[PDF] HarvardMFCO103: Harvard Style Citing and Referencing

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Chicago Citation Style: Footnotes with Full Reference List

10 sept. 2010 Press 2003. Page 3. 3. Books: Multiple Authors. Footnote. For ...

Referencing a Source Multiple Times in a Paragraph – 7th Edition

Page 1. 3/11/20 DS; U:LibraryAPAAPA 7th editionOther handouts in-text citations into a document it is common to reference the same source multiple ...

CSE Citation Style – Quick Guide 7th Edition

Multiple citations by same author: If you are citing more than one item by the same author(s) list works in chronological order (oldest first). Page 2. CSE 

Bluebook Shortened Citation.pdf

To refer to a different page or footnote within the immediately preceding citations in the same general discussion may employ any short form that ...

HarvardMFCO103: Harvard Style Citing and Referencing

Page numbers are optional because the chapter will be easily located from the Table of. Contents. A source cited in another source: In-text citation: Jacobs' 

MLA Citation Style: In-Text Citations and Bibliography

10 sept. 2010 London: Routledge 2003. Print. Books: Multiple Editions. In-Text Citation. Same as above. Reference List.


Some sources such as websites and some e-reader editions of e-books

APA 7th referencing guide

If there is more than one publisher make sure to include both in the reference and separate them with a semi-colon (“;”). •. If the book has a DOI

Q How do I reference or cite an author cited more than once in APA

This depends on how you are citing them If you are citing them in-text more than once and you are referring to the same source each time 

Multiple works published in the same year by the same author

2 fév 2023 · If you are citing two works by the same author in the same year then the in text citations will look identical

APA Citation Guide (7th edition) : Books & eBooks - LibGuides

il y a 7 jours · Books eBooks This guide shows you how to cite using APA 7th edition Book with One Author (Print or eBook from Library Database)

APA - How do I cite multiple chapters of a book with the same authors?

16 avr 2020 · APA - How do I cite multiple chapters of a book with the same authors I know to put the page number range comma second page range

Books & Book Chapters - APA (7th Edition) Referencing Guide

il y a 3 jours · If you use three different chapters from the same book it still only counts as one source - only one book Oshima A Hogue A (2007)

Book chapter - APA 7th referencing style - UQ library guides

Referencing multiple chapters from same book If there are different authors for each chapter you need to reference EACH chapter you use

APA 7th Style: Book chapters - University of Newcastle Library Guides

You can cite multiple chapters from these types of books as separate entries in page numbers should be included in the same brackets after the edition 

In-Text Citations - APA Style 7th Edition - MGH Guides

23 mar 2023 · For books brochures and reports put the title in italics If the quote spans multiple pages use "pp 174 in the APA manual

Direct Quotation of Material With Page Numbers
  1. For a single page, use the abbreviation “p.” (e.g., p. 25, p. S41, p. e221).
  2. For multiple pages, use the abbreviation “pp.” and separate the page range with an en dash (e.g., pp. 34–36).
  3. If pages are discontinuous, use a comma between the page numbers (e.g., pp. 67, 72).
  • How do you cite different pages from the same book in APA 7th edition?

    NOTE: Use "p" when quoting from one page - for example (Smith et al., 2019, p. 14), and "pp" when quoting from more than one page - for example (Smith et al., 2019, pp. 14-15).
  • How do you cite the same author on different pages in APA?

    To distinguish between sources with the same author(s) and the same publication year, add a different lowercase letter after the year for each source, e.g., (Smith, 2020, 2021a, 2021b). Add the same letters to the corresponding reference entries.
  • Note: When you list the pages of the chapter or essay in parentheses after the book title, use "pp." before the numbers: (pp. 1-21). This abbreviation, however, does not appear before the page numbers in periodical references.

1k]rv]rSW:PTgy,w k]rv]rS jtylD Piting ]nS RDfDrDnFing 0hDsD notDs ]rD L]sDS on thD k]rv]rS jtylD from Won]sh 5nivDrsity qor httpwrrmon]shlDSurliLr]ryrskillsrrDsourFDsrtutori]lsrFitingrmon]shnh]rv]rSnrDfDrDnFingnguiSDn

2o CotDw this is not ] summ]ry of ]n ]rgumDnti it is ] summ]ry of f]Ftu]l m]tDri]l whiFh is ]ll D]sily vDrifi]LlDh yDt you must still inSiF]tD thD sourFDl ¥ zFknowlDSgD ] summ]ry of ]n ]rgumDnt or opinion of ]n ]uthori DvDn whDn thD Dx]Ft worSs ]rD not usDSl :or Dx]mplDw Hlvis NrDslDy s]w m]ny p]r]norm]l visions inFluSing S]nFing ]ngDls ]nS 5:Ts Suring his DxpDrimDnt]l Srugnt]king yD]rs q'Cn0H"0 P'0z0'TC kHRHi 3HPz5jH 4kz0 H...''j Ôjz4Õ 'j zC TN'C'TC T: jTWHTCHl kT4 H...jH PT5...A 4H )CT4Iul 4h]t SonÕt ' nDDS to rDfDrDnFDI "ou SonÕt nDDS to FitD f]Ftu]l inform]tion th]tÕs gDnDr]lly ]FFDptDS ]s Fommon knowlDSgDl kDrD ]rD somD Dx]mplDsw Hx]mplDs RDfDrDnFDI jySnDy hostDS thD myyy TlympiF O]mDs Co 0hD O]mDs ]ttr]Ft m]ny thous]nSs of spDFt]tors from ]rounS thD worlSl Co jDFurity ]rr]ngDmDnts for thD jySnDy O]mDs wDrD unnDFDss]rily rDstriFtivD ]nS DxpDnsivD "Ds z wD]thDr m]p founS on ] wDLsitD "Ds z thDory qDlgl W]slowÕs hiDr]rFhy of nDDSsh A]rwinÕs thDory of Dvolutionu "Ds z F]rtoon from ] m]g]zinD "Ds jt]tistiFs ]nS f]Fts from ] govDrnmDnt rDport "Ds "ou ]lso SonÕt nDDS to FitD your own opinions ]nS iSD]sl 0his is oftDn thD h]rSDst p]rt of Fiting to work out LDF]usD your iSD]s oftDn stDm from your rD]Singl kowDvDri nDw FonnDFtions ]nS FonFDpts th]t you h]vD m]SD rDg]rSing thD topiFi DvDn though thDy ]rD L]sDS on your rD]Singi ]rD FonsiSDrDS your ownl 'f in SouLti pl]y it s]fDl 't is gDnDr]lly LDttDr to ovDrnFitD th]n unSDrnFitDl 5sing quotDs ]nS ] p]r]phr]sDs AirDFt quot]tions ]rD whDrD you rDpD]t p]rt of ] tDxt worS for worSl ¥ Useaquotationtoillustrateyourargument,nottoreplaceit.¥ Unlessyou'reaimingforaparticulardramaticeffect,orwhereinformationissoprecisethatitmustbequotedexactly,quotesparingly.Usingdirectquotesextensivelymaygivetheimpressionthatyoudon'tunderstandthetopicwellenoughtoformyourownwords.¥ Ifyou'requotingoneparticularauthoralot,thenit'spossiblethatyou'reover-quotingornotrecognizingtheideasofotherauthors.Ifthat'sthecase,thenyoushoulddomorereading,andsummarizingofothers'ideasinyourownwords.¥ 0ry not to FitD in your introSuFtion ]nS FonFlusionw 0hDsD shoulS not LD introSuFing nDw m]tDri]ll 0hDy F]n rDfDr to iSD]s ]nS DviSDnFD you h]vD FitDS in thD m]in LoSy Lut shoulS gDnDr]lly not inFluSD nDw DviSDnFD or rDfDrDnFDsl

