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Html & Css

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Much of the content within this book has been heavily influenced by those who have written books and publications before me and who continue to be thought 

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McGraw-Hill published a second edition of Jim's HTML book re-titled How to Do Everything with HTML XHTML in 2003 Jim is also a published novelist He is 

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Download this PDF book: HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites A full-color introduction to the basics of HTML and CSS from the publishers of Wrox!

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8 fév 2022 · HTML CSS Design and Build Websites pdf free download The only things you need in order to use this book are a computer with a web browser 


So in order to learn how to write web pages it is very important to understand how to structure documents In this chapter you will: See how HTML 

[PDF] How to create Web sites and applications with HTML CSS

This book is free of charge for personal use You can use it to help you develop sites for yourself or for anyone else You may not share the PDF file or upload 

HTML and CSS : Design and Build Websites PDF Download

A full-color introduction to the basics of HTML and CSS from the publishers of Wrox! Every day more and more people want to learn some HTML and CSS


Head First HTML

with CSS & XHTML

Elisabeth Freeman

Eric Freeman

Head First HTML with CSS and XHTML

by Elisabeth Freeman and Eric Freeman Copyright © 2006 O'Reilly Media, Inc. All rights reserved.

Printed in the United States of America.

Published by O'Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472.

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department: (800) 998-9938 or corporate@oreilly.com.

Associate Publisher:

Mike Hendrickson

Series Creators:

Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates

Series Advisors:

Elisabeth Freeman, Eric Freeman


Brett McLaughlin

Cover Designers:

Ellie Volckhausen, Karen Montgomery

HTML Wranglers:

Elisabeth Freeman, Eric Freeman


Elisabeth Freeman


Eric Freeman

Page Viewer:


Printing History:

December 2005: First Edition.

Nutshell Handbook, the Nutshell Handbook logo, and the O'Reilly logo are registered trademarks of O'Reilly

Media, Inc. The

Head First

series designations, Head First HTML with CSS and XHTML, and related trade dress are trademarks of O'Reilly Media, Inc.

Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as

trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and O'Reilly Media, Inc., was aware of a trademark

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While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and the authors assume no

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In other words, if you use anything in

Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML to, say, run a nuclear power plant, you're on your own. We do, however, encourage you to visit the Head First Lounge. No elements or properties were harmed in the making of this book. Thanks to Clemens Orth for the use of his photo, "applestore.jpg", which appears in Chapter 5.

ISBN: 978-0-596-10197-8

[C] [1/09] To the W3C, for saving us from the browser wars and for their brilliance in separating structure (HTML) from presentation (CSS)... And for making HTML, CSS, and XHTML complex enough that people need a book to learn it.

Browser wars? You'll find out in Chapter 6.


Authors of Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML

the authors Eric is a computer scientist with a passion for media and software architectures. He just wrapped up four years at a dream job - directing Internet broadband and wireless efforts at Disney - and is now back to writing, creating cool software, and hacking Java and Macs. Eric spent a lot of the ‘90s working on alternatives to the desktop metaphor with David Gelernter (and they're both still a name?" ). Based on this work, Eric landed a Ph.D. at Yale University in '97. He also co-founded Mirror Worlds Technologies (now acquired) to create a commercial version of his thesis work, Lifestreams. In a previous life, Eric built software for networks and supercomputers. You might know him from such books as JavaSpaces Principles Patterns and Practice. Eric has fond memories of implementing tuple-space systems on Internet information systems for NASA in the late 80s. Eric is currently living on Bainbridge Island. When he's time tweaking than watching his home theater and trying to restoring a circa 1980s Dragon's Lair video game. He also wouldn't mind moonlighting as an electronica DJ. Write to him at eric@oreilly.com or visit his blog at http://www.ericfreeman.com

Elisabeth is an author and software developer.

She's been involved with the Internet since the early days, having co-founded The Ada Project (TAP), an award winning web site for women in computing now adopted by the ACM. More recently Elisabeth led research and development efforts in digital media at the Walt Disney Company where she co-invented Motion, a content system that delivers terabytes of video every day to Disney, ESPN, and Movies.com users. Elisabeth is a computer scientist at heart and holds graduate degrees in Computer Science from Yale University and Indiana University. She's worked in a variety of areas including visual languages, RSS syndication, and Internet systems. She's also been an active advocate for women in computing, developing on her Mac, although she dreams of a day when the whole world is using Scheme. Elisabeth has loved hiking and the outdoors since her days growing up in Scotland. When she's outdoors her camera is never far away. She's also an avid cyclist, vegetarian, and animal lover.

You can send her email at beth@oreilly.com

Elisabeth Freeman

Eric Freeman

ix Intro Your brain on HTML & CSS. Here you are trying to learn something, while here your brain is doing you a favor by making sure the learning doesn't stick . Your brain's thinking, "Better leave room for more important things, like which wild animals to avoid and whether naked snowboarding is a bad idea." So how do you trick your brain into thinking that your life depends on knowing HTML & CSS?

Who is this book for?


