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Cned Anglais 6e — Séquence 1 Step 8 Complete the table now (Maintenant complète le tableau ) Daniel Emma Father's name David Peter Mother's name


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Anglais 6


LV1 / 4

e LV2

Livret de corrigés

Rédaction :

Sylvie Beuzon

Paul Cody

Frédéric Duc

Odile Malavaux

Coordination :

Olivier ImmouneExpertise pédagogique :

Alain Rossignol

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respectifs. Tous ces éléments font l"objet d"une protection par les dispositions du code français de la propriété intellectuelle ainsi que

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Cned, Anglais 6e

2 c c

Séquence 1


Séance 1

Step 1

Dialogue 1

Circle the names you hear. (Entoure les noms que tu entends.) Laura Jack Emma

Mrs Shepherd

Circle the correct answer. (Entoure la bonne réponse.)

It's Laura's birthday.

Dialogue 2

Circle the correct answer. (Entoure la bonne réponse.)

1- Daniel is from Dublin.

2- Daniel is Laura's cousin.

Dialogue 3

Circle the correct answer. (Entoure la bonne réponse.)

1- Daniel is Irish.

2- Emma is English.

3- Jack is English.

Dialogue 4

Circle the correct answer. (Entoure la bonne réponse.)

1- Laura is 11.

2- It's 1



3- It's Saturday.

Exercise 1

Listen to your CD again and circle the stressed words. (Écoute ton CD de nouveau et entoure les mots accentués.)

1- Welcome to Laura's party.

2- He's in England for my party.

3- I'm English too but my Dad is American.

4- And it's Saturday, a great day for a party.

Grammar point : le verbe be (être)

Le verbe de chaque phrase

Laura is eleven. Daniel is from Ireland. Are you English?

Cned, Anglais 6e -

3 c c

Séquence 1


2 Complete these sentences. (Complète les phrases suivantes.)

I am French.

Dublin is in Ireland.

Are you English?

Paris is the capital of France.

Laura is 11.

Emma and Jack are at a birthday party.

Is Daniel 12?

Exercise 2

b Put the words in the right order. (Mets les mots dans le bon ordre.)

1- Daniel is Irish.

2- London is in England.

3- We are not English.

4- Are you American?

Exercise 3

Choose the right pronoun. (Choisis le pronom personnel sujet approprié.)

1- It is a beautiful city.

2- She is English.

3- They are happy.

Séance 2

Step 2

Exercise 4

January February March April May June July August

September October November December

Que remarques-tu au niveau des syllabes en gras ? Elles sont accentuées.

Exercise 5

October February December.

Step 3

Exercise 6

Put the days of the week in the right order. (Mets les jours de la semaine dans le bon ordre.) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

La semaine en anglais commence par le dimanche !

Cned, Anglais 6e

4 c c

Séquence 1

Exercise 7

Write the days you hear and then circle the stressed syllable. (Écris les jours que tu entends, puis

entoure la syllabe accentuée.)

Friday Tuesday Thursday

Step 4

Exercise 8

Write the numbers in the right order. (Écris les mots dans le bon ordre.)

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen

fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one

Exercise 9

Write down these numbers. (Écoute et écris, en chiffres, les nombres que tu entends.)

5 7 11 13 20 8 9 4 3 12

Séance 3

Step 7

Circle the right answer. (Entoure la bonne réponse.) - Daniel has got: 1 sister 2 sisters 3 sisters - Emma has got: 1 brother 2 brothers 3 brothers - Hannah is: 9 10 11 - Ellen is: 8 10 12 - Ben is: 8 18 11 Daniel's family - Circle the right answer. (Entoure la bonne réponse.)

Red pullover:: Hannah Ellen Nicola

Blue T-shirt: Hannah Ellen Nicola

Green dress: Hannah Ellen Nicola

Black jeans: Hannah Ellen David

Max is a

Emma's family -Circle the right answer. (Entoure la bonne réponse.)

Yellow pullover: Ben Mary Peter

Orange trainers:: Ben Mary Peter

Blue jacket: Ben Mary Peter

Cned, Anglais 6e -

5 c c

Séquence 1

Step 8

Complete the table now. (Maintenant complète le tableau.)


Father's nameDavidPeter

Mother's nameNicolaMary

SistersHannah, Ellen


PetsMax (a dog)

Step 9

Exercise 10

Now, write the names. (Maintenant donne le prénom des gens suivants.)

Hannah's sister: Ellen

Ben's sister: Emma

Hannah's brother: Daniel


Daniel: This is a photo of my family in Dublin.

Jack: Who's the girl with the red pullover?

Daniel: That's my sister, Hannah.

Jack: How old is she?

Daniel: She's 10.

Emma: Who's the girl with the blue T-shirt?

Daniel: That's Ellen. She's my sister too. She's 8.

Jack: Who's that with the green dress?

Daniel: That's my mother. Her name is Nicola. And that's my father with the black jeans. His name is David.

Emma: Is that your dog?

Daniel: Yes, that's our dog, Max!

