[PDF] [PDF] Briefing Diversity and Inclusion must add up for Successful

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Hampton-Alexander Review – November 2016

1 nov. 2019 Sponsored by. Hampton-Alexander Review. FTSE Women Leaders. Improving gender balance in FTSE Leadership. November 2019 ...

Hampton-Alexander review - FTSE women leaders

The Hampton-Alexander Review has been a great example of data transparency in reached gender parity in 2019; and last year the partnership elected our ...

FTSE Women Leaders Hampton-Alexander Review - GOV.UK

WOMEN. LEADERS. Hampton-Alexander Review. Sponsored by. KPMG. Page 2. It is clear that the voluntary business-led framework to improve the number of women at 

Hampton-Alexander Review 2018

19 nov. 2018 the Financial Reporting Council and the Hampton-Alexander Review to ... of these companies were to improve their gender balance in 2019 by ...

24 February 2021 Hampton-Alexander Review Press Release

24 févr. 2021 final Hampton-Alexander Review report reveals ... FTSE 350 has 0 All-Male boards down from 2 in 2019 (FN1). 3. For the first time

Hampton-Alexander Review – November 2016

1 nov. 2019 In 2019 our dataset continues to show a significant link between diversity and financial performance

Hampton-Alexander Review – November 2016

1 nov. 2019 Sponsored by. Hampton-Alexander Review. FTSE Women Leaders. Improving gender balance in FTSE Leadership. November 2019 ...

FTSE Women Leaders Review 2022

build on the work of the former Hampton-Alexander & Davies Reviews aiming to embed the 2019. 2020. 2021. Boards. Leadership. Women. Next Steps.

Hampton-Alexander Review - November 2017

1 nov. 2017 For the first time the Hampton-Alexander Review enables women's representation in ... boards by 2019

The Hampton-Alexander Review – FTSE Women Leaders

1 nov. 2016 delighted to support the Hampton-Alexander Review and will continue to champion ... 2019. 1993. Number of All-male boards.

[PDF] Hampton-Alexander Review: FTSE Women Leaders

1 nov 2019 · In 2019 our dataset continues to show a significant link between diversity and financial performance with companies in the top quartile for 

[PDF] Hampton-Alexander Review Press Release - FTSE Women Leaders

13 nov 2019 · Today we are pleased to publish the 2019 Hampton-Alexander report which shows that women now hold 32 4 of all FTSE 100 board positions up from 

[PDF] FTSE Women Leaders Hampton-Alexander Review - GOVUK

The visible challenging targets set for the FTSE leadership by the Hampton-Alexander Review are welcome and an important step to achieving this - encouraging 

FTSE women leaders: Hampton-Alexander review - GOVUK

Hampton-Alexander Review - FTSE women leaders 4th report: Improving gender balance in FTSE Leadership November 2019 (PDF 5MB Hampton-Alexander Review 

[PDF] Ashmore Data for 2019 Hampton-Alexander Review

Executive Committee Representation: As At 30/6/19 - Total number of Executive Committee members 11 - Total number of Executive Committee members - men

The Hampton-Alexander Review: Defining Progress for Women in

The Hampton-Alexander Review was first introduced in 2016 as a business-led framework for improving gender diversity [1] The independent voluntary and 

[PDF] Briefing Diversity and Inclusion must add up for Successful

According to the 2019 Hampton-Alexander Review on Improving Gender Balance in FTSE Leadership: “In 2019 our dataset continues to show a significant link 

[PDF] Hampton-Alexander Review - FTSE Women Leaders - UK Parliament

For the first time the Hampton-Alexander Review enables women's representation in senior executive positions to be tracked This year almost all FTSE 350 

The Hampton-Alexander Review and the balance of gender diversity

14 jui 2021 · The Hampton-Alexander Review is not only about women on boards it is also about looking at women in leadership It is here that the findings 

Findings of the final Hampton-Alexander Review

24 fév 2021 · The Final Hampton-Alexander Review regarding women on boards has been published This business-led independent Review has achieved 

[PDF] Hampton-Alexander Review: FTSE Women Leaders

1 nov 2019 · In 2019 our dataset continues to show a significant link between diversity and financial performance with companies in the top quartile for 

[PDF] FTSE Women Leaders Hampton-Alexander Review - GOVUK

The visible challenging targets set for the FTSE leadership by the Hampton-Alexander Review are welcome and an important step to achieving this - encouraging 

FTSE women leaders: Hampton-Alexander review - GOVUK

Hampton-Alexander Review - FTSE women leaders 4th report: Improving gender balance in FTSE Leadership November 2019 (PDF 5MB Hampton-Alexander Review 

[PDF] Ashmore Data for 2019 Hampton-Alexander Review

Executive Committee Representation: As At 30/6/19 - Total number of Executive Committee members 11 - Total number of Executive Committee members - men

The Hampton-Alexander Review: Defining Progress for Women in

The Hampton-Alexander Review was first introduced in 2016 as a business-led framework for improving gender diversity [1] The independent voluntary and 

[PDF] Briefing Diversity and Inclusion must add up for Successful

According to the 2019 Hampton-Alexander Review on Improving Gender Balance in FTSE Leadership: “In 2019 our dataset continues to show a significant link 

