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Dimensionalizing Cultures: The Hofstede Model in Context

This article describes briefly the Hofstede model of six dimensions of national cultures: Power Distance Uncertainty Avoidance

Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions in Relation to Learning Behaviours

Cultures%20and. %20Organizations.Hofstede.EBS.pdf. Holtbrügge D.

Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions Theory

▫ Geert Hofstede is a leading sociologist and organizational sociologist in the field of intercultural communication. He divide cultures into two basically:.


It must be noted that Hofstede does not deal with co-cultures. His data mostly points at values of a dominant culture within a nation. On the Tree Model he 

Dimensionalizing Cultures: The Hofstede Model in Context

1 Dec 2011 This article describes briefly the Hofstede model of six dimensions of national cultures: Power. Distance Uncertainty Avoidance ...

Geert Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions Theory and Its Implications in

Abstract: Geert Hofstede's cultural dimension theory is among the most influential theories in the field of intercultural communication.

An Analysis of the Palestinian Culture Using Hofstedes Cultural

In his book “culture and organization software of the mind” Hofstede talked about five dimensions: power distance

Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions Long- versus Short-Term Orientation

Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions. Long- versus Short-Term Orientation. As Hofstede developed his research he came to the conclusion that his work was limited 

Geert Hofstede et als Set of National Cultural Dimensions

This article outlines different stages in development of the national culture model created by Geert Hofstede and his affiliates. This paper reveals and 

Dimensionalizing Cultures: The Hofstede Model in Context

Dec 1 2011 Abstract. This article describes briefly the Hofstede model of six dimensions of national cultures: Power Distance

Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions 30 Years Later: A Study of Taiwan

In addition to the original four cultural dimensions Hofstede (1990) proposed the fifth cultural dimension


It must be noted that Hofstede does not deal with co-cultures. His data mostly points at values of The first collective value dimension: Power Distance.

Geert Hofstede et als Set of National Cultural Dimensions

aforementioned cultural dimensions set is applying and appraising Hofstede's cultural dimensions set by different ... p1.pdf accessed on 01.02.2014.

Dimensions of Culture

Jul 13 2006 dimensions have been frequently used to describe cultures. Hofstede identified four dimensions that he labeled individualism

Service Design and Cultural Expectations on Services: Applying

Jan 17 2008 on Services: Applying Hofstede's Cultural ... 2.2 Hofstede's cultural dimensions . ... http://www.nita.uu.se/fokus/tdesign/TD-1-0.pdf.


Findings show that there is not relationship between Hofstede's cultural dimensions (Power distance Individualism–collectivism


The authors used VSM 94 questionnaire consisting of five dimensions of national culture (power distance uncertainty avoidance

thesis the hofstede model and national cultures of learning: a

a new set of cultural dimensions for the specific purpose of studying classroom culture with three such dimensions emerging from a principal components 


Jan 15 2018 Using. Hofstede's cultural dimensions and social identity theory

[PDF] Dimensionalizing Cultures: The Hofstede Model in Context

This article describes briefly the Hofstede model of six dimensions of national cultures: Power Distance Uncertainty Avoidance Individualism/Collectivism 

[PDF] Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions Theory

Geert Hofstede is a leading sociologist and organizational sociologist in the field of intercultural communication He divide cultures into two basically:

(PDF) Measuring Hofstedes Five Dimensions of Cultural Values at

PDF Hofstede's (1980 and 2001) renowned five-dimensional measure of cultural values is the overwhelmingly dominant metric of culture His measure has

Six Approaches to Understanding National Cultures: Hofstedes

27 nov 2015 · The six dimensions that currently make up Hofstede's framework are power distance uncertainty avoidance individualism masculinity long-term 

[PDF] Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions (Masculinity Vs Femininity) And Its

Hofstede's cultural dimensions (Power Distance Individualism Uncertainty Avoidance Masculinity Long term orientation and Indulgence) play an important

[PDF] Cultural dimensions - cloudfrontnet

Cultural dimensions • Geert Hofstede • Trompenaars • Edward Hall • Confucius Chapitre 1 : Les dimensions culturelles selon Geert Hofstede

[PDF] The Hofstede model

Figure 1: Global advertising research - understanding cultural values of and these variations relate to Hofstede's cultural dimensions (Hofstede


1 2015 3 Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Nigerian Chapter) Vol 45 HOFSTEDE'S CULTURAL DIMENSIONS AND HSE CULTURE BEHAVIOR

[PDF] Hofstedes cultural dimensions in relation to learning behaviours

Changes in one cultural dimension Page 3 Alqarni / Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 18(Special Issue 1) (2022) 721–739 723 © 2022 Cognizance 

[PDF] Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions National culture has been shown to

Hofstede (1997) explains how in high power distance cultures children are It appears that Hofstede's cultural dimensions are still valid today 

, No. 1, 20153Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Nigerian Chapter) Vol. 45



Khadijeh Izadi Zamanabadi1

Department of Environment management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University,

Tehran, Iran

Esmail Kavousy (Ph.D.)