We know what your brain is thinking




Bend your brain into submission


Technical reviewers




Table of Contents (summary)

Intro xxv 1

The Language of the Web: getting to know HTML 1

2 Meet the 'HT' in HTML: going further, with hypertext 43 3

Web Page Construction: building blocks 77


A Trip to Webville: getting connected 125

5 Meeting the Media: adding images to your pages 165 6 Serious HTML: standards, compliance, and all that jazz 223 7

Putting 'X' into HTML: moving to XHTML 265

8 Adding a Little Style: getting started with CSS 285 9 Expanding your Vocabulary: styling with fonts and colors 341 10

Getting Intimate with Elements: the box model 385


Advanced Web Construction: divs and spans 429


Arranging Elements: layout and positioning 487


Getting Tabular: tables and lists 549


Getting Interactive: XHTML forms 591

Appendix: The Top Ten Topics (we didn't cover):

leftovers 639

Table of Contents (the real thing)

x 1

The Language of the Web

getting to know html I n e e d the HTML le ‘lounge.h tm l" "Found it, here ya go"

Web Server

The only thing that is standing between you and getting yourself on the Web is learning to speak the lingo HyperText Markup Language, or HTML for short. So, get ready for some language lessons. After this chapter, not only are you going to understand some basic elements of HTML, but you'll also be able to speak HTML with a little style.

Heck, by

the end of this book you'll be talking HTML like you grew up in Webville.

The Web killed the video star


What does the Web server do?


What you write (the HTML)...


What the browser creates...


Your big break at Starbuzz Coffee


Creating the Starbuzz Web page


Creating an HTML file (Mac)


Creating an HTML file (Windows)


Meanwhile, back at Starbuzz Coffee...


Opening your Web page in a browser


Taking your page for a test drive...


Tags dissected...


Meet the style element


Giving Starbuzz some style...


Who does what?


Fireside Chat


Bullet Points


Exercise Solutions

table of contents xi 2

Meeting the 'HT' in HTML

going further, with hypertext Did someone say “hypertext?" What's that? Oh, only the of the Web. In Chapter 1 we kicked the tires of HTML and found it to be a nice (the ‘ML' in HTML) for describing the structure of Web pages. Now we're going to check out the ‘HT' in HTML, , which will let us break free of a single page and link to other pages. Along the way we're going to meet a powerful new element, the element, and learn how being "relative" is a groo vy thing. So, fasten your seat belts - you're about to learn some hypertext.

Head First Lounge,

New and Improved


Creating the new lounge


What did we do?


What does the browser do?


Understanding attributes


Technical di

ff iculties 58

Planning your paths...


Fixing those broken images...


Exercise Solutions

xii 3

Web Page Construction

building blocks h2 img img p h2 h2h1 p pp I was told I'd actually be creating Web pages in this book? You've certainly learned a lot already: tags, elements, links, paths.. . but it's all for nothing if you don't create some killer Web pages with that knowledge. In this chapter we're going to ramp up construction: you're going to take a Web page from conception you need is your hard hat and your tool belt, as we'll be adding some new tools and giving you some insider knowledge that would make Tim “The Toolman" Taylor proud.

From Journal to Web site, at 12mph


The rough design sketch


From a sketch to an outline


From the outline to a Web page


Test driving Tony's Web page


Meet the element 86

Looooong Quotes


Adding a

The real truth behind the and
mystery 94

Use the

element to make a list...


Constructing HTML lists in two easy steps

Putting one element inside another is called "nesting" 109
To understand the nesting relationships, draw a picture 110

Using nesting to make sure your tags match


Inline or block?


Exercise Solutions

table of contents xiii 4

A Trip to Webville

getting connected Web pages are a dish best served on the Internet. So far you've only created HTML pages that live on your own computer. You've also only linked to pages that are on your own computer. We're about to change all that. In this chapter we'll encourage you to get those Web pages on the Internet where all your friends, fans, and customers can actually see them. We'll also reveal the mysteries of linking to other pages by cracking the code of t he h, t, t, p, :, /, /, w, w, w. So, gather your belongings; our next stop is Webville.

Getting Starbuzz (or yourself) onto the Web


Finding a hosting company


How can you get a domain name?


Moving in


Getting your files to the root folder

As much FTP as you can possibly fit in two pages 132

Back to business...


Mainstreet, URL


What is the HTTP Protocol?


What's an absolute path?


How default pages work


How do we link to other Web sites?


Linking to Caffeine Buzz


Web page fit and finish


Linking into a page


Using the element to create a destination


How to link to destination anchors


Linking to a new window


Opening a new window using target


Exercise Solutions

xiv 5

Meeting the Media

adding images to your pages

Here's one pixel.

Here's a lot of pixels that together make up the upper part of the right wing of the butterfly. This image is made up of thousands of pixels when it's displayed on a computer screen. Smile and say “cheese." Actually, smile and say “gif", “jpg", or “png" - these are going to be your choices when "developing pictures" for the your pages: images. Got some digital photos you need to get online? No pquotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23
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