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French Verb Conjugation Chart. The following charts give the conjugations for the most commonly used verbs in French. Find the verb listed that you are 


The compounds tenses are made of two parts: the auxiliary and the past participle. Then it's crucial to understand that for each simple tense there is a.

The 7 Most Common French Tenses Made Easy (Recipes)

There are ways to learn how to conjugate verbs in the present rather easily. 2. The past participles (used to make the past tense such as “fini”

Understanding Core French Grammar

7.0 The Further Compound Tenses. 30. 8.0 Tense Chart. 32. 9.0 Past Historic. 34. 10.0 Past Anterior. 36. Chapter 2. Verb Constructions. 37. 1.0 Passives. 37.

501 French Verbs

French language—Verb—Tables. I. Kendris Theodore. II. Title. III. Title: Five hundred and one French verbs fully conjugated in all the tenses and moods in 

A Comparative Study of English TENSE and French TENSE

Since the two languages are similar in such aspects as pronunciation lexicology and grammar

Taking a Bite out of French Verb Confusion: The Tenses Explained

Today we most frequently use about 12 different verb tenses in French and in this article I'll explain those tenses to help you out with your written and 

FRENCH BASICS: franco file

The FIAF Verb Wheel shows 40 irregular French verbs. The wheel shows all six "persons" for six verb tenses: Présent Passé Composé

EL French V&P Prelims LATEST.indd

The Easy Learning French Verbs & Practice explains how to get to grips with all the verb tenses you will need to know using simple Finally

4 The Romance languages

In other languages like Ca- nadian French Southern Italian or Spanish

French Verb Conjugation Chart

French Verb Conjugation Chart. The following charts give the conjugations for the most commonly used verbs in French. Find the verb.

The 7 Most Common French Tenses Made Easy (Recipes)

There are ways to learn how to conjugate verbs in the present rather easily. 2. The past participles (used to make the past tense such as “fini”


- Talking about other tenses you could find in some conjugation books and which are not used nowadays. The tenses are presented in the following order : 1.

501 French Verbs

501 French verbs fully conjugated in all the tenses and moods in a new Verb conjugations are usually found scattered in French grammar books and they ...

Taking a Bite out of French Verb Confusion: The Tenses Explained

First off verb forms are separated into six categories. Each of those categories may be conjugated in different tenses. The categories are: 1. L'indicatif ( 

EL French V&P Prelims LATEST.indd

The Easy Learning French Verbs & Practice explains how to get to grips with all the verb tenses you will need to know using simple language and cutting out 


Reflexion on module 2: Can I…? • Form the perfect tense with 'avoir' verbs? With 'être' verbs? • 

Understanding Core French Grammar

8.0 Tense Chart. 32. 9.0 Past Historic. 34. 10.0 Past Anterior. 36. Chapter 2. Verb Constructions. 37. 1.0 Passives. 37. Passives in English.

English-French Verb Phrase Alignment in Europarl for Tense

of EN/FR verb tense translation. From Table 1 it appears that the proportion of VP pairs which had an acceptable. French tense label is quite variable

A Comparative Study of English TENSE and French TENSE

“Modern grammatical system divides tense into present and preterit based on the inflections added to the end of verbs and the aspect into perfective and 

[PDF] How to conjugate French verbs

For all the tenses the verbs are divided in two parts: 1 What we call le radical 2 The ending which is called la terminaison (ending) For each tense I 

[PDF] French Verb Conjugation Chart

The following charts give the conjugations for the most commonly used verbs in French Find the verb listed that you are looking for (listed alphabetically) 

[PDF] The 7 Most Common French Tenses Made Easy (Recipes)

1 The present tense (which is actually called “indicatif présent”/”indicative present” in learn how to conjugate verbs in the present rather easily

[PDF] Les Temps des verbes - French Hour

14 juil 2020 · 2 a list of all the tenses used in French What is a tense? Tenses refer to the time of the action of the verb in a sentence

[PDF] 501 French Verbs

501 French verbs fully conjugated in all the tenses and moods in a new easy-to-learn format alphabetically arranged / by Christopher Kendris and Theodore 

[PDF] introduction to french verbs present tense of –er verbs: - the first group

Appeler (to call) Jeter (to throw) J'appelle Je jette Tu appelles Tu jettes Il/elle/on appelle Il/elle/on jette Nous appelons Nous jetons

200 Most Common French Verbs [+ PDF]

Here is the list of the most common French verbs used frequently in daily speech You can also download the list in a free PDF!

