[PDF] ECEN 314: Signals and Systems - Homework 2 Solutions I Reading

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Types of Signal Systems and their Properties

Even signals are symmetric around vertical axis and. Odd signals are symmetric about origin. Even Signal: A signal is referred to as an even if it is 

Even and Odd Functions

signal is even only cosines are involved whereas if the signal is odd then only sines are involved. We determine if a function is even or odd or neither.

Even and Odd Functions

signal is even only cosines are involved whereas if the signal is odd then only sines are involved. We determine if a function is even or odd or neither.

Chameli Devi Group of Institutions Indore Department of Electronics

II. Even and Odd Signals : A signal is said to be even signal if it is symmetrical about the amplitude axis. The even signal amplitude is.

ECE 301: Signals and Systems Course Notes Prof. Shreyas Sundaram

A signal is even if f(t) = f(?t) for all t ? R (in continuous-time) It is easy to verify that o(t) is an odd signal and e(t) is an even signal.

ECEN 314: Signals and Systems - Homework 2 Solutions I Reading

(1.3) Determine the value of P? and E? for each of the following signals (b) Show that if x1[n] is an odd signal and x2[n] is an even signal ...

Signals in Time Domain

Any signal can be represented by a sum of even and odd signals: (2.10) where. (2.11) or. (2.12). Example 2.3. Determine if the following signals are even or 

Solution Manual for Additional Problems for SIGNALS AND

Determine for which of the given values of Ts the discrete-time signal has lost If that is not the case even a stable system would provide an unbounded.


Even and odd signals: a signal is even if x(-t) = x(t) (i.e. it can be reflected in the axis at zero). A signal is odd if x(-t) = -x(t).

Even and Odd Functions

as if the signal is even only cosines are involved whereas if the signal is odd then only sines are involved. determine if a function is even or odd or.

[PDF] Types of Signal Systems and their Properties

Even and Odd Signal One of characteristics of signal is symmetry that may be useful for signal analysis Even signals are symmetric around vertical axis 

Signals and Systems Even and Odd Signals - Tutorialspoint

11 nov 2021 · Therefore the even signals are also called the symmetrical signals Cosine wave is an example Find whether the signals are even or odd

[PDF] 2 Signals and Systems: Part I - MIT OpenCourseWare

The signal is therefore neither even nor odd (e) In similar manner to part (a) we deduce that x[n] is even (f) x 

[PDF] Even and Odd Signalspdf

6 oct 2012 · Even and Odd Signals A signal x(t) is said to be Even if x(t) odd if can be written as the sum of an even signal and an odd Signal

[PDF] Even and Odd Functions

In this Section we examine how to obtain Fourier series of periodic functions which are either even or odd We show that the Fourier series for such 

[PDF] Even and Odd Functions

Even and Odd Functions A function f is even (or symmetric) when f(x) = f(?x) A function f is odd (or antisymmetric) when f(x) = ?f(?x)

[PDF] ECE 314 – Signals and Systems Fall 2012

Find the even and odd components of each of the following signals: Solution: We may solve this by inspection if we consider the following prop- erties:

[PDF] Signals and Systems

6552111 Signals and Systems Even and Odd Signals: Example 4 Find the even and odd components of the signals shown in figure below 30 Sopapun Suwansawang

Even and Odd Signal MCQ [Free PDF] - Objective Question Answer

9 fév 2023 · If x(t) is an odd function then x(t) = -x(-t) Analysis: Looking at the graph given in the question we can see that f(t) = f(-t) The graph is 

  • How do you check if a signal is even or odd?

    Even signals are symmetric around vertical axis, and Odd signals are symmetric about origin. Even Signal: A signal is referred to as an even if it is identical to its time-reversed counterparts; x(t) = x(-t).
  • Explanation: Signals are classified as even if it has symmetry about its vertical axis. It is given by the equation x (-t) = x (t). Explanation: Signals is said to be odd if it is anti- symmetry over the time origin. And it is given by the equation x (-t) = -x (t).
ECEN 314: Signals and Systems - Homework 2 Solutions •Date Assigned: Monday June 4, 2018 •Date Due: Wednesday, June 13, 2018I Reading Exercise

Chapter 1 - sections 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3

II Problems

1. (1.3) Determine the value of P

1and E1for each of the following signals

(a)x(t) =e2tu(t) (b)x(t) =ej(2t+4 (d)x[n] = (12 )nu[n] (f)x[n] = cos4 n

Solution :

a) E 1=Z 1 0 e4tdt= 14 e4t 1 0 =14 P 1= 0 b) E 1=Z 1 1 jx2(t)j2dt=Z 1 1 dt= [t]11=1 P

1= limT!112TZ


Tdt= limT!12T2T= 1

d) E 1=1X n=1jx2[n]j2=1X n=0 14 n =114 1114
=43 P 1= 0 1 f) E 1=1X n=1cos 24
n =1

Period = 8



7 X 0cos 2(4 n) =18 4 =12

2. (1.4) Letx[n] be a signal withx[n] = 0 forn <2 andn >4. For each signal given below,

determine the values of n for which it is guaranteed to be zero (c)x[n] (e)x[n2]

Solution :


The signalx[n] is

ipped. The ipped signal will be zero forn <4 andn >2 e

The signalx[n] is

ipped and the ipped signal is shifted by 2 to the left. This new signal will be zero forn <6 andn >0

3. (1.5) Letx(t) be a signal withx(t) = 0 fort <3. For each signal given below, determine the

values of t for which it is guaranteed to be zero. (b)x(1t) +x(2t) (c)x(1t)x(2t)

Solution :

b From (a), we know thatx(1t) is zero fort >2. Similarly,x(2t) is zero fort >1.

