Amizade (2012). Amman Center for Human Rights Studies (2006).


The score should reflect the essay's quality as a whole. Remember that students had only 40 minutes to read and write; the essay therefore

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17-Jun-2014 Corrigé du brevet des collèges Centres étrangers 17 juin 2014. L'utilisation d'une calculatrice est autorisée. EXERCICE 1. 6 points.

United Nations E/2014/INF/5

Economic and Social Council

Distr.: General

3 December 2014

Original: English

14-66238 (E) 020115

*1466238* en-GBList of non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council as of

1 September 2014*

Note by the Secretary-General

The non-governmental organizations that are in consultative status as of

1 September 2014, including those added as a result of action taken by the

Economic and Social Council at its coordination and management meetings held in

2014, are listed below.

* There are 142 organizations in general consultative status, 2,926 in special consultative status and

977 on the Roster. The consultative status of five organizations in general consultative status and

of 105 organizations in special consultative status is currently suspended (see chap. IV). The year in which an organization was granted status with the Council is given in parentheses, after the

organizations name.


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Page I. General consultative status ....................................................... 3 II. Special consultative status ....................................................... 7 III. Roster ........................................................................ 96 A. Organizations placed on the Roster by virtue of action taken by the Economic and Social Council on the recommendation of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations .............................................................. 96

1. Pursuant to Council resolutions 1296 (XLIV) and 1996/31 .................... 96

2. Pursuant to Council decision 1996/302 ..................................... 110

B. Organizations placed on the Roster by action of the Secretary-General ............... 113 C. Organizations placed on the Roster by virtue of their consultative status with other United Nations bodies or the specialized agencies ................................ 114 IV. Non-governmental organizations with outstanding quadrennial reports, whose consultative status with the Council has been suspended for the period from 14 July 2014 to 13 July 2015, in accordance with Council resolution 2008/4 and Council decision 2014/223 ............. 129


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I. General consultative status

AARP (1995)

Academic Council on the United Nations System (1996)

Adventist Development and Relief Agency (1997)

Africa-America Institute (1995)

African American Islamic Institute (1998)

Agence internationale pour le développement (1993)

Al-khoei Foundation (1998)

Asia Crime Prevention Foundation (1991)

Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (1996)

Asian Legal Resource Centre (1998)

Association for Progressive Communications (1995)

Association for Womens Rights in Development (1997)

Association of Medical Doctors of Asia (1995)

AVSI Foundation (1996)

Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha (1995)

Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (1998)

CARE International (1991)

Caritas Internationalis (1999)

Centre de recherches et de promotion pour la sauvegarde des sites et monuments historiques en Afrique (1998)

Centre Europe-tiers monde (1998)

Centro di Ricerca e Documentazione Febbraio 74 (1998) China NGO Network for International Exchanges (2008) Chinese Peoples Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (2001)

CIDSE (1972)

CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation (1997)

Columbian Confederation of NGOs (1995)

Commission of the Churches on International Affairs of the World Council of

Churches (1969)

Confederación Latinoamericana de Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito (1995) Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (2002)


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Congregations of St. Joseph (1999)

Covenant House (1985)

DEVNET Association (1995)

Environmental Development Action in the Third World (1996)

Family Health International (2002)

Femmes Afrique solidarité (2000)

Foundation for the Social Promotion of Culture (2001) Foundation for the Support of the United Nations (1996)

Franciscans International (1995)

Friends World Committee for Consultation (2002)

Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (2004)

Gazeteciler ve Yazarlar Vakfi (2012)

Global 2000 (1995)

Good Neighbors International (1996)

Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Council of North and South America (1985)

Green Cross International (1997)

Greenpeace International (1998)

HelpAge International (1995)

Humane Society of the United States (1996)

InterAction: American Council for Voluntary International Action (1995)

International Abolitionist Federation (1995)

International Alliance of Women (1947)

International Association Znanie (1993)

International Association for Religious Freedom (1995)

International Association of Lions Clubs (1998)

International Association of Soldiers for Peace (1995) International Association of Peace Foundations (1999)

International Center for Research on Women (1998)

International Chamber of Commerce (1946)

International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (1950)

International Cooperative Alliance (1946)

International Council for Adult Education (1991)

International Council of Environmental Law (1973)

International Council of Voluntary Agencies (1974)


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International Council of Women (1947)

International Council on Management of Population Programmes (1985)*

International Council on Social Welfare (1972)