[PDF] French Verb Summary - Lackheadorg

French Verb Summary Indicative Tenses The Present (Le Présent) J'étudie les verbes français I study / am studying French verbs

[PDF] Taking a Bite out of French Verb Confusion: The Tenses Explained

Today we most frequently use about 12 different verb tenses in French and in this article I'll explain those tenses to help you out with your written and 

- 1 - Ghgjg




- 2 -

Dear pupils,

This study pack is to help you revise topics and learning from Year 10!

™ Your teacher will tell you:

What to complete each week

How to submit your work

What vocabulary (whole sentences) you will be tested on ™ Speaking tasks should be recorded with a speaking partner ™ Challenge: look up the meaning of the idiomatic expressions at the start of each module (part 1 and part 2) and use it in a speaking or writing task! WARNING: This pack does NOT cover ALL of the learning from Year 10 ™ You must continue learning, revising and testing yourself on the GCSE vocabulary. Your teacher will give you the full vocabulary lists for each module or you can use the following links to help you: vocabulary-booklet-2016-11326453 (lists of vocabulary) vocabulary-list/(lists of vocabulary) http://www.memorizenow.com (test yourself on whole sentences) ™ You must continue learning, revising and testing yourself on the GCSE grammar

Use the verb tables at the back of the pack

Use this site to revise the grammar rules:

Use this site to practice online:

mmar - 3 -



J'ai Tu as

Il/ elle/ on a

Nous avons

Vous avez

Ils/ elles ont

Je suis

Tu es

Il/ elle/ on est

Nous sommes

Vous êtes

Ils/ elles sont

Je porte

Tu portes

Il/ elle/ on porte

Nous portons

Vous portez

Ils/ elles portent


1. Translate the following sentences into French. Use the grid above and ensure each sentence is


A. I have mid-length and brown hair.

B. I have long and blond hair.

C. I have straight and red hair.

Module 1͗ la famille et l'amitiĠ - Part 1

La phrase idiomatique : être bavarde comme une pie ! - 4 -

D. I have blue eyes and black hair.

E. I am quite tall and thin.

F. I am a bit fat and very clever.

G. I have brown eyes and I wear glasses.

H. I am average height and really shy.

I. I am very good-looking and quite chatty.

J. I have short and curly hair.

K. I wear glasses, but I would like to wear contact lenses.

L. I have a beard and a moustache.

M. Unfortunately, I have spots.

Malheureusement, ______________________________________________________________

N. I have chestnut hair and grey eyes.

O. I am quite short and a bit chatty.

- 5 -

2. Prepare the following role play: You are talking with your exchange partner.

Your teacher will play the part of your exchange partner and will speak first. You must address your friend as tu. Complete the role play script: Teacher: Est-ce que tu as de bons rapports avec tes parents et pourquoi? Teacher: Quelle est ta personne préférée dans ta famille? Teacher͗ Yu'est-ce que tu fais comme activités avec ta famille? Donne-moi deux détails. Teacher: Quelle personne est-ce que tu admires le plus? You: [write a question to the exchange partner his / her best friend]

3. Writing task

Un site Internet français pour les jeunes cherche ton opinion sur les amis. Écris à ce site Internet.

Tu dois faire référence aux points suivants :

Ta description physique

Ta personnalité

Le genre de personne que tes parents sont

Si tu ressembles à ton père ou à ta mère

Before you start writing, identify the tense required for each bullet point as well as the verb form (i.e.

