[PDF] How To Write a Paper and Format it Using LATEX

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A quick guide to LATEX

current version LATEX 2 . Mathematics. Math vs. text vs. functions. In properly typeset mathematics

An Interactive Introduction to LaTeX - Part 1: The Basics

typing them into the example document on Overleaf. ? No really you should try them out as we go! Page 8 

Introduction to LaTeX - Writing papers the right way

Introduction to LATEX. Introduction. Table of Contents. 1 Introduction. 2 A Basic Document. Writing LaTeX Code. Basic Formatting. 3 LATEX and You. The Files.

LATEX guide

04-Sept-2017 Text mode is used for text; write as you would in any word processor. Anything mathematical should be written in math mode. A dollar sign ($) is ...

How To Write a Paper and Format it Using LATEX

08-Mar-2022 The goal of this document is to demonstrate how to write a paper. We walk through the process of outlining writing

Learn LaTeX in 30 minutes

20-Jan-2020 Other types of documents you may be working on may require different classes such as book or report. A er this you write the content of our ...

Writing a thesis with LaTeX

Abstract This article provides useful tools to write a thesis with LATEX. For example the following command formats the thesis on both faces of letter.

A quick guide to LATEX

mathematics writing. creating LATEX a more user friendly version of TEX. A team of. LATEX programmers created the current version LATEX 2?.


31-May-2000 This guide explains some features of XY-pic that are relevant to typesetting of “matrix-like diagrams” as used in for example

Example LATEX source for creating a truth table For example to

the LATEX source file (.tex file) content would be: egin{displaymath}. egin{array}{

Tip of the Week: Add inline or margin comments to your PDF - Overleaf

20 déc 2017 · If you'd like to include comments that appear in the PDF of your project you can use the todonotes package If you include the command: \ 

Creating PDF/A and PDF/X files with the pdfx package - Overleaf

Creating PDF/A and PDF/X files with the pdf x package Open as Template View Source View PDF Author Overleaf Last Updated

Changing PDF viewer - Overleaf Online LaTeX Editor

The following short video clip shows how to change the PDF viewer from Overleaf to Browser Note the following behaviors when using the Browser PDF viewer 

Exporting your work from Overleaf - Overleaf Online LaTeX Editor

Option 1 · Select the Menu button ( OLmenu png ) · From within the Download section of the menu displayed select the PDF icon: · Depending on your browser and its 

Create beautiful PDFs in LaTeX - Opensourcecom

If you know you're going to make a pdf from a Latex document you can just use the pdf latex command Avatar gnwiii August 16 2022

[Updated for Overleaf V2] Converting a LaTeX-generated PDF to

5 nov 2018 · This short clip shows how to create/use a latexmkrc file on Overleaf V2 to convert a LaTeX PDF Durée : 0:45Postée : 5 nov 2018

[PDF] Introduction to LaTeX - Writing papers the right way

Hello \LaTeX! \end{document} Compile using the RSI Makefile $ cd ?/RSI/MiniPaper/ $ make hello pdf Preview the results $ evince hello pdf & 

[PDF] Overleaf: write and collaborate on LATEXdocuments - UQ Library

Apart from the source and PDF panels Overleaf includes a left-hand sidebar that shows the project files and the file outline (very useful to jump from section 

How to insert a PDF file inside a document - LaTeX-Tutorialcom

1 Insert PDF pages in LaTeX If what we want is the PDF to appear as an integral part of our document we will have to use the \include pdf command from the 

[PDF] Instructions for Creating PDF/A-1b from TeX/LaTeX

Instructions for Creating PDF/A-1b from TeX/LaTeX Page 2 1 Write your paper in tex format and make sure that you include the option [ pdf a] if you use 

20 déc. 2017 · If you'd like to include comments that appear in the PDF of your project, you can use the todonotes package. If you include the command: \ 
  • Can we edit a PDF file in Overleaf?

    pdf , . svg and . png formats. It cannot contain more than 7MB of material that can be edited on Overleaf (this is the maximum editable data for a project on Overleaf).
  • How to write a PDF in LaTeX?

