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Graph Theory Exercises

Mar 14 2019 The present text is a collection of exercises in graph theory. Most exercises have been extracted from the books by Bondy and Murty [BM08

JA Bondy and USR Murty Graph theory with applications

Graph theory with applications by J.A. Bondy and U.S.R. Murty

Solutions of Grinberg equation and removable cycles in a cycle basis

determining Hailtoncity of a graph to have solutions. Figure 3. Page 6. Second [18] J.A.Bondy U.S.R.Murty


This is the Summer 2005 version of the Instructor's Solution Manual for. Introduction to Graph Theory by Douglas B. Bondy

Bondy and murty graph theory Bondy and murty graph theory

Graph theory with applications hja bondy and usr murty. Bridge in graph theory. Bondy and murty graph theory solutions. Bondy and murty graph theory 2008 pdf.

Hints and Solutions to Exercises

networks Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (2008). Art. 252001. [41] Bondy

Graph Theory with Applications

GRAPH THEORY. WITH APPLICATIONS. J. A. Bondy and U. S. R. Murty. Department of Combinatorics and Optimization. University of Waterloo

Discrete Mathematics 2015: Lecture I

[1] J.A. Bondy and U.S.R. Murty Graph Theory with Applications

Solutions Manual

previous book [J. A. Bondy and U. S. R. Murty Graph theory with applications


GRAPH THEORY. WITH APPLICATIONS. J. A. Bondy and U. S. R. Murty. Departnent· of Combinatorics and Optimization


J. A. Bondy and U. S. R. Murty This book is intended as an introduction to graph theory. ... has a simple solution which we now present. '.

Bondy and Murtys Graph Theory With Applications

01-Feb-2013 Bondy John Adrian. Graph theory with applications. Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Graph theory. I. Murty

Hints and Solutions to Selected Exercises

A repeated application of Laplace expansion shows that det(L + J) is equal to J.A. Bondy and U.S.R. Murty Graph Theory

Solutions Manual

p. (2008). This textbook started out as an attempt to update the authors? previous book [J. A. Bondy and U. S. R. Murty Graph theory with applications


01-Jan-2014 NOTICE. This is the Summer 2005 version of the Instructor's Solution Manual for. Introduction to Graph Theory by Douglas B. West.


01-Jun-2014 GRAPH THEORY. WITH APPLICATIONS. J. A. Bondy and U. S. R. Murty. Department of Combina tories and Optimization. University of Waterloo

Appendix A - Hints and Solutions to Exercises

we have the two solutions 58) and application of (2.5) yields that the ... [41] Bondy J. A.


J. A. Bondy and U. S.R. Murty 1976 This book is intended as an introduction to graph theory. ... has a simple solution which we now present.




[13] J. A. Bondy and U.S.R. Murty Graph Theory with Applications. 2.4.10 (i) One solution is to seat the people in the following sequences


This book is intended as an introduction to graph theory Our aim has been to present what we consider to be the basic material together with a wide

[PDF] Solutions Manual - PDFCOFFEECOM

This book is a solutions manual to the following two books: R J A Bondy and U S R Murty Graph Theory First edition Springer 2007 Bondy J A ; Murty 

Examen corrige graph theory bondy murty solution manual pdf

This is the Summer 2005 version of the Instructor's Solution Manual for Graph theory with application by Bondy Murty But third solution in

Graph theory with applications bondy murty solution manual pdf

Graph Theory With Applications Bondy Murty Solution Manual Pdf Written by Adrian Bondy on 17 Intesive self- study of graph theory Solutions to 

graph theory with applications bondy murty solution manual pdf The

graph theory with applications bondy murty solution manual pdf Serves as both a textbook and an introduction to graph theory research but stop up in 

Bondy Murty Graph Theory Exercise 111 - puremathematicsmt

The solutions of all the exercises of “Graph Theory with Applications” by J A Bondy and U S R Murty are available for download as a pdf file! Click the 

[PDF] Graph Theory with Applications - Bondy and USR Murty - HandoutsEt

This book is intended as an introduction to graph theory Our aim has been to present what we consider to be the basic material together with a wide

[PDF] Graph Theory with Applications - LSE Department of Mathematics

Bondy John Adrian Graph theory with applications Bibliography: p Includes index 1 Graph theory I Murty U S R joint author II Title