- 6 - - 7 -


1. Translate the sentences into French:

A. A good friend respects my secrets.

B. A good friend is someone who is honest.

J'Ġcoute Je pense que Je discute Je me dispute avec Je m'amuse avec Tu écoutes Tu penses que Tu discutes Tu te disputes avec Tu t'amuses avec

Il / elle/ on


Il/elle/on pense


Il/elle/on discute Il/elle/on se

dispute avec

Il/elle/on s'amuse


Nous écoutons Nous pensons


Nous discutons Nous nous

disputons avec

Nous nous

amusons avec Vous écoutez Vous pensez que Vous discutez Vous vous disputez avec

Vous vous

amusez avec

Ils /elles écoutent Ils/elles pensent


Ils/elles discutent Ils/elles se

disputent avec


s'amusent avec

Module 1͗ la famille et l'amitiĠ - Part 2

La phrase idiomatique : s'entendre comme chien et chat ! - 8 - C. In my opinion a good friend is neither jealous nor conceited.

D. In my opinion a good friend isn't jealous.

E. For me humour and fidelity are the important qualities in a friend. F. My best* friend and I we discuss everything. (*= meilleur(s) / meilleure(s))

G. My best friends listen to my problems.

H. I often argue with my sister.

I. We argue with my sister because she is impatient. J. Do you have fun with your half-sister? (use the formal or informal register)

2. Translate the following passage into French:

My friend Georges is very energetic and confident and I get on well with him. We have a lot of fun together because we haǀe the same interests. Howeǀer he doesn't get on well with his brother because his brother is often in a bad mood. I think that the important qualities in a brother or a sister are patience and a sense of humour! put a noun or an adjective after each ni - 9 -

3. Role play: You are talking to your French penpal about your friends and socialising. The teacher

plays the role of your friend and speaks first. You must address your friend as tu. Complete the role play script: Teacher: Quelles activités est-ce que tu fais avec tes amis? Teacher: À ton avis, quelles sont les qualités importantes chez un ami? Teacher: De quoi est-ce que vous discutez ton meilleur ami et toi? You: [write a question for your pen pal about family relations]

Reflexion on module 2:

Conjugate ER verbs in present tense?

Conjugate ER reflexive verbs in present tense?

Describe someone's personality using the masculine and feminine forms of common and uncommon adjectives? Argue and justify what makes a good friend using varied vocabulary, sentence structures and negatives? Describe family relationships using reflexive verbs? Use an idiomatic phrase on the topic? Revision success:

How long did I spend on this module?

Have I tested myself on the vocabulary?


Will I remember the key vocab/grammar in a test?

How will I re-use the vocab/grammar in class?

What do I need to ask for help with?

What do I need to keep practising?

- 10 -

1. Translate the sentences into French:

A. Last weekend I played the flute and I listened to music. It was relaxing. B. Yesterday I watched the news and I read the newspaper online. I found it stressful.

Time phrase subject+

auxiliary past participle imperfect (it was) adjective

Le weekend

dernier Hier


Il y a deux jours

Il y a une semaine

j'ai tu as il/elle a nous avons vous avez ils/elles ont joué


regardé fait lu téléchargé au basket de la flûte de la batterie aux jeux en ligne de la musique la radio des jeux télévisés les actualités du footing du patinage de la musculation le journal en ligne un roman un livre numérique (I found it) (He found it) génial marrant motivant passionnant formidable détendant barbant/ennuyeux nul/stupide fatigant stressant une perte de temps

Je suis

Tu es

Il/Elle est

Nous sommes

Vous êtes

Ils/Elles sont

allé(e) allé(e) allé(e) allé(e)s allé(e)(s) allé(e)s

à la bibliothèque

au parc du coin chez mon copain/copine au centre commercial au centre des loisirs

à un concert

Le passé compose (perfect tense) has 3 parts: subject, auxiliary, past participle. verbs) and changes depending on the subject. subject is plural.

Module 2: les loisirs - Part 1

La phrase idiomatique : Être heureux comme un poisson dans l'eau! - 11 - C. The day before yesterday she went to the library and she read a novel. It was great. D. Two days ago we did a run and we played basketball in the local park. I found it tiring. E. Last weekend I played games on line at my friend's house. It was fantastic. F. Yesterday I went to the shopping centre. It was a waste of time. G. The day before yesterday they listened to the radio and they did weight training. It was boring. H. Three days ago he went to a concert. He found it exciting. I. A week ago I downloaded a digital book. It was funny. J. A week ago I went to the leisure centre and I did ice-skating. It was rubbish.

