[PDF] Dendrograms for hierarchical cluster analysis

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Hierarchical Clustering / Dendrograms

The agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithms available in this In this example we can compare our interpretation with an actual plot of the data ...

Dendrograms for hierarchical cluster analysis

stata.com cluster dendrogram — Dendrograms for hierarchical cluster analysis. Syntax. Menu. Description. Options. Remarks and examples. Reference. Also see.

Dendrograms for hierarchical cluster analysis

Remarks and examples. References. Also see. Description cluster dendrogram produces dendrograms (also called cluster trees) for a hierarchical clustering.

Chapter 7 Hierarchical cluster analysis

perhaps the easiest to understand – a dendrogram or tree – where the objects this chapter we demonstrate hierarchical clustering on a small example and ...

Hierarchical Clustering

28 févr. 2019 Hierarchical clustering is yet another technique for performing data ... For example to draw a dendrogram

Evaluating Hierarchical Clustering Methods for Corpora with

12 sept. 2021 Hierarchical clustering is popular in Digital Humanities to ... than what we would expect by chance (for example for small dendrograms).

Overlapping Hierarchical Clustering (OHC)

Reminder on classical agglomerative clustering: Figure: SLINK dendrogram obtained from the practical example. Ian Jeantet (IRISA).

Characterization Stability and Convergence of Hierarchical

We study hierarchical clustering schemes under an axiomatic view. by practicioners and statisticians see for example the dendrograms provided by the ...

Community Detection with Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms Feb 3

3 févr. 2017 This network is used to benchmark virtually every community detection algorithm. Example 2.3 The Zachary Karate Club network is named for ...

Hierarchical clustering

1 Introduction. 2 Principles of hierarchical clustering. 3 Example. 4 Partitioning algorithm : K-means. 5 Extras. 6 Characterizing classes of individuals.

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Dendrogram • A tree that shows how clusters are merged/split hierarchically • Each node on the tree is a cluster; each leaf node is a singleton cluster 

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hierarchical clustering over flat approaches such as K-Means A dendrogram shows data items along one axis and distances along the other axis

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Hierarchical Clustering • Produces a set of nested clusters organized as a hierarchical tree • Can be visualized as a dendrogram

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28 fév 2019 · The graphical representation of that tree that embeds the nodes on the plane is called a dendrogram To implement a hierarchical clustering 

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hierarchic clustering) outputs a hierarchy a structure that is more informative than the unstructured set of clusters returned by flat clustering 1 

[PDF] Chapter 7 Hierarchical cluster analysis

perhaps the easiest to understand – a dendrogram or tree – where the objects this chapter we demonstrate hierarchical clustering on a small example and 

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7 fév 2019 · Agglomerative hierarchical clustering starts with every single object the dendrogram given in Figure 7 3 for example we have h12 = 1 

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Agglomerative clustering is monotonic ? The similarity between merged clusters is monotone decreasing with the level of the merge ? Dendrogram: Plot 

[PDF] Hierarchical Clustering / Dendrograms - NCSS

The two outliers 6 and 13 are fused in rather arbitrarily at much higher distances This is the interpretation In this example we can compare our 

  • How dendrogram is used in hierarchical clustering?

    A dendrogram is a tree-structured graph used in heat maps to visualize the result of a hierarchical clustering calculation. The result of a clustering is presented either as the distance or the similarity between the clustered rows or columns depending on the selected distance measure.
  • What is dendrogram with an example?

    A dendrogram is a branching diagram that represents the relationships of similarity among a group of entities. Each branch is called a clade. on. There is no limit to the number of leaves in a clade.
  • What is hierarchical clustering PDF?

    A hierarchical clustering method is a set of simple (flat) clustering methods arranged in a tree structure. These methods create clusters by recursively partitioning the entities in a top-down or bottom-up manner. We examine and compare hierarchical clustering algorithms in this paper.
  • Hierarchical clustering involves creating clusters that have a predetermined ordering from top to bottom. For example, all files and folders on the hard disk are organized in a hierarchy. There are two types of hierarchical clustering, Divisive and Agglomerative.

