[PDF] Glossary of Hindi Words and Their English Equivalent

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Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems: A Glossary of

The Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS) is publishing this comprehensive glossary of payment system terminology as a reference document for the 

English/Hindi Legal Glossary

Elaine Flores Administrative Services Officer II of the Court

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English/Hindi Legal Glossary. 122. ---K----. 1. KIDNAPPING - The taking or detaining of a person against his or her will and without lawful authority. 2 


up the Commission was to evolve a uniform technical terminology for Hindi and other Indian languages. Apart from other objects such as production of 

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Hindi. Synonyms. Usages in English. Usages in Hindi. प्रमाण पत्र ... glossary offer total coverage of the usages of. English and Hindi language. 2. This ...

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Publishing a 'Bilingual (Eng-Hindi) Cancer Glossary' is a right step in this direction. I hope that the new glossary prepared and being published now by the 

Glossary of Hindi terms used in the Report

Hindi terms. Meaning. Bal Sanjeevan tatha Surakshit Matritva. Yojana. Child Life and Safe Maternity Scheme. Gram Panchayat.

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This glossary offer total coverage of the usages of. English and Hindi language. 2. This insurance policy provides coverage for all types of accidents. 3.

Glossary of Hindi Words and Their English Equivalent

Glossary of Hindi Words and Their. English Equivalent aadi shakti eternal power aanand joy aanandamaya kosh joyous self aapat kaala time of crisis.

English/Hindi Legal Glossary

English/Hindi Legal Glossary. 2. 21. ACCUSATION - A formal charge against a person. 22. ACCUSED - The person that is charged with a crime and has to go to 

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CONSOLIDATED GLOSSARY OF RAILWAY TERMS. (English-Hindi). ????. ??????? ????????. ??? ???????? (????? ?????).


up the Commission was to evolve a uniform technical terminology for Hindi and other Indian languages. Apart from other objects such as production of 

A glossary of terms used in payments and settlement systems

The Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS) is publishing this comprehensive glossary of payment system terminology as a reference document for 

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A. Glossary / ???????. ? Crime Head with sections under which data have been collected. ? ????? ??????? ??? ??? ??????? 


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Glossary of Hindi Words and Their

English Equivalent

aadi shaktieternal power aanandjoy aanandamaya koshjoyous self aapat kaalatime of crisis aasanbodily postures aastikaorthodox aatman or aatmasoul advaitamonism agnifire ahamkaarEgo ahimsanon-violence annmaya koshphysical self apanaapanaffinity apaneown, ingroup apsaradivine dancer ardhanaarishwarhalf man and half woman arthwealth avatarincarnation avidyaignorance, wrong knowledge baapufather bakshishtips bade logsuperior, powerful, rich people J. B.P. Sinha,Psycho-Social Analysis of the Indian Mindset, DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-1804-3,?Springer India 2014227 bedisacrificial arena bhajandevotional song bhaktadevotee bhaktidevotion bhakti maargdevotional tradition bhedadissension in adversary bhoodaanagiving away land to deserving one bundforced closure buddhiintellect chaandallowest caste chakrawheel chittadispositional mind chhote loglesser people, of lower status crorepatibillionaire daalliprecious gifts daamreward, bribe daanaofferings, donation, charity daasa-paramparatradition of slavery dalitoppressed dandacoercive ways darshanaglimpse, perception, dasturcustomary deshaplace, context, country desha-bhaktidevotion to country devadasigirl dedicated to a temple dhaaranaconcentration dhaatusubstance, matter dharmareligion, duty, that which holds the society dharma-sankatdilemma about what to do dharmashaastrascience of religion

228 Glossary of Hindi Words and Their English Equivalent

dhirajpatience dhyaanameditation doshadeficiency drashtabhavaobserving orientation dwaitdualism godaanaoffering of cow toBrahmin gotrafamily lineage grihastyahouseholder gunatemperament guna of raajastemperament manifesting passion, energy, physical vitality guna of sattvatemperament manifesting light, purity, subtlety guna of taamastemperament manifesting inaction, impurity, lethargy himsaviolence Hindutvatributed characteristics to Hindus by Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) homoffering to fire during religious ceremony jaaticaste jajmaanipriest-householder relationship japrecitation jeevandaanaoffering of one's life to someone or let free the one who is to be killed jivabeing jivaatmanliving being jnaanaknowledge jugaruimproviser kaalatime kaalchakrawheel of time kaamasensuous and sexual pleasure kaivalyatotal and permanent transcendence of self in pure consciousness kanyadaanoffering of daughter to the groom in marriage karmaconduct Glossary of Hindi Words and Their English Equivalent 229 kirtancollective recitation of prayer koshsheath, self kripablessing kriyamanareactions to the outcome of conducts ku-dharmabad religion kurmatortoise lingaphallus lokaworld maai-baappaternalistic maamamaternal uncle manasmind maayaphenomenal reality maharajaemperor mazarssufi shrines mananareflection manatasofferings for getting blessings and favours manomaya koshsensory self mathaplace of worship and meditation matsyafish mitrafriend mlechhabarbarian mokshasalvation, release from cycle of birth, freedom from suffering naariwoman, wife nazaranapresents nirdwandwafree of doubts and dilemma nishkaama karmaconduct without concerns of outcome niyamaroutine of practices ojvibrant energy paatraperson panchayatlocal government of cluster of villages