[PDF] Hampton-Alexander Review - FTSE Women Leaders - UK Parliament

For the first time the Hampton-Alexander Review enables women's representation in senior executive positions to be tracked This year almost all FTSE 350 

The Hampton-Alexander Review and the balance of gender diversity

14 jui 2021 · The Hampton-Alexander Review is not only about women on boards it is also about looking at women in leadership It is here that the findings 

Hampton-Alexander Review - FTSE Women Leaders

The Hampton-Alexander Review is an independent review body which builds on the excellent work of the Davies Review to increase the number of women on FTSE 

Findings of the final Hampton-Alexander Review

24 fév 2021 · The Final Hampton-Alexander Review regarding women on boards has been published This business-led independent Review has achieved 

  • What is the Hampton-Alexander review?

    The Hampton-Alexander Review is a business-led framework for improving gender diversity at work.
  • What is the Hampton-Alexander Equality Review?

    Details. In February 2016, the government appointed Sir Philip Hampton and the late Dame Helen Alexander to chair an independent review to to ensure that talented women at the top of business are recognised, promoted and rewarded. The review focuses on: increased female representation on FTSE boards.
mccannfitzgerald.com It has been recognised that one of the most effective ways to enhance corporate governance is by having a diverse board. In the past decade many organisations have worked to create diversity in their boards so that they are more reective of society and have a range of perspectives, insights and challenge needed to support fairness and good decision making. However, increasing demands for diversity (for example,

gender and race) from regulators and stakeholders reveal that many companies are slow to create diversity in their

top ranks.

Need for diversity

Trust and stability

The value and increasing importance placed on diversity in the workplace was recently highlighted when Lloyds Banking Group Plc's measures to improve stafi diversity were called a “credit positive". 1

Those measures included a “Race

Action'' plan, that focussed on promoting more black employees to senior roles, developing a race education programme and, committed to drive cultural change.

While it has been acknowledged that gender diversity on boards can be a credit positive - because of the scope for diversity of opinion - the express link by a rating agency between a company's stability and racial diversity measures marks a new departure.


Diversity and Inclusion

must add up for

Successful GovernanceThis briefing was produced

by the Institute of Directors in association with McCann

FitzGerald for use in Ireland.

McCann FitzGerald is one

of Ireland's premier law firms, providing a full range of legal services to many of

Ireland's leading businesses.

Clients include international

organisations, major domestic concerns, emerging Irish companies and clients in the State and semi-State sectors.1 In Moody's Investors Service Report. mccannfitzgerald.com The Black Lives Matter protests all over the world have been prompting many public companies including Lloyds to review their approach to diversity and inclusion. Earlier this year, Institutional Shareholder Services, one of the most inuential shareholder advisers, urged American companies to disclose the ethnicities of their senior directors.

Stakeholders and community

Investors want companies to go beyond tokenism and to work towards board parity. Asset managers have taken a strict line on board diversity, voting at companies' AGMs against signing ofi on nancial statements where, for example, women do not account for at least 25% of the directors on the board. There has been increased scrutiny by asset managers, of companies' behaviour during the pandemic, who have made it clear that they want companies to meet the UK's Hampton-Alexander targets of gender diversity. 2

Investment Association has

indicated that its voting advice service (widely used by large investors) would issue a “red-top" warning (its highest level of warning) to companies which are not meeting investor expectations on diversity. There is also an increased community expectation of gender balance on boards and in particular on state boards, reected by the Irish Government's recent publication of the Annex on Gender Balance, Diversity and Inclusion to supplement the existing Code of Practice for the Governance of State

Bodies 2016.

The value of diversity and inclusion

Diversity can bring several benets to an organisation including: more informed and diverse decision making (avoiding group think), diverse perspectives, diverse experience, increased innovativeness and critical thinking that comes from inclusion; demographically diverse boards which are more likely to challenge the CEO; it's use as a means to ensure fairness and rebuke discrimination; the creation of role models for others; building a deeper understanding of and access to desirable customer bases and markets; and incorporating new perspectives and generate learning, industry knowledge, strategy and nancial experience. 2 The Hampton-Alexander Review is an independent, business-led initiative supported by the UK Government, building on the work of the Davies Review to increase the number of women on the FTSE 350 boards. This Review, which is in its final year, has a 33% target for women in senior leadership positions in the FTSE 350 by the end of 2020. mccannfitzgerald.com

Targets, quotas and disclosure requirements

The use of quotas to achieve diversity is controversial and can be counterproductive if they mask the fact that structural changes necessary to change organisational culture have not been implemented. This can mean that representation from key focus areas - such as, race, colour, gender, LGBT+ or disability - might never rise above prescribed quotas and become ceilings on representation. The key question is whether the quotas have an overall positive or negative efiect on board and company performance and under what conditions. Quotas can be an efiective means of delivering accelerated change but other measures are available. In terms of reporting on diversity, Ireland transposed certain EU requirements on non-nancial reporting 3 by way of the EU (Disclosure of Non-Financial and Diversity Information by Certain Large Undertakings and Groups which require the directors of large traded companies to include in the directors' report a “diversity report" on its diversity policy, including a description of the policy, its objective, implementation details and the results of that policy.