312Us2eaquoisrewordingtheinformationandideasofotherwriters.Paraphrasedmaterialmuststillbereferenced,andmustnotbetooclosetotheoriginalwording.It'snotacceptabletomerelychangeafewwords,asthisisaformofplagiarism.Aparaphraseshouldconveythemeaningoftheoriginalcontentinamoreconciseway.Here'sanexample:¥ Original:thelackofaprecise,commonlyagreeddefinitionof'ecotourism'wasacommoncaseofmisunderstanding,argument,andmademanydoubtthatitwasagenuinetopicinitself(assomethingsignificantlydifferentfrom,forexample,adventureornaturetourismor,moreimportantly,sustainabletourism)....AnexaminationoftheliteratureshowsthatthisproblemisnotconfinedtotheWestCoast,andthatthereareliterallyhundredsofdefinitionsofecotourism.Thefactisthatpeopletendtocustomizetheirowndefinitionstosuittheirinterestsorsituation.¥ Paraphrase:NewZealandhasnodefinitiveinterpretationof'ecotourism'sopeopleareabletousethetermtosuittheirownpurposes,leadingtomisunderstandingandconfusion.3oth SirDFt quot]tions ]nS p]r]phr]sDS m]tDri]l nDDS to LD rDfDrDnFDSl 4hDrD So ' put thD Fit]tion in my tDxtI zll of thD following Dx]mplDs ]rD ]FFDpt]LlDl ¥ R]j]r]tn]m qmyygi pl gyycu FonFluSDs th]ti Ò0hD Fost to thD n]tionas hD]lth of working out of ph]sD with our LiologiF]l FloFks is proL]Lly inF]lFul]LlD ]t prDsDntlÓ ¥ 0hD Fosts to hD]lth Òof working out of ph]sD with our LiologiF]l FloFks is proL]Lly inF]lFul]LlD ]t prDsDntÓ qR]j]r]tn]m myygi pl gyycul ¥ Rajaratnam(2001,p.1005)arguesthat,whilethenotionofbiologicaltimeisofscientificimportance,itisalsoeconomicallyandsociallysignificantatanationallevel.Hepointstothehealth,productivityandsocialproblemswhichmaybeattributedtoindividualsworking'outofphase'withtheirinternalclocks. ¥ Inhisconclusion,Rajaratnam(2001,p.1005)pointstothepossibleeconomicandsocialcostsincurredbyanation,whenindividualswork'outofphase'withtheirbiologicalclocks. ¥ Thesocialcostsincurredbyanation,whenindividualswork'outofphase'withtheirbiologicalclocksmaybeincalculable(R]j]r]tn]m myygi pl gyycu 4h]t if thDrD ]rD sDvDr]l Fit]tions from onD p]rtiFul]r piDFD of work within onD p]r]gr]phI 'n ]ny onD p]r]gr]phi if you FitD ]n ]uthor or ]uthors morD th]n onFD in thD LoSy of your tDxt r n]rr]tivD qilDl thD ]uthorÕs n]mD SoDs not ]ppD]r in p]rDnthDsDsui inFluSD thD f]mily n]mDrs ]nS yD]r thD first timDl 'n suLsDquDnt Fit]tions in thD n]rr]tivD in thD s]mD p]r]gr]ph you nDDS to FitD only thD f]mily n]mDrsi ]nS omit thD yD]ri proviSDS stuSiDs F]nnot LD FonfusDSl ¥ Hlgl zFForSing to kopkins qmyypi pl g.u littlD ]ttDntion h]s LDDn givDn to thD w]y ] m]n]gDr might iSDntify ]nS É :urthDrmorDi kopkins ]rguDs th]t in somD LusinDss DnvironmDnts É

