[PDF] CSE 105 Fall 2019 - Homework 2 Solutions

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Homework 10 Solutions

CS 341: Foundations of Computer Science II. Prof. Marvin Nakayama. Homework 10 Solutions. 1. If A ?m B and B is a regular language does that imply that A 

Solutions to Homework Assignment#8

4 déc. 2012 regular expression are equivalent) as the following language: ... Finally M1 accepts ?A? if M accepts ?A

CSE105 Homework 3

b. We construct a NTM M' that decides the concatenation of L1 and L2: If A ?m B and B is a regular language does that imply that A is a regular ...

Practice Problems for Final Exam: Solutions CS 341: Foundations of

Answer: A language is regular if and only if it has a regular expression. Language A is polynomial-time mapping reducible to language B A ?P B.

CS 341: Foundations of CS II Marvin K. Nakayama Computer

then I can't solve B. ? Equivalently if A is undecidable

Homework 4

(b) A2 = { w ? {a b}?

CS5371 Theory of Computation

That is if a language satisfies the pumping lemma

Lecture 4 - Regular operations and regular expressions

such that L(MA) = A and L(MB) = B. We will make use of these DFAs as we prove that the languages A ? B AB

CS 341 Homework 9 Languages That Are and Are Not Regular

(In each case a fixed alphabet. ? is assumed.) (a) Every subset of a regular language is regular. (b) Let L? = L1 ? L2. If 

Suggested Solutions to Midterm Problems

Any finite set of strings is a regular language as we can easily construct an NFA Suppose MA is a PDA recognizing A and MB a DFA recognizing B. To show.

Solutions to Problem Set 1 - Stanford University

We then de?ne the shu?e of two languages A and B as S(AB) = {w? u ? Av ? B s t w is a shu?e of u and v} Show that if A and B are regular languages over a common alphabet ? then so is S(AB) [20 points] Solution: Let M A = (Q A?? Aq 0AF A) and M B = (Q B?? Bq 0BF B) be two DFAs accepting the languages A and B

Construct grammar given the following language {a^n b^m nm = 012

m B and B is a regular language does that imply that A is a regular language? Answer: No For example de ne the languages A = f0n1n jn 0gand B = f1g both over the alphabet = f0;1g De ne the function f : ! as f(w) = n 1 if w 2A; 0 if w 62A: Observe that A is a context-free language so it is also Turing-decidable Thus f is a computable

CSE105 Homework 3

accept so MA accepts b) If x ? A then x is a DFA which accept some string containing an odd number of 1’s Then L(F) = L(x) ? L(G) ? ? Therefor TM T on input rejects so MA rejects From a) and b) above we have shown that MA decides A 5 4 If A ?m B and B is a regular language does that imply that A is a regular language

CSE 105 Fall 2019 - Homework 2 Solutions

In problem 1(b) we constructed a DFA that recognizes the language that contains only the empty string and thus this language is regular Induction: Let L be a language that recognizes a single string w over ? We can rewrite w =w 1w 2 w n such that w i ?? for all i Suppose that a DFA M ={Q??q 0F } exists that recognizes L ={w =w

Closure Properties of Regular Languages - Stanford University

If L and M are regular languages then so is L – M = strings in L but not M Proof: Let A and B be DFA’s whose languages are L and M respectively Construct C the product automaton of A and B Make the final states of C be the pairs where A-state is final but B-state is not

Searches related to if a m b and b is a regular language filetype:pdf

The regular expression (a + b)* represents the following regular language: L((a + b)*)= (L(a + b))* = {a b}* the set of all possible strings over {a b} Back to the Problem: Suppose the input strings to a program must be strings over the alphabet {a b} that contain exactly one substring bb In other words the strings must be of

What is you language L = A N B M?

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