Titlestata.comcluster dendrogram -Dendrograms for hierarchical cluster analysisSyntaxMen uDescr iptionOptions

Remarks and examples

Ref erence

Also see


cluster dendrogram clname if in ,options optionDescriptionMain quickdo not center parent branches labels(varname)name of variable containing leaf labels cutnumber(#)display top#branches only cutvalue(#)display branches above#(dis)similarity measure only showcountdisplay number of observations for each branch countprefix(string)prefix the branch count withstring; default is "n=" countsuffix(string)suffix the branch count withstring; default is empty string countinlineput branch count in line with branch label verticalorient dendrogram vertically (default) horizontalorient dendrogram horizontally Plot lineoptionsaffect rendition of the plotted lines

Add plots

addplot(plot)add other plots to the dendrogram

Y axis, X axis, Titles, Legend, Overall

twowayoptionsany options other thanby()documented in[ G-3]twowayoptions Note:cluster treeis a synonym forcluster dendrogram.

In addition to the restrictions imposed byifandin, the observations are automatically restricted to those

that were used in the cluster analysis. Menu Statistics>Multivariate analysis>Cluster analysis>Postclustering>Dendrograms


cluster dendrogramproduces dendrograms (also called cluster trees) for a hierarchical clustering. See [ MV]clusterfor a discussion of cluster analysis, hierarchical clustering, and the availablecluster commands. Dendrograms graphically present the information concerning which observations are grouped together at various levels of (dis)similarity. At the bottom of the dendrogram, each observation is

considered its own cluster. Vertical lines extend up for each observation, and at various (dis)similarity

values, these lines are connected to the lines from other observations with a horizontal line. The observations continue to combine until, at the top of the dendrogram, all observations are grouped together. 1

2c lusterdendr ogram- Dendr ogramsf orhierar chicalc lusteranal ysis

The height of the vertical lines and the range of the (dis)similarity axis give visual clues about the

strength of the clustering. Long vertical lines indicate more distinct separation between the groups.

Long vertical lines at the top of the dendrogram indicate that the groups represented by those lines are well separated from one another. Shorter lines indicate groups that are not as distinct.


Main quickswitches to a different style of dendrogram in which the vertical lines go straight up from the observations instead of the default action of being recentered after each merge of observations in the dendrogram hierarchy. Some people prefer this representation, and it is quicker to render. labels(varname)specifies thatvarnamebe used in place of observation numbers for labeling the observations at the bottom of the dendrogram. cutnumber(#)displays only the top#branches of the dendrogram. With large dendrograms, the lower levels of the tree can become too crowded. Withcutnumber(), you can limit your view to the upper portion of the dendrogram. Also see thecutvalue()option. cutvalue(#)displays only those branches of the dendrogram that are above the#(dis)similarity measure. With large dendrograms, the lower levels of the tree can become too crowded. With cutvalue(), you can limit your view to the upper portion of the dendrogram. Also see the cutnumber()option. showcountrequests that the number of observations associated with each branch be displayed below the branches.showcountis most useful withcutnumber()andcutvalue()because, otherwise, the number of observations for each branch is one. When this option is specified, a label for each branch is constructed by using a prefix string, the branch count, and a suffix string. countprefix(string)specifies the prefix string for the branch count label. The default is countprefix(n=). This option implies the use of theshowcountoption. countsuffix(string)specifies the suffix string for the branch count label. The default is an empty string. This option implies the use of theshowcountoption. countinlinerequests that the branch count be put in line with the corresponding branch label. The branch count is placed below the branch label by default. This option implies the use of the showcountoption. verticalandhorizontalspecify whether thexandycoordinates are to be swapped before plotting-vertical(the default) does not swap the coordinates, whereashorizontaldoes. Plot lineoptionsaffect the rendition of the lines; see[ G-3]lineoptions.

Add plots

addplot(plot)allows adding moregraph twowayplots to the graph; see[ G-3]addplotoption.

Y axis, X axis, Titles, Legend, Overall

twowayoptionsare any of the options documented in[ G-3]twowayoptions, excludingby(). These include options for titling the graph (see [ G-3]titleoptions) and for saving the graph to disk (see [G-3]savingoption). cluster dendrogram- Dendr ogramsf orhierar chicalc lusteranal ysis3

Remarks and examplesstata.com

Examples of thecluster dendrogramcommand can be found in[ MV]cluster linkage,[ MV]clus- termat,[ MV]cluster stop, and[ MV]cluster generate. Here we illustrate some of the additional options available withcluster dendrogram.Example 1