44hDn thD n]mD of thD ]uthorrs ]nS yD]r ]rD in p]rDnthDsDs in ]ny onD p]r]gr]phi thD yD]r is inFluSDS in suLsDquDnt p]r]gr]phsl ¥ Hlgl ...ittlD ]ttDntion h]s LDDn givDn to thD w]y ] m]n]gDr might iSDntify ]nS É qkopkins myypi pl g.ul É:urthDrmorDi kopkins qmyypi pl g.u ]rguDs th]t in somD LusinDss DnvironmDnts 'f you ]rD p]r]phr]sing from onD sourFD throughout ] p]r]gr]phi SonÕt worry ]Lout putting ] Fit]tion ]ftDr DvDry sDntDnFDl Nutting ] Fit]tion ]t thD DnS of thD p]r]gr]ph is finD qthDrD shoulS LD ]t lD]st onD Fit]tion ]t thD DnS of D]Fh p]r]gr]ph if thD m]tDri]l is p]r]phr]sDSul 'f you ]rD p]r]phr]sing from m or morD sourFDs within onD p]r]gr]phi in suFh ] w]y th]t thD inform]tion is intDgr]tDS DxtDnsivDlyi FitD Loth sourFDs ]t thD DnS of thD p]r]gr]phl 4hDn So ' nDDS to usD p]gD numLDrsI ¥ N]gD numLDrs ]rD DssDnti]l if you ]rD SirDFtly quoting somDonD DlsDÕs worSsl 'nsDrt p]gD numLDrs ]ftDr thD yD]ri sDp]r]tDS Ly ] Fomm]l ¥ 4hDn p]r]phr]sing or summ]risingi p]gD numLDrs shoulS LD proviSDS if thD summ]risDS or p]r]phr]sDS m]tDri]l ]ppD]rs in spDFifiF p]gDs or sDFtions of ] workl ¥ 'f ] work LDing rDfDrrDS to is longi p]gD numLDrs might LD usDful to thD rD]SDrl 'n this F]sDi inFluSD thDm in thD inntDxt Fit]tioni sDp]r]tDS from thD yD]r Ly ] Fomm]l ¥ "ou SonÕt nDDS to usD p]gD numLDrs if you ]rD rDfDrring to ] sourFD in ] gDnDr]l sDnsD or ]s ] wholD Ð suFh ]s ]n DntirD Look th]t is on ] topiF youÕrD SisFussing in your ]ssDssmDnti or ] FonFDpt th]tÕs SisFussDS throughout thD DntirDty of ] p]rtiFul]r tDxtl 4h]t if ' ]m using thD iSD]s of somDonD ]lrD]Sy FitDS in thD sourFD ' ]m rDfDrDnFingI 0his oFFurs whDn thD work of ]nothDr ]uthor is FitDS Ly ]n ]uthor you h]vD rDfDrrDS to qilDl you h]vD not FonsultDS thD origin]l workul 'nntDxt Fit]tionw zllDn qFitDS in 4yn e 4hitD gdd'i pl fu ]rguDs th]t it is ÔFh]ngD in soFiDty whiFh Dxpl]ins rDl]tions LDtwDDn SiffDrDnt ]gDsÕl RDfDrDnFD listw ¥ NroviSD SDt]ils of thD ]uthor who h]s SonD thD Fitingw 4yni ( e 4hitDi R gdd'i RDthinking youthi zllDn e 5nwini jt ...Don]rSsi Cj4l ¥ "ou m]y ]lso proviSD SDt]ils of thD FitDS work if it might LD of intDrDst to rD]SDrsi Lut this is not rDquirDSw zllDni j gd.fi ajomD thDorDtiF]l proLlDms in thD stuSy of youthai joFiologiF]l RDviDwi voll g.i nol,i ppl ,gdn,,gl 4h]t if ' ]m Fiting morD th]n onD ]uthor ]t onD point in thD tDxtI 'nntDxt Fit]tionw TthDr stuSiDs of gloL]liz]tion foFus on its Fultur]l ]nS hum]n impliF]tions q3]um]n gddfh 0omlinson gdddul CotDw ¥ 't is rDFommDnSDS th]t thD ]uthorsa n]mDs LD orSDrDS ]lph]LDtiF]lly insiSD thD Lr]FkDtsl

5¥ 'f Fiting morD th]n onD sourFD Ly thD s]mD ]uthori So not rDpD]t thD ]uthorÕs surn]mDh just FitD thD sourFDs FhronologiF]llyi sDp]r]tDS Ly ] sDminFoloni Dlgl q3]um]n gddfh myygu ¥ 5sD ] sDmiFolon to sDp]r]tD thD works FitDS insiSD thD Lr]FkDtsl RDfDrDnFD listw 3]um]ni 6 gdddi OloL]liz]tion ]nS FulturDi Nolity NrDssi TxforSl 0omlinsoni ( gdddi OloL]liz]tionw thD hum]n FonsDquDnFDsi RoutlDSgDi ...onSonl kow ]rD rDfDrDnFDs form]ttDSw 0hDrD ]rD ] fDw form]tting rulDs for SirDFt quot]tionsw 'n gDnDr]lw ¥ Ao not usD DllipsDs qÉu to st]nS in for missing tDxt ]t thD st]rt or thD DnS of thD quotDl o Hlgl 'nstD]S ofw ÔÉ ]nS thDrD w]s littlD S]ngDr ÉÕi just usD Ô]nS thDrD w]s littlD S]ngDrlÕ ¥ 'f you So usD DllipsDsi usD É if youÕrD only missing ] worS or ] fDw worSs from ] sDntDnFDl 5sD Él if thDrDÕs ] fullstop LDtwDDn thD LDginning ]nS DnS of thD tDxt youÕrD omittingl o Hlgl origin]lw Ôthelackofaprecise,commonlyagreeddefinitionof'ecotourism'wasacommoncaseofmisunderstanding,argument,andmademanydoubtthatitwasagenuinetopicinitself(assomethingsignificantlydifferentfrom,forexample,adventureornaturetourismor,moreimportantly,sustainabletourism).Anexaminationoftheliteratureshowsthattherearehundredsofdefinitions.Peopletendtocustomizetheirowndefinitions' o Hlgl using DllipsDsw 1 'thelackofaprecise,commonlyagreeddefinitionof"ecotourism"...mademanydoubtthatitwasagenuinetopicinitself....Peopletendtocustomizetheirowndefinitions' ¥ 5sD thD ]LLrDvi]tions pl for singlD p]gDi ]nS ppl for ] p]gD r]ngD qDlgl ppl ggngmu ¥ 'f you finS ] spDlling mist]kD in thD origin]l quotDi inFluSD thD origin]l spDlling ]nS thDn put siF in squ]rD Lr]FkDts ]ftDr thD misspDllDS worS o Hlgl ÒthD r]zDr 7siFE w]s sh]rpÓ ¥ 'f you nDDS to ]ltDr thD worSing of ] quotD to m]kD it fit in with your tDxti put thD ]ltDrDS tDxt insiSD squ]rDS Lr]FkDtsl o Hlgl if thD origin]l quotD w]s Ôth]t SDpDnSs on whiFh SDp]rtmDnt youÕrD DnrollDS inÕ ]nS you nDDSDS to Fh]ngD it from prDsDnt to p]st tDnsDi you woulS usDw Ôth]t SDpDnS7DSE on whiFh SDp]rtmDnt youÕrD DnrollDS inlÕ o Hlgl if youÕrD ]LriSging two SisFonnDFtDS Fl]usDs or sDntDnFDsi ]nS nDDS to ]SS ] worS or phr]sD so th]t thD quotD m]kDs sDnsD gr]mm]tiF]llyl :or Dx]mplDi Ôthis might sounS FompliF]tDS É 7LutE itÕs not nDFDss]ry to mDmorisD ]ll thD inform]tionlÕ :orm]tting long quotDsw