Hints and Solutions to Exercises - Springer Link

Figure A 1: Muhammad's sign manual as a graph Exercise 0 7 [41] Bondy J A Murty U S R Graph Theory Springer New York NY 2008


This book is intended as an introduction to graph theory Our aim bas been to present what we consider to be the basic material together with a wide


This book is intended as an introduction to graph theory Our aim has been to present what we consider to be the basic material together with a wide

[PDF] Solutions Manual - PDFCOFFEECOM

This book is a solutions manual to the following two books: R J A Bondy and U S R Murty Graph Theory First edition Springer 2007 Bondy J A ; Murty 

Examen corrige graph theory bondy murty solution manual pdf

This is the Summer 2005 version of the Instructor's Solution Manual for Graph theory with application by Bondy Murty But third solution in

Graph theory with applications bondy murty solution manual pdf

Graph Theory With Applications Bondy Murty Solution Manual Pdf Written by Adrian Bondy on 17 Intesive self- study of graph theory Solutions to 

graph theory with applications bondy murty solution manual pdf The

graph theory with applications bondy murty solution manual pdf Serves as both a textbook and an introduction to graph theory research but stop up in 

Bondy Murty Graph Theory Exercise 111 - puremathematicsmt

The solutions of all the exercises of “Graph Theory with Applications” by J A Bondy and U S R Murty are available for download as a pdf file! Click the 

Graph Theory with Applications Solutions pdf - puremathematicsmt

Graph Theory with Applications - Bondy Murty - Solutions Mathematics Lessons for I A level Pure Mathematics Students University Students in Malta 

[PDF] Graph Theory with Applications - Bondy and USR Murty - HandoutsEt

is not a vertex (for-example el and e6 of graph G in figure 1 1) Those graphs that have a diagram whose edges intersect only at their ends are called plarlar 

[PDF] Graph Theory with Applications - LSE Department of Mathematics

Bondy John Adrian Graph theory with applications Bibliography: p Includes index 1 Graph theory I Murty U S R joint author II Title

Hints and Solutions to Exercises - Springer Link

Figure A 1: Muhammad's sign manual as a graph Exercise 0 7 [41] Bondy J A Murty U S R Graph Theory Springer New York NY 2008

  • What is the application of graph theory in graph theory?

    Graph theory is used to find shortest path in road or a network. In Google Maps, various locations are represented as vertices or nodes and the roads are represented as edges and graph theory is used to find the shortest path between two nodes.
  • What are 3 applications of graph theory?

    Modern Applications of Graph Theory discusses many cutting-edge applications of graph theory, such as traffic networks, navigable networks and optimal routing for emergency response, and graph-theoretic approaches to molecular epidemiology.
  • How can graph theory be applied in real life problems?

    Graph theory and probability make it possible to guarantee a reliable service, for example by finding diversions when a particular connection is busy. All roads and motorways also form a large network, which is used by navigation services like Google Maps when working out the shortest route between two given points.
  • In mathematics, graph theory is the study of graphs, which are mathematical structures used to model pairwise relations between objects. A graph in this context is made up of vertices (also called nodes or points) which are connected by edges (also called links or lines).

Hints and Solutions to Selected Exercises

Chapter 1

1.Ax=0 clearly impliesA0Ax=0:Conversely, ifA0Ax=0 thenx0A0Ax=0;which

implies(Ax)0Ax=0;and henceAx=0:

4. IfG=A+thenthetwoequationsareeasilyverified.Conversely,supposeA0AG=

0andG0GA=G0:Since rankA0A=rankA;we may writeA=XA0Afor someX:

(AG)0AG;which is symmetric. Similarly, usingG0GA=G0;we may conclude thatGAG=Gand thatGAis symmetric.

5.A=xy0for some column vectorsxandy:First determinex+andy+:a=


Chapter 2

2. Supposeyi=1;yj=1 andyk=0;k6=

i;k6=j:Consider an (ij)-pathP:Let xbe a vector with its coordinates indexed byE(G):Setxk=0 ifekis not inP: Otherwise, setek=1 orek=1 according asekis directed in the same way as, or in the opposite way to,P;respectively. Verify thatQx=y:

3.Q+=Q0(QQ0)1:Note thatQQ0has a simple structure.