    1create your LaTeX document, filename.tex, with any text editor (word processors should be avoided as they put in stray characters)2At the terminal/command prompt, issue the command pdflatex filename.tex to generate filename.pdf.
  • How do I write a document in Overleaf?

    All you need to do is create a document, choose source mode in the editor and begin writing your LaTeX code. If you are new to LaTeX and need some help to get started, our tutorials page lists a wide range of learning materials to jump-start your LaTeX journey.
  • Yes, we can definitely edit LaTeX (. tex) and PDF documents. However, editing is much more efficient in a Word file as we can use the “Track Changes” feature. For LaTex (.

How To Write a Paper and Format it Using L


Jennifer E. Homan

1,2, 1 Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA

2School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA

(Dated: October 10, 2022) The goal of this document is to demonstrate how to write a paper. We walk through the process of outlining, writing, formatting in L ATEX, making gures, referencing, and checking style and content. Source les are available at:http://hoffman.physics.harvard.edu/example-paper/.


1 [Star twriting while y ouexp eriment]You should start writing your paperwhileyou are working on your experiment. Prof. George Whitesides says: \A pa- per is not just an archival device for storing a completed research program; it is also a structure for planning your research in progress. If you clearly understand the pur- pose and form of a paper, it can be immensely useful to you in organizing and conducting your research. A good outline for the paper is also a good plan for the research program. You should write and rewrite these plans/outlines throughout the course of the research. At the beginning, you will have mostly plan; at the end, mostly outline. The continuous eort to understand, an- alyze, summarize, and reformulate hypotheses on paper will be immensely more ecient for you than a process in which you collect data and start to organize them only when their collection is `complete' ." Here are some con- crete steps to get started. 1.

Read G eorgeWhitesides' \Ho wto W ritea P aper"[

1 2. Read through at leastone full paper in your target journal, to get a sense of the content and writing style. 3. T oclarify in y ouro wnhead the purp oseof y ourpap er, start by drafting your abstract [ 2 4. Before y outac klethe b odyof the pap er,sk etchblo ck outlines of the gures. Decide what images and plots you will put in the paper, and how the panels will be arranged. An excellent example of an outline with sketched gures is shown in Ref. [ 3 ], and can be com- pared to the nal published paper in Ref. [ 4 5. Outline at the paragraph lev elb eforey ouwrite. Lo ok at how many paragraphs there will be in the style of paper you are trying to write. For example, for a standard 4-page scientic letter, aim for 13 paragraphs (generally, you can estimate about 200 words per para- graph). Figure out how to tell your entire story (not numbers, just story!) in 13 stand-alone sentences. 6. Mak eeac hof those sen tencesin tothe r stsen tence of a paragraph, and ll into each paragraph only de- tails that are relevant to that rst sentence. If you nd yourself writing details about the gures, cut and paste them into the captions. jhoman@physics.harvard.edu7.If y outhink of references as y ougo, y oucan include the minimal identifying information in parentheses to trig- ger your memory later, e.g. \(WhitesidesAdvMat)", so all of the information is compact. 8. Dig in tothe existing literature to write the in tropara- graphs. A thorough literature search may take a full focused week for each intro paragraph. Use an or- ganized, three-pass approach to keep a good balance between depth and breadth of your search [ 5 9. Rewrite y ourabstract, taking in toaccoun twh aty ou have learned from the process of writing the paper. As you ne-tune your abstract, refer again to Nature's instructions for writing an abstract [ 2 ] and for clear communication more generally [ 6 2 [F ormattingmatters] As you contemplate the pa- per you have just written, put yourself in the shoes of the reviewers (including your collaborators). You already work many, many hours/week, and you don't really want to spend more time reading this paper. So you're going to be very happy if the gures are pretty, the text ows logically, the references are hyperlinked for easy access, and you can understand the paper quickly. But you're going to be very grumpy if you can't get the main points of the paper from scanning through the gures & cap- tions. You're going to be even grumpier if you invest time in reading the paper but you still can't get it. Your evaluation of this paper is likely to be swayed by your ease of understanding, regardless of the scientic merits of the work. (See Ref. 7 for more information on ho w formatting, even as simple as font choice, will in uence the reader's \cognitive ease" and ultimately their judg- ment of the report.) Down the road, consider a reader who might cite the paper and launch you to fame and glory: the potential citer's decision will be in uenced by their ability to easily understand your paper. 3 [F ractal]Y ourpap ershould b efrac tal.Some- body with one minute to look at it should be able to get the main idea just from reading the abstract. Somebody with 5 minutes should be able to look at the gures and get more out of it. Somebody with 10 minutes should be able to get the story from the introduction, rst sentence of each paragraph, and conclusion. 2 II. L ATEX 4 [In troto L