6:or ] long quotD q] quot]tion of morD th]n ]rounS ,y worSsui sDp]r]tD it from your writing with ] Folonl jt]rt ] nDw linDi inSDnt thD quotD qonD t]L stopi or Ly . sp]FDs from thD lDft m]rginu ]nS put thD quot]tion in ] onD sizD sm]llDr fonti singlD linD sp]Fingl Nl]FD thD p]gD numLDrs in Lr]FkDtsi outsiSD thD fin]l punFtu]tionl Ao not usD quot]tion m]rks qiDl ÒÉÉllÓul 5sD ] linD sp]FD LDtwDDn thD p]r]gr]phs ]LovD ]nS LDlow thD quotDl kDrDÕs ]n Dx]mplD of how this woulS look in your tDxtw N]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]phw ...ong quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotD long quotDl qpl ppu N]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph p]r]gr]ph DtFl :orm]tting short quotDs ¥ :or quotDs shortDr th]n ]rounS ,y worSsi thDsD shoulS LD DnFlosDS in singlD quot]tion m]rks qÔÉÉÕul ¥ 'f ] quotD is usDS within thD origin]l quotDi Fh]ngD thD spDDFh m]rks to SouLlD quot]tion m]rksl o Hlgl Ô0his is illustr]tDS Ly :ishDrÕs ]rgumDnt th]t Òfruit F]kD is sFrumptiousÓÕ qmyygi pl,ul

7¥ jhort quotDs shoulS ]lw]ys LD p]rt of your own sDntDnFDsi thDy shoulS not form sDntDnFDs on thDir ownl ¥ Zuoting shoulS LD kDpt to lDss th]n gys of thD tot]l worS Fount of your writingl RDfDrDnFing stylD 'n thD WDSi]i :ilm e PommuniF]tion SDp]rtmDnti wD usD thD k]rv]rS stylDl 0hDrD ]rD v]ri]nts on this stylDi Lut for thD purposDs of this p]pDri plD]sD follow thD guiSDlinDs LDlowl 0hDy ]rD L]sDS on thD k]rv]rS jtylD from Won]sh 5nivDrsity qor httpwrrmon]shlDSurliLr]ryrskillsrrDsourFDsrtutori]lsrFitingrmon]shnh]rv]rSnrDfDrDnFingnguiSDnmygmlpSful ...istDS ]rD somD of thD most Fommon sourFDs youÕrD likDly to usDl 'f you woulS likD guiS]nFD on how to FitD ] sourFD typD not listDS LDlowi plD]sD SonÕt hDsit]tD to ]skl 3ooks ' 3ook Fh]ptDrs or sDFtions d (ourn]l ]rtiFlDs gy W]g]zinD ]nS nDwsp]pDr ]rtiFlDs gg HnFyFlopDSi]s ]nS SiFtion]riDs gg 0hDsDs gg 4DLsitDs gm NDrson]l FommuniF]tions gm zuSio ]nS ]uSiovisu]l sourFDs g, joFi]l mDSi] sourFDs g, 3ooks Author(s)ofbook-surnameandinitialsYearofpublication,12Useaqeuaao-2tUinsl,Edition,Publisher,Placeofpublication. z Look with onD ]uthor 'nntDxt Fit]tionw WillDr qmyycu Dx]minDs thD proFDssDs involvDS in FommuniF]tion thDoriDsl ']rious FontDxts FomD into pl]y whDn ]ssDssing whiFh FommuniF]tion thDoriDs unSDrpin ] pDrform]nFD qWillDr myycul RDfDrDnFD listw WillDri ) myyci PommuniF]tion thDoriDsw pDrspDFtivDsi proFDssDs ]nS FontDxtsi WFOr]wnkilli 3ostonl z Look Ly two or thrDD ]uthors 'nntDxt Fit]tionw 4DrnDr ]nS 0]nk]rS qmyygu look ]t thDoriDs usDS in m]ss mDSi] FommuniF]tionl W]ss mDSi] Fomp]niDs Dmploy ] r]ngD of FommuniF]tion thDoriDs to DxprDss rDgion]l p]ttDrns of LDh]viour q4DrnDr e 0]nk]rS myygi ppl ,,n,dul CotDw e is usDS to link thD ]uthorsan]mDs within thD Lr]FkDtsi Lut not whDn thDy ]ppD]r ]s p]rt of thD sDntDnFDl 'nFluSD titlDs suFh ]s (r q(uniorui jr qjDnioru or ''' q0hirSu in thD rDfDrDnFD list Lut not for inntDxt Fit]tions RDfDrDnFD listw 4DrnDri j e 0]nk]rSi (i (r myygi PommuniF]tion thDoriDsw originsi mDthoSsi ]nS usDs in thD m]ss mDSi]i ...ongm]ni CDw "orkl

