[PDF] Fund Information 16-Sept-2022 Michel Aubenas

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QUARTIER LE TEMPLE BP 215 07205 AUBENAS CEDEX. MARILYN BLACHERE 04 75 36 16 58 marilyn.blachere@ardeche.cci.fr. RIB CCI Ardèche.

agricole public

www.epl.aubenas.educagri.fr. 15 Cantal. Lycée - CFA Georges Pompidou - ENILV. 9 rue de Salers 15000 AURILLAC. Tél. 04 71 46 26 60 epl.aurillac@educagri.fr.

Fund Information

16-Sept-2022 Michel Aubenas CFA

Fund Information

16-Sept-2022 Michel Aubenas CFA


solliciter les équipes du CFA CréAp pour CFA /UFA. Côté employeur l'apprentissage est ouvert : . Aux entreprises du ... B.P. 215 - 07205 AUBENAS CEDEX.


L'autre partie se déroule en CFA (Centre de Formation d'Apprentis) 07 Lanas / Aubenas CFA André Fargier. 26 Buis-les-Baronnies

Les Centres de Formation dApprenti de France

C.F.A. Les Compagnons du devoir 67000 Strasbourg C.F.A. Eschau 67114 Eschau C.F.A. Ardèche Sud 07200 Aubenas

Fund Information


Fund PriceNAVChange vs Previous

Trading Day (%)Last UpdateFund SizeRisk LevelInvestment TenorDivdend PolicyType of

Investment Return


Overall Rating

USD6.390000.95%24-10-2023USD 955,839,179.004≥1 Year(s)

0 Month(s)

Inc (Cash)2

Product Features - Investment Objective and Strategy

The Emerging Markets Bond Fund seeks to maximise total return. The Fund invests at least 70% of its total assets in the fixed income transferable securities of governments

and agencies of, and companies domiciled or exercising the predominant part of their economic activity in, emerging markets. The Fund may invest in the full spectrum

of available securities, including non-investment grade. Currency exposure is flexibly managed. As part of its investment objective the Fund may invest up to 20% of its

total assets in ABS and MBS whether investment grade or not. These may include asset-backed commercial paper, collateralised debt obligations, collateralised mortgage

obligations, commercial mortgage-backed securities, credit-linked notes, real estate mortgage investment conduits, residential mortgage-backed securities and synthetic

collateralised debt obligations. The underlying assets of the ABS and MBS may include loans, leases or receivables (such as credit card debt, automobile loans and student

loans in the case of ABS and commercial and residential mortgages originating from a regulated and authorised financial institution in the case of MBS). The ABS and MBS

in which the Fund invests may use leverage to increase return to investors. Certain ABS may be structured by using a derivative such as a credit default swap or a basket

of such derivatives to gain exposure to the performance of securities of various issuers without having to invest in the securities directly. The Fund may use derivatives for

investment purposes and for the purposes of efficient portfolio management. Fund Portfolioas of 30-09-2023Asset AllocationStockBondCashOther0.0089.5110.490.00

Total Number of Equity Holdings 0

Total Number of Bond Holdings 278

Bond Holdings Sector AllocationFee InformationSubscription Fee5.00%Switching Handling Fee1% *Not applicable to Guaranteed Funds*

Management Fee1.250% p.a.Redemption Fee-Performance Fee-Incentive Fee-Other Fund InformationLaunch Date02-04-2012Fund TypeFixed IncomeFund CategoryAsian and Emerging Market BondInvestment Market SectorGlobal Emerging Markets BondDealing Freqeuncy/ Dealing Cut-off TimeOne Dealing Session per Dealing Day /

HKT 16:00

Fund HouseBlackRock Asset Management North Asia


Fund ManagerSergio Trigo PazFund Manager Start Date27-07-2012Biography Sergio Trigo Paz, Managing Director, is Head of BlackRock's Emerging Markets Fixed Income. Prior to Joining BlackRock in 2012, he was CIO of Emerging Market Fixed Income at BNP Paribas Investment Partners. From 2004 to 2008, he managed a special situations and event driven EM hedge fund and was also responsible for total and absolute return EM strategies at Fortis Investments. In his early career from 1993 to 2004 he developed extensive experience in emerging markets debt as a proprietary and distressed trader and as a market maker. Sergio graduated with

Performance History

Fund indexed performance (initial value =100%). Performance statistics were calculated based on the class currency

of the relevant fund and the NAV or Bid price of the relevant fund, based on the principle of NAV-to-NAV or Bid-to-Bid,

with reinvestment of all dividends (if any) received from the relevant funds. as of 30-09-2023


as of 24-10-2023YTD1W1M3M6M1YFund Performance4.022.40-0.42-1.424.2217.47Sector Average1.06-0.77-2.85-5.23-1.1012.15Annualised3Y5Y10Y15YFund Performance-3.56-0.771.54-Sector Average-4.28-0.880.663.10Calendar Year20222021202020192018Fund Performance-16.85-2.916.0512.25-7.08Sector Average-16.21-3.775.9312.02-6.15

an MSc in Economics, an MSc in Finance and an MPhil in Management from Paris

Sorbonne University in 1993.

