[PDF] [PDF] The Verilog hardware description language

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Chapter 4 :: Hardware Description Languages Digital Design and Chapter 4 :: Hardware Description Languages Digital Design and

Hardware description language (HDL): allows designer to specify logic function only. Then a computer-aided design (CAD) tool produces or synthesizes the 

Hardware Description Languages

This appendix gives a quick introduction to the SystemVerilog and VHDL Hardware. Description Languages (HDLs). Many books treat HDLs as programming 

The Verilog hardware description language

1800-2012 “System Verilog” – Unified hardware design spec

IEEE Standard for Verilog Hardware Description Language

The Verilog hardware description language (HDL) became an IEEE standard in 1995 as IEEE Std 1364-. 1995. It was designed to be simple intuitive

Hardware description language (HDL) A hardware description

A hardware description language (HDL) is a computer-based language that describes the hardware of digital systems in a textual form.

Caisson: A Hardware Description Language for Secure Information

specific abstractions for hardware design (specifically finite state machines) to create a new Hardware Description Language (HDL) named Caisson. Our goal 

IEEE Standard for Verilog Hardware Description Language

Apr 7 2006 The Verilog hardware description language (HDL) became an IEEE standard in 1995 as IEEE Std 1364-. 1995. It was designed to be simple

Lecture 20: Hardware Description Languages & Logic Simulation

What is Logic Synthesis? ▫ Design described in a Hardware Description Language (HDL) • hardware description language - Verilog VHDL. • general-purpose ...

IEEE standard Verilog hardware description language - IEEE Std

Sep 28 2001 ... PDF: ISBN 0-7381-2827-9 SS94921. No part of this publication may be ... language interface

Hardware Description Language

RTL Hardware Design by P. Chu. Chapter 2. 2. Outline. 1. Overview on hardware description language. 2. Basic VHDL Concept via an example.

Chapter 4 :: Hardware Description Languages Digital Design and

Hardware description language (HDL): allows designer to specify logic function only. Then a computer-aided design (CAD) tool produces or.

IEEE Standard for Verilog Hardware Description Language

7 kwi 2006 PDF: ISBN 0-7381-4851-2 SS95395 ... The Verilog hardware description language (HDL) became an IEEE standard in 1995 as IEEE Std 1364-.

Hardware Description Languages

This appendix gives a quick introduction to the SystemVerilog and VHDL Hardware. Description Languages (HDLs). Many books treat HDLs as programming 

IEEE Standard for Verilog Hardware Description Language

PDF: ISBN 0-7381-4851-2 SS95395. No part of this publication may be The Verilog hardware description language (HDL) became an IEEE standard in 1995 as ...

Caisson: A Hardware Description Language for Secure Information

programming languages to provide a new perspective on design- ing secure hardware. We describe a new hardware description lan- guage Caisson

Hardware Description Language Modelling and Synthesis of

quantum (SFQ) based circuit using hardware description languages (HDL) are implemented and thereafter a synthesis method for Rapid SFQ circuits is carried 

IEEE standard Verilog hardware description language - IEEE Std

28 wrz 2001 PDF: ISBN 0-7381-2827-9 SS94921 ... Hardware Description Language (Verilog HDL) became an IEEE standard in 1995 as IEEE. Std 1364-1995.

LLHD: A Multi-level Intermediate Representation for Hardware

7 kwi 2020 Modern Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) such as. SystemVerilog or VHDL are due to their sheer complexity


To automate hardware design requires a Hardware Description Language (HDL) a different nota- tion than what we used in chapter 2 which is suitable for 

[PDF] Hardware Description Languages

A 1 Introduction This appendix gives a quick introduction to the SystemVerilog and VHDL Hardware Description Languages (HDLs)

[PDF] Chapter 4 :: Hardware Description Languages Digital Design and

Hardware description language (HDL): allows designer to specify logic function only Then a computer-aided design (CAD) tool produces or

[PDF] Hardware Description Languages - Basic Concepts - IIT Bombay

May 2006 Dinesh Sharma May 2006 Hardware Description Languages Page 2 The Design Process Basic HDL concepts Concurrent and sequential Descriptions