8z Look Ly four or morD ]uthors 'nntDxt Fit]tionw 0hD NDpsi Dx]mplD illustr]tDs thD import]nFD of m]rkDting rDl]tionships in formul]ting ] FommuniF]tion str]tDgy q3Ds]nko Dt ]ll myy,ul CotDw Dt ]ll q]nS othDrsu m]y LD usDS in pl]FD of ]SSition]l ]uthorsÕ n]mDs in thD tDxt of your Dss]yi Lut ]ll thD n]mDs must LD writtDn in thD rDfDrDnFD list Fit]tionl RDfDrDnFD listw 3Ds]nkoi Ai Ar]novDi Ai jh]nlDyi W e jFh]DfDri j myy,i HFonomiFs of str]tDgyi ,rS DSni (l4ilDyi CDw "orkl zn DSitDS Look 'nntDxt Fit]tionw 0hD volumD DSitDS Ly k]fDz qmyygu inFluSDs Fh]ptDrs Dx]mining thD imp]Ft of m]ss mDSi] on politiFs ]nS soFiDty in thD WiSSlD H]stl RDfDrDnFD list k]fDzi ) qDSlu myygi W]ss mDSi]i politiFsi ]nS soFiDty in thD WiSSlD H]sti k]mpton NrDssi PrDsskilll ADnzini C) e ...inFolni "j qDSslu myy,i 0hD l]nSsF]pD of qu]lit]tivD rDsD]rFhw thDoriDs ]nS issuDsi mnS DSni j]gDi 0hous]nS T]ksl TnD volumD of ] multinvolumD work 'nntDxt Fit]tionw 'olumD p of this work qNfDiffDri gddgi ppl 'gn',u inFluSDs ]n ovDrviDw of thD k]wthornD jtuSiDsl RDfDrDnFD list NfDiffDri (4 qDSlu gddgi 0hDoriDs ]nS moSDls in ]ppliDS LDh]viour]l sFiDnFDi voll pi Trg]niz]tion]l moSDlsi NfDiffDri j]n AiDgol z Look puLlishDS in ] sDFonS or suLsDquDnt DSition 'nntDxt Fit]tionw :iskD qmyggi ppl dcngyfu looks ]t thD influDnFD of sDmiotiFs in FommuniF]tions rDsD]rFhl RDfDrDnFD list :iskDi ( myggi 'ntroSuFtion to FommuniF]tion stuSiDsi ,rS DSni RoutlDSgDi ...onSonl zn DlDFtroniF Look qDnLooku RDfDrDnFD list :iskDi ( mygyi 'ntroSuFtion to FommuniF]tion stuSiDsi ,rS DSni DnLooki 0]ylor ]nS :r]nFisi koLokDni viDwDS gf :DLru]ry myg,i httpwrrot]gollFonzl]FlnzrvwDLvrholSings'nfoILiL'Sxm,ggpy' z Look with no ]uthor givDn 'nntDxt Fit]tionw CotDsi rDfDrDnFDs ]nS LiLliogr]phiDs ]rD SD]lt with in Ph]ptDr CinD qjtylD m]nu]l for ]uthorsi DSitors ]nS printDrs gdd.ul zFForSing to thD jtylD m]nu]l qgdd.i pl p,ui ÔhiDr]rFhiF]l struFturDs F]n oftDn LD usDS for morD SDt]ilDS m]tDri]lÕl CotDw thD titlD is usDS in Loth thD rDfDrDnFD list ]nS Fit]tionl "ou F]n FhoosD to ]LLrDvi]tD titlD for sDFonSrsuLsDquDnt Fit]tions RDfDrDnFD listw jtylD m]nu]l for ]uthorsi DSitors ]nS printDrs gdd.i cth DSni zustr]li]n OovDrnmDnt NuLlishing jDrviFDi P]nLDrr]l

9CotDw pl]FD in ]lph]LDtiF]l orSDr Ly titlD in thD RDfDrDnFD ...isti ]mongst thD othDr works with ]uthors z Look with no yD]r of puLliF]tion givDn 'f no yD]r of puLliF]tion is givDn for ] sourFDi usD nl Sl qwhiFh st]nSs for no S]tDu ]ftDr thD ]uthoras n]mDl PhDFk ] ...iLr]ry P]t]loguD or thD wDL for morD SDt]ils ]Lout suFh ] titlDl 0his is morD Fommon with onlinD sourFDsl ¥ Hlgl 'n ] SDt]ilDS ]n]lysisi P]ssini qnl Sli pl gyu ]rguDs É z Look or work Ly ]n ]ssoFi]tion or institution jomDtimDs ]n ]uthor is ]n org]nis]tioni ] govDrnmDnt ]gDnFyi ]n ]ssoFi]tioni ] Forpor]tD LoSy or thD likDl PitD thD full n]mD of thD group thD first timD ]nS givD thD ]LLrDvi]tion in Lr]FkDtsl 5sD thD ]LLrDvi]tion in suLsDquDnt rDfDrDnFDsl 'nntDxt Fit]tionw jhort LiLliogr]phiDs of thD ]rtists ]rD ]lso proviSDS Ly thD C]tion]l O]llDry of zustr]li] 7COzE qgdd'ul RDfDrDnFD listw C]tion]l O]llDry of zustr]li] gdd'i 0hD DyD of thD stormw Dight FontDmpor]ry inSigDnous ]rtistsi mnS DSni C]tion]l O]llDry of zustr]li]i P]nLDrr]l 3ook Fh]ptDrs or sDFtions Author(s)ofchapter-surnameandinitialsYearofpublication,'Titleofchapter-insinglequotationmarks'[in]Authorofbook(ifdifferent),12Useaquaaoere2tUinslyeEdition,Publisher,Placeofpublication,(optional)pagenumbers. z Fh]ptDr in ] Look 'nntDxt Fit]tionw 0hD F]sD for ] rDl]tion]l FonFDpt of youth is ]rguDS Ly 4yn ]nS 4hitD qgdd'u in thDir Fh]ptDr a0hD FonFDpt of youthal RDfDrDnFD listw 4yni ( e 4hitDi R gdd'i a0hD FonFDpt of youthai in RDthinking youthi zllDn ]nS 5nwini jySnDy CotDw 4hDrD thD ]uthor of thD Fh]ptDr ]nS Look ]rD thD s]mDi just usD thD Fh]ptDr ]uthorÕs n]mD ]t thD LDginning of your rDfDrDnFDl z Fh]ptDr in ]n DSitDS Looki ]nthologyi or FollDFtion of Dss]ys 'nntDxt Fit]tionw ...inFoln qgdd'i ppl ,fnpyu FritiF]lly ]ssDssDs thD rolD of sDlf in rDl]tionship to thD tDxtl RDfDrDnFD listw ...inFolni "j gdd'i ÔjDlfi suLjDFti ]uSiDnFDi tDxtw living ]t thD DSgDi writing in thD m]rginsÕi inw 4O 0iDrnDy e "j ...inFoln qDSslui RDprDsDnt]tion ]nS thD tDxtw rDnfr]ming thD n]rr]tivD voiFDl j5C" NrDssi CDw "orki ppl,'nccl CotDw thD initi]ls of thD DSitorrs prDFDSD thD surn]mDi ]s this n]mD is not FruFi]l to thD orSDr of thD itDm in thD rDfDrDnFD listl N]gD numLDrs ]rD option]l LDF]usD thD Fh]ptDr will LD D]sily loF]tDS from thD 0]LlD of PontDntsl z sourFD FitDS in ]nothDr sourFDw 'nntDxt Fit]tionw (]FoLsÕ work on A4 Oriffith in zmDriF]n film qgd,di FitDS in 0]lLot gd..i pl 'u proviSDs DviSDnFD É CotDw in thD RDfDrDnFD list inFluSD only thD Look you ]Ftu]lly usDS qnot thD sourFD FitDS in thD Look you usDSul RDfDrDnFD listw