230 Glossary of Hindi Words and Their English Equivalent

parakhiyeevaluate parayeothers, outgroup pardaveil parlokaworld beyond this world parmaanandadivine bliss parmaatmasupreme being praanavital breath praanamaya koshself-expressed in vital breath praanayamabreathing exercises prakritinature particularly material nature praarabdh karmalikely effects of conduct prathapractice pratyaharaintrospection punyareligious credit putrason raajyadaanagiving away a kingdom raasa liladance and drama of love raashtranation raktadaanagiving away blood

Ramrajyarule of Lord Rama

rekhaline, demarcation rishisage saamconciliation saamanthindu feudal lord

Saankhyaenumeration, school of philosophy

samadhitranscendence of self in pure consciousness samsaraworld samskaarorientation caused by accumulated good and bad conducts sanaataneternal sanchita karmaeffects of accumulated conduct Glossary of Hindi Words and Their English Equivalent 231 sanyaasrenunciation from world sarvabhutaall creatures sati prathapractice of wife burning on husband's pyre satyatruth satyagrahcall of truth and justice to fight shaastraarthadialogue and debate, explicating meanings of religious texts shaivitesfollowers of Lord Shiva shavacorpse, lifeless, shivamgoodness shrambhaktidevotion to labour shravanalisten slokahymn sneha-shradhaaffection-deference sthitaprajnacomposed sthulgross subaprovince subedarhead of a province sudraslowest castes sukhmasubtle sundarambeauty suryasun swaself swaadhyaself-help tapato burn, to undertake ascetic practices tapasyaascetic practices tirtharatanpilgrimage trigunatitatranscendent of all three temperaments tyoharfestivals vaamanadwarf vaayuair

232 Glossary of Hindi Words and Their English Equivalent

vaishnavasfollowers of Lord Vishnu vajrathunder varahaboar varnaearlier form of castes vidyaknowledge vijnanamaya koshcognitive self vratfasting and pooja yajnareligious ceremony yamamental attitude

Yugtime period

yuddhawar Glossary of Hindi Words and Their English Equivalent 233

Author Index


Adams, J. S.,54

Aggarwal, P.,14

Albert, E. M.,54

Allen, D.,15

Ambedkar, B. R.,202

Anstey, V.,16

Asai, M.,36

Aurobindo, Sri,77,112,157

Azuma, H.,64,155


Bajaj, J. K.,14

Baldwin, R. W.,54

Banfield, E. C.,94

Basham, A. L.,3,14,84,102

Basham, R. B.,37

Be'teille, A.,13,55,61,203

Bechtold, D. J.,28,34

Bellah, R. N.,65,161

Benes, A.,33

Benet-Martínez, V.,173

Berman, J. J.,66

Bernard, C.,156

Berzin, A.,129

Betancourt, H.,33

Betsch, C.,158

Bharati, A.,162

Bhawuk, D. P. S.,27-29,36,38,54,55,59,


Bhupatkar, A. P.,29,69

Bieri, J.,172

Blau, P. M.,


Bond, M.,33

Bontempo, R.,33

Borman, W.,149Bose, N. K.,61

Braasch, S.,162

Brewer, M. B.,28


Cappelli, P.,90

Carstairs, G. M.,17,18

Chakraborty, D.,89

Chakraborty, S. K.,65,67,77,89,93,159

Chatterjee, P.,19

Chatterjee, S.,85

Chattopadhyaya, D.,86

Chattopadhyaya, G. P.,136

Chaudhury, N. C.,18,91

Chen, Ya-Ru,28

Chie, N.,9

Chinchore, M. R.,84

Chiu, C.,173

Chiu, Chi-yue,162

Choi, S. C.,27

Cohen, S.,36

Cohen, S. P.,10,12

D d'Aquili, E.,107

Dagar, J. C.,61

Dalal, A. K.,20

Dalmia, N.,124

Damodaran, H.,134

Das, G.,9,93-95,141

DasGupta, S. N.,4

Datta, D. M.,85

Dawkins, R.,104

De Montmolin, G.,33

de Vries, M.,159 J. B.P. Sinha,Psycho-Social Analysis of the Indian Mindset, DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-1804-3,?Springer India 2014235

Dorfman, P. W.,29,37,39,63

Dubois, A. J. A.,13

Dumont, L.,59,157


Epstein, S.,172

Erich, N.,141

Erikson, E. H.,155


Forsyth, D. R.,183

Fukuyama, F.,73


Gabriel, S.,173

Gaertner, L.,28

Galinsky, A. D.,162

Gambhiranand, S.,158

Gandhi, Indira,19

Gandhi, Manuben,155

Gardner, W. L.,173

Garg, P. K.,162

Gelfand, M. J.,28,34

Georgas, J.,33

Gethin, R.,84

Goff, L. M.,119

Goswami, A.,124

Gotlib, I. H.,172

Grass, G.,205

Guha, B.,147

Gupta, P.,43,69,165

Gupta, R. K.,38,183

Gupta, S. M.,61

Gupta, S. P.,5

Gupta, V.,29,37,39,63

Guptan, S. V.,68


Hall, E. T.,22

Handa, S.,143

Hanges, P. J.,29,37,39,63

Herskovits, M. J.,1

Hitchock, J.,


Hofstede, G. H.,1,27,29,32-34,38,


Holland, J. H.,161

Holland, R. W.,159

Holtje, D.,77

Hong, Y.,173

House, R. J.,29,37,39,63Hughes, M. L.,171,175

Hui, C.H.,33


Ilaiah, K.,202

Indiresan, P. V.,157

Inkeles, A.,54

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