[PDF] Hardware Description Languages - Cartagena99

The specifications are generally given in a hardware description language (HDL) The two leading hardware description lan- guages are Verilog and VHDL

[PDF] The Verilog hardware description language

Based on the C language VHDL = VHSIC Hardware Description Language 2001: Can include port direction and data type in the port list (ANSI C format)

[PDF] IEEE Standard for Verilog Hardware Description Language

PDF: ISBN 0-7381-4851-2 SS95395 No part of this publication may be Abstract: The Verilog hardware description language (HDL) is defined in this 

(PDF) Hardware Description Language Demystified - ResearchGate

28 août 2020 · PDF This book is focusing on learning Verilog HDL concepts in an easy manner and at the same time creating digital system design 

verilog/Donald E Thomas Philip R Moorby The Verilog® Hardware

Thomas Philip R Moorby The Verilog® Hardware Description Language 2002 pdf

[PDF] The Verilog Hardware Description Language - GitHub Pages

These are later connected to individual input wires in module design Alternate: module testgen (i); reg [3:0] i; output i; always for 

[PDF] Hardware Description Languages

A 1 Introduction This appendix gives a quick introduction to the SystemVerilog and VHDL Hardware Description Languages (HDLs)

[PDF] Chapter 4 :: Hardware Description Languages Digital Design and

Hardware description language (HDL): allows designer to specify logic function only Then a computer-aided design (CAD) tool produces or

[PDF] Hardware Description Languages - Basic Concepts - IIT Bombay

May 2006 Dinesh Sharma May 2006 Hardware Description Languages Page 2 The Design Process Basic HDL concepts Concurrent and sequential Descriptions

[PDF] Hardware Description Languages - Cartagena99

The specifications are generally given in a hardware description language (HDL) The two leading hardware description lan- guages are Verilog and VHDL

[PDF] The Verilog hardware description language

Hardware Description Languages • Verilog – created in 1984 by Philip Moorby of Gateway Design Automation (merged with Cadence)

[PDF] IEEE Standard for Verilog Hardware Description Language

The Verilog hardware description language (HDL) became an IEEE standard in 1995 as IEEE Std 1364- 1995 It was designed to be simple intuitive 

verilog/Donald E Thomas Philip R Moorby The Verilog® Hardware

Thomas Philip R Moorby The Verilog® Hardware Description Language 2002 pdf

[PDF] The Verilog Hardware Description Language - GitHub Pages

Don Thomas 1998 1 The Verilog Hardware Description Language They describe the circuit using logic gates — much as you would see in an implementation 

[PDF] Hardware Description Language Modelling and Synthesis - CORE

In this study methods to model single flux quantum (SFQ) based circuit using hardware description languages (HDL) are implemented

  • What language is hardware description?

    A hardware description language (HDL) is a programming language used to describe the behavior or structure of digital circuits (ICs). HDLs are also used to stimulate the circuit and check its response. Many HDLs are available, but VHDL and Verilog are by far the most popular.
  • Is VHDL a hardware description language?

    What Is VHDL? Very High-Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language (VHDL) is a description language used to describe hardware. It is utilized in electronic design automation to express mixed-signal and digital systems, such as ICs (integrated circuits) and FPGA (field-programmable gate arrays).
  • What is Verilog hardware description language?

    Verilog Hardware Description Language. Verilog is a description language that describes the behavior of a logic circuit at gate level. It can also be used for simulation of a logic designs. It does not just simulate the function of the circuit but also the delays for switching each gate.
  • Verilog is a HARDWARE DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE (HDL). It is a language used for describing a digital system like a network switch or a microprocessor or a memory or a flip?flop. It means, by using a HDL we can describe any digital hardware at any level.

Verilog modeling* for

synthesis of ASIC designs * for native speakers of VHDL

ELEC 4200

Victor P. Nelson

Hardware Description Languages

•Verilog-created in 1984 by Philip Moorbyof Gateway Design Automation (merged with Cadence) •IEEE Standard 1364-1995/2001/2005 •Based on the C language •Verilog-AMS -analog & mixed-signal extensions •IEEE Std. 1800-2012 “System Verilog" -Unified hardware design, spec, verification •VHDL= VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHSIC = Very High Speed Integrated Circuits) •Developed by DOD from 1983 -based on ADA language •IEEE Standard 1076-1987/1993/2002/2008 •VHDL-AMS supports analog & mixed-signal extensions

HDLs in Digital System Design

•Modeland documentdigital systems •Behavioralmodel •describes I/O responses & behavior of design •Register Transfer Level (RTL)model •data flow description at the register level •Structuralmodel •components and their interconnections (netlist) •hierarchical designs •Simulationto verify circuit/system design •Synthesisof circuits from HDL models •using components from a technology library •output is primitive cell-level netlist(gates, flip flops, etc.)