4. IfGis not bipartite, then it has an odd cycle. Consider the submatrix ofMcor-

responding to the cycle.

5. This is the well-known Frobenius-K

¨onig theorem. LetGbe the bipartite graph

with bipartition(X;Y);whereX=Y=f1;:::;ng;andiandjare adjacent if and only ifaij=1:Condition (i) is equivalent ton(G)Chapter 3

1. The characteristic polynomial of either graph isl67


5.e(Kn) =2(n1);e(Kmn) =2pmn:

6. Use Lemma 3.25.

7. Use the previous exercise to find the eigenvalues of the two graphs.


160 Hints and Solutions to Selected Exercises

8. Note thatA(G1)=0 1

1 0

AandA(G2)=1 1

1 1

A;respectively. Use Lemma


9. Letnbe pendant and suppose it is adjacent ton1:Assume the result forTnfng

and proceed by induction onn:

Chapter 4

1. A repeated application of Laplace expansion shows that det(L+J)is equal to

the sum of detLand the sum of all cofactors ofL:(Also see Lemma 8.3.) Use

Theorem 4.8.

2. LetjV(G)j=nandjV(H)j=m:ThenL(GH) =L(G)



1;:::;lnandm1;:::;mmare the eigenvalues ofL(G)andL(H);respectively,

then the eigenvalues ofL(GH)areli+mj;i=1;:::;n;j=1;:::;m:

3. Use Theorem 4.11 and the arithmetic mean-geometric mean inequality.

4. Use Theorem 4.13.

5. Let(X;Y)be a bipartition ofT:Make all edges oriented fromXtoY:The result

holds for any bipartite graph.

6. For the first part, verify that(A+)0satisfies the definition of the Moore-Penrose

inverse ofA0:Then, for the second part note, using the first part, that


Since the column space ofA0is the same as that ofA+;it follows thatA+AA0=

0:Substituting in the previous equation and using the first part shows that

(A0)+A+is a g-inverse ofAA0:The other Moore-Penrose conditions are proved similarly.

Chapter 5

1. Note that

=I Bf B0fI :By the Schur complement formula the determi- nant of is seen to be nonzero.

2. LetBbethefundamentalcutmatrix.Thereexistsan(n1)(n1)nonsingular

matrixZsuch thatX0=ZB:Use the fact thatBis totally unimodular.

3. The proof is similar to that of Theorem 5.13.

4. First show that detBB0[E(T1)jE(T1)]is the number of spanning trees ofGcon-

tainingT1as a subtree. Use this observation and Theorem 4.7.

Chapter 6

1. LetAbe the adjacency matrix ofGand supposeu0 satisfiesAu=mu:There

existsx>0 such thatAx=r(G)x:Consideru0Ax:

Hints and Solutions to Selected Exercises 161

2. The Perron eigenvalue of a cycle and ofK1;4is 2:

3. Use Corollary 6.14.

4. IfGis strongly regular with parameters(n;k;a;c)thenGcis strongly regular

with parameters(n;k1;a1;c1);wherek1=nk1;a1=n2k2+cand


5. For the first part use Theorem 6.25.

6. Letl1;:::;lnbe the eigenvalues ofA:SinceAis nonsingular, the eigenvalues

are nonzero. By the arithmetic mean-geometric mean inequality, nå i=1jlij nnÕ i=1jlij1n =njdetAj1n

Chapter 7

1. The LaplacianLofK1;n1hasIn1as a principal submatrix. Therefore, the rank

ofLIn1is 2 and hence its nullity isn2:Thus, 1 is an eigenvalue ofLwith multiplicityn2:Clearly, 0 is an eigenvalue. The remaining eigenvalue, easily found using the trace, isn:

4. Use a symmetry argument.

5. The first part is an easy consequence of Theorem 7.16. For the second part, using

the fact thatQnis then-fold Cartesian product ofQ2;show that the algebraic connectivity ofQnis 2:Also see the remark following Corollary 7.18.

6. Letf:V(G)! f0;1;1gbe defined by setting it equal to 0 onV1;1 onV2

and1 onV3:Use the inequalityf0Lfmf0fwhereLis the Laplacian. For a generalization and an application to "competitive learning process", see [3].

