[PDF] [PDF] Home fetal dopplers: Information for general practitioners

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The dangers of listening to the fetal heart at home

12 oct. 2021 The fetal heart rate is commonly ... amplifiers and Doppler ultrasound devices. ... system that claims to be “easy and safe to use.

ISUOG statement on the safe use of Doppler for fetal ultrasound

When scanning maternal uterine arteries at any point in the first trimester there are unlikely to be any fetal safety implications as long as the embryo/fetus 

The British Medical Ultrasound Society. Guidelines for the safe use

The thermal index for bone (TIB). This is used when the ultrasound beam impinges on bone at or near its focal region as

Doppler in Obstetrics: book by K Nicolaides G Rizzo


ISUOG statement on the safe use of Doppler in the 11 to 13 +6â

Safe use of Doppler ultrasound during the 11 to 13 + 6-week scan: is it possible? is most rapid and when fetal blood flow is less well.

Why shouldnt I use a home doppler?

Do not take the presence of a heartbeat that all is ok. If your baby is unwell or in distress the only time something can be done is when there is a heartbeat.

The Safe Use of Diagnostic Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Japan and diagnostic ultrasound was thought safe in USA when (CW) ultrasound utilized in Doppler fetal heart detector and monitors of fetal heart rate ...


When using color flow imaging with pulsed wave Doppler the color flow/B- increases

ISUOG statement on the safe use of Doppler in the 11 to 13+6-week

When scanning maternal uterine arteries in the first trimester there are unlikely to be any fetal safety implications as long as the embryo/fetus lies outside.

Enforcement Policy for Non-Invasive Fetal and Maternal Monitoring

21 avr. 2020 Prescription use fetal dopplers that lay users could be ... notification (510(k)) to FDA refer to “Deciding When to Submit a 510(k) for a ...

[PDF] Doppler Ultrasound - Safety - The Fetal Medicine Foundation

The examination should begin with B-mode and use color and spectral Doppler only when necessary The intensity (and temperature rise) is highly dependent on 

Safe use of Doppler ultrasound during the 11 to 13 + 6?week scan

25 mai 2011 · Ultrasound has an excellent safety record It has been used in obstetrics for five decades with no proven harmful effects

ISUOG statement on the safe use of Doppler for fetal ultrasound

2 jui 2021 · ISUOG statement on the safe use of Doppler for fetal ultrasound examination in the first 13 + 6 weeks of pregnancy (updated)

At Home Fetal Doppler: How Early It Works and Safety Concerns

16 juil 2019 · This is more worrying when it comes to at-home fetal dopplers because some parents might want to reach for their fetal dopplers every day

The dangers of listening to the fetal heart at home - The BMJ

12 oct 2022 · The fetal heart rate is commonly amplifiers and Doppler ultrasound devices system that claims to be “easy and safe to use

[PDF] Home fetal dopplers: Information for general practitioners

29 nov 2022 · associated with use of home fetal heart monitors (dopplers) in Goods Association (TGA) is currently undertaking a review of the safety

At-home fetal Doppler: Safety and how to use - Medical News Today

20 mar 2020 · Using ultrasound devices including at-home Dopplers can expose the baby to increased heat and frequent use may be especially dangerous

[PDF] The Safe Use of Diagnostic Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Japan and diagnostic ultrasound was thought safe in USA when (CW) ultrasound utilized in Doppler fetal heart detector and monitors of fetal heart rate 

The examination should begin with B-mode and use color and spectral Doppler only when necessary. The intensity (and temperature rise) is highly dependent on 
  • Is it OK to use fetal doppler everyday?

    Using it for a few minutes once a week shouldn't cause any harm to your baby. At-home fetal dopplers can also be potentially harmful because they can give you a false sense of reassurance, according to the United Kingdom's National Health Service (NHS).16 juil. 2019
  • How often can I use my fetal doppler?