Verilog Modules

module small_block(a, b, c, o1, o2); input a, b, c; output o1, o2; wire s; assign o1 = s |c ;// OR operation assign s = a & b ; // AND operation assign o2 = s ^ c ;// XOR operation endmodule

I/O port direction declarations

Logic functions

The moduleis the basic Verilog building block

Module name List of I/O signals (ports)

Internal wire (net) declarations

(Keywords in bold)

Lexical conventions

•Whitespacesinclude space, tab, and newline •Commentsuse same format as C and C++: // this is a one line comment to the end of line /* this is another single line comment */ /* this is a multiple line comment */ •Identifiers: any sequence of •letters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9), $ (dollar sign) and _ (underscore). •the first character must be a letter or underscore

Identifier_15, adder_register, AdderRegister

•Verilog is case sensitive(VHDL is case insensitive)

Bob, BOB, bob

// three differentidentifiers in Verilog •Semicolonsare statement delimiters; Commasare list separators

Verilog module structure

modulemodule_name(port list); port and net declarations (IO plus wires and regsfor internal nodes) input, output, inout-directions of ports in the list wire:internal "net" -combinational logic (needs a driver) reg:data storage element (holds a value -acts as a "variable") parameter:an identifier representing a constant functional description endmodule

Module "ports"

•A port is a module input, output or both module full_adder(ai, bi, cini, si, couti); input ai, bi, cini;//declare direction and type output si, couti;//default type is wire •Verilog 2001: Signal port direction and data type can be combined moduledff(d, clk, q, qbar); //port list inputd, clk; outputregq, qbar; // direction and type •Verilog 2001: Can include port direction and data type in the port list (ANSI C format) moduledff(inputd, inputclk, outputregq, qbar);

Data types

•Netsconnect components and are continuously assigned values •wireis main net type (trialso used, and is identical) •Variablesstore values between assignments •regis main variable type •Also integer, real, time variables •Scalaris a single value (usually one bit) •Vectoris a set of values of a given type •reg[7:0] v1,v2; //8-bit vectors, MSB is highest bit # •wire[1:4] v3; //4-bit vector, MSB is lowest bit # •reg[31:0] memory [0:127]; //array of 128 32-bit values •{v1,v2} // 16-bit vector: concatenate bits/vectors into larger vector

Logic values

•Logic values: 0, 1, x, zx = undefined state z = tri-state/floating/high impedance

0 1 x z

0 0 x x0

1 x 1 x 1

x xxxx z

0 1 x z


Multiple drivers

of one wire A B AB

State of the net

Analagousto VHDL


‘0" ‘1" ‘X" ‘Z"

Numeric Constants

•Numbers/Vectors: (bit width)'(radix)(digits)


4"b1010"1010" or B"1010"4-bit binary value

12"ha5cX"0a5c"12-bit hexadecimal value

6"o71O"71"6-bit octal value

8"d2552558-bit decimal value

25525532-bit decimal value (default)

16"bZx"ZZZZ"16-bit floating value

6"h5Ax"5A"6-bit value,upper bits truncated

10"h5510-bit value, zero fill left bits

10"sh5510-bit signed-extended value

-16"d5516-bit negative decimal (-55)

Equating symbols to constants

•Use 'define to create globalconstants (across modules) 'define WIDTH 128 'define GND 0 module (input [WIDTH-1:0] dbus) •Use parameterto create localconstants (within a module) module StateMachine( ) parameter StateA= 3'b000; parameter StateB= 3'b001; always @(posedgeclock) begin if (state == StateA) state <=