Fund ManagerMichel AubenasFund Manager Start Date27-07-2012Biography Michel Aubenas, CFA, is a Managing Director of BlackRock, Inc. since 2016, Head of EM Hard Currency Sovereign Debt and Director from 2012 to 2015 and portfolio manager for the Emerging Markets Debt team within BlackRock's Portfolio Management Group. He has responsibilities for managing sovereign debt strategies and local rates. Prior to joining BlackRock in June 2012, Mr Aubenas was a portfolio manager for the Emerging Markets Debt team at Fischer Francis Trees and Watts (FFTW, part of the BNP-Paribas group) for two years, where he was managing sovereign debt strategies and shared regional coverage of Eastern Europe and frontier markets. At FFTW, Michel had responsibility for supervising the team's innovative investment process which he helped enhance. Prior to that, Mr Aubenas worked as an EM portfolio manager at Caisse de Depots in Canada, Fortis Investments in London, and Axa Investment Managers in France. He has cross- assets investment experience in external debt (sovereign and quasi-sovereign), local rates and currencies. Michel studied at Dauphine University in Paris, where he earned a Masters in Banking and Finance in 1999, and an MSc in Economics and a

BSc in Applied Mathematics in 1998.

Morningstar Ratingas of 30-9-2023Overall Rating3-year Rating5-year Rating10-year RatingEquity Valuationas of 30-09-2023Price/Prospective Earnings-Price/Cash Flow-Price/Book-Fund Volatilityas of 30-9-20231-Yr Sharpe Ratio0.781-Yr Std Dev10.621-Yr Annualised Return17.47%3-Yr Sharpe Ratio-0.443-Yr Std Dev11.373-Yr Annualised Return-3.56%Fund Price Informationas of 24-10-2023

Fund price movement is calculated on bid to bid/NAV to NAV basis in fund class currency (USD). Unit PriceNAVUSD6.39000Bid PriceUSD6.39000Offer PriceUSD6.3900052 Weeks Low-highUSD5.80000 - 6.73000

Important Message: Investors should refer to the relevant fund's offering document before making any investment decision.


1.Fund code: This refers to the code shown preceding the Fund Name (e.g. U43935). Fund codes are for reference only. A different fund code may be displayed on client's contract note if the fund is subscribed through Monthly Investment

Plan (MIP) or is linked to a loan facility.

2.The Risk Level (1 = Low Risk, 2 = Low to Medium Risk, 3 = Medium Risk, 4 = Medium to High Risk, 5 = High Risk) is assigned to a fund by the Bank based on the Bank's internal assessment of various factors, including but not limited to,

the risk level of the Investment Market Sector that the fund belongs to, volatility of the fund, market conditions, investment objective and investment strategy of the fund, etc., and is for general information and reference only. The Risk Level

assigned to a fund will be assessed semi-annually and the effective date of the Risk Level resulted from the last semi-annual assessment is 01-09-2023. The Bank may revise the Risk Level assigned to a fund from time to time without any

prior notice. The Risk Level of a fund that is recently added to the Bank's platform is assigned as of the date the fund is added. The information in connection with risk level is compiled by the Bank with reference to sources which the Bank

believes to be reliable.

3.Investment Tenor: Information on Investment Tenor may not be available for all funds.

4.Dividend Payout: Accum = Accumulation; Inc (Cash) = Income (Cash); Inc (Unit) = Income (Unit)

5.Unit price: Please note that the Unit Prices quoted are for reference only. All Unit Prices quoted are either NAV or Bid prices for the relevant Units and only represent the redemption prices for the relevant Units on the date shown. For fund

subscription, it shall be based on the offer prices which have to take into account the relevant subscription fees, if any, as applicable to the relevant customers. You may check with the Bank for the reference offer prices. Please note that

there may be significant discrepancy between the actual offer prices and the reference offer prices provided by the Bank when the customers submit the subscription application.

For funds with more than one Dealing Session per Dealing Day, if "AM" appears after the date, this is the Unit Price for the Morning Dealing Session; for "PM", it is the Unit Price for the Afternoon Dealing Session.