Department of Management, Tehran Shomal Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Mahnaz Mirza Ebrahim Tehrani (Ph.D.)

Department of Management, Tehran Shomal Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


This study has done to surveying the relationship between Hofstede's cultural dimensions and HSE culture behavior. Populations were 25 people of cultural management and planning elites. For a sampling it was used of simple sampling method. For gathering data in theoretic section we used library and also interview with scholars and specialists of the organization and in data gathering section we used questionnaire method. In this research, In order to determine the validity of data collection we used Cronbach's alpha to test the validity of the formal symbol or reliability. To analyze hypotheses, we have used descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Findings show that there is not relationship between Hofstede's cultural dimensions (Power distance, Individualism-collectivism, Masculinity-femininity, Uncertainty avoidance, Long-term orientation) and HSE culture behavior. Keywords: culture, Power distance, Individualism-collectivism, Masculinity-femininity,

Uncertainty avoidance, Long-term orientation


Culture can be best understood as "the way we do things around here". Culture forms are the context within which people judge the appropriateness of their behavior. An organization's culture will influence human behavior and human performance at work. Poor safety culture has contributed too many major incidents and personal injuries. An organization's culture can have as big an influence on safety outcomes as the safety management system. 'Safety culture' is a subset of the overall organizational or company culture. Many companies talk about 'safety culture' when referring to the inclination of their employees to comply with rules or act safety or unsafely. However we find that the culture and style of management is

1 Correspondence Author

, No. 1, 20153Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Nigerian Chapter) Vol. 46
even more significant, for example a natural, unconscious bias for production over safety, or a tendency to focus on the short-term and being highly reactive. Success normally comes from good leadership, good worker involvement and good communications (Yule, 2003). Safety culture is the ways in which safety is managed in the workplace, and often reflects "the attitudes, beliefs, perceptions and values that employees share in relation to safety" (Cox & Cox, 1991). In other words, "the way we do safety around here" (ZCBI, 1991) The Chernobyl disaster highlighted the importance of safety culture and the impact of managerial and human factors on the outcome of safety performance (Flin, Mearns, O'Conner, & Bryden, 2000). The term 'safety culture' was first used in INSAG's (1988) 'Summary Report on the Post-Accident Review Meeting on the Chernobyl Accident' where safety culture was described as: "That assembly of characteristics and attitudes in organizations and individuals which establishes that, as an overriding priority, nuclear plant safety issues receive the attention warranted by their significance." Since then, a number of definitions of safety culture have been published. The U.K. Health and Safety Commission developed one of the most commonly used definitions of safety culture: "The product of individual and group values, attitudes, perceptions, competencies, and patterns of behavior that determine the commitment to, and the style and proficiency of, an organization's health and safety management" (HSC, 1993). "Organizations with a positive safety culture are characterized by communications founded on mutual trust, by shared perceptions of the importance of safety and by confidence in the efficacy of preventive measures." Since the 1980s there has been a large amount of research into safety culture. However the concept remains largely will define (Guldenmund, 2000). Within the literature there are a number of varying definitions of safety culture with arguments for and against the concept. The above-mentioned definitions, from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and UK Health and Safety Commission (HSC), are two of the most prominent and most- commonly used definitions (Yule, 2003). However, there are some common characteristics shared by other definitions. Some characteristics associated with safety culture include the incorporation of beliefs, values and attitudes. A critical feature of safety culture is that it is shared by a group (Glendon, et al, 2006; Pidgeon. & O'Leary, 2000). Culture is central to the way we view, experience, and engage with all aspects of our lives and the world around us. Thus, even our definitions of culture are shaped by the historical, political, social, and cultural contexts in which we live (Sorrells, 2013). Several scholars discuss the choice of dimensions most appropriate for conceptualizing and operationalizing culture. However, Hofstede's framework is the most widely used national cultural framework in psychology, sociology, marketing, or management studies. Hofstede used 116,000 questionnaires from over 60,000 respondents in seventy countries in his empirical study (Hofstede, 2001). He created five dimensions, assigned indexes on each to all nations, and linked the dimensions with demographic, geographic, economic, and political aspects of a society, a feature unmatched by other frameworks. It is the most comprehensive and robust in terms of the number of national cultures samples (Smith et al., 1996). Moreover, the framework is useful in formulating hypotheses for comparative cross-cultural studies. Consequently, Hofstede's operationalization of cultures (1984) is the norm used in international marketing studies, compares Hofstede's dimensions to other approaches for unpacking the concept of culture. It shows a high level of convergence across approaches, supports the theoretical relevance of Hofstede's framework, and justifies further use of his dimensions. , No. 1, 20153Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Nigerian Chapter) Vol. 47

1-Individualism-collectivism: Individualism-collectivism describes the relationships

individuals have in each culture. In individualistic societies, individuals look after themselves and their immediate family only whereas in collectivistic cultures, individuals belong to groups that look after them in exchange for loyalty.

