[PDF] Lecture Notes: The Halting Problem; Reductions

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Lecture Notes: The Halting Problem; Reductions

The Halting Problem; Reductions. COMS W3261. Columbia University. 20 Mar 2012. 1 Review. Key point. Turing machines can be encoded as strings 

1 Reductions

A reduction is a way of converting one problem into another problem such that a The language HALT = {?Mw?

Reducibility The Halting Problem for TMs.

A reduction is a way of converting one problem into another problem in such a Consider the problem determining whether a Turing machine halts (by ...

Other undecidable problems Examples of undecidable problems

Languages and Automata. Undecidability problem reduction

Warm-Up Problem

Describe the Halting Problem. • Show that problems are decidable. • Give reductions to prove undecidability. 4/21 

Constructive Many-One Reduction from the Halting Problem to Semi

the Turing machine halting problem to semi-unification. This establishes many-one completeness of semi-unification. Computability of the reduction function 

co-RE and Reducibility

The Halting Problem. ? An important problem about TMs. ? co-RE Languages. ? Resolving a fundamental asymmetry. ? Mapping Reductions.

Theory of Computer Science - Halting Problem and Reductions

9 mai 2016 undecidable problems: D6. Decidability and Semi-Decidability. D7. Halting Problem and Reductions. D8. Rice's Theorem and Other Undecidable ...

Constructive Many-one Reduction from the Halting Problem to Semi

29 août 2022 reduction from the Turing machine halting problem to ... reduction from a uniform boundedness problem to semi-unification [Dud20].

Theory of Computer Science - Halting Problem and Reductions

Halting Problem and Reductions. Malte Helmert. University of Basel. May 10 2017 The special halting problem is semi-decidable. Proof.

[PDF] Lecture Notes: The Halting Problem; Reductions

20 mar 2012 · A language is Turing-recognizable if there exists a Turing machine which halts in an accepting state iff its input is in the language

[PDF] 1 Reductions

A reduction is a way of converting one problem into another problem such that a solution to the second problem can be used to solve the first problem

[PDF] Decidability Introduction and Reductions to the Halting Problem

Define a decidable problem • Describe the Halting Problem • Show that problems are decidable • Give reductions to prove undecidability

[PDF] Reducibility The Halting Problem for TMs - Kent State University

A reduction is a way of converting one problem into another problem in such a way that a solution to the second problem can be used to solve the first problem

[PDF] The Halting Problem - Duke Computer Science

Proof: We will reduce this problem to the halting problem Suppose we have a TM E to solve the state-entry problem TM E takes as input the coding of a TM 

[PDF] Reductions

The Halting problem HALTTM = {Mw M is a DTM and M halts on w} The reduction machine outputs a DTM that loops whenever M reaches the rejecting state

[PDF] Theory of Computer Science - Halting Problem and Reductions

9 mai 2016 · The first undecidable problems that we will get to know have Turing machines as their input “programs that have programs as input”: cf

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Video Lecture “Reductions and Undecidability” related practice problems and their solutions are Consider the Halting Problem: HP = {M#xM halts on x}

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Mapping Reductions ? A tool for finding unsolvable problems The halting problem is the following problem: Given a TM M and string w

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We can do it through a reduction: we demonstrate that if there is a Turing machine MA/R that decides LA/R then there is a Turing machine Mhalt that decides 

[PDF] Lecture Notes: The Halting Problem; Reductions

20 mar 2012 · A language is Turing-recognizable if there exists a Turing machine which halts in an accepting state iff its input is in the language

[PDF] 1 Reductions

A reduction is a way of converting one problem into another problem such that a solution to the second problem can be used to solve the first problem

[PDF] Reducibility The Halting Problem for TMs - Kent State University

A reduction is a way of converting one problem into another problem in such a way that a solution to the second problem can be used to solve the first problem

[PDF] Decidability Introduction and Reductions to the Halting Problem

Define a decidable problem • Describe the Halting Problem • Show that problems are decidable • Give reductions to prove undecidability

[PDF] The Halting Problem - Duke Computer Science

Proof: We will reduce this problem to the halting problem Suppose we have a TM E to solve the state-entry problem TM E takes as input the coding of a TM 

[PDF] Theory of Computer Science - Halting Problem and Reductions

9 mai 2016 · Theorem (Semi-Decidability of the Special Halting Problem) The special halting problem is semi-decidable Proof We construct an “interpreter” 