6.Sector Performance: In respect of the statistic used for Sector Performance, the returns of each relevant fund in the sector were calculated based on the principle of NAV-to-NAV or Bid-to-Bid in the class currency of the relevant fund, with

reinvestment of all dividends (if any). The percentage returns for 1-year and below are cumulative returns and are updated based on the latest available fund prices whilst the percentage returns for 1-year or above are annualised returns

and are updated at the end of every month.


iIn respect of each relevant fund, the returns were calculated based on the principle of NAV-to-NAV or Bid-to-Bid in the class currency of the relevant fund, with reinvestment of all dividends (if any). For funds with more than one Dealing

Session per day, the returns were calculated based on the fund price in the Afternoon Dealing Session. Only the funds that have an investment track record of at least 6 months as of the information captured date will have their percentage

returns displayed. iiIn respect of each relevant fund:

Cumulative returns: The percentage returns for 1-year and below are cumulative returns and updated based on the latest available fund prices.

Annualised returns: The percentage returns for 1-year or above are annualised returns and are updated at the end of every month.

Calendar Year returns: For any year's percentage return, if the inception date of the relevant fund is after the 31st December of the previous year, the percentage return for the year will be calculated from its inception date to the end of that


8.Fund Size: It is based on data of 30-12-2022.

9.Morningstar Rating: It is based on fund price available on 30-09-2023, calculated on a NAV-to-NAV basis, in HKD and with reinvestment of all dividends (if any).

10.Offering Documents: If you want to obtain a printed copy of the offering documents, please contact our staff at any Hang Seng Bank branches.

You need to have the latest version of Acrobat Reader to view the file. The software can be downloaded from http://www.adobe.com.

11.Type of Investment Return: This is assigned by the Bank to a fund based on the primary nature of the fund, and is for general information and reference only. Fund(s) with Type of Investment Return 2 or 3 are not capital protected and there

will be no guarantee for payment of principal upon redemption.

1 =Capital Preservation

2 =Potential Cash Income

3 =Potential Capital Growth

12.Dealing Frequency/ Dealing Cut-off Time:

•For funds managed by Lyxor Asset Management, if any such day is not a Hong Kong Business Day, the Cut-off Day (Dealing Deadline) would be the following Hong Kong Business Day. The Dealing Day is the Exchange Business Day

immediately following the Cut-off Day (Dealing Deadline), or if any such day is not an Exchange Business Day, the next following Exchange Business Day or such other day or days as the Trustee and Manager may agree from time to time,

provided that orders received after the Cut-off Day (Dealing Deadline) immediately preceding such Dealing Day shall not be executed on the immediate following Valuation Day, but shall be executed on the next Valuation Day.

•In respect of funds managed by certain fund houses, application for switching-out of a fund and application for switching-in of another fund of different fund series managed by the same fund house may not be processed on the same

dealing day. For details, please enquire with the staff of the Bank.

•Investors should note that switching into units of certain investment funds (the "new investment funds") will only be effected upon receipt of cleared funds for the account of the new investment funds. In such cases, requests for switching

into units of the new investment fund will be dealt with on the dealing day on which the switching monies from switching out of the existing fund are received for the account of the new investment fund prior to the relevant cut-off time on that

dealing day. As such, units of the new investment fund may be issued on a dealing day later than the day on which switching applications are received.

13.Switching Handling Fee: If you want to check whether your current fund holding can be switched into this fund, please logon to Hang Seng e-Banking, in the Investment Funds Trading page, choose the fund you wish to switch out and refer

to the list of fund(s) in the row of "Fund Switch to:" in the "Funds Switching" page.

14.Funds may invest in a variety of debt securities, including but not limited to, bonds, loans, fixed-rate or floating-rate debt securities.

15.Click here to view Fees and Charges for iPower Accounts.

Not all of the investment funds that are distributed by Hang Seng Bank Limited (the "Bank") are available on the Bank's online platform. Please visit our branches for the full range of investment funds distributed by the Bank.

For information which is "Powered By" other fund houses, Morningstar Asia Limited and other information providers (the "Information"), it is being re-transmitted by the Bank in the ordinary course of business to you for

information and reference purposes only. The Bank, its officers, employees and agents did not devise, select, add to, modify or otherwise exercise control over the Information.

The returns are denominated in relevant fund currency (which may be foreign currency). US/HK dollar-based investors may therefore be exposed to fluctuations in the US/HK dollar/foreign currency exchange rate.

The fund(s) mentioned above has been authorized by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong (the "SFC"). SFC authorization is not a recommendation or endorsement of a fund nor does it guarantee the commercial merits of a

fund or its performance. It does not mean the fund is suitable for all investors nor is it an endorsement of its suitability for any particular investor or class of investors.

This webpage has not been reviewed by the SFC.

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