100]lLoti A qDSlu gd..i :ilmw ]n ]nthologyi 5nivDrsity of P]liforni] NrDssi 3DrkDlDyl (ourn]l ]rtiFlDs Author(s)ofarticle-surnameandinitialsYearofpublication,'Titleofarticle-insinglequotationmarks',gam,ptUect.se'e2tUifsletpleitd2tUnsl,volumenumber,issuenumber,pagenumber(s). Nrint vDrsion 'nntDxt Fit]tionw N]rikh ]nS 'Drm] qmyymu proviSD onD ]n]lysis of thD usD of thD 'ntDrnDt in supporting lD]rningl TnD ]n]lysis w]s usDS to moSDl thD usD of thD 'ntDrnDt in supporting lD]rning qN]rikh e 'Drm] myymul CotDw thD e is not usDS whDn thD ]uthorsa n]mDs ]ppD]r ]s p]rt of thD sDntDnFDl 'f p or morD ]uthors usD Dt ]ll in tDxt Lut ]ll thD ]uthorsÕ n]mDs in thD RDfDrDnFD listl RDfDrDnFD listw ...ivingstonDi j qmyypui Ô0hD Fh]llDngD of Fh]nging ]uSiDnFDsw ori wh]t is thD ]uSiDnFD rDsD]rFhDr to So in thD ]gD of thD intDrnDtIÕ HuropD]n (ourn]l of PommuniF]tioni voll gdi nol gi ppl 'cnf'l N]rikhi W e 'Drm]i j myymi a5tilizing 'ntDrnDt tDFhnologiDs to support lD]rningw ]n DmpiriF]l ]n]lysisai 'ntDrn]tion]l (ourn]l of 'nform]tion W]n]gDmDnti voll mmi nol gi ppl m'np.l zrtiFlDs with ] AT' qSigit]l oLjDFt iSDntifiDruw CotDw W]ny rDFDnt ]rtiFlDs h]vD ] Soi so usD it in prDfDrDnFD to thD S]t]L]sD n]mD or 5R...l RDfDrDnFD listw ...ulDi ( myy'i ÔRDmDmLDring (im P]rDyÕi PritiF]l jtuSiDs in WDSi] PommuniF]tioni voll mpi nol mi g.di Soiw gylgyfyry',d,gfy'ygm.m'.f zFFDssDS from ] journ]l S]t]L]sD in thD s]mD form]t ]s thD origin]l qNA:ui Dlgl ...iLr]ry jD]rFhi (j0TRi W...z É 'nntDxt Fit]tionw jhir]zi qmygmi pl pdu DxplorDs thD rD]sons LDhinS rDSuFDS frDDSom of DxprDssion for womDn in 'r]nl :rDDSom of DxprDssion for womDn in 'r]n h]s LDDn Fh]llDngDS Ly v]rious politiF]l groups qjhir]zi mygmi pl pdul RDfDrDnFD listw jhir]zii : mygmi Ô'nform]tion ]nS FommuniF]tion tDFhnology ]nS womDn DmpowDrmDnt in 'r]nÕi 0DlDm]tiFs ]nS 'nform]tiFsi voll mdi nol gi ppl pcncci qonlinD jFiDnFD AirDFtul CotDw 'nFluSD thD S]t]L]sD n]mD in Lr]FkDtsi no 5R... rDquirDSh no viDwing S]tD is rDquirDSi ]s thD S]t]L]sD is ] Fonst]nti rDli]LlD sourFDl zFFDssDS from ] wDLsitD whiFh proviSDs ]n DlDFtroniFnonly vDrsion of ] journ]l 'nntDxt Fit]tionw jtDphDns qmyggi p]r]l mu suggDsts th]t fooS filFhing m]kDs for ] s]tiriF]l yDt humorous unSDrmining of soFiDt]l orSDrl :or p]r]phr]sing inSiF]tD thD nD]rDst p]r]gr]ph numLDr qp]r]l mui ]pproxim]tD p]gD qpl , of fui nD]rDst hD]Singi or nlpl for no p]gin]tionl RDfDrDnFD listw jtDphDnsi O myggi Ô3iting L]Fk ]t thD m]FhinDw Ph]rliD Ph]plinÕs WoSDrn 0imDsÓi jDnsDs of PinDm]i nol .yi viDwDS p :DLru]ry mygmi httpwrrsDnsDsofFinDm]lFomrmyggrfD]turDn]rtiFlDsrLitingnL]Fkn]tnthDnm]FhinDnFh]rliDnFh]plinÕsnmoSDrnntimDsr