2-Uncertainty avoidance: Uncertainty avoidance refers to "The extent to which people feel

threatened by uncertainty and ambiguity and try to avoid these situations" (Hofstede, 1991:

113). This dimension deals with the need for well-defined rules for prescribed behavior.

3-Power distance: This dimension reflects the consequences of power inequality and

authority relations in society. It influences hierarchy and dependence relationships in the family and organizational contexts.

4-Masculinity-femininity: Dominant values in masculine countries are achievement and

success and in feminine countries are caring for others and quality of life.

4-Long-term orientation: Long-term orientation "stands for the fostering of virtues oriented

towards future rewards, in particular perseverance and thrift" (Hofstede, 2001: 359). A late addition to the initial four (Bond, 1987), this dimension represents a range of Confucian like values and was termed Confucian Dynamism. Hofstede (1991) later proposed the long-versus short-term designation as more appropriate for this dimension.


This study has done to surveying the relationship between Hofstede's cultural dimensions and culture behavior according to HSE model. Populations were 25 people of cultural management and planning elites. For a sampling it was used of simple sampling method. For gathering data in theoretic section we used library and also interview with scholars and specialists of the organization and in data gathering section we used questionnaire method. In this research, In order to determine the validity of data collection we used Cronbach's alpha to test the validity of the formal symbol or reliability. The method is based on a pilot study of 30 employees, the reliability of Hofstede's cultural dimensions 0.74 and 0.88 for culture behavior. To analyze the data and test hypotheses by using SPSS software version 20 using descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and etc.) and inferential statistics (the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Pearson correlation and regression multiple) were used.


In this paper we have one main hypothesis. The statistical way of analysis of hypotheses is two ways, H1 is acceptance of hypothesis and H0 is rejecting of hypothesis. In other words, it means that H1 has positive meaning and H0 has negative meaning. Hypothesis 1: There is relationship between Hofstede's cultural dimensions and culture behavior according to HSE model. Null: There is not relationship between Hofstede's cultural dimensions and culture behavior according to HSE model. Alternate: There is relationship between Hofstede's cultural dimensions and culture behavior according to HSE model. , No. 1, 20153Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Nigerian Chapter) Vol. 48
In multivariable regression equation to determine the coefficient of determination (R2) and the weight of each variable (Beta), a collection of independent variables enter in the equation. Moreover, in order to determine the contribution of each variable in the dependent variable multivariate regression model was used to explain it. Table 1: regression analysis to predict Hofstede's cultural dimensions on the culture behavior


Model Unstandardized




t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) 0.684 1.664 - 0.411 .685

Power distance 0.138 0.249 .302 0.555 .585



0.003 0.228 .006 0.013 .99


femininity -0.315 0.314 .327 -0. 1 .33



0.249 0.189 .286 1.313 .205



0.344 0.241 .513 1.427 .17

As table (1) shown there is not relationship between Hofstede's cultural dimensions and culture behavior according to HSE model.


This study has done to surveying the relationship between Hofstede's cultural dimensions and culture behavior according to HSE model. Populations were 25 peoples of cultural management and planning elites. So, we developed one main hypothesis and analyze regression multiple. According to table (1) Standardized Coefficients for Power distance is .302 and the t-value is

0.555 and Sig. is .585 that is bigger than 95 percent confidence level. So, we can confirm H0

and reject alternate hypothesis; the Standardized Coefficients for Individualism-collectivism dimension is .006 and the t-value is 0.013 and Sig. 0.99 that is bigger than 95 percent confidence level. So, we can confirm H0 and reject alternate hypothesis; Standardized Coefficients for Masculinity-femininity dimension is .327 and the t-value is -0.1 and Sig.

0.99 that is bigger than 95 percent confidence level. So, we can confirm H0 and reject

alternate hypothesis; Standardized Coefficients for Uncertainty avoidance dimension is .286 and the t-value is 1.313 and Sig. 0.205 that is bigger than 95 percent confidence level. So, we can confirm H0 and reject alternate hypothesis; and Also, Standardized Coefficients for Long- term orientation dimension is .513 and the t-value is 1.427 and Sig. 0.17 that is bigger than 95 percent confidence level. So, we can confirm H0 and reject alternate hypothesis Findings show that there is not relationship between Hofstede's cultural dimensions (Power distance, Individualism-collectivism, Masculinity-femininity, Uncertainty avoidance, Long- term orientation) and culture behavior according to HSE model. , No. 1, 20153Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Nigerian Chapter) Vol. 49


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