7. This is an easy consequence of Theorem 7.20.

8. Use Exercise 7, above .

9. Letfi= (n+1)2i;i=1;:::;n:Note thatf01=0:Use (7.17).

Chapter 8

1 and 2. Follow an argument similar to that in the proof of Theorem 8.2.

3. Fora6=0 evaluateD1

01a two different ways.

5. Suppose(D1S)x=0 for some vectorx:Premultiply this equation by

0and use the formula forD1given in Theorem 8.9 to concludet0x=

0 and hence that(12

LS)x=0;whereLis the Laplacian ofT:Then


LS)x=0;and since12

L+Sis positive semidefinite, conclude that


7. For anyi;j;k2V(T);dij=dik+dkjmod 2:

8. Use (8.26) and thatL+;being positive semidefinite, is a Gram matrix, that

is, there exist pointsx1;:::;xnin IRnsuch that`+ij= (xi)0xj;i;j=1;:::;n:

10. Observe thatIkis a principal submatrix of the Laplacian matrix ofT:Use

interlacing and then apply Theorem 8.16.

162 Hints and Solutions to Selected Exercises

Chapter 9

2. The resistance distance between any two vertices of the cycle is easily found

by series-parallel reduction. Lemma 9.9 and a symmetry argument may also be used.

3. First prove the result when there is a cycle containingiandj:Then use the fact

that if there are two (ij)-paths then there is an (ij)-path that meets a cycle.

4. By Theorem 9.12, ifxis ann1 vector orthogonal tot;thenx0Rx0:

6. Use (9.3) and Theorem 4.7.

7. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the spanning trees ofGnot con-

taining the edgeekand the spanning trees ofGcontaininge0k:Use the equation


and the previous exercise.

9. Use Theorem 9.12, the multilinearity of the determinant and the fact that each

cofactor ofLequalsc(G):

10. Assume thatnis a pendant vertex and that the formula holds forTnfng:Use

induction on the number of vertices.

Chapter 10

1. Use the recursive definition of a threshold graph and induction.

2. We may encode a threshold graph by a binary sequenceb1;:::;bn;withb1=1:

In the recursive procedure to obtain the graph we add an isolated vertex ifbi=0; and a dominating vertex ifbi=1:

3. Use the recursive definition of a threshold graph and induction.

4. Use the recursive definition of a cograph and the fact that the union of two Lapla-

cian integral graphs is Laplacian integral and the complement of a Laplacian integral graph is Laplacian integral.

5. Whether a graphGis a cograph or not can be checked recursively. Take the

complement ofG:Then it should split into connected components, each of which must be a cograph. Thus, if we take components ofGcand repeat the procedure of taking complements, we must end up with isolated vertices if the graph is a cograph. The presence ofP4will not lead to this situation sinceP4is self- complementary. Incidentally, it is known that the property of not containing aP4 as an induced subgraph characterizes cographs.

6. Theeigenvalues ofL(G)are:nwith multiplicityjV1j;jV1jwithmultiplicityjV2j

1; and 0:The number of spanning trees inKmnGis


7. The eigenvalues ofL(G)are given by: 2r+2;2r+1;r+2 with multiplicityr;

r+1 with multiplicity 2r2;rwith multiplicityr;1 and 0:

Hints and Solutions to Selected Exercises 163

8. The eigenvalues ofL(KnK2)are:n+2 with multiplicityn1;nwith multi-

plicityn1; 2; and 0:(see [2].)

Chapter 11

1. Agraphisrankkcompletableifandonlyifitsbipartitecomplementhasamatch-

ing of sizek:

2. Use the definition of chordal graph. IfGis a split graph then so isGc:

5. LetGbe the graph withV(G) =f1;:::;7gand withijif and only if

ij6=0:ThenGis chordal and a perfect elimination ordering forGis given by 1;2;4;5;6;7;3:Perform Gaussian elimination using pivots according to this ordering. So, first subtract a suitable multiple of a first row from the other rows to reduce all entries in the first column to zero except the(1;1)-entry. Then subtract a suitable multiple of the first column from the remaining columns to reduce all entries in the first row to zeros, except the(1;1)-entry. Repeat the process with the second row and column, then with the fourth row and column, and so on. In the process, no zero entry will be changed to a nonzero entry.

6. Use the Jacobi identity.

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