[PDF] Reductions

The Halting problem HALTTM = {Mw M is a DTM and M halts on w} The reduction machine outputs a DTM that loops whenever M reaches the rejecting state

[PDF] Reduction - CSE IIT Kgp

Video Lecture “Reductions and Undecidability” related practice problems and their solutions are Consider the Halting Problem: HP = {M#xM halts on x}

[PDF] Diagonalization halting problem reducibility - GMU CS Department

We can do it through a reduction: we demonstrate that if there is a Turing machine MA/R that decides LA/R then there is a Turing machine Mhalt that decides 

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Consider the HALTING PROBLEM (HALTTM): Given a TM M and w does M halt on input w? Theorem 17 1 HALTTM is undecidable Proof: Suppose HALTTM = {?Mw? : M 

  • How can we reduce halting problem?

    For a reduction to the halting problem, given an instance I of the post correspondence problem, we build a touring machine M, such that the instance is a yes-instance if and only if the machine halts by the empty input (The machine totally ignores the input band).
  • Is the halting problem reducible?

    Thus, the halting problem is indeed reducible to the acceptance problem. Proof: A decider of the halting problem can be used to build a decider for the acceptance problem (this is the reducibility shown in the previous theorem).
  • Will the halting problem ever be solved?

    The halting problem is undecidable, meaning that no general algorithm exists that solves the halting problem for all possible program–input pairs.
  • unsolvable algorithmic problem is the halting problem, which states that no program can be written that can predict whether or not any other program halts after a finite number of steps. The unsolvability of the halting problem has immediate practical bearing on software development.

Lecture Notes:

The Halting Problem; Reductions

COMS W3261

Columbia University

20 Mar 2012

1 Review

Key point.Turing machines can be encoded as strings, and other Turing machines can read those strings to peform \simulations".

Recall two denitions from last class:

Denition 1.A language isTuring-recognizableif there exists a Turing machine which halts in an accepting state i its input is in the language. Denition 2.A language isTuring-decidableif it halits in an accepting state for every input in the language, and halts in a rejecting state for every other input. Intuitively, for recognizability we allow our TM to run forever on inputs that are not in the language, while for decidability we require that the TM halt on every input.

Now recall our two most important results:

Theorem 1.There exist (uncountably many!) languages which are not Turing-recognizable. Proof.(intuitive) There are as many strings as natural numbers, because every (nite) string over a nite alphabet can be encoded as a binary number. There are as many TMs as strings, because every TM can be encoded as a string. Thus, both the strings and the TMs are countably innite. There are as many languages as real numbers. Every language is a subset of the set of strings; we can think of this subset as being encoded by an innite binary sequence (i.e. a real number) with 1s at indices corresponding to strings in the language and 0s everywhere else. Thus there are more languages than Turing machines; we conclude that some (indeed, \most") languages are not recognized by any TM.Now we will construct a specic undecidable language. 1 Denition 3.The languageXTM=fhMi:Mdoes not accepthMig

Theorem 2.XTMis not Turing-decidable.

Question.Give the \paradox" proof.

Proof 1.(by Epimenides' paradox) Suppose we had a Turing machineMdeciding this lan- guage. What happens when we runMwith inputhMi? If we claim it accepts, then by denition it ought to reject; if it rejects, then it ought to accept! Either way, we have a contradiction.Alternatively, here's a proof that it's not even Turing-recognizable.

Question.Give the \diagonalization" proof.

Proof 2.(by diagonalization) Suppose we constructed an (innite) chart listing all the Turing machines and all encodings of Turing machines. We write 1 in cell [i;j] ifMiacceptshMji and 0 otherwise:hM1i hM2i hM3i M

10 1 1


21 1 1


31 0 1

(The particular arrangement of 1s and 0s is unimportant|it will depend on our encoding scheme.) Note that by reading the 1s from theith row, we get the language decided by M i. DoesXTMappear in any row of this list? Not the rst row:M1rejectshM1i, sohM1i must be inXTM. Not the second row:M2acceptshM2i, sohM2imust not be inXTM. Continuing with this procedure, we can show thatXTMis not the same as any row of this enumeration of TMs, and as a consequence is not decided by any TM.2 The Accepting Problem X TMis admittedly a rather strange language, and it's not obvious why we should really care that it's not recognizable. Let's look at a dierent one:

Denition 4.The languageATM= (fhMi;w) :Macceptswg

The question of whetherATMis decidable is precisely the question of whether one TM can predict the output of another TM!

Question.Is this language Turing-recognizable?