K. What did you watch yesterday?

Yu'est-ce que_______________________________________________________________

L. What did you download last weekend?

M. Did you do a some running the day before yesterday? Est-ce que___________________________________________________________________

N. Did you go to the library last week?

O. Why did you go to the leisure centre two days ago? Pourquoi est-ce que___________________________________________________________

Use the tool box on the next page to help you

form the questions! - 12 -

2. General conversation

Answer these questions in full sentences using the vocabulary from module 2.

Type them up.

1. Yu'est-ce que tu fais pendant ton temps libre?

2. Yu'est-ce que tu aimes comme sport et pourquoi?

3. Yu'est-ce que tu aimes comme musique?

4. Yu'est-ce que tu fais quand tu es connecté(e)?

5. Quelle est ton émission préférée et pourquoi?

6. Qui est ton acteur/actrice préféré(e) et pourquoi?

7. Yu'est-ce que tu lis normalement?

8. Yu'est-ce que tu as fait le weekend dernier?

9. Où es-tu allé(e) hier?

10. Yu'est-ce que tu as regardé à la télé cette semaine?

Forming a question in French!

Questions without a question word

In French = Est-ce que + subject + conjugated verb

Ex: Do you like French? Est-ce que tu aimes le français ? / Est-ce que vous aimez le français ?

Ex : Did you like French? Est-ce que tu as aimé le français ? / Est-ce que vous avez aimé le français ?

Questions with a question word - the key question words: What? Yue ͬ Yu' How? Comment Why? Pourquoi When? Quand How many/much? Combien (de) Where? Où At what time? À quelle heure? Who? Qui / À qui / Avec qui (depending on the verb) Ex: What do you do in you free time? Yu'est-ce que tu fais pendant ton temps libre? Ex: What did you do in you free time? Yu'est-ce que tu as fait pendant ton temps libre ? Ex: Who do you shop with? Avec qui est-ce que tu fais les magasins? Ex: Who did you shop with? Avec qui est-ce que tu as fait les magasins?

Present tense!

Perfect tense!

- 13 -

sortir, naître, mourir, rester, tomber, descendre, monter (plus compounds of these verbs, e.g. rentrer,


plural, e.g. il est allé; elle est allée; nous sommes allés -(male or mixed group); elles sont allées.

Translate the sentences into French:

3. Last week Marc went to the cinema, then he went out with some friends.

4. Recently I went to a match. I dressed in my team colours* and it was amazing.

5. Yesterday evening my car broke down so I returned to the house on foot and I went to bed late.

6. A month ago we went out with my French pen friend*. We got on well, it was great!

Time phrase subject+ auxiliary past participle connective


La semaine


Hier soir

Il y a un mois

L'ĠtĠ dernier

Je suis

Tu es

Il/Elle est

Nous sommes

Vous êtes

Ils/Elles sont

allé(e)(s) resté(e)s stayed rentré(e)(s) returned arrivé(e)(s) sorti(e)(s) went out tombé(e)(s) fell venu(e)(s) came au match au cinéma au fast-food au restaurant dehors sur la terrasse

à la maison

à une exposition

amoureux(-euse) en panne chez moi ; chez elle ; chez nous en bus en métro en voiture

à pied

d'abord firstly lorsque when ensuite next puis then alors so

Je me suis

Tu t'es

Il/Elle s'est

Nous nous


Vous vous êtes

Ils/Elles se sont

confié(e)(s) à disputé(e)(s) avec entendu(e)(s) bien/mal avec occupé(e)(s) de levé(e)(s) lavé(e)(e) habillé(e)(s) douché(e)(s) couché(e)(s) mon frère ; père ; copain mes amis ; mes cousin(e)s mes camarades de classe

à sept heures et quart

à sept heures et demie

à huit heures moins le quart

tôt tard *aux couleurs de mon


*correspondant(e) Module 2: les loisirs - Part 2 La phrase idiomatique : ne pas se tourner les pouces! - 14 -

7. Yesterday they got up at 7.15, they washed, and they came to my place.

8. Last summer I went to France and I fell in love.

9. I confided in my best friend when she came to my house.

10. My parents arrived by train and they stayed a week.

11. I argued with my mum every day.

12. Last weekend I looked after my sister but we got on badly.

13. You (plural) arrived late and you stayed outside on the terrace all evening*.

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