Emma: This is my family. That's my Mum with the yellow pullover. Her name is Mary. That's my Dad with the orange trainers. His name is Peter.

Daniel: And who's this boy with the blue jacket?

Emma: He's my brother. His name is Ben.

Daniel: How old is he?

Emma: He's 18. He's a student in Chicago now.

Cned, Anglais 6e

6 c c

Séquence 1

Exercise 11a

Listen to your CD and colour in each T-shirt. (Écoute ton CD et colorie cette série de T-shirts selon les


Exercise 11b

Match an item from column A to column B. (Relie un élément de la colonne A à la colonne B.) AB








Séance 4

Step 10

Regarde les deux phrases ci-dessous et essaie de répondre.

1- It's ten o'clock.


It's time to go home.


Emma: What time is it Jack?

Jack: It's ten o'clock!

Emma: Ten o'clock! Oh no, it's time to go home. The party's over....Thank you for a lovely party, Laura. Laura: Thank you for coming! Goodbye Jack, goodbye Emma, see you tomorrow.

Emma : See you tomorrow. Goodbye, Daniel.

Daniel: Goodbye Emma, bye Jack. See you soon.

Jack: Goodbye Daniel.

Cned, Anglais 6e -

7 c c

Séquence 1

Step 11

Exercise 12

What time is it? (Quelle heure est-il ? Regarde l'horloge et dis l'heure.)

1- It's seven o'clock in New York.

2- It's four o'clock in San Francisco.

3- It's one o' clock in Paris.

4- It's nine o'clock in Sydney.

Step 12

Exercise 13

Say what time it is. (Énonce à haute voix les heures suivantes.)

1- It's ten past eleven.

2- It's a quarter past three.

3- It's twenty to eleven.

4- It's half past eight.

5- It's ten to eight.

Exercise 14

Fill in the clocks and then say what time it is. (Complète les pendules -il faut ajouter les aiguilles- puis

énonce l'heure à haute voix.)

Exercise 15

Say what time it is and then write the time. (Lis à haute voix l'heure indiquée par les réveils ci-dessous

puis écris à côté de chaque réveil l'heure qu'il est en précisant à chaque fois : am ou pm.)

a) It's half past ten in the morning. b) It's twenty-five past six in the morning. c) It's half past ten at night. d) It's ten past ten at night. e) It's a quarter to nine in the morning. f) It's two o'clock in the morning.

Cned, Anglais 6e

8 c c

Séance 5


Exercise 16

Listen again and circle the letter you hear. (Écoute de nouveau et entoure la lettre que tu entends.)

c e f i h a u v y

Exercise 17

Write down the letters you hear and find the names. (Écris les lettres que tu entends et trouve les

prénoms épelés.)

1- Daniel

2- Hannah

3- Ellen

4- Emma

5- Jack

Exercise 18

Write down the letters and find the countries. (Écoute et note les noms des pays qui vont être épelés.)

1- Britain

2- Ireland

3- Australia

4- Canada

Exercise 19

Now write down the cities. (Maintenant écoute et note les villes qui vont être épelées.)

1- London

2- Dublin

3- Liverpool

4- New York

5- Sydney

6- Toronto

Séquence 1

Cned, Anglais 6e -

9 c c

Step 14

Exercise 20

Tu vas compléter cette fiche d'identité pour Daniel. Utilise les notes que tu as prises pour

la compléter. Quand tu auras terminé, identifie les éléments qui manquent. Écoute ton CD

STEP 14 de nouveau en te concentrant sur ces éléments, et essaie de compléter les dernières

informations manquantes.

First Name: Daniel Family name: Ford

Nationality: Irish

City: Dublin

Age: 13

Family : 2 sisters and no brothers

Sisters names: Hannah and Ellen

Ages: 11 and 8

Daniel's favourite subjects: Maths and French

His favourite football team: Liverpool

Colour of their shirts: Red

Daniel's dog's name: Max

Dog's age: 3 years old

Script :

Hello ! My name is Daniel Ford. That's F-O-R-D. I'm Irish. I live in Dublin. I'm thirteen years old. I‘ve got two sisters but no brothers. My sisters are called Hannah and Ellen. Hannah is 11 and Ellen is 8. In school my favourite subjects are Maths and French. My Maths teacher is Mr Brown and my French teacher is Miss Robinson. There are 25 pupils in my class. School is from 8 o'clock in the morning to 3 o'clock in the afternoon. At three o'clock it's time for sport. Sport is fun. My favourite sport is football. My favourite football team is Liverpool. Do you know Liverpool? They're great! They wear red shirts. I like animals. I've got a pet dog. His name is Max. He is black. He is very nice. He is three years old.

Séance 6

Step 16

Exercise 21

Écoute attentivement le CD et écris le cours qui débute à l'heure mentionnée :

1- Maths: Monday, twenty past eleven.

2- English: Tuesday, twenty-five to nine.

3- Science: Wednesday, twenty past nine.

4- Drama: Thursday, five past one.