    It's safe to use an at-home fetal doppler one to two times per week for a few minutes. Using the doppler one to two times a week is not a lot of time under an ultrasound machine; you and your baby will be perfectly safe. There isn't medical research to suggest that ultrasounds are harmful.30 mar. 2021
  • Can you use a fetal doppler too much?

    Keep in mind that there are theoretical risks for any kind of ultrasound, including a home fetal Doppler, says Lim, because it transmits energy to the fetus, which has “the theoretical potential to cause harm if excessive energy is transmitted.” While there's no definitive evidence that ultrasound can cause harm, some
  • You will be able to carry on with your normal routine. If you have been advised to wear compression hosiery or bandages you will need to have repeat Doppler Ultrasounds every 3-6 months whilst in the compression therapy. You will need to arrange an appointment with the nurse at your surgery if necessary.
Home fetaldopp lers-Informationforgene ra lpractiti oners

29No vember2022


•Thepurp oseofthisc ommuni cationist oinformcliniciansofthepo ten tialr isk a ssociatedwithuse ofho mefet alhe artmonitors (dopplers )inpreg nancy. •Thein appropriateuseofhomefeta ldop plers mayleadto anincreasein preventable p erinatalmorta lity. •Thesemoni tors,designedforho meuse,mayprovide falser eassuran cetomoth ersabo ut t heirbab y'swell-bein g.Inuntrainedhands,the soun dsdetectedcaneasil ybe misinterpretedandmayinfluen cedela ysfore xpectantparentstos eekassessmen t.

KeyP oints

•Homefet aldopplers havebecomewidely availabl eas'offthesh elf'andon-li neproducts. •Unlikesomei nternati onaljurisdictions,inAustra lia,homefetaldopplersdonotre quir e a prescriptionandthereisno pre-re quisitetra inin greq uirementpriortousefor consumers. •TheTh erapeuticGoodsAssociat ion(TGA)is currentlyundertakingar eviewofthe safe ty signals,benefit sandharmsassocia tedwit hhomeusefe taldopplers.Theinves tigation s undertakenbytheTGAw illa ssisti ndeter miningwh ethertherisk ofus ingthesedevices outweighsthepoten tialbe nefit.TheTGAwillpu blishinformation aboutt hefind ingsas there viewprogress es.

Communicatingwithpatien ts

•Cautionexpect antparentsaboutthe potentialrisks ofusinghom efetal dopplers. •Adviseexpec tantparentstoconta cttheirmidwife ordo ctorandpresenti mmediately to a maternityfacilityf ortimelyreviewif theyar econcernedab outtheirbaby 'swe ll-being . •Includetheris ksofho mefetaldop pler useinmes sagingarou ndDecreasedFet al Movements(DFM)dur ingantenat alappointmen tsandwhenclinician sareincontactwith concernedexpectan tparents.Continuet oreinforcetheimp ortanceofearlypr esen tation forco ncerns,independent ofhomedopplerreassuran ceof fetalhea rtbeat.


1.D istributethiscommuni quetoant enatalclinicsandgene ralp racticeclinics

Homefet aldopplers

Informationfo rgeneralpr actitioners

Homefet aldopplers

Informationfo rgeneralpr actitioners

Home fetal dopplers - Information for general practitionersPage 2 2. If a death has occurred and false reliance on a home fetal doppler was a potential contributing factor, report the incident via usual local reporting mechanisms. 3.

The TGA's medical device

incident reporting and investigation scheme (IRIS)

Additional resources

1. Safer Baby BundleThe Centre of Research Excellence in Stillbirth (stillbirthcre.org.au) 2. Australian Government Therapeutic Goods Association (2022) heartbeat-monitor. 3. Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2009)

Position Statement on Home Fetal Heart Monitoring


Your baby's movements - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

5. Daly, L. et al (2018). Care of pregnant women with decreased fetal movements: update of a clinical practice guideline for Australia and New Zealand.

Australian and New

Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

, 58(4), 463-468.

Contact details

If you require further information, please contactpatient_safety_notifications@health.qld.gov.auquotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23
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