11 zFFDssDS from ] wDLsitD in ] form]t SiffDrDnt from thD print vDrsion qk0W...u n m]y not givD p]gD numLDrs or p]gD r]ngDi no NA: ]v]il]LlD 'nntDxt Fit]tionw 'n thDir FonFlusion OooSLoy ]nS WyDrs qmygyu strDss thD import]nFD of Dmotion]l supporti ]ffirm]tioni ]nS instrumDnt]l support in LuilSing m]intDn]nFD LDh]viorsl RDfDrDnFD listw OooSLoyi z) e WyDrsi jz mygyi ÔRDl]tion]l m]intDn]nFD LDh]viors ]nS FommuniF]tion Fh]nnDl usD ]mong ]Sult siLlingsÕi Corth zmDriF]n (ourn]l of NsyFhologyi voll gmi nol gi ppl gy,ngyfi viDwDS g, zpril myg,i httpwrrn]jplfmlFomrgooSLoylhtml W]g]zinD ]nS nDwsp]pDr ]rtiFlDs Author(s)ofarticle-surnameandinitialsYearofpublication,'Titleofarticle-insinglequotationmarks',wthtfpsbcsxndtds,ect.se'e2tUifsletpleitd2tUnsl,volumenumber,issuenumber[ordate],pagenumber(s)orURL. RDfDrDnFD listw N]rkDri ( myyfi Ô0hD DxistDnti]l Flownw why (im P]rDy m]kDs us unFomfort]LlDÕi 0hD ztl]ntiFi ADFDmLDri ppl ppnpfl jDntDmDntDsi OO myggi ÔjoFi]l mDSi]w LusinDssDsi nonprofitsi lD]rning to lovDÕi 0hD 3]ltimorD juni gd (unDi pl Pgl HnFyFlopDSi]s ]nS SiFtion]riDs 12Useasquotienqlir2risyigimal,rpqspy,s,rieraypUrqsaymgcs.'fsdyUpmsayqsmrwshUrepyyripcsbrwrl,rpspy,sexs'v2aU,sIydmrqxs-rieraypUgzs32syaspuexaUsaUspysyeUgsryspysyigimal,rpsrqsypP,csaUsps,rieraypUgsrqsorydsire,s'nntDxt Fit]tionw 0hD AiFtion]ry of mDSi] ]nS FommuniF]tion stuSiDs qmygmu SDfinDs it ]s lll q0hD P]mLriSgD DnFyFlop]DSi] of thD Hnglish l]ngu]gD myy,u C]mDS ]uthor of ]n DnFyFlop]DSi] Dntry 'nntDxt Fit]tionw zFForSing to 0ownsDnS qgdfmi pl g.yui jtDinas innov]tions in stylD m]kD striFt Fl]ssifiF]tion of hDr work SiffiFultl RDfDrDnFD list 0ownsDnSi ( gdfmi aODrtruSD jtDinai in ...l W]iniDro qDSlui zmDriF]n womDn writDrsw ] FritiF]l rDfDrDnFD guiSD from Foloni]l timDs to thD prDsDnti voll pi ppl gc,ng.gi 5ng]ri CDw "orkl 12U2Uszuthor of thDsis n surn]mD ]nS initi]ls "D]r of prDp]r]tion of thDsisi a0itlD of thDsis n in singlD quot]tion m]rksai zw]rSi 'nstitution unSDr whosD rDgul]tions thD stuSy w]s t]kDnl Nrint vDrsion 'nntDxt Fit]tionw kowiD qmyyfu ]rguDs th]t m]jor FitiDs ]rD FruFi]l t]rgDts for Sispl]ys of tDrrorisml 0DlDvisu]l im]gDs ]rD ÔsuLstitutDs or simul]tionsi for LDing firstnh]nS witnDssDs of tDrrorismÕ qkowiD myyfi pl gccul

12RDfDrDnFD list kowiDi ... myyfi 0DrrorsDxw witnDssDs ]nS thD rD]nim]tion of drgg ]s im]gD DvDnti FommoSity ]nS pornogr]phyi SoFtor]l thDsisi Won]sh 5nivDrsityi WDlLournDl zFFDssDS DlDFtroniF]lly 'nntDxt Fit]tionw zLSull]h qmyg,u FonSuFtDS ] F]sD stuSy to SDtDrminD LDst pr]FtiFDs usDS in W]l]ysi]n DnvironmDnt]l onlinD FommuniF]tionl RDfDrDnFD list zLSull]hi zC myg,i HnvironmDnt]l onlinD FommuniF]tion in W]l]ysi]w ] F]sD stuSy of LDst pr]FtiFDs usDS Ly W]l]ysi]n DnvironmDnt]l COTsÕ wDLsitDsi NhA0hDsisi 5nivDrsity of Tt]goi viDwDS g W]y myg,i httpwrrhSllh]nSlDlnDtrgycm,r,f'm e2aUqu2UsAuthor(personororganisation)Year(sitecreatedorrevised),Name(andplaceifapplicable)ofsponsorofthesite,dateofviewingthesite(datemonthyear),URL.1 CotDw 'nFluSD org]nis]tion initi]ls in rounS Lr]FkDts only if thD sourFD is FitDS morD th]n onFD inntDxtl W]ny wDLsitDs ]rD not ]F]SDmiFl Ao not rDly on thD inform]tion in thD wDLsitD qit m]y LD too L]siF or unrDli]LlDu Ð try to finS ]n ]F]SDmiF sourFD instD]Sl sboqreqo'nntDxt Fit]tionw ADt]ils of puLliF rDl]tions ]FtivitiDs within FommuniF]tion m]n]gDmDnt F]n LD viDwDS ]t thD Nrinz wDLsitD ]t httpwrrwwwlprinzlorglnzr RDfDrDnFD list qNuLliF RDl]tions 'nstitutD of CDw 6D]l]nS qNrinzu myyfi NuLliF RDl]tions 0r]iningi 4Dllingtoni viDwDS g, (]nu]ry myg,i httpwrrwwwlprinzlorglnzr 4DLsitD SoFumDnts 'nntDxt Fit]tionw jDFtion f qmyg,u outlinDs SDvDlopmDnts ini ]nS links toi rDsourFDs to Dnh]nFD Forpor]tD FommuniF]tion skillsl RDfDrDnFD list WinS 0ools myg,i PommuniF]tion jkillsi WinS0oolslFomi WontrD]li viDwDS g, W]rFhi myg,i httpwrrwwwlminStoolslFomrp]gDflhtml NDrson]l FommuniF]tions 0hDsD sourFDs ]rD not puLliF or puLlishDS sourFDsi Dlgl lDttDrsi Dm]ilsi tDxtsi phonD FonvDrs]tionsl 0hDy ]rD not FonsiSDrDS to LD rDFovDr]LlD S]t]i thDrDforD you F]nnot list thDm in your rDfDrDnFD listl kowDvDri you F]n rDfDr to thDm in thD LoSy of your tDxt Ly Fiting thD SDt]ils ]nS full S]tDl "ou shoulS g]in pDrmission of thD ]uthor LDforD using ] pDrson]l FommuniF]tion intDrviDw 'n ]n intDrviDw q3rDDn myyci , W]yu thD finSings of thD rDport wDrD SisFussDS ]nS 3rDDn ]grDDS É 0hD finSings of thD rDport wDrD SisFussDS with 3rDDn qmyyci pDrsl Fomml , W]yu É 'f thD intDrviDw is tr]nsFriLDS in ]n zppDnSixi rDfDr thD rD]SDr to th]t ]ppDnSixl

