[PDF] Mathematica Tip Sheet Curly Braces - { }. Used for lists

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Mathematica Tip Sheet

Curly Braces - { }. Used for lists vectors

A Mathematica Crib Sheet (But Its OK Youll Need One)

Mathematica is a full-featured programming language with over 1500 commands built-in or in x = value Assign a value to the variable x. x = y = value.

Mathematica Tutorial: Core Language

remove any value assigned to x. Assigning values to variables. It is very important to realize that values you assign to variables are permanent. Once you.

Geometry Expressions Manual - Wolfram

so it assigns sample numeric values for the variables. application such as Maple™ or Mathematica®

Introduction to Maple

1.2 Variables and Functions. 1.2.1 Variables. To assign a variable in Maple enter the variable name followd be colon equals and then the variable value

TU Bergakademie Freiberg Computer Algebra System Mathematica

The single equality on the left side is used to assign the whole equation to the variable gl1 (more information on value assignment in section 6).

Substitution Mathematica rules

In Wolfram Mathematica® one can substitute an expression with another using rules. assigning the value to the variable. Here is how it goes:.

Mathematica Tips Tricks



1.4.1 Creating MATLAB variables. MATLAB variables are created with an assignment statement. The syntax of variable as- signment is variable name = a value 

Chapter 2: Mathematica

Assignment Statements - assign expressions or values to variable name using equal sign (=). e.g. sum = 0

Mathematica Tip Sheet

Built-In Constants:

π=Pie=Ei=⎷-1 =I∞=Infinity

Built-In Functions:

Abs[x] Sin[x] ArcSin[x]

Sqrt[x] Cos[x] ArcCos[x]

Exp[x] Tan[x] ArcTan[x]

Log[x](= lnx)Sec[x] ArcSec[x]

Log[b, x](= logb(x))Csc[x] ArcCsc[x]

n!orFactorial[n] Cot[x] ArcCot[x]


Parentheses -( )Used for grouping for basic operations, like+, -, *, /, ^. Square Brackets -[ ]Used for functions to indicate the variable quantity to be used. (f[x]). Curly Braces -{ }Used for lists, vectors, matrices, and ranges of values for options.

Assigning Values:

x =valueAssignsvalueto the variablex. x = y =valueAssignsvalue(the same value) to boththe variablesxandy. Clear[x,y]Clears all values (if any) previously assigned toxandy. (USE OFTEN!) x == yTests whetherxis equal toy, often used when trying to solve equations. expr/.x->valueReplaces everyxinexprwithvalue. expr/.{x->xval, y->yval}Replacesxandyinexprwithxvalandyval, respectively. f[x]=exprDefines a functionf, of one variable. Remember the underscore ()! g[x, y]=exprDefines a functiong, of two variables.

Some Algebra Commands:

Expand[expr]Multiplies out products and powers in theexpr.

Factor[expr]Factorsexprover the integers.

Apart[expr]Decomposesexprinto partial fractions.

Simplify[expr]Performs algebraic transformations to give the simplest form ofexpr. Solve[lhs==rhs,x]Solves the polynomial equationlhs=rhs(exactly) forx. (Notice the double equal sign==.) FindRoot[lhs==rhs,{x,a,b}]Numerically solves the polynomial equationlhs=rhsforx, starting in the interval(a, b).

a=x/.Solve[lhs==rhs,x]Stores the solution value as the variablea. If there is more than one solution,

add[[n]]at the end of the command to store thenthresult asa. sol=x/.FindRoot[lhs==rhs,{x,a,b}]Stores the solution value as the variablesol.


Solves a system ofNequations (written with==), for the variablesx1,...,xN.

Manipulating Lists and Vectors:

letters={a,b,c}A list calledletterswith three entries,a,b, andc. OR

A vector calledletterswith components,a,b, andc.

letters[[n]]Returns the nthelement in the list calledletters. (letters[[3]] = c). Dot[u,v]oru.vReturns the dot product of two vectorsuandv. Cross[u,v]Returns the cross product of two three-dimensionalvectorsuandv. Table[f[x],{x,a,b,n}]Creates a table (list) of values off[x], going fromx=atox=bin increments ofn. (If no increment is specified, the default value of 1 is used.) Tableform[list]Prints the elements of a list in a vertical table.

Some Calculus Commands:

D[ expr ,x]Findsddx expr). D[ expr x,n ]Findsdndx n(expr). f"[x]Finds the first derivative of a previously defined functionf[x]. f""[x]Finds the second derivative of a previously defined functionf[x].


expr ,x]Evaluates the indefinite integral? exprdx.


expr x,a,b ]Evaluates the definite integral? b a exprdx.


expr ,x->a]Evaluates limx→aexpr.


n,a,b ]Evaluatesb? n aa[n].

Some Graphics Commands:


x,a,b Plot[ f[x], g[x] x,a,b options]Creates a 2D plot ofy=f[x]andy=g[x]on a single set of axes.


x,a,b y,c,d ParametricPlot[f[t],{t,a,b},options]Creates a 2D plot of the parametrically defined function f[t]= x[t],y[t]


t,a,b options]Creates a 3D plot of the parametrically defined function f[t]= x[t],y[t],z[t]


x1,y1 x2,y2 x3,y3 ]Plots the points with coordinates (x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3). Show[ graph1,graph2},options]Displays the two graphsgraph1, graph2on a single set of axes.

Some Selected Plot Options:


valueSets the height-to-width ratio for the plot. Axes->FalseExclude axes in the plot. (Default isTrue).


xlabel,ylabel }Labels to put on the axes.


valueThe number of points to plot. (Default is 25).


min,max }The range of values to display on the plot.



}Gives all curves a thickness ofwas a fraction of the plot width.



}Produces color graphs:a,b, andcare values between 0 and 1 which represent the saturation of red, green, and blue, respectively.

A Few Other Useful Commands:

%Refers to the last answer output from Mathematica. Caution: This is the last output generated, which is not necessarily the answer directly above the line on which%is entered. N[ expr ,n]Returns a decimal value forexpr, withnsignificant digits. //NWhen typed after another command, converts it to a numerical (decimal) result. Semicolon:;Used at the end of successive lines of input, it evaluates, but suppresses output.


Used between two variables, it indicates a multiplication. For example,x y(with the space) meansx*y, butxy(with out any space) refers to a variable name.shift+enterExecutesaninputcell.quotesdbs_dbs19.pdfusesText_25
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