5- Art: Friday, ten to two.

Séquence 1

Cned, Anglais 6e

10 c c

Step 17

Écoute de nouveau, écris les matières sur ton cahier. Geography History Drama Information Technology (IT) Science Maths PE

Religious studies Art

Séance 7

Step 18

Exercise 22

Complete the missing letters and find the countries. (Complète les lettres qui manquent et trouve les

pays anglophones.)




b) Britain Ireland Canada Australia Jamaica

Exercise 23

Circle the three countries which are not English-speaking. (Entoure les trois pays qui ne sont pas anglophones.) Great Britain Italy The USA France New Zealand Jamaica Ireland Iceland

Exercise 24

Match the country and the nationality. (Associe le pays à la nationalité.)









South Africa







South African



Séquence 1

Cned, Anglais 6e -

11 c c

Exercise 25 a

Listen to your CD and fill in the nationalities. (Écoute ton CD et complète le tableau.)

NameCountryNationalityCity (ville)

BrianThe USAAmericanNew York

SusieNew Zealanda New Zealander






script: - Hi. My name is Brian. I'm American. I'm from New York. - Hello! This is Susie. I'm from New Zealand. - This is George speaking. I'm British. I'm from London. - My name is Scott. I'm Australian. - Hi! I'm Tim. I'm Canadian. I'm from Toronto. - My name is Barbara. I'm Jamaican. - My name is Lucy. I'm Irish. I'm from Dublin.

Exercise 25 b

Listen to your CD again and circle the stressed syllable. (Écoute ton CD de nouveau et entoure la syllabe accentuée.)

American - Australian - Canadian - Irish

Séance 8

Exercise 1

Listen to your CD and write the letters you hear. (Écoute ton CD et écris les lettres que tu entends. Tu

devras trouver trois prénoms anglais.)

1- Sarah

2- Rebecca

3- Christopher

Exercise 2

Listen to your CD and write the numbers you hear. Listen again and repeat the numbers.Then do the calculations! (Écoute ton CD et note les chiffres. Puis fais les calculs.)

1- 4 + 3 = 7

2- 11 + 5 = 16

3- 16 + 4 = 20

4- 22 + 7 = 29

Séquence 1

Cned, Anglais 6e

12 c c

Séquence 1

Exercise 3

Listen to your CD and circle the stressed syllable. (Maintenant écoute et entoure la syllabe accentuée.)

January August November Canada Australia Manchester

Exercise 4

Complete as in the example. (Complète comme dans l'exemple.)

I'm from Australia. = I'm Australian.

I'm from Britain. = I'm British.

She's from France. = She's French.

They're from Ireland. = They're Irish.

Exercise 5

Recite the months aloud. Don't forget the names of the missing months! Then complete in

writing. (Récite les mois à haute voix et n'oublie pas d'inclure les mois qui manquent. Ensuite complète la

liste à l'écrit.) January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September -

October - November - December.

Exercise 6

Find the question. (Retrouve la question qui correspond à la réponse.)

1- What's your name?

My name is Robert.


How old are you, Robert?

I'm thirteen.

3- Where are you from?

I'm from New Zealand.

Exercise 7

Complete the sentences. (Complète les phrases suivantes.)

1- Benjamin is French.

2- He is from Paris.

3- Paris is the capital of France.

4- Lucie is his sister.

5- She is 12.

6- They are in my class.

Exercise 8

What time is it? (Quelle heure est-il ?)

11.20: it's twenty past eleven.

06.30: it's half past six.

07.45: it's a quarter to eight.

22.10: it's ten past ten.

Cned, Anglais 6e -

13 c c

Séquence 1

Exercise 9

Que dis-tu en anglais quand :

1- Tu rencontres un copain ?


2- Tu te présentes à quelqu'un que tu ne connais pas ?

My name's...

3- Tu donnes ton âge ?

I am 11/12/13 etc

Cned, Anglais 6e

14 c c

Séquence 2


Séance 1

Step 1

Regarde ce tableau. À l'aide de tes notes essaie de la compléter.

Number of speakers: 3

Names : Laura, Simon, Daniel

Daniel's pets: a dog, Max.

Simon's pets :

Total number : 8

Number dogs: 1

Number cats: 2

Hamsters: 1

Rabbits: 1

Fish: 1

Mice: 1

Ponies: 1

Daniel's house: small

Simon's house: big

Réponds en français aux questions suivantes : " that horrible boy » Non pet


Laura : Oh no! It's that horrible boy Simon Johnson with his horrible dog!

Simon : Hello, Laura. Who's this?

Laura : Hello Simon, this my cousin Daniel. He's from Ireland.

Daniel: Hello.

Simon: Hello Daniel. This is my dog, Star. He's very nice, isn't he? And he's very intelligent.

Have you got a pet, Daniel?

Daniel: Yes, I have. I've got a dog. His name is Max.

Simon: Have you got a cat?

Daniel: No, I haven't.

Simon: Have you got a rabbit?

Daniel: No I haven't.

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