ATEX]LATEX is a formatting language

that allows professional, publication-quality presentation of scientic text, equations, gures, and hyperlinked ref- erences. REVTeX is a specic set of L

ATEX macro pack-

ages assembled by the American Physical Society (APS) to standardize manuscript formatting for the various Physical Review journals. The APS author website [ 8 lists acceptable submission formats as: REVTeX(pre- ferred), LATEX, or MSWord. It is sensible to draft your paper in L

ATEX/REVTeX from the beginning. You will

need a reference manager, a text editor, and a L

ATEX com-

piler. Typically, you will be working closely with other authors, so you should pick a platform that enables sim- ple sharing and collaborative work ow. 5 [Ov erleaf]Here we recommend the online LATEX compiler Overleaf (http://www.overleaf.com/) for text editing and compiling. Overleaf (formerly known as


ATEX) is an online platform that is great for col- laborative writing: it tracks changes and even has a real- time chat function. Note that LyX is a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) L

ATEX editor that may

seem tempting if you initially nd tex formatting daunt- ing, but LyX may come back to bite you in the long run, because it hides the guts of the tex code from the user, making it harder to control formatting details. 1.

Cho ose& install a reference managemen tsoft ware

such as Mendeley:http://www.mendeley.com/ (See appendix A for usage tips.) 2.

Mak ean accoun ton Ov erleaf:

http://www.overleaf.com/ 3.

Do wnloadthe source les for this example p aper[

9 4.

Cop yth etex and bib les in toa new o verleaf

project, and share with your collaborators. 6 [Alternat ives]Alternatively, you may prefer to run L

ATEX directly on your own laptop. In that case,

follow the steps below: 1. Cho ose& install a reference managemen tsoft ware: •Mendeley:http://www.mendeley.com/ •Papers:http://www.papersapp.com/ •Endnote:http://www.endnote.com/ 2.

Do wnload& install a L

ATEX compiler such as MikTex:

http://miktex.org/ 3.

Do wnload& install REVT eX4-2 (s eeapp endix

B http://authors.aps.org/revtex4/ 4.

Pic kan editor suc has WinEdt:

http://www.winedt.com/ (You may need to request a university license; may require24 hour turnaround.) 5.

Do wnloadthe source les for this example p aper[

9 open the tex and bib les in WinEdt, and get started writing! 7 [Main tainy ouroutl ine]It's important not to lose sight of your outline, as you ll in the details of your paper. This L

ATEX template le allows you to title each

paragraph using thenptitlefgcommand. You shouldkeep these titles in place throughout the entire paper-

writing process; they will serve as a constant reminder to keep each paragraph focused on a single point. You should be able to skim through these bold paragraph titles, without reading any of the intervening sentences, and still understand the basic logical ow of the paper. At the nal step before submission, comment out the linenptitletruein the header, to hide the paragraph titles. But do not delete the paragraph titles, becausequotesdbs_dbs14.pdfusesText_20
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