13Dm]il 'n ]n Dm]il to thD ]uthor qmyypi , zugustu NhDl]n Fl]rifiDS thD pointl zuSio ]nS ]uSiovisu]l sourFDs WusiF rDForSings zrtist yD]ri Ô0r]Fk 0itlDÕi 0r]Fk CumLDr of zlLum 0itlDi ...]LDll 'nntDxt Fit]tionw qRitFhiD myypu tini2iqlioraeyg RitFhiDi z myypi Ô:rDDlyi mystDriouslyÕi 0r]Fk g of mp NrDluSDs for pi]noi ztoll PAl :ilmrA'ArviSDorSoFumDnt]ry AirDFtor n]mDi initi]lqsu yD]r of SistriLutioni 0itlD of :ilmi form]t Ð Dlgl filmi A'A or viSDorDForSingi AistriLution Pomp]nyi Nl]FD of AistriLutionl 'nntDxt Fit]tionw qjpurloFk myycu otini2iqlioraeyg jpurloFki W myyci jupDr sizD mDw ] film of DpiF proportionsi A'Ai k]rt jh]rp 'iSDoi CDw "orkl joFi]l mDSi] sourFDs joFi]l mDSi] sourFDs ]rD not FonsiSDrDS ]FFDpt]LlD ]F]SDmiF sourFDs unlDss usDS ]s oLjDFts of rDsD]rFhi Dlgl 4ikisi 3logsi :]FDLook FommDntsi 0wittDr fDDSs 3log )r]wDtzi C myggi Ô0hD h]FkDr f]Ftor LlogÕi wDL logi viDwDS gc CovDmLDr myggi httpwrrwwwlh]FkDrf]FtorlFomrLlogr 3log post N]ttDrsoni W myggi ÔTpDnn]FFDss mDg]journ]ls Ð finS out morD in Hstoni]Õi 0hD offiFi]l N...oj 3logi wDL log posti my (unDi viDwDS mc TFtoLDr myggi httpwrrLlogslploslorgrplosrmyggry.ropDnn]FFDssnmDg]journ]lsnsHmsfysd,nfinSnoutnmorDninnDstoni]r CotDw inFluSD Loth thD S]tD thD Llog Dntry w]s postDS ]nS thD S]tD viDwDS "outuLD viSDo jFrDDn n]mD of FontriLutor yD]ri Ô'iSDo titlDÕi viDwing S]tDi wDL ]SSrDssl jFrDDn n]mD of FontriLutor yD]ri Ô'iSDo titlDÕi jDriDs titlDi viDwing S]tDi wDL ]SSrDssl 'nntDxt Fit]tionw qzN'zk: mygmu qAoLLyn myy'u otini2iqlioraeyg zsi]n e N]FifiF 'sl]nSDr zmDriF]n kD]lth :orum qzN'zk:u mygmi joFi]l mDSi] ]s ] FommuniF]tion str]tDgyi viDwDS my zpril myg,i httpwrrwwwlyoutuLDlFomrw]tFhIvx'5ZN6C9mh6g AoLLyni A myy'i ÔjliFD of hD]vDnÕi :ootrot :l]tsi viDwDS m, zpril myg,i httpwrrwwwlyoutuLDlFomrw]tFhIvxWyp4Djzn...5Z

14RDfDrDnFD list You'lloftenseethewordsbibliographyandreferencelistusedinterchangeably.However,forthepurposesofthispaper,wedrawadistinctionbetweentheseterms.Inabibliography,youlistallthesourcesyouhavereferredtoinyourresearch,regardlessofwhetherornotyouhavecitedtheminyourassignment.Inareferencelist,youlistonlythosesourcesthatyouciteinyourassignment.Foryourassessmentsinthispaper,wewilluseareferencelist.Formattingnotes:¥ Startyourreferencelistonanewpage,immediatelyafterthelastpageofyourwrittenassessment.¥ Usetheheadingtini2iqlie(ratherthantini2iqlioraey)attheendofyourassessment.Thisshouldbeinboldfont(notunderlined),leftaligned.¥ Donotusebulletpoints,hyphens,numbersetc.¥ Donotindent¥ Donotusesubheadings(suchasbibliography,journals,websites,etc)¥ Listyoursourcesalphabeticallybyauthorsurname(orthenameoftheorganisationproducingthework)o Whereyouhavecitedmorethanoneworkbythesameauthor,thoseitemsarethenarrangedbydate,startingwiththeearliest.o Ifthereismorethanonesourcebythesameauthorpublishedinthesameyear,thenarrangealphabeticallybytitle,andthendistinguishbetweenthecitationsbyputtingaletterafterthepublicationdate(e.g.2008a,2008betc).¥ Usealinespacebetweeneachreference¥ Aworkisonlylistedonceinthereferencelist,regardlessofhowmanytimesitiscitedinthetext.¥ z work with no ]uthor is orSDrDS ]lph]LDtiF]lly ]FForSing to thD first m]jor worS of thD titlD qSisrDg]rSing ]i ]n or thD ]t thD LDginning of thD titlDul zS]ptDS m, zpril myg, with pDrmissioni from notDs Ly Ar (Dn P]ttDrmolDi WusiF ADp]rtmDntl

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