StateB;//state transition

Verilog module examples

// Structural model of a full adder modulefulladder(si, couti, ai, bi, cini); inputai, bi, cini; outputsi, couti; wired,e,f,g; xor(d, ai, bi); xor(si, d, cini); and(e, ai, bi); and(f, ai, cini); and(g, bi, cini); or(couti, e, f, g); endmodule// Dataflow model of a full addermodulefulladder(si, couti, ai, bi, cini); inputai, bi, cini; outputsi, couti; assignsi=ai^bi ^cini; // ^is the XOR operator in Verilog assigncouti=ai&bi |ai&cini|bi &cini; // &is the AND operator and |is OR endmodule // Behavioral model of a full adder modulefulladder(si, couti, ai, bi, cini); inputai, bi, cini; outputsi, couti; assign{couti,si} = ai+ bi + cini; endmodule Gate instancesContinuousdriving of a net

Operators (in increasingorder of precedence*):

||logical OR &&logical AND |bitwise OR~|bitwise NOR ^bitwise XOR~^bitwise XNOR &bitwise AND~&bitwise NAND ==logical equality!==logical inequality greater than>=greater than or equal <>shift right +addition-subtraction *multiply/divide%modulus *Note that:

A & B | C & D

is equivalent to: (A & B) | (C & D)

A * B + C * D

is equivalent to:(A * B) + (C * D)

Preferred forms -emphasizing precedence

Unary operators:


!logical negation ~bitwise negation~4"b0101 is 4"b1010 &reduction AND& 4"b1111 is 1"b1 ~& reduction NAND~& 4"b1111 is 1"b0 |reduction OR| 4"b0000 is 1"b0 ~| reduction NOR~| 4"b0000 is 1"b1 ^reduction XOR^ 4"b0101 is 1"b0 ~^reduction XNOR~^4"b0101 is 1"b1reduction operator is applied to bits of a vector, returning a one-bit result

Combining statements

// Wire declaration and subsequent signal assignment wire a; assign a = b | (c & d); // Equivalent to: wire a = b | (c & d);

Examples: 2-to-1 multiplexer

// function modeled by its "behavior" moduleMUX2 (A,B,S,Z); inputA,B,S;//input ports outputZ;//output port always//evaluate block continuously begin if(S == 0) Z = A;//select input A elseZ = B; //select input B end endmodule // function modeled as a logic expression moduleMUX2 (A,B,S,Z); inputA,B,S;//input ports outputZ;//output port assign Z = (~S &A) |(S &B); //continuous evaluation endmodule

A, B, Z could

also be vectors (of equal # bits)

Using conditional operator:

assignZ = (S == 0) ?A :B;


conditionif true : if false

Multi-bit signals (vectors)

// Example: 2-to-1 MUX with 4-bit input/output vectors moduleMUX2ARR(A,B,S,Z); input[3:0] A,B;// whitespace before & after array declaration inputS; output[3:0] Z;// little-endian form, MSB = bit 3 (left-most) reg[0:3] G;// big-endian form, MSB = bit 0 (left-most) always begin if(S == 0) G = A;//Select 4-bit A as value of G elseG = B;//Select 4-bit B as value of G end assignZ = G; endmoduleA,B,Z,G analagousto

VHDL std_logic_vector

Examples: 4-to-1 multiplexer

// function modeled by its "behavior" moduleMUX2 (A,B,C,D,S,Z1,Z2); inputA,B,C,D;//mux inputs input[1:0] S;//mux select inputs outputZ;//mux output always//evaluate block whenever there are changes in S,A,B,C,D begin //if-else form if(S == 2'b00) Z1 = A;//select input A for S=00 else if(S == 2'b01) Z1 = B;//select input B for S=01 else if(S == 2'b10) Z1= C;//select input C for S=10 else if(S == 2'b11) Z1 = D;//select input D for S=11 elseZ1 = x;//otherwise unknown output end //assign statement using the conditional operator (in lieu of always block) assignZ2 = (S == 2'b00) ? A://select A for S=00 (S == 2'b01) ? B://select B for S=01 (S == 2'b10) ? C://select C for S=10 (S == 2'b11) ? D://select D for S=11 x;//otherwise default to x endmodule //equivalent case statement form case(S)

2'b00: Z1 = A;

2'b01: Z1

= B; 2'b10quotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23
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