Yes. GivenhMi;was input, we can just simulateMonw.

Question.Is this language Turing-decidable?

2 No.

Theorem 3.ATMis undecidable.

Proof.Suppose, towards contradiction, that we had a TMMdecidingATM. Then we could construct a TMNdecidingXTM, as follows:

Given inputhPi:


IfMaccepts, reject.

IfMrejects, accept.

Clearly,Nis a TM decidingXTM. But we know that there no such TM exists! Because the

existence ofMimplies the existence ofN, we conclude thatMalso does not exist.Clarication.Understand whyATMis recognizable but not decidable.

Key point.There is no Turing machine which can predict the output of all other Turing machines. However, there are Turing machines which can predict the output ofsomeother

Turing machines.

3 The Halting Problem

Let's try a more modest goal: rather than actually attempting to predict output, let's just predict whether a Turing machinehaltson its input, or runs forever. Denition 5.The languageHALTTM=f(hMi;w) :Mhalts on inputwg

Question.Is this language Turing-recognizable?

Yes: again, it just simulates (but it will run forever if the simulated machine does!).

Question.Is this language Turing-decidable?


Theorem 4.HALTTMis undecidable.

Proof.This is very much like the previous proof. Suppose we had a TMMdeciding HALT TM. The we could construct a TMNdecidingATM, as follows:

Given input (hPi;w):

RunMon (hPi;w).

IfMrejects, reject:Pruns forever given inputw, so does not acceptw. 3 Otherwise, we know thatPterminates, and it is \safe" to simulate it onw. Do so.

IfPaccepts, accept.

IfPrejects, reject.

Clearly,NdecidesATM. Similarly to the previous proof, we know thatATMis undecidable, soMcannot exist.Key point.There is no Turing machine which nds innite loops in all other Turing ma- chines (though again, it may do so for a restricted subset). This is a problem which would have real, practical benets if it were soluble, but it's not.

Clarication.Is this clear?

4 Other Undecidable Languages

Denition 6.The languageETM=fhMi:L(M) =;g

Question.Is this language decidable?

No: we can construct a decider forATMagain.


Given inputhP;wi:

Construct a new TMP0which rejects if its input is notw, and otherwise simulatesP onw.


IfMaccepts, reject.

IfMrejects, accept.

We have a contradiction.5 Reductions

In working through these examples we've come across a very powerful proof technique: to prove that some language is undecidable, we assume that we have a decider, and show that this implies the existence of a decider for a known undecidable problem. This technique is calledreduction. There are several dierent kinds of reduction; the kind that we've discussed so far is calledTuring reduction(for reasons that are hopefully obvious). The general idea is that 4 we assume we have a TM which computes the solution to one problem, and we use that to compute the solution to another problem. To say that a solver forBallows us to solveA(\Areduces toB"), we write ATB (I've always found this notation weird. An easy way to remember it is that ifAis reducible toB, the machine that computesBis at least as powerful as the machine that computes A: it is denitely powerful enough to solveA, and maybe other problems as well. SoAis \easier than"B.)

Question.ATMTXTM, or vice-versa?


Let's formalize the proof technique we've been using so far:

Theorem 5.ATBandBdecidable!Adecidable.

Corollary 1.ATBandAundecidable!Bundecidable.

6 Other Undecidable Languages, continued

Now let's try a few more reductions:

Denition 7.The languageREGTM=fhMi:L(M)is regularg

Question.Prove that this is undecidable. (Hint: reduce fromATM)

Proof.Suppose we have a deciderMforREGTM.

Given inputhP;wi:

Construct a new TMP0as follows:

{If the input is of the form 0n1n, accept. {Otherwise, ignore the input and runPonw


IfMdoesn't acceptw,L(P0) =f0n1ng, and is not regular. IfMacceptsw,L(P0) = . Thus,

IfMaccepts, accept.

IfMrejects, reject.

Once again, a contradiction.5

Denition 8.The languageEQTM=f(hMi;hNi) :L(M) =L(N)g Question.Prove that this is undecidable. (Hint: reduce fromETM) Proof.Suppose we have a deciderMforEQTM. Construct the following decider forETM:

Given inputhPi:

Construct a TMQwhich rejects immediately on all inputs.

RunMon (hPi;hQi), and accept i it accepts.

Once again, a contradiction.7 Next Class

It seems like every interesting language of Turing machines we've come up with is undecid- able. Is there any property of Turing machines which can be decided? 6quotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23
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