Processes and strategies

It is not enough for an organisation to hope that a diversity and inclusion initiative will solve this lack of diversity and the inequality that underlies it. Inequality is a practice that needs to be addressed and translated into changes in behaviour, procedures and attitudes. Many boards could benet by including people with skills more diverse than specic technical skills. Proportionality is about adapting selection criteria and appointment processes for the particular position and its responsibilities and understanding the levels of risk arising from particular selection processes. Although there is no “one size ts all" approach to addressing diversity on boards there are some core areas and practices that can be considered when developing strategies to achieve balance. Organisations need to be mindful of the essential dimensions to a high performing board, from functional and industry expertise to behavioural attributes which lead companies to recruit boards that are diverse not only, for example, in gender or race, but also in skills which will better equip a board to execute its functions. Companies may want to consider a wider denition of diversity to include experience, skills, perspectives, qualities and behavioural attributes, behavioural and interpersonal characteristics needed by the board and to be mindful to: Source talent: recruit, mentor and promote a diverse range of candidates at every level of the organisation. Boards are not selecting the best person for the job if they are merely looking in their own social networks, often likely to be composed of others of similar race, gender and socio-demographic. 3

Contained in EU Directive 2014/95/EU

mccannfitzgerald.com Start early: open, transparent and well-timed appointment or selection processes are likely to achieve a wider and more diverse pool of potential candidates. Commence recruitment processes well in advance and increase publicity for board vacancies to attract a wider pool of potential candidates. Select objectively: boards can consider whether to implement quotas or affirmative action programmes to increase their diversity. Alternative measures might include widening the denition of the qualications that the ideal candidate would have, including a broader combination of demographics, skills, experience, race, age, gender, educational and professional background and other relevant personal attributes. An objective, transparent method for selecting directors is essential if new appointments are to be made on merit. Integrate: ensure that directors are fully integrated into their boards so that they can reach their potential to increase board efiectiveness, by establishing a strategic plan for board succession that includes discussions for diversity.

Inclusion and diversity

In addition to diversity, business leaders need to prioritise inclusion and ensure equal access of all groups of employees to training, professional development, networks, nominations for promotions and professional opportunities. Such inclusiveness leads to increased information sharing and participation in decision-making. Diversity is counting the numbers whereas inclusiveness is about making those numbers work. It is crucial to have a culture that values, rewards, supports and fosters individual difierences, to create an environment where everyone has an opportunity to advance and in which it is possible that anyone could rise to senior leadership positions. Otherwise, there is a risk that some employees could mask their difierences to t in with the majority, which reduces their value within the organisation.

Times of crises

Between disruption caused by COVID-19 and constraints imposed to contain its spread, companies are faced with unprecedented levels of uncertainty. Instead of looking at such disruptions as an opportunity to make their boards more diverse, companies may be tempted to respond to uncertainty and nancial pressure by dropping the diversity and inclusivity focus. With the impact of social inequality being magnied by the pandemic, it is even more important to focus on diversity and inclusion. Moreover, reliance is placed on directors to take actions in response to this evolving pandemic that demand, on an almost daily basis, new measures which impact their business. Any crises will give the opportunity to evaluate how organisational processes have to adapt. Research has shown that when people are making decisions in a stressful situation, fast and efiortless biases can dominate over slow and mccannfitzgerald.com demanding consideration and debate. Organisations are less likely to make rash short term decisions and more likely to be innovative in the way in which they deal with crises if they can seek input from a diverse board who can approach problems from a variety of perspectives.


Diversity must be seen as a strategic imperative to address unfairness and inequality and as one that leads to better decision making and board efiectiveness. According to the 2019 Hampton-Alexander Review on Improving Gender Balance in FTSE


"In 2019, our dataset continues to show a significant link between diversity and financial performance, with companies in the top quartile for executive team diversity 15-24% more likely to outperform their national industry median EBIT margin than their bottom quartile peers." Dedicated diversity and inclusion programmes are only part of the solution to the issue. Succession planning is also important because it allows boards to consider the objective of diversity within the context of a company's operation. Leaders must set the tone and the standards for behaviour in organisations. Policies and training programmes cannot compensate for leaders and colleagues who ignore or even endorse behaviour that discriminates, marginalises and excludes. Whether the focus is on gender, race, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, religion or age, organisations need to continue to step up on diversity and inclusion and address the underlying inequality.

This document is for general guidance only and should not be regarded as a substitute for professional advice.

Such advice should always be taken before acting on any of the matters discussed.

© McCann FitzGerald and Institute of Directors in Ireland 2020. All rights reserved. September 2020

Institute of Directors in Ireland, Europa House, Harcourt Street, Dublin 2

01 411 0010 | info@iodireland.ie | www.iodireland.ie

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+353 1 611 9125
audrey.byrne @mccanntzgerald.com

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+353 1 607 1279
mary.brassil @mccanntzgerald.com

Garreth O'Brien


+353 1 607 1489
garreth.obrien @mccanntzgerald.com

David Byers


+353 1 607 1365
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