Therefore,x(1t) +x(2t) will be zero fort >1

2 c x(1t) is zero for 1t <3 =)t >2.Similarly,x(2t) is zero fort >1. Hence x(1t)x(2t) is 0 fort >2

4. (1.10) Determine the fundamental period of the signal x(t) = 2cos(10t+ 1)sin(4t1)

Solution :

Period of rst term in RHS =


Period of the second term in RHS =2

Therefore, the overall signal is periodic with a period which is the least common multiple of the periodic of the rst and second terms. This is equal to

5. (1.11) Determine the fundamental period of the signalx[n] = 1 +ej4n=7ej2n=5

Solution :

Period of the rst term in the RHS = 1

Period of the second term in the RHS =m24=7

= 7(whenm= 2)

Period of the third term in the RHS =m22=5

= 5 (whenm= 1) Therefore, the overall signalx[n] is periodic with a period which is the least common multiple of the periods of the three terms inx[n]. This is equal to 35.

6. (1.25) Determine whether or not each of the following continuous-time signals is periodic.If

the signal is periodic, determine its fundamental period (b) expj(t1) (c) (cos(2t=3))2 (d)Evfcos(4t)u(t)g (e)Evfsin(4t)u(t)g

Solution :


Periodic, period = 2


Periodic, period ==2

3 d

Periodic, period = 1=2


Not periodic

7. (1.26) Determine whether or not each of the following discrete-time signals is periodic. If the

signal is periodic, determine its fundamental period. (b)cos(n=8) (c)cos(8 n2)

Solution :


Not periodic


Periodic, period = 8

8. (1.34) In this problem, we explore several of the properties of even and odd signals.

(a) Show that if x[n] is an odd signal, then 1 X n=1x[n] = 0 (b) Show that ifx1[n] is an odd signal andx2[n] is an even signal, thenx1[n]x2[n] is an odd signal. (c) Letx[n] be an arbitrary signal with even and odd parts denoted by x e[n] =Evfx[n]g x o[n] =Odfx[n]g

Show that

1 X n=1x

2[n] =1X


2e[n] +1X

n=1x 2o[n] 4 (d) Although parts (a)-(c) have been stated in terms of discrete-time signals, the analogous properties are also valid in continuous time. To demonstrate this, show that Z 1 n=1x2(t)dt=Z 1 n=1x2e(t)dt+Z 1 n=1x2o(t)dt wherexe(t) andxo(t) are, respectively, the even and odd parts ofx(t).

Solution :



1X n=1x[n] =x[0] +1X n=1x[n] +x[n] If x[n] is odd,x[n] +x[n] = 0. Therefore, the sum equals zero. b

Lety[n] =x1[n]x2[n]. Then,

y[n] =x1[n]x2[n] =x1[n]x2[n] =y[n] c 1 X n=1x

2[n] =1X

n=1x e[n] +xo[n]2=1X n=1x

2e[n] +1X


2o[n] + 21X

n=1x e[n]xo[n]

From b, we knowxe[n]xo[n] is an odd signal. So,

2 1X n=1x e[n]xo[n] = 0


1X n=1x

2[n] =1X


2e[n] +1X

n=1x 2o[n] 5 d Z 1 1 x2(t)dt=Z 1 1 x2e(t)dt+Z 1 1 x2o(t)dt+ 2Z 1 1 x e(t)xo(t)dt

Again,xe(t)xo(t) is odd, so:Z1

1 x e(t)xo(t) = 0


Z1 1 x2(t)dt=Z 1 1 x2e(t)dt+Z 1 1 x2o(t)dt

9. (1.36) Letx(t) be the continuous-time complex exponential signal

x(t) =ejw0t with fundamental frequencyw0and fundamental periodTo=2w

0. Consider the discrete-time

signal obtained by taking equally spaced samples of x(t)-that is, x[n] =x(nT) =ejw0nT (a) Show that x[n] is periodic if and only ifT=T0is a rational number-that is, if and only if some multiple of the sampling interval exactly equals a multiple of the period ofx(t). (b) Suppose that x[n] is periodic-that is, that TT 0=pq where p and q are integers. What are the fundamental period and fundamental frequency ofx[n]? Express the fundamental frequency as a fraction ofw0T. (c) Again assuming thatT=T0satisesTT 0=pq , determine precisely how many periods of x(t) are needed to obtain the samples that form a single period of x[n].

Solution :

a Ifx[n] is periodicej!0(n+N)T=ej!0nT, where!0= 2=T0. This implies that2T

0NT= 2k.

So TT 0=kN = a rational number. b IfT=T0=p=qthenx[n] =ej2n(p=q). The fundamental period isq=gcd(p;q) and the funda- mental frequency is 2q gcd(p;q) =2p pq gcd(p;q) =!0p gcd(p;q) =!0Tp gcd(p;q) 6 c p=gcd(p;q) periods ofx(t) are needed 7quotesdbs_dbs9.pdfusesText_15
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