International Eurasia Press Fund (2007)*

International Federation for Family Development (1999) International Federation of Associations of the Elderly (1991) International Federation of Business and Professional Women (1947) International Federation of Settlements and Neighbourhood Centres (1998)

International Federation on Ageing (1995)

International Higher Education Academy of Sciences (2002)

International Indian Treaty Council (1977)

International Informatization Academy (1995)

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (1995) International Institute for Non-Aligned Studies (1998) International Institute of Administrative Sciences (1947)

International Movement ATD Fourth World (1991)

International Organization for Standardization (1947)

International Organization of Employers (1947)

International Planned Parenthood Federation (1973) International Research Centre for Environmental Structures Pio Manzù (1972)

International Road Transport Union (1949)

International Social Security Association (1979)

International Trade Union Confederation (2007)

International Trustee Fund of the Tsyolkovsky Moscow State Aviation Technological

University (1999)

International Union of Economists (1999)

International Youth and Student Movement for the United Nations (1973) Inter-Press Service International Association (1991)

Islamic Relief USA (2012)

Junior Chamber International (1954)

Legião da Boa Vontade (1999)

Liberal International (1995)

* Reclassified from special to general consultative status in 2014.


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Make Mothers Matter (1949)*

Médecins du monde (international) (1996)

Médecins sans frontières (international) (1993)

Muslim World League (1979)

National Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (2002)

National Council of Negro Women (1995)

New Humanity (1987)

ONG Hope International (2011)

Organization for Industrial, Spiritual and Cultural Advancement International (1995) Organization of Islamic Capitals and Cities (1995)

Oxfam International (2002)

Parliamentarians for Global Action (1998)

Red de Salud de las Mujeres Latinoamericanas y del Caribe (1998)

Rotary International (1993)

Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (2002)

Russian Peace Foundation (2009)

Save the Children International (1993)

Socialist International (1995)

Society for International Development (1981)

Soroptimist International (1984)

Sulabh International (1996)

Transnational Radical Party (1995)

Union nationale de la femme tunisienne (2002)

United Cities and Local Governments (1947)

United Nations Association of China (2000)

United Nations Association of Russia (1999)

Voluntary Service Overseas (2012)

Womens Federation for World Peace International (1997)

Womens International Democratic Federation (1969)

World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (1947)

World Blind Union (1999)

World Conference of Religions for Peace (1995)

* Formerly Mouvement mondial des mères international.


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World Family Organization (1948)

World Federation of Democratic Youth (1947)

World Federation of Trade Unions (1946)

World Federation of United Nations Associations (1947)

World Fellowship of Buddhists (1995)

World Information Transfer (2002)

World Muslim Congress (1967)

World Organization of the Scout Movement (1998)

World Society for the Protection of Animals (1971)

World Veterans Federation (1952)

World Vision International (1985)

World Wide Fund for Nature International (1996)

Worldwide Network: Women in Development and Environment (1995)

Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action (1996)

Zonta International (1969)

II. Special consultative status

3D: Trade, Human Rights, Equitable Economy (2010)

5th Pillar (2011)

8th Day Center for Justice (1998)

A. K. Munshi Yojana (2012)

A la Vista! Communication Sociale (2012)

Aahung (2006)

ABANTU for Development (1999)

Abdul Momen Khan Memorial Foundation (2001)

Abibimman Foundation (2011)

Abiodun Adebayo Welfare Foundation (2012)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Family Violence Prevention and

Legal Service (Victoria) (2013)

Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia (2011)

Academy for Future Science (2003)

Academy for Mobilizing Rural-Urban Action through Education (2005)

Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (2012)

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (1983)


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Academy of Labour and Social Relations (2010)

Academy of Mining Sciences (2004)

Access Bangladesh Foundation (2013)

Acronym Institute (2013)

ACT Alliance Action by Churches Together (2012)

Action aides aux familles démunies (2002)

Action Canada for Population and Development (2004)

Action contre la faim (2005)

Action des chrétiens activistes des droits de lhomme à Shabunda (2011)

Action for Peace through Prayer and Aid (2013)

Action Health Incorporated (1999)

Action internationale pour la paix et le développement dans la région des Grands

Lacs (2005)

Action of Human Movement (2013)

Action secours ambulance (2013)

Action sensibilisation sur les nouvelles technologies de linformation et de la communication (2011) Action solidaire pour un développement entretenu à la base (2013)

ActionAid (1991)