Example 1

of [ MV]cluster linkageintroduces a dataset with 50 observations on four variables. Here we show the dendrogram for a complete-linkage analysis: . use http://www.stata-press.com/data/r13/labtech . cluster completelinkage x1 x2 x3 x4, name(L2clnk) . cluster dendrogram L2clnk, labels(labtech) xlabel(, angle(90) labsize(*.75))0 50

250L2 dissimilarity measure






Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam






Dendrogram for L2clnk cluster analysisThe same dendrogram can be rendered in a slightly different format by using thequickoption:

. cluster dendrogram L2clnk, quick labels(labtech) xlabel(, angle(90) labsize(*.75)) 0 50

250L2 dissimilarity measure






Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam






Dendrogram for L2clnk cluster analysis

4c lusterdendr ogram- Dendr ogramsf orhierar chicalc lusteranal ysis

Some people prefer this style of dendrogram. As the name implies, this style of dendrogram is quicker

to render. You can use theifandinconditions to restrict the dendrogram to the observations for one subgroup. This task is usually accomplished with thecluster generatecommand, which creates a grouping variable; see [ MV]cluster generate. Here we show the third of three groups in the dendrogram by first generating the grouping variable for three groups and then usingifin the command forcluster dendrogramto restrict it to the third of those three groups. . cluster gen g3 = group(3) . cluster tree if g3==30 50

150L2 dissimilarity measure

3 14 31 8 30 17 48 6 42 27 22 39 41 26 33 36 37 47 9 29 24 25 28 10

Dendrogram for L2clnk cluster analysisBecause we find it easier to type, we used the synonymtreeinstead ofdendrogram. We did not

specify the cluster name, allowing it to default to the most recently performed cluster analysis. We also omitted thelabels()andxlabel()options, which brings us back to the default action of showing, horizontally, the observation numbers. This example has only 50 observations. When there are many observations, the dendrogram can become too crowded. You will need to limit which part of the dendrogram you display. One way to view only part of the dendrogram is to useifandinto limit to one particular group, as we did above. The other way to limit your view of the dendrogram is to specify that you wish to view only the top portion of the tree. Thecutnumber()andcutvalue()options allow you to do this: cluster dendrogram- Dendr ogramsf orhierar chicalc lusteranal ysis5 . cluster tree, cutn(15) showcount0 50

250L2 dissimilarity measure

Dendrogram for L2clnk cluster analysisWe limited our view to the top 15 branches of the dendrogram withcutn(15). By default, the

15 branches were labeledG1-G15. Theshowcountoption provided, below these branch labels, the

number of observations in each of the 15 groups. Thecutvalue()option provides another way to limit the view to the top branches of the dendrogram. With this option, you specify the similarity or dissimilarity value at which to trim the tree. . cluster tree, cutvalue(75.3) countprefix("(") countsuffix(" obs)") countinline ylabel(, angle(0)) horizontal

G1 (3 obs)G2 (1 obs)G3 (2 obs)G4 (2 obs)G5 (3 obs)G6 (1 obs)G7 (2 obs)G8 (2 obs)G9 (5 obs)G10 (5 obs)G11 (10 obs)G12 (3 obs)G13 (5 obs)G14 (3 obs)G15 (2 obs)G16 (1 obs)


L2 dissimilarity measure

Dendrogram for L2clnk cluster analysisThis time, we limited the dendrogram to those branches with dissimilarity greater than 75.3 by

using thecutvalue(75.3)option. There were 16 branches (groups) that met that restriction. We used thecountprefix()andcountsuffix()options to display the number of observations in each branch as "(#obs)" instead of "n=#". Thecountinlineoption puts the branch counts in line with

6c lusterdendr ogram- Dendr ogramsf orhierar chicalc lusteranal ysis

the branch labels. We specified thehorizontaloption and theangle(0)suboption ofylabel() to get a horizontal dendrogram with horizontal branch labels.Technical note Programmers can control the graphical procedure executed whencluster dendrogramis called. This ability will be helpful to programmers adding new hierarchical clustering methods that require a different dendrogram algorithm. See [ MV]cluster programming subroutinesfor details.Reference

Falcaro, M., and A. Pickles. 2010.

riskplot: A graphical aid to in vestigatethe ef fectof multiple cate goricalrisk factors .Stata Journal10: 61-68.

Also see

[MV]cluster- Introduction to cluster-analysis commands [MV]clustermat- Introduction to clustermat commandsquotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23
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