Actions communautaires pour le développement intégral (2014) Actions et interventions pour le développement et lencadrement social (2014)

Active Sobriety, Friendship and Peace (2014)

Adalah: Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel (2005)

Adolescent Health and Information Projects (2005)

Advocates for Human Rights (1996)

Advocates for Youth (2005)

Aequalia (2013)

Afghan Poverty Relief (2012)

Africa and Middle East Refugee Assistance (2007)

Africa culture internationale (2012)

Africa Development Interchange Network (2011)

Africa Humanitarian Action (2008)

Africa Peace Forum (2013)

Africa Safe Water Foundation (2010)


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Africa Speaks (2014)

Africa Youths International Development Foundation (2011)

African Action on AIDS (2003)

African Agency for Integrated Development (2012)

African Aid Organization (2008)

African Artists for Development (2013)

African Association of Education for Development (1983)

African Business Roundtable (2005)

African Canadian Legal Clinic (2004)

African Centre for Advocacy and Human Development (2014) African Centre for Community and Development (2012)

Africa Centre for Citizens Orientation (2010)

African Citizens Development Foundation (2009)

African Computer and Technology Literacy Awareness Program (2013)

African Development Association (2012)

African Development Solutions (2014)

African Foundation for Human Advancement (2014)

African Heritage Foundation Nigeria (2014)

African Hope Committee (2014)

African Network for Environment and Economic Justice (2014)

African Palliative Care Association (2013)

African Peace Network (2000)

African Refugee Development Center (2014)

African Services Committee (1998)

African Views Organization (2014)

African Wildlife Foundation (2009)

African Women Empowerment Guild (2005)

African Womens Association (2005)

African Womens Development and Communication Network (1996)

African Youth for Transparency (2007)

African Youth Movement (2006)

Africans Unite against Child Abuse (2011)

Afro Centre for Development Peace and Justice (2010)

Afro-Asian Peoples Solidarity Organization (1973)


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Afro-European Medical and Research Network (2014)

Afromedianet (2011)

AFS Inter-Cultural Programs (1974)

Agatha Foundation (2014)

Agence daide à la coopération technique et au développement (2006) Agence de développement économique et culturel nord-sud (2008) Agence pour le développement intégré au Congo (2012)

Agencia Latinoamericana de Información (1998)

Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development (2008)

Agewell Foundation (2011)

Aging Research Center (2004)

Agir ensemble pour les droits de lhomme (1998)

Agrenska Foundation (2005)

Agricultural Missions (2004)

Aide internationale pour lenfance (2011)

AIDS Foundation East-West (2011)

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (2012)

AIDS Information Switzerland (2000)

AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition (2013)

AIESEC International (2007)

Ain o Salish Kendra (1998)

Airline Ambassadors International (2004)

Airports Council International (1974)

Ajegunle Community Project (2012)

Akademsko Drustvo za Medunarodne Odnose (2013)

Akina Mama Wa Afrika (1999)

Al-Birr and Al-Tawasul Organization (2014)

Al Mezan Center for Human Rights (2010)

Al Zubair Charity Foundation (2008)

Alan Guttmacher Institute (2000)

Aland Islands Peace Institute (2004)

Albert B. Sabin Vaccine Institute (2012)

Albert Schweitzer Institute (2005)

ALDET Centre (Saint Lucia) (2007)


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Aleut International Association (2005)

Al-Hakim Foundation (2007)

Al-Haq (2000)

Al-Mahdi Institute (2013)

Al-Maqdese for Society Development (2014)

All China Womens Federation (1995)

All Christians Welfare Association (2014)

All India Christian Council (2012)

All India Movement for Seva (2005)

All India Shah Behram Baug Society for Scientific and Educational Research (2004)

All India Womens Conference (1999)

All India Womens Education Fund Association (1999)

All Pakistan Womens Association (1951)

All-China Environment Federation (2009)

All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis (2012) All-Russian Public Organization Russian Public Institute of Electoral Law (2014) All-Russian Social Fund The Russian Children Foundation (2003)

All-Russian Society of Disabled People (1998)

All-Russian Society of the Deaf/All-Russian Public Organization of Persons with

Disabilities (2007)

All-Ukrainian Public Organization Christian Rehabilitation Centers Association, for Drug- and Alcohol-addicted People (2014) All-Ukrainian Union of Non-Government Organizations Confederation of Non-Government Organizations of People with Disabilities of Ukraine (2014)

Alliance Creative Community Project (2013)

Alliance Defending Freedom (2010)*

Alliance for Africa (2012)

Alliance for Arab Women (1996)

Alliance for Development and Population Services (2014)

Alliance Forum Foundation (2011)

Alliance Niger Nature (2007)

Allied Rainbow Communities International (2014)

Almanar Voluntary Organization (2013)

* Formerly Alliance Defense Fund.


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Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority (2009)

Alpha O. Centre for Malaria Prevention and Control (2014)

Alsalam Foundation (2013)

Alulbayt Foundation (2004)

Alut Israeli Society for Autistic Children (2014) Alzheimers Disease International International Federation of Alzheimers

Disease and Related Disorders Societies (2012)

American Association of Jurists (1989)

American Association of University Women (2008)

American Bar Association (1997)

American Cancer Society (2010)

American Civil Liberties Union (1996)

American College of Sports Medicine (2014)

American Conservative Union (2007)

American Correctional Association (1999)

American Diabetes Association (2013)

American Heart Association (2013)

American Indian Law Alliance (1999)

American Jewish Committee (1997)

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (2014)

American Life League (2000)

American Medical College of Homeopathy (2013)

American Planning Association (2004)

American Psychological Association (2000)

American Psychiatric Association (2014)

American Society of International Law (1993)

American Society of Safety Engineers (2002)

American Society of the Italian Legions of Merit (2009) American Youth Understanding Diabetes Abroad (2007) Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain (2014)

Americans for UNFPA (2002)

Amicale marocaine des handicapés (1999)

Amigos do Protocolo de Kyoto (2011)

Amis de la terre (Togo) (2010)


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Amis des étrangers au Togo (2013)

Amity Foundation (2014)

Amizade (2012)

Amman Center for Human Rights Studies (2006)

Amnesty International (1964)

Amuta for NGO Responsibility (2013)

Anchor of Salvation International Ministries (2013)

Anglican Consultative Council (1985)

Ankara Foundation of Children with Leukemia (2007)

Antioch Christian Centre (2002)

Anti-Slavery International (1950)

Antiviolence Center (2003)

Antonio Restrepo Barco Foundation (2004)

Apne Aap Women Worldwide (India) Trust (2012)

AquaFed: International Federation of Private Water Operators (2011) Arab African American Womens Leadership Council (2013)

Arab Association for Human Rights (2014)

Arab Centre for the Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession (2000)

Arab Commission for Human Rights (2004)

Arab Council for Childhood and Development (1991)

Arab Lawyers Union (1971)

Arab Mexican Chamber of Industry and Commerce (2005) Arab Network for Environment and Development (1996)

Arab Organization for Human Rights (1989)

Arab Penal Reform Organization (2012)

Arab Red Crescent and Red Cross Organization (2009) Archbishop E. Kataliko Actions for Africa KAF (2013)

Architectes de lurgence (2006)

Architects for Peace (2012)

Arcidonna Onlus (2004)

Argentine Society of Pediatrics (2002)

Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress (2003) * Formerly Myochikai (Arigatou Foundation).


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Arigatou International (2004)*

Armenian Assembly of America (1999)

Armenian Constitutional Right-Protective Centre (2007)

Armenian Young Lawyers Association (2014)

Arsenal force vive (2014)

Art of Living Foundation (1996)

Artfully AWARE (2012)

Asabe Shehu YarAdua Foundation (2012)

Asayesefid White Cane (2007)

Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (2012)

Asia Pacific Basin for Energy Strategies Association (2014) Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (1998)*

Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (2005)

Asia Pacific Womens Watch (2007)

Asia-Japan Womens Resource Centre (2000)

Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability Foundation (2014) Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center (2009)

Asian Centre for Human Rights (2007)

Asian Centre for Organization Research and Development (1999)

Asian Consultancy on Tobacco Control (2012)

Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (2004) Asian Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Network (2002)

Asian Institute of Transport Development (2002)

Asian Migrant Centre (2002)

Asian Non-Governmental Organizations Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Rural

Development (1991)

Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Asia (2005)

Asian Peoples Disability Alliance (2007)

Asian Women in Cooperative Development Forum (2000)

Asian Womens Human Rights Council (1995)

Asian-Eurasian Human Rights Forum (2014)

Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (2000) Asociación Centro Indígena para el Desarrollo Sostenible (2013) * Reclassified